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07-02 投稿




英:['st?:r?]  美:[?st?r?, ?stor?]

英:  美:



n. 楼层


1 、It's recommended to use higher storey height (more than 4 m), larger span column grid and shield from the natural lights.───建议采用较大层高(不少于4米)、较大柱网,遮蔽自然光。

2 、Its ostentatious opulence will leave you reeling, as will the unbeatable views from the two storey suites of this Dubai icon.───它富丽堂皇,极尽奢华之能事,从二层楼欣赏的景色无与伦比,令人眩目。

3 、The space on any storey of a building between exterior wall and required fire walls, including the space occupied by interior walls and partitions.───在一栋建筑的外墙和必需的防火墙之间的任何楼层的面积,包括内墙和分隔墙所占用的空间。

4 、Take the first turning to the right and go straight on, and you will find a three - storey house on your leave───先向右转,然后简直走,你会发现左边有一幢3层的房子

5 、Class C Single Storey Industrial Building───丙类单层厂房

6 、It is exclusive of work area cable and equipment cable and jumper connecting storey distribution equipment, but is can include one CP link.───它不包括工作区缆线和连接楼层配线设备的设备缆线、跳线,但可以包括一个CP链路。

7 、We work in a five- storey.───我们在一座五层的办公楼里工作。

8 、To break down the excessive uniformity and claustrophobia of the proposed design that asks for closed blocks of six storey buildings; this apartment volume was developed as a reference point for the city extension and region at large.───为了打破原先设想的“以六层建筑形成封闭街区”的过分的统一性和闭塞感,公寓的体量被当作城市扩展以及整个区域的标志点。

9 、With waves over 15 metres, five storeys high, this is a real test of skill and stamina.─── 巨浪高达15米 有5层楼的高度 这是技巧和耐力的真正考验

10 、They are planning a 10 storey high hotel next to the royal palace.───他们正在计划在皇宫旁建一个十层高的饭店。

11 、From study the dynamic analysis model can simulate the elasto-plastic seismic response of highrise building structure with elastic transfer storey.───分析表明,采用局部层间弯剪型串联多自由度体系模型可较好地模拟带弹性转换层高层建筑结构的弹塑性地震反应。

12 、the storey sheafing equivalent model───层间等效剪切模型

13 、The6- storey shopping podium, connected by OTIS escalators, provides banks, Chinese and Western restaurants, and fitness center etc.───大厦的1至6层为商场,分别设有银行、物中心、心餐厅、身娱乐等各种设施,设施齐全,不假外求。各楼层间设有OTIS自动扶手电梯,舒适便捷。

14 、Soon after getting off his horse, the captain appeared at the second storey windows, from where he could see nothing but trees.───下马不久,上尉就出现在二楼的窗口了。他从那里除了树木什么也没看到。

15 、For this reason, the advanced machine can replace the vacuum washer units that occupy a large area and have a higher requirement for storey.───可替代现有的占地面积较大、楼层要求较高的鼓式真空洗浆机组。

16 、Changes of tress were not obvious.The box-type transfer storey had some advantages of lessening partial concentration of stress.───实体模型静力分析表明,箱形转换层对于缓解局部应力集中具备一定优势。

17 、The construction of the Zhong-tain Square Project s standard storey s exterior beams,and exterior columns and core walls have been done by climbing form work.───中天广场标准层外梁、外柱和核心筒墙体采用爬模,标准层楼面采用飞模。

18 、He' s a bit weak in the top storey, ie not very intelligent───他的脑筋差点事儿

19 、single-storey house; a house of one storey───平房

20 、post factory building of single storey of bricks───单层砖柱厂房

21 、One family may live on each storey, or each family may have both upstairs and downstairs rooms, with the two parts of the house separated by a wall through the middle.───可以是每层住一家,也可以是每一家住半面房的楼上和楼下,两家之间有一堵墙隔开。

22 、a bit weak in the upper storey───不大聪明


24 、If it is more than one storey high, day lighting of the lower storeys in any large-span building becomes difficult or impossible.───如果厂房的高度超过一层,那么,任何大跨度建筑物的下面几层就不容易或不可能天然采光。

25 、Pseudo dynamic experimental study on structure model with prestressed concrete truss transfer storey───带预应力混凝土桁架转换层结构模型的拟动力试验研究

26 、Petronas Twin Towers comprises of 2 identical 88 storey high buildings, although its height is no longer the tallest architecture in the world, it remains as the tallest TWINS in the world.───双峰塔拥有两座一模一样的高楼,虽然其世界第一高楼的地位已被取代,她仍然是世界最高的孪生楼。

27 、Our next stop was in the Hancock Building, somewhere on the sixtieth or seventieth storey.───我们下一个落脚的地点在汉科克大厦第六十层或七十层。

28 、This meant you could build more than one storey on the buildings.─── 这意味着还可以 在这座建筑物上再盖上几层

29 、Earthquake-froce on One Storey Framework with Rigid Cylinder Liquid Container───单层框架刚性圆柱形贮液容器地震力的确定

30 、Storey Hall All groups workshop day───全天研讨:所有小组

31 、The workers complete a storey in a couple of days.───一幢大楼没有多少天就盖起来了。

32 、The dark facade of the “black box” - a three storey structure clad with charcoal coloured fibre cement panels - is warmed by the sun, reducing heat loss to the environment.───建筑上部的黑色体块是一个三层高的结构,外围由炭黑色水泥纤维板包覆,这样可以更容易吸收太阳的热量,减少建筑内部的热量损失。

33 、I guess there is an upside to falling five storeys.─── 我想这对于从五楼摔下来也算是好消息了

34 、Being on high storey, he composes to twaddle his sad story.───少年不知愁滋味,爱上层楼。爱上层楼,为赋新词强说愁。

35 、Design and Construction Technique of Large Movable Scaffold Platform for Single Storey Factory Building───单层厂房大型移动脚手平台的设计与施工技术

36 、live on the third storey of a block of flats───住在公寓楼的第四层楼上

37 、Earthquake Resistant Structure of Membet and Node of Single- Storey Reinforced Concrete Bent Factory Building───单层钢筋混凝土排架厂房构件和节点的抗震构造

38 、Shanghai Science &Technology Museum - Natural science branch occupies 12,000 m2, with floorage 36,000m2.It's a two storey building with two storey basement.───上海科技馆自然博物分馆基地面积12,000平米,总建筑面积约36,000平米,地上二层,面积控制在16,000平米左右;

39 、His head soon appeared out of one of the second storey windows.───不久他从二楼的一扇窗口探出头来。

40 、His head soon appeared out of one of the second storey windows, from where he could see nothing but trees.───不一会儿,他从二楼的一扇窗户里探出头来,除了树林之外,从那里什么也看不到。

41 、relative storey displacement───层间位移

42 、Overall area 20,880 m2 including the basement storey 1 and 2 and above ground storey 1 and 2.───总面积为20,880平米,可分布在地下二层、地下一层、一层和二层。

43 、Two storey European-styled pub. A bit crowded when business is booming.───具有浓郁的欧美风格的欢聚之地。思清有两层,上下地方都不是很大,生意好的时候真有些颇为拥挤的感觉。

44 、The upper storey projects over the street.───二楼伸出街面。

45 、He' s a bit weak in the top storey, ie not very intelligent.───他的脑筋差点事儿.

46 、Burj Dubai has now reached 141 storey, more storeys than any other building in the world.───“迪拜塔有141层楼,是世界上楼层最多的建筑。”

47 、Composed of four55- storey office towers, four high standard serviced apartment towers and a huge open-typed ellipse canopy shopping mall with a public square in the centre.───不晓得是不是写错了,居然有4栋55层的超高楼,而效果图上好象只出现了1栋!

48 、The former back garden of a two storey over garden level Victorian terraced house, it is accessed from a lane to the south with the garden to the north.───前者后花园的两层以上的维多利亚花园水平梯田房子,这是访问一个巷以南的花园以北。

49 、The upper storey projects over the street───二楼伸出街上。

50 、They are planning a 10 - storey - high hotel next to the royal palace.───他们计划在皇宫旁建一个十层高的饭店。

51 、If it is more than one storey high, day lighting of the lower storeys in any large-span building becomes difficult or imp.───如果厂房的高度超过一层,那么,任何大跨度建筑物的下面几层就不容易或不可能天然采光。

52 、The structural form and the construction of RC column-steel beam joints for an adding storey project are introduced.───对某高层酒店改建工程加层的结构方案和改造设计中梁柱节点的构造细部进行了介绍。

53 、Determined to follow a road more civilized, he meets up with his former cellmate, Larry Storey, who has promised to help Jesse get set up in Los Angeles.───决心采取更加文明的道路,他满足了他的前牢房,拉里层,谁承诺将帮助杰西获得成立于洛杉矶。

54 、They wanted to heighten the building by the addition of a third storey.───他们打算在建筑物上加建第三层楼。


56 、The shape of the atrium, stepping-back of floors, their width, depth and storey height;───中庭的形状,地板的层次组成,它们的宽度,深度以及层高。

57 、It was conducted the reason of the cracks at the concrete pillar corbels of the equipment storey in a foreign factory.───对某外资厂房设备夹层柱牛腿出现的裂缝进行了分析与检测,得出了裂缝产生的原因,并相应地提出了加固处理措施。

58 、Fifteen storeys of freefalling probably did him good.─── 15楼自由落体估计吓死他了

59 、He slipped and fell off the 2nd storey,so he screamed with pain.───从二层楼摔了下去,疼得他大叫起来。

60 、When Passepartout reached the second storey he recognized at once the room which he was to inhabit, and he was well satisfied with it.───但是这个蜗牛壳是用瓦斯照亮的,因为只用瓦斯就能满足这里一切照明和取暖的需要了。

61 、Abrupt Changes of the Lateral Stiffness and Shear Forces in Tube Structure with Transfer Storey───带转换层筒体结构的刚度和剪力分布突变

62 、Storey: n. [C] any of the levels on which a building is built───(建筑物的)层

63 、Storey height: Partially exposed basement:2.8m high hall,2.4m high corridor,2.5m high garage.Basement aboveground:3m high for the first,second and third floors.───层高:半地下室厅部:2.8米、走廊:2.4米、车库:2.5米,地上部分:首层、二层、三层层高3米。

64 、masonry building with frame structure in the first storey───底层框架砖房

65 、IDF spokesman said Rajan 4 storey residential building which is also a war arsenal and command post.───IDF发言人称,拉扬所在4层住宅大楼同时也是一个武器库和战事指挥所。

66 、add another storey to a building───加盖一层

67 、The 20 storey beachfront site with 27 premium quality apartments is a sophisticated combination of modern architecture and high technology.───20 楼层在海滩前站点与27 栋优质质量公寓是现代 建筑学和高技术的一个老练组合。

68 、At that time king Pasenadi of Kosala was in the upper storey of rhe palace.───二又,尔时,拘萨罗之波斯匿王与末利夫人,具在高楼之上。

69 、The blast ripped through the office on the top floor of the 12 storey building.─── 爆炸贯穿了整个办公室 在12层大厦的顶楼

70 、Around the outside of the project, we have a number of buildings, some of them six, seven storey.─── 我们工程的外围四周 有几栋建筑 有些有六 七层高

71 、Dr Colin Storey, Librarian of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, will officiate at the ceremony.───书院已邀得大学图书馆馆长施达理博士担任主礼嘉宾。

72 、The preceding example shows that the columns have a point of inflection within the height of each storey.───前面例题说明在每一层楼的高度内诸柱有一拐点。

73 、adding storey for strengthening───加层加固

74 、mulit - storey business buildings───多层商住楼

75 、Single storey structures such as guard room and toilet───多个单层建筑物,例如保安室和洗手间

76 、His head soon appeared out of the second storey windows, from where he could see nothing but trees.───他的头很快从第二层楼的一个窗户伸出来了,从那里他只能看见树木。

77 、The part touching the floor is main beam, which is fixed to storey with four props erected with four adjusting screw jacks to support the ceiling.───与建筑楼面接触部分为固定横梁,四垂直支架通过可调顶子顶住楼层天花板。

78 、injuries consistent with a fall from an upper storey(= similar to those such a fall would have caused)───和从楼上摔下来的情形相符合的伤处

79 、Storey over Sidewalk-Southern China Feature───富有岭南地方特色的骑楼建筑

80 、Structure designing for large span building built-up of storey───大跨度房屋加层的结构设计

81 、The team will need to manoeuvre the gantries five storeys down into the maze.─── 团队要把机架 放入地下五层深的迷宫内

82 、Take the first turning to the right and go straight on, and you will find a three- storey house on your leave.───先向右转,然后简直走,你会发现左边有一幢3层的房子。

83 、Study on Computer Monitoring System of Multi - storey Up - down and Translation Stereo Garage───多层升降横移立体停车库计算机监控系统研究

84 、Parks J,Armfield J,Storey J,et al.In Situ Measurement ofFuel Absorption into the Cylinder Wall Oil Film During EngineCold Start[C].SAE Paper,No.981054.───刘圣华,赵慧,周龙保,李继军.缸套壁面润滑油膜其对汽油机未燃碳氢排放影响的研究[J].内燃机学报,1997,15(2):185-191.

85 、The lower storey of a building below or partly below ground level.───建筑中全部或部分低于地面水平的楼层。

86 、We have own exhibition syntactic system OCTANORM, COMBI and storey system MONTI.───我们拥有自己的展览会构造秩序OCTANORM, COMBI和控制程序。

87 、Cracks on floor slab cast-in-place problem in residential storey───住宅楼现浇楼板裂缝问题




山 shān 


(1) (象形。甲骨文和金文字形,象山峰并立的形状。“山”是汉字的一个部首。本义:地面上由土石构成的隆起部分)

(2) 同本义 [mountain]





太行、 王屋二山,方七百里,高万仞。——《列子·汤问》





(3) 又如:山霭(山上的云气);山灵(山神);山阿(山中凹曲的地方);山岩(山峰;山崖);山隈(山角);山啜(山岔);山落(山岔;山角落);山孤钉(小山包);山头(绿林好汉占据的山寨;坟地;山墙);山长(科举时代的书院主讲及总领院务者);山主(寺院的主持);山观(山中道观);山关(依山而建的城堡)

(4) 形状像山的东西 [anything in the shape of a mountain]


(5) 又如:冰山;鳌山;山枕(枕头。古代枕头多用木、瓷制作,中凹,形似山);山堆阜积(东西堆积得像山一样);山棚(结彩的牌楼;比武台,戏台);山家(佛寺)

(6) 特指“五岳” [the Five mountains]


(7) 又如:山斗(“泰山北斗”的缩略。借指卓有成就令人仰慕的人物);山右(指山西省,西在太行山之右);山左(山东的别称)

(8) 山墙 [gable wall]。如:山架(把几层木板镶嵌在墙里的架子)

(9) 指酒肆的楼上 [storey of a bar]

酒阁名曰厅院,若楼上则又或名为山,一山、二山、三山之类。牌额写过山,非特有山,谓酒力高远也。——宋· 灌圃耐得翁《都城纪胜》

(10) 山中。指隐居之处 [hermitage]。如:山谷臣(隐士的自称);山谷之士(隐士);山囚(隐居山野不得志的士人);山巾(山野隐士的便帽)

(11) 坟 [mound]。如:山陵(帝王的陵墓);山园(坟地);山门(墓门)

(12) 蚕簇。由禾杆、油菜杆搭成的小簇 [a small bundle of straws,etc.,for silkworms to spin cocoons on]。如:蚕上山了

(13) 姓


◎ 山 shān 


(1) 大,巨大 [big]。如:山嚷怪叫,太吵人了;山响

(2) 粗俗 [hoarse]


(3) 山野——谦称 [my rustic]。如:山妻(隐士之妻)

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