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07-02 投稿




英:  美:


n. 第十一

adj. 第十一的;十一分之一的


1 、What can the Kuomintang be planning to do now, following the Eleventh Plenary Session?───十一中全会后国民党人可能打什么主意呢?

2 、He was about to be led to the scaffold when at the eleventh hour a messenger arrived bringing a royal pardon.───就在他要被带上断头台的最后时刻,一名使者带来了女王的赦免令。

3 、On the eleventh night, the eve of the big parade, the bonfire was lit.───11日晚,在盛大游行的前夕,篝火即被点燃。

4 、He had to give in at the eleventh hour.───他不得不在最后时刻屈服。

5 、He arrived there at the eleventh hour.───他刚好到达那里。

6 、Today of thirty years ago on December 18th, 1978, the third plenum of the Eleventh Party was held.───1978年12月18日,也就是30年前的今天,党的十一届三中全会隆重召开。

7 、Since the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Party, Eshan has achieved satisfactory economic and social developments.───党的十一届三中全会以来,峨山的国民经济和社会发展成就喜人。

8 、First mention of the name Joseph in the Bible was as the eleventh son of Jacob and first of Rachel.───圣经中第一次提到约瑟这个名字是雅各的第十一个儿子也就是与蕾洁的第一个儿子.

9 、Their plan was called off at the eleventh hour.───他们的计划在最后时刻被取消了。

10 、For the use of eleven and eleventh see the examples at five and fifth.───关于eleven和eleventh的用法见five和fifth词条中的示例。

11 、At the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee our Party,having reviewed our experience,laid down a series of new policies.───在总结经验的基础上,党的十一届三中全会提出一系列新的政策。

12 、In the eleventh year of Joram son of Ahab, Ahaziah had become king of Judah.───29亚哈谢登基作犹大王的时候,是在亚哈的儿子约兰第十一年。

13 、If any guest failed at the eleventh hour, Todd were question to dine.───假如有什么客人到时无所不能来,托德就会被请来凑数。

14 、The problem of aging didn't manifest itself until the Eleventh National Party Congress [held in August 1977].───从党的十一大(1977年8月召开的)开始突现老龄化问题。

15 、China Civil Aerospace Industry Development in National "Eleventh Five-Year Plan".───“十一五”中国民用航天产业发展规划。

16 、But her supervisor appointed her to the new job at the eleventh hour -- at the very last minute.───但她的上司在最后一刻任命她在在新工作上任。

17 、Is anything I have said here out of keeping with the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the Party's Eleventh Central Committee?───以上所说的,同三中全会的精神有没有不一致的地方?

18 、On the eleventh, he had an interview with the Prime Minister and tried to convey his misgivings.───十一日,他和首相有过一次会晤,想表示他的担心。

19 、He was about to be led to thescaffold when at the eleventh hour a messenger arrived bringing a royal pardon.───就在他要被带上断头台的最后时刻,一名使者带来了女王的赦免令。

20 、At the eleventh hour the manager decided to cut labor costs to solve the company's financial problem.───在最后时刻,经理决定削减劳力成本来解决公司的财务问题。

21 、While visiting in celebration of Dudley's eleventh birthday, Harry discovered here that he could talk to the boa constrictor.───当为了庆祝达利的十一岁生日而在那里参观时,哈利发现它可以与大蟒蛇说话。

22 、Doctor DeBakey died July eleventh in Houston, Texas, two months' short of his one hundredth birthday.───医生7月11日在休斯顿的德克萨斯过世,在他百岁生日的两个月前。

23 、His eleventh month old daughter, Tatum, had just been diagnosed with retinoblastoma, a rare type of eye cancer.───但是他11个月大的女儿Tatum被确证患上了眼癌,一种很罕见的眼癌。

24 、His eleventh hour rise to power surprised many people.───他的最后升官当权,令人惊讶。

25 、So the town was shut in by their forces till the eleventh year of King Zedekiah.───于是城被围困直到西底家王十一年。

26 、Since the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee,we have been calling for separating the functions of the Party and the government.───党政分开,从十一届三中全会以后就提出了这个问题。

27 、Don't wait until the eleventh hour to make a hotel reservation.───别拖到最后才预定旅馆的房间。

28 、The fire engine came to the fire spot at the eleventh hour before it began to spread.───在火势还未蔓延之前救火车及时赶到了火场。

29 、The Application Plan and Development of Earth Observation During National "Eleventh Five-Year".───国家“十一五”对地观测应用规划与发展。

30 、The city was kept under siege until the eleventh year of King Zedekiah.───于是城被围困,直到西底家王十一年。

31 、I will give you a new pen for your eleventh birthday.───为了庆祝你十一岁生日,我要送给你一支新钢笔。

32 、It's at the eleventh hour when a man knows true value of life.───人总是在最危急的时刻才真正了解生命的价值。

33 、On Thursday the eleventh, I had to face a disturbed and indignant House of Commons.───11日,星期四,我不得不应付一个激动而又愤怒的下院。

34 、He had been saved at the eleventh hour.───他在最后时刻被救了。

35 、We shouldn't refer to the Party's Eleventh National Congress as having made errors of line.───对十一大,不要说什么路线错误。

36 、On the eleventh day of the eleventh month, on the eleventh hour, we are here not to mourn them, but to praise them.───在十一月十一日的第十一个小时,我们在一起,不是为了他们而悲伤,而是歌颂他们。

37 、The eleventh captain for the eleventh month was Benaiah the Pirathonite, of the children of Ephraim: and in his course were twenty and four thousand.───十一月第十一班的班长是以法莲族比拉顿人比拿雅。他班内有二万四千人。

38 、Thomas Alva Edison was born on February eleventh, eighteen-forty-seven in the small town of Milan, Ohio.───1847年2月11日,托马斯.阿尔瓦.爱迪生出生在俄亥俄州米兰的一个小镇。

39 、However, it is a pity that he should always cram at the eleventh hour.───例:然而,很可惜的是他总是临时抱佛脚。

40 、The meeting was preceded by the Eleventh APEC Ministerial Meeting, at which the HKSAR was represented by the Secretary for Trade and Industry.───在是次会议前举行的第十一届亚太经合组织部长级会议,香港特区由工商局局长代表出席。

41 、He made the agonizing decision at the eleventh hour.───他在最后一刻作出了痛苦的决定。

42 、He turned up at the eleventh hour!───他在最后一刻出现。

43 、At the Third Plenary Session of its Eleventh Central Committee,the Party established a new collective leadership -- the second generation.───党的十一届三中全会建立了一个新的领导集体,这就是第二代的领导集体。

44 、You're the eleventh to come.───你是第十一个到的。

45 、You must be really smart, huh? I only got through the eleventh grade.───你一定很精明吧?我只上到高二。

46 、And when those hired about the eleventh hour came, they received each a denarius.───9那些约在午后五时雇的来了,每个人都领了一个银币。

47 、In 1986, the Southern Regional Education Board gave a test to eleventh graders in five southern states.───1986年,南方地区教育委员会对南方的五个州的十一年级学生进行考试。

48 、The Chinese had them in the eleventh century B.C.───中国人在公元前11世纪就有了它们。

49 、The crusades began at the end of the Eleventh Century.They continued for about two-hundred years.───圣战从十一世纪末开始,一直延续了大约两百年。

50 、China is the host of The Eleventh Asian Olympic Games.───中国是第十一届亚洲奥林匹克运动会的主办国。

51 、In Europe pointed toes on shoes were fashionable from the eleventh to the fifteenth centuries.───从十一世纪到十五世纪,欧洲流行尖头鞋。

52 、Already, in the Eleventh Edition, we're not far from that point.But the process will still be continuing long after you and I are dead.───十一版里,我们离这就已经不远啦,可这过程还会很漫长,你我死后还会延续很久。

53 、And we have a fantastic Polynesian show on the eleventh floor from six o'clock.───今晚六点起在十一楼有一场波利尼西亚奇幻表演。

54 、It will reaffirm the principles and policies formulated since the Third Plenary Session of the Party's Eleventh Central Committee.───十三大要重申我们党十一届三中全会以来制定的一系列方针和政策

55 、The objective is to form a broadband wireless access industry with advanced technologies by the end of the“ eleventh five-year plan”.───力争在“十一五”期末,基本形成一个掌握世界先进技术的宽带无线接入产业。

56 、Because it is based on the results of the first economic census, the Eleventh Five-Year Plan better reflects China's conditions and is more scientific.───依据新的经济普查数据制定“十一五”规划,更符合实际情况,更具有科学性。

57 、Our current principles and policies were formulated at the Third Plenary Session of our Party's Eleventh Central Committee, held in 1978.───一九七八年我们党的十一届三中全会确定了现行的方针政策。

58 、I found out he had this awful thing happened on his eleventh birthday, something he wouldn't forget.─── 我发现他十一岁生日的时候 发生了一件很糟糕的事 一件他绝对不会忘记的事

59 、But the events of September eleventh were themselves new.───不过9?11事件使事情有了新变化。

60 、You are up in the tenth heaven, the eleventh, the twelfth, nay, the thirteenth heaven, because you get a salary far bigger than a worker's wage!───你在十天之上、十一天之上、十二天、十三天之上,因为你的薪水比工人的工资多得多嘛!

61 、In 1849, James Polk, the eleventh president of the United States, died in Nashville, Tennessee.───1849年,美国第11任总统詹姆斯·波尔克在田纳西州的纳什维尔逝世。

62 、The problem of aging didn't manifest itself until the eleventh National Party Congress.───从党的十一大开始出现这个问题。

63 、The famous monast.ry of st.Bernard, which was founded in the eleventh century, lies about a mile away.───11世纪建造的著名的圣伯纳德修道院位于离山口1英里远的地方。

64 、For the eleventh month, Benaiah of Pirathon, an Ephraimite, had charge of a division of twenty-four thousand men.───十一月第十一军的军长是厄弗辣因的后裔丕辣通人贝纳雅,他这一军有二万四千人。

65 、An IRIX/SGI type disklabel can describe 16 partitions, the eleventh of which should be an entire `vol?───如果是对已经分好区的硬盘进行重新分区,那么在主菜单时就必须先进入第三项将分区删除后才能进行。

66 、For his eleventh birthday, Elvis wanted a bicycle but was given a guitar by his parents.───11岁生日的时候,艾尔维斯想要一辆自行车,但父母送给他一把吉他。

67 、The two sides compromised at the eleventh hour.───在最后一刻双方终于协调了。

68 、If any guest failed at the eleventh hour, Todd was asked to dine.───如果有什么客人到时不能来,托德就会被请来凑数。

69 、In the eleventh grade, at the eleventh hour as it were, I had discovered a calling.───就在十一年级可谓是最后的时刻我找到了一个今生想做的事。

70 、When all seemed hopeless, at the eleventh hour the rescuers arrived.───当一切似乎无望时,最后救护人员到达。

71 、A decision to this effect was made at the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee,and it represented an important turning point.───十一届三中全会解决了这个问题,这是一个重要的转折。

72 、If not,let us declare that the Sixth Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee has successfully completed its work.───如果没有,我们就宣布第六次中央全会胜利闭幕。

73 、Clinton pardoned Mr. Rich at the eleventh hour of his presidency.───克林顿先生在总统任内最后时刻赦免了里奇先生。

74 、"Eleventh Five-Year" is a faster and better Lu'an Group, an important opportunity.───“十一五”是潞安集团更快更好发展的一个重要机遇期。

75 、Canon law was in decline in the tenth and early eleventh centuries.───寺院法在10世纪和11世纪初走向衰落。

76 、Nigeria, for example, is the largest oil producer in Africa and the eleventh largest producer in the world.───例如,尼日利亚是非洲第一大石油生产国,而且也是世界第十一大生产国。

77 、Our nation was--in that favourite Community word--"restructured" under Norman and Angevin rule in the eleventh and twelfth centuries.───在诺尔曼和金雀王朝统治下,我们民族--用共同体爱用的话说--“得到了改造”。

78 、Good luck finding a second at the eleventh hour.─── 别想在晚上十一点找另外一个了

79 、You dump all of this planning into my lap, and now all of a sudden in the eleventh hour hang on.─── 你把这些计划都推给我 现在11个小时过去了 等等

80 、And the city was besieged unto the eleventh year of king Zedekiah.───于是城被围困、直到西底家王十一年。

81 、November is the eleventh month of the year.───十一月是一年中的第十一个月。

82 、He did not turn up until the eleventh hour.───他直到最后一刻才出现。

83 、After the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee we began our reform step by step, starting with the countryside.───党的十一届三中全会以来,我们逐步进行改革。改革首先从农村开始。


第一到第十二序数词写法:第1 first 、第2 second 、第3 third 、第4 fourth 、第5 fifth 、第6 sixth 、第7 seventh 、第8 eighth 、第9 ninth 、第10 tenth 、第11 eleventh 、第12 twelfth











第1 first 1st 第2 second 2nd 第3 third 3rd 第4 fourth 4th 第5 fifth 5th 第6 sixth 6th 第7 seventh 7th 第8 eighth 8th 第9 ninth 9th 第10 tenth 10th 第11 eleventh 11th 第12 twelfth 12th

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