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07-02 投稿




英:['?nt?m?t]  美:[??nt?m?t]

英:  美:



vt.暗示, 透露

adj.亲密的, 私人的, 关系紧密的


动词过去分词: intimated | 动词现在分词: intimating | 名词: intimateness | 动词第三人称单数: intimates | 副词: intimately | 动词过去式: intimated |


1 、An intimate friendship grew up between them.───他们之间渐渐产生了亲密的友情。

2 、He had tasted their intimate community with every sauce.───他尝到了他们亲密交往的各种甜酸苦辣。

3 、Book is my intimate company, without it I feel lonely.───书是我亲密的伙伴,没有了书,我便感到孤单。

4 、"Xiang Cai is affined " , red is intimate, everybody express one's admiration.───“向蔡同盟”,红色知己,人人称羡。后来,向警予移情别恋,蔡和森痛苦万分。

5 、That sounds intimate. I thought you wanted intimate.─── 气氛有点暧昧 你不就是想要亲密的氛围吗

6 、This 'odd, isn't it? 'was the characteristic note of the intimate conversations they designated gossip.───“奇怪”,是不是?这是她们俩人在说悄悄话谈论奇闻轶事时的典型语调。

7 、Two women seldom grow intimate but at the expense of a third person.───两个女人,若非以第三个人为牺牲,则殆无相好之时。

8 、For the love but crest! For intimate lover but persist!───为爱情而顶!为亲密爱人而执着!

9 、We haven't been, uh, intimate in years.─── 我们已经好几年没有关系了

10 、Intimate relationships enrich people's lives.───亲密的关系会使人的生活丰富多彩。

11 、They two are on intimate terms.───他们两人很亲近。

12 、It seemed to him a little nest, intimate, discreet.───他仿佛觉得这像个小鸟窝,又亲切,又幽静。

13 、And to love life through labor is to be intimate with life's inmost secret.───在劳动中热爱生命,便是通晓了生命最深的秘密。

14 、It's not as intimate as I would like.─── 這里沒有我想要的那么私密

15 、A long and intimate acquaintance with trousers has made him far more democratic and earthy.───和裤子长时间密切地打交道使他为人非常民主朴实。

16 、You can tell if it is an intimate relationship.───你能看出来是不是亲密的关系。

17 、He is the friend that I am the most intimate.───他是我最亲密的朋友。

18 、He has participated the intimate regulation of the task with all the strength.───他全力投入了自己所规定的任务。

19 、It is very difficult for one to have an intimate friend.───一个人要有一个莫逆之交很难。

20 、Be on intimate terms with sb.───同某人关系密切。

21 、She fingered her ice-cold glass between sips, committing the complex and intimate flavour of this encounter to memory.───她双手抚着冰凉的玻璃杯,小口小口地喝着,记忆着这种复杂而亲切的滋味儿。

22 、He had an intimate sense that Romola was something very much above him.───他内心有种感觉,总觉得罗摩拉要比他高出许多。

23 、She's on intimate terms with important people in the government.───她与政府要员保持了密切的关系。

24 、She had twelve intimate and bosom friends out of the twenty-four young ladies.───二十四个同学里面,倒有十二个是她的心腹朋友。

25 、There is none more intimate and affectionate than God.───世上再没有比神更加亲密和挚爱之事。”

26 、Postmodernism expressed an intimate attitude towards Confucianism.───后现代主义对儒学表现出亲和的态度。

27 、One day,I chanced upon one of those men who live habitually on intimate terms with the most notorious courtesans.───一天,我遇到了一个人。这个人和那些风月场中的名媛过从甚密。

28 、The two of them were as intimate as sisters.───她们俩处得好像亲姐妹一样。

29 、White Radiance” cell vitality element is your beautiful and youthful intimate friend.───佼白"细胞美白活力素是你美丽与青春的挚友!

30 、The two families are on intimate terms.───两家关系挺近。

31 、They are as intimate as brothers.───他们亲如兄弟!

32 、It appeared more intimate than an apology.─── 看起来比道歉更私人一些的内容吧

33 、Women tend to impart their secrets to their intimate friends.───女人往往喜欢把秘密向她 们的好友吐露.

34 、He also told of the intimate friendship he had formed with the Burudi people.───他还讲到了他和布隆迪人民结下的亲密友谊。

35 、An intimate conversation in private.───交心私下的亲密谈话

36 、To be intimate with a foolish Friend, is like going to bed to a Razor.───和蠢才**,犹如睡在剃刀上。

37 、Intimate relationship is my Achilles' heel.───亲密关系是我的弱点。

38 、He intimate his wish with a slight nod of his head.───他微微颔首示意。

39 、The eldest of them, a sensible, intelligent young woman, about twenty-seven, was Elizabeth's intimate friend.───大女儿是个明理懂事的年轻**,年纪大约二十六七岁,她是伊丽莎白的要好朋友。

40 、They are intimate friends, as well as business associates.───他们既是经商的伙伴,又是亲密的朋友。

41 、Even when on a palatial scale a Chinese garden does not lose that intimate quality.───即便是**园林也不失这种亲密感。

42 、He should listen to his intimate feelings.───人应当倾听自己的内心感觉。

43 、Nothing can substitute for the friendship between intimate friends.───什么都无法代替亲密朋友间的友谊。

44 、They laugh, suddenly and magically intimate.───两个人都笑了,象有魔法似的,两颗心一下子就变得亲近了。

45 、He does not enter into intimate,honest,direct relationships with others.───他不直接与别人结成亲密而诚恳的关系。

46 、In fact we are very low-pitched in SJ where we haven't intimate behavior.───其实我们在松江的时候挺低调的,没有什么亲密的动作。

47 、Both of them felt that they had become very intimate.───他俩都感到他们已经相当亲密了。

48 、He is intimate with the President.───他与总统关系密切。

49 、Mr. Yorke knew everyone, and was knwon by everyone for miles round, yet his intimate acquaintances were very few.───在方圆几英里内,约克先生人人都认识,人人也都认识他,只是他的知心朋友却为数寥寥。

50 、This is especially true of intimate at home dinner parties,where only four of you are included in the invitation.───亲朋好友在家里开晚餐会时尤其如此,也许只邀请了你们四个人。

51 、But you're right, it was an intimate killing.─── 但你说的对 他们的确关系密切

52 、He never speaks much, unless among his intimate acquaintances.───他从来不爱多说话,除非跟知已的朋友们谈谈。

53 、Tuitang walls though, but still intimate.───四壁虽颓唐,却依然亲昵。

54 、Will you intimate to me what he said?───关于他所说的话你能给我点暗示吗?

55 、He stated what others had only dared to intimate.───他说出了别人只敢暗示的话。

56 、Later, he comfortably fusilladed the windows of his most intimate friend.───后来,他又对着他最要好的朋友的窗户痛快地连射了一阵。

57 、They have difficulty with intimate relationships.───他们有亲密关系的困难.

58 、She has an intimate knowledge of the Asian market.───她充分掌握亚洲市场情势。

59 、You are not moving in there. It's intimate.─── 你可不能住到那里去 很私密啊

60 、He was never intimate with professional politicians.───他和职业政客从来就来往不密切。

61 、In the sky the stars are studded in the warm intimate velvet of the night.───天上,象天鹅绒那么温暖可亲的夜空中撒满了星星。

62 、Tantric Sex is meditative, spontaneous and intimate lovemaking.───坦陀罗性是静心的,自发和亲密的调情。

63 、He was intimate with many of the greatest minds of his day.───他与当时许多杰出的文人有深交。

64 、Converses in them, the god sound becomes is intimate and is familiar.───在他们交谈的时候,神的声音变得亲密而熟悉。

65 、They would not intimate how the problem could be solved.───他们不愿透露问题怎样才能够得到解决。

66 、Don't treat me as an intimate when I'm not.─── 不要把我当成你的知己来利用

67 、By his cold and distant manners he holds off all who are not intimate with him.───他那冷淡的态度,使所有不熟悉他的人不敢接近他。

68 、You don't have to avoid having intimate conversations with me.─── 你不用逃避跟我谈论私密的话题

69 、He knew an intimate little bar where they would not be disturbed.───他知道一处适合幽会的小酒吧,他们在那里不会受到打扰。

70 、Most sushi restaurants are intimate, nearly claustrophobic places.The space Mr.───大部分的寿司店都坐落在不显眼的位置,甚至可以说隐蔽。

71 、Although they met each other for the first time,they seemed to be very intimate.───两人初次见面,反倒显得很亲热。

72 、Intimate relationships with people require an investment of time.───和人之间的亲密关系需要时间的投入。

73 、Their intimate conversation made me feel de trop.───他们亲切交谈,使我感到自己是个多余的人。

74 、Perhaps I ought not to have been so intimate with you.───也许我压根儿就不应该跟你来往得那样亲密。

75 、He has an intimate knowledge of American literature.───他精通美国文学。

76 、"Demography is a very intimate deal," notes Ben J.───事实上美国的面貌的确在改变。

77 、He does not enter into intimate, honest, direct relationships with others.───他从不与他人建立亲密、诚实而直率的关系。

78 、"White Radiance" cell vitality element is your beautiful and youthful intimate friend.───"佼白"细胞美白活力素是你美丽与青春的挚友!

79 、There was no more intimate conversation.───他们不能再说体已话了。

80 、You would found that there were some intimate confidants in your life.───你会发现这世上你有很多真心的朋友。

81 、The two of them are very intimate friends.───两人的关系很深。

82 、My acquaintance introduced me to his intimate fellows.───一个熟人介绍我认识他关系密切的同事。

83 、A lithe, bestial curse as your intimate familiar.───一个易于弯曲的,残忍的咒语,野兽的灾祸.

84 、The creative life of all progressive writers and artists is rooted in their intimate ties with the people.───一切进步文艺工作者的艺术生命,就在于他们同人民之间的血肉联系。

85 、Religion had an intimate association with alchemy during the Middle Ages.───在中世纪, 宗教和炼金术密切相联。

86 、Edith Helm was not invited to these intimate luncheons.───伊迪丝·赫尔姆没有被邀请出度反映亲密关系的午餐会。

87 、They are close/ bosom/ intimate friends.───他们是亲密无间的朋友。

88 、Both felt that they had become very intimate.───两人都感到了他们之间已变得非常亲密。


initate形容词最高级是most intimated


intimate shops=奢侈品的shopping mall

department stores就是普通的百货商店

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