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07-02 投稿




英:['se?l?(r)]  美:[?sel?]

英:  美:


n. 海员, 水手, 扁平的硬边草帽


a bad sailor

1. 会晕船的人

He is such a bad sailor that he always travels by plane.

他是那么会晕船, 所以他总搭飞机。

a good sailor

1. 不晕船的人

I thought you were a good sailor.



old man | deck hand | coxswain | bluejacket | first mate | salt | marine | Panama hat | master | mate | mariner | leghorn | dog | skimmer | rating | old salt | chief mate | midshipman | hand | Panama | old | boatswain | seaman | seafarer | quartermaster | petty | pilot | jack-tar | chief | shipmaster | man | bosun | crewman | helmsman | officer | steersman | first | sea dog | tar | captain | traveler | petty officer | soldier | straw hat | skipper | navigator | boater | passenger | sea




a sailor before the mast
fair-weather sailor
-没有经验的[胆小的]水手; 没有经过风浪的水手
fresh-water sailor
-新手; 门外汉
sailor s' home


1 、Adventures of Sindbad the Sailor .───[辛巴达西航记]/史万(D K Swan)改写.--朗文.

2 、He manipulated the sails like a sailor.───他像水手般熟练地操纵着船帆。

3 、She had a hearty appetite and was a good sailor in all seas.───她胃口极好,也是一个能适应各种海域的出色水手。

4 、I see you are a sailor by the cut of your jib.───我从外表上能看得出来你是个水手。

5 、His brother's a sailor in the Australian navy.───他哥哥在澳大利亚海军当水兵。

6 、A sailor threw a rope ashore and we tied the boat to a post.───一名水手将一根缆绳扔上岸,我们将小船系在一根桩子上。

7 、Willie is an old sailor and has really been around.───威利是个老水手,他到过许多地方。

8 、"Why, on board the tartan," replied the sailor.───“什么,当然是在船上了。”那水手回答道。

9 、When the sailor told about his adventures,the boys took it all in.───当水手讲他的历险时,男孩们全神贯注地听。

10 、He had a strange rolling gait, like a sailor on a ship.───他走起路来怪怪的,左右摇摆,就像船上的水手一样。

11 、He signed on as a sailor for three years.───他签约受雇当海员3年。

12 、"I know these sailor chaps , " he said .───“我知道那些水手,”他说。

13 、That's a hell of a bowline there, sailor.─── 这称人结打的真不错 跟水手有得一拼

14 、Peter, you and I, we're the sailor in that song.─── 彼得 你我就是那首歌里的水手

15 、Why is the letter“D”like a sailor?───为什么字母D跟水手一样?

16 、The boys were charmed by the sailor's adventure.───孩子们被那个水手的冒险经历迷住了。

17 、The sailor who had lost everything by shipwreck said that he was thrown on his beam-ends.───在海难事件中丧失一切的海员说,他已经面临穷途末路了。

18 、Become a sailor on the Pacific Ocean.───出海去,做一个太平洋上的水手。

19 、You're as naive as that drunken sailor.─── 你就跟那个酒鬼水手一样幼稚

20 、As you know,I have never been a sailor.───你们知道,我从未当过水兵。

21 、"I know these sailor chaps," he said.───“我知道这帮水手。”他说。

22 、The sailor has a ship tattooed on his arm.───一位水手在身上纹一条船。

23 、Do you mean that villainous sailor who robbed you?───你说的是那个偷您东西的流氓水手吗?

24 、Is Harold by way of being a sailor?───哈罗德是个水手

25 、"Cheese rinds," replied the old sailor.───“干酪皮。”老水手回答。

26 、He could gain no sound of the sailor's name.───他说不出水手的名姓。

27 、If you work hard, you will make a good sailor.───如果你肯努力,你将成为一个好水手。

28 、She was engaged to a sailor, whom she had met at Dartmouth.───她和一个水手订婚了,她是在达特矛斯碰到他的。

29 、"Bread crumbs," replied the sailor.───“面包屑,”老水手回答。

30 、At the time, Columbus was a young sailor on this first sea voyage.───哥伦布第一次航海时,仅是个年轻的水手。

31 、I'm a sailor's wife. I'm used to being on my own.─── 我是水手的妻子 我习惯了一个人

32 、He is not a soldier but a sailor.───他不是陆军士兵而是海军士兵。

33 、This is Sindbad The Sailor opening song from Japan.───(日文版)天方夜谭经典卡通主题曲 ...

34 、Because deep down, there's a sailor in all of us.─── 因爲每個人的內心裏都住着一個水手

35 、A sailor sailing on the sea.───“当一名水手,在海上航行。”

36 、I know he is a sailor by the cut of his jib.───我一看他的样子就知道他是一个水手。

37 、But I don't know that I would consider myself a sailor.─── 但我不知道我算不算得上是一名水手

38 、I'm afraid he's going to turn out a sailor, or something hopeless.───恐怕总有一天去干水手或者其他没出息的行当。

39 、He had been a sailor in the U.S. navy.───他曾在美国海军当水兵。

40 、An inexperienced sailor; a landlubber.───不熟练的海员一个没有经验的海员;外行水手

41 、A good sailor may mistake, in dark night.───好水手黑夜难免出差错。

42 、He had a calling to become a sailor.───他很想做一个海员。

43 、He is a. on becoming a sailor.───他一心想当海员。

44 、"A thorn," said the sailor, when no one could guess.───当大家都猜不出时,水手就说:“一根刺。”

45 、Did he tell you about his experiences as a sailor?───他告诉你他当水手的经历了吗?

46 、They rigged the little boy out as sailor.───中文:他们把小男孩打扮成水手模样。

47 、He drank in every word of the sailor's story of adventure.───他对水手所述的冒险故事的每一个字都听得入了迷。

48 、He had a strange rolling gait, like a sailor on ship.───他奇异而摇晃的步态好比船上的水手一般。

49 、He garbed himself as a sailor.───他装扮成水手。

50 、An inexperienced sailor;a landlubber.───不熟练的海员一个没有经验的海员;外行水手

51 、He was rigged out as a sailor.───他装扮成一名水手。

52 、And I served my sailors as they served me.─── 我像我的船员为我服务一样为他们服务

53 、He went about in the disguise of a sailor.───他伪装成海员到处流窜。

54 、Erratic winds are the bane of a sailor.───变化无常的风是航海者的大害。

55 、When the land was seen, the sailor let out a whoop of joy.───当看见陆地时,那水手发出一声欢呼。

56 、He is such a bad sailor that he always travels by plane.───他是那么会晕船,所以他总搭飞机。

57 、He approved of the ideas of the lonely sailor.───他对那个孤独水手的主意表示赞成。

58 、To be a sailor of the world, bound for all ports.───做一个世界的水手,游遍所有的港口。

59 、Law relating to ships and sailor, and action at sea.───与船、舰、水手和海上行为有关的法律。

60 、She is best known by the name Sailor Mercury.───她最为人所熟悉的名字是水兵水星。

61 、He is bent on becoming a sailor.───他决心做一个水手。

62 、Two sailor is missing, presume drowne.───两个水手失踪,推测已经被淹死。

63 、A sailor fell overboard and was rescued.───一个船员从船上落入水中, 被救了上来。

64 、He dreams of becoming a sailor.───他一心想当水手。

65 、Oh, some scholar! Oh, some sailor!───哦,某位学者!啊,某位水手!

66 、They rigged the boy out as a sailor.───他们把那个小孩打扮成水手的样子。

67 、After a few day on shore the sailor joined his ship.───在岸上待了几天后,水手回到了他的船上。

68 、His father bred him to be a sailor.───他父亲栽培他当船员。

69 、Are you going to be a sailor when you leave school?───中学毕业后你打算当海员吗?

70 、She wore a sailor hat of black straw.───她戴着一顶扁平的硬边黑草帽。

71 、What shall we do with the drunken sailor?───我们怎么处理这个喝醉的水手?

72 、What's the difference between a sailor and six broken clocks?───一个水手和六只破钟的区别是什么?

73 、No sailor being commended for his only endeavor.───94没有任何一名船员。会因为个人划得特别卖力而受到赞美。

74 、Not even a sailor as experienced as me could do that.─── 我这么有经验的船员一个人也做不到啊

75 、They rigged the little boy out as a sailor.───他们把小男孩打扮成水手模样。

76 、He is an explorer rather than a sailor.───与其说他是一个海员,不如说他是一个探险者。

77 、The biting cold froze the sailor's hand.───刺骨的寒冷冻僵了水手的手。

78 、I didn't think you were much of a sailor.─── 没想到你是个这么棒的水手

79 、A sailor fell accidentally overboard on the starboard side.───一名船员意外地在右舷落水。

80 、I thought you were a good sailor.───我以为你不晕船的。

81 、Why is the letter D like a sailor?───字母“D“为什么象海员?

82 、An apprentice electrician;an apprentice sailor.───一个电工学徒;一个海员学徒

83 、I knew we'd make a sailor out of you.─── 我们把你训练成了一个优秀的水手

84 、Christopher Columbus is a famous sailor.───克里斯托弗-哥伦布是著名的航海家。

85 、The children were charmed by the sailor's tales of adventure.───孩子们听这位水手的冒险故事听得入了迷。

86 、What kind of a sailor are you?───你晕船不晕船

87 、His accent is distinctive of a sailor.───他的口音是船员特有的。

88 、An East Indian sailor, army servant, or artillery trooper.───东印度水手;军队仆佣;炮兵

89 、A steel shore fell off and hurt a sailor.───一根钢支柱掉下来,砸伤了一个水手。

90 、An experienced old sailor crew throw their soul into the oars.───一位有经验的老水手全神贯注地摇浆。


水兵月,水兵水星,水兵火星,水兵木星,水兵金星\r Sailor:水手,水兵




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