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07-02 投稿




英:[r?ɡ]  美:[r?ɡ]

英:  美:


n.地毯, 毯子, 旅行毯


1 、A spark from the fire had set light to a rug.───从火炉迸出的火星点燃了地毯。

2 、What part of our history's reinvented and under rug swept?───我们的过去哪些是一厢情愿?哪部分又将往事尘封?

3 、He burned a hole in the rug.───他在地毯上烧了一个洞。

4 、I can't say the same for our rug, though.─── 不过我们的地毯可算是完了

5 、Rubber on the underside; adds weight to the rug and keeps it firmly in place.───底面为橡胶;增加地毯重量,使之牢牢地固定在位。

6 、Clear up surface water in CCR, Office, etc. Or lay slip-proof rug on the ground of the entrance.───办公楼等区域内地面有积水请及时清除,或在人员出入口铺设吸水防滑毯。

7 、Same rugged good looks just...maybe a little less rugged.─── 还是那样粗犷帅气 但或许鲜肉了些

8 、There is a small rug on the floor.───地板上有块小地毯。

9 、On is spreading a soft rug, this greets the new year auspicious snow.───地上铺着一层软绵绵的地毯,这是迎接新的一年的瑞雪。

10 、All of which will wind up on my rug.─── 所有这些灰最后都会跑到我的地毯上

11 、The dealer spread the rug out to display the pattern.───商人将地毯铺开以展示图案。

12 、He'd make a very handsome throw rug.───他可以做一块漂亮的地毯。

13 、You can also decorate your Jeep bedroom with a Jeep Lamp and Jeep Throw Rug.───您也可以装饰您的吉普卧室灯的吉普和吉普掷地毯。

14 、But I'm sucking the dirt out of the rug.─── 但我"吸"的是地毯上的灰

15 、A thick, woolen rug cover the floor behind the desk.───一块厚羊毛小地毯铺在写字台後面的地板上。

16 、The floor is cold so I put a rug on it.───地板太冰了,所以我铺上了地毯。

17 、It is hard to have the rug pulled out from under you.─── 身下的红毯突然被抽走 真的很不容易

18 、The rug singed because it was too near the fire.───地毯太靠近壁炉已烤焦了。

19 、Well, what were they going to do with me? I would writhe my shoe some more and stare down at the worn rug.───哦,他们要拿我怎么办呢?我盯着旧地毯更狠命地蹂躏我的鞋。

20 、She put a rug over the sleeping child .───她给睡着的孩子盖上了毯子.

21 、We spread a rug on the grass for the picnic.───我们在草地上铺镇开毯子,准备野餐。

22 、Don't buy a piece of furniture or pricy rug, a car, or any electronic items.───不要买家具,高档地毯,汽车,电子设备。

23 、When the vacuum cleaner bag is full, it will not take up dirt from the rug.───吸尘器的纸袋若满了,就无法再吸地毯上的灰尘了。

24 、He rolled himself in the rug.───他把身体裹在毛毯。

25 、It will be more beautiful if you work some blue into the rug.───如果你再织些蓝色的图案,这毯子会更好看。

26 、The rug adds a dash of colour to the room.───小地毯为房间增添了点色彩。

27 、We spread the picnic rug out on the ground, and sat down to eat.───我们在地上铺开野餐垫子,坐下吃起来。

28 、He took up the rug, to celebrate their diligence and taste.───他拿过沙发毯,夸奖了她们的勤奋和雅兴。

29 、They have a Persian silk rug hanging on the wall.───他们墙上挂着一块波斯丝绸壁毯。

30 、Rather than argue the matter, Scarlett turned the parlor with its deep velvet rug into a dormitory.───思嘉知道跟她争论也无济于事,便把那间铺了厚天鹅绒地毯的客厅改宿舍。

31 、Use a hot iron over a damp towel to draw wax spills out of a rug.───使用高温熨烫的方法,下铺一湿湿的毛巾,除去地毯上的蜡滴。

32 、Yvonne curled up on the rug in front.───伊冯蜷坐在前面的一块地毯上。

33 、"Were you comfortable in your new bed last night?" "I was as snug as a bug in a rug.───“你昨晚睡在新床上舒服吗?”“舒服极了。

34 、You might sit as snug as a bug in a rug .───你不妨象毡毯中的臭虫那样舒服地坐着。

35 、She gave her friend a finely woven rug as a present.───他送给朋友一块织得很漂亮的小地毯作为礼物。

36 、We as a city, for far too long, have ignored it, and have decided to sweep it under the rug.───我们作为一个城市,长久以来,一直忽略这种情况并决定把它扫到地毯下。

37 、And it was like a rug had been pulled out from under her.─── 就好像一块毯子刚从她脚下抽走

38 、We had pulled the rug out from under Bormann.───我们挖了博尔曼的墙脚。

39 、We were planning a vacation, but the baby's illness pulled the rug out from under us.───我们本打算作一次旅行度假,但是孩子的病破坏了我们的计划。

40 、It's kind of you to ask us to dine. The rug alone cost upwards of 300 pounds.───你邀请我们共进晚餐真是太好了光这块布就值300英镑。

41 、The rug was covered with cat hairs.───地毯上净是猫毛。

42 、Jordan: Can you help me vacuum the rug?───你可以帮我用吸尘器吸地毯吗?

43 、The president tried to sweep the embarassing incident under the rug.───总统试图隐瞒领事馆事件。

44 、The designs in the rug are well proportioned.───地毯上的图案很匀称。

45 、On the spur of the moment I decided to loan my sofa and my rug to my niece who was moving to a larger home.───我不假思索地就决定把我的沙发和我的小地毯借给我的侄女,她就要搬到一个较大的家了。

46 、The rug tones in well with the wood work.───地毯跟房间内部的木质结构很调和。

47 、You can learn to push the guilt under the rug and go on.───你可以学着把罪恶戴在毯子下面,继续生活。

48 、He has shifted the rug away from the window.───他已把地毯从窗口搬走了。

49 、We were busy teasing the rug apart with our bare hands.───我们正忙着用手把地毯撕开。

50 、The ugly druggist put the huge plug in the rug .───丑陋的药剂师将巨大的**头放进毛毯.

51 、Cut the rug: slang for dancing.───切地毯:对跳舞的俗称。

52 、He is vacuuming a rug in the sitting room.───他在起居室里用吸尘器打扫地毯。

53 、"The dogs don't know it is a Persian rug,but they know it is soft," he said.───他说:“狗狗并不懂什么波斯地毯,但他们知道躺在上面很柔软很舒服。”

54 、A rug with latex backing will age faster if placed on a floor with heating.───带有胶乳底面的地毯如果铺在可供暖的地板面上时,产品会更快地老化。

55 、He felled himself over the rug.───他在地毯上跌倒了。

56 、I cannot have the rug pulled out from under me again.─── 我不能再被我在乎的人 放一次鸽子了

57 、Thgossip girl **曲e ugly druggist gauged the huge plug in the refugee's rug.───丑陋的药剂师测量了难民毛毯中的巨大**头.

58 、We were on the point of signing a lucrative contract when the bank pulled the rug from under out feet by withdrawing their financial support.───我们正到了要签订一份利润颇丰的合同的时刻,不料银行停止了对我们的贷款,坏了我们的好事。

59 、The confetti. It was scattered on the rug.─── 五彩纸屑 地毯上到处都是

60 、We embellish our room with new rug, lamp, and picture.───我们以新地毯,灯和图画布置我们的房间。

61 、My company pulled the rug out from under my feet when it cut the entire budget for my project.───公司删除我整个计划的预算简直就是在破坏我的计划嘛。

62 、In the basement recreation room Ruth and Nim sat side by side on a sofa, with Leah sprawled on a rug.───在地下娱乐室里,露丝和尼姆并排坐在沙发上,莉娅懒洋洋地躺在地毯上。

63 、She tripped on a scatter rug.───她被小块地毯绊倒了。

64 、Feng Xiaoning : Time which walks on the green rug, sometimes crowded or hauls.───冯小宁 :在绿地毯上走起来的时候,有时会拥挤或拖拉。

65 、They thudded against chairs, whirling their mustached runners, kneading the rug nap, sucking gently at hidden dust.───他们重重地掉下来,靠着椅子,旋转他们胡须似清洁扫帚,搓揉着小地毯,轻轻地吸走地毯里的灰尘。

66 、If you have an expensive rug, don't risk washing it yourself.───如果你的地毯很贵重,不要冒险自己洗。

67 、Do not shake the rug in the room .───别在屋子里抖动地毯。

68 、He thought he would be elected, but his friends pulled the rug out from under him and voted for somebody else.───他以为自己会选上,但是他的朋友们突然放弃对他的支持,而投了别人的票。

69 、The reason's undercover, The truth is kept secret, it's swept under the rug.───就是说到现在为止,布什也没有能说清楚发动这场战争的真正原因,真是欲加之罪,何患无辞。

70 、A thick, woolen rug cover the floor behind the desk .───一块厚羊毛小地毯铺在写字台后面的地板上。

71 、She wove a rug from the black sheep's wool.───她用黑绵羊的毛织了一个毯子。

72 、She twitch the corner of the rug to straighten it.───她拉了拉小地毯的一角,把它弄正。

73 、The rug is faded where the sun strikes it.───地毯被阳光照到的地方褪了色。

74 、A: I'm sorry for spilling my drink on your rug.───对不起,我把饮料打翻在你的地毯上了。

75 、"The dogs don't know it is a Persian rug, but they know it is soft," he said.───他说:"狗狗并不懂什么波斯地毯,但他们知道躺在上面很柔软很舒服。

76 、The rug tones in well with the wood-work.───地毯跟房屋内部的木质结构很协调。

77 、The light of the cheerful fire shone on the rug and carpet of a cosy parlor.───在一间暖和的客厅里,熊熊的炉火映射在地毯上。

78 、I'd say that it was from a rug of some kind.─── 我认为这来自于一种小地毯

79 、His face is close to the carpet;the wattles are joggling in the nap of the rug.───他的脸紧贴着地毯,垂下来的软肉在毯子的绒毛上颤动。

80 、She put a rug over the sleeping child.───她给睡著的孩子盖上了毯子。

81 、If you wrap the blanket around yourself tigh, you will be as snug as a bug in a rug.───你用毯子把你裹紧后,你就会感到很舒适的。

82 、Fuck like minks, forget the rug rats, and live happliy ever after.───我们象水貂一样作爱,忘掉小水貂吧,然后一起幸福生活。

83 、She was beating the rug to clean it .───她在敲打抹布使其干净。

84 、He beat his dog because she went to the bathroom on the rug.───他毒打他的狗,因为狗狗在地毯上大小便。

85 、Only when we throw them under the rug.─── 只有我们在选择不计前嫌的时候

86 、A rug laid on a floor in front of a fireplace.───壁炉前地毯置于壁炉前地面上的那块地毯

87 、The ugly druggist gauged the huge plug in the refugee's rug.───丑陋的药剂师测量了难民毛毯中的巨大**头。

88 、He bargained with the merchant for an hour before he bought a rug.───他与那商人讨价还价了一个小时才买下一块地毯。

89 、The skimpy rug barely covers the floor.───不够大的地毯勉强盖住了地板。

90 、Take heed not to spill milk on the rug.───当心别把牛奶洒在地毯上。





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