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07-02 投稿




英:['s??r?]  美:['s?r?]

英:  美:


n. (可兰经的)章、节


1 、He left Egypt c. 905 and eventually settled in Babylonia, where he headed the rabbinic Academy of Sura.───约在905年离开埃及,最后定居巴比伦尼亚,担任希伯来语的苏拉学院院长。

2 、If T-Mac can't go will this finally get JVG to play Bonzi. When will Sura make his decision to play or retire?───如果麦迪最终不能上场,那么就请范甘地换上棒子吧。苏拉也是时候决定到底是要上场比赛还是退役!

3 、Study the purpose : Is it increase progressively load swim between sport and big mouse serum , sura skin , myocardium ROS , MDA content and SOD , GPX , influence , T-AOC of activation to probe into.───研究目的:探讨递增负荷游泳运动对大鼠血清、腓肠肌、心肌ROS、MDA含量变化及SOD、GPX、T-AOC活性变化的影响。

4 、Justice SS, Laner SR, Hultgren SJ, et al. Maturation of intracellular Escherichia coli communities requires SurA[J]. Infect Immun. 2006,74(8):4793.───第一腰椎骨折术后患者合并尿路感染的临床诊断与治疗由800论文网收集整理,转载请注明出处!

5 、Mat, me and Sura went to Shenzhen to spend a really nice weekend there, I like that spot very much!───我和田玮一直滑到12点多,然后去酒吧找马修,他已经喝了一轮了,继续!

6 、Bob Sura appears to be finished, which is sad news.───还有个坏消息,我们的素拉好像已经报销了。

7 、Of those, Bob Sura has $1 million guaranteed, Mike Harris about $50,000.───其中苏拉有100万的保障合同,麦克-哈里斯有5万。

8 、Playing the music of happy sura on the earth───在大地上奏响春的乐章

9 、> "atra SUrA mahEshvAsA BhImArjuna samAyudhi, ...───杅胆丹戌, 杅胆丹戌, 杅薜丹戌...

10 、The Rockets are also without injured guards Rafer Alston, Jon Barry, Bob Sura and Derek Anderson.───火箭同时缺少了受伤的后卫拉弗尔·阿尔斯通,琼·巴里,鲍勃·苏拉和德里克·安德森。

11 、This is because exchange rate high or low to diteetly affect the rights of both parties" shareholder for owning the sura inside merger corpus.───本文以上市公司正虹集团换股合并非上市公司湘城实业为案例,来研究换股比例应如何加以确定。

12 、Ironically, one of the best things to happen to Houston may have been the injury Sura, a month ago, that forced Jeff Van Gundy to rely on aging veteran Rod Strickland and rookie Andre Barrett to run the point in the short term.───反着说,一个月前苏拉受伤是一件发生在休斯敦最好的事,这迫使范甘迪起用老将罗德.斯特里克兰和新人安德列.巴瑞特来应付眼前的问题。

13 、sura for a PF doesn't clear up the logjam in the backcourt.───用苏拉换大前并不能完全解决火箭后场人满为患的问题。

14 、If anyone should sit out for the 1st 10games, it must be JLIII, Sura and Padgett. We need Vspan's GLUE-denfence!───如果有人应该在前10场比赛坐在板凳上,那肯定应该是卢卡斯3世,苏拉和帕吉特.我们需要斯潘牛皮糖似的防守.

15 、I don't expect Alston, Howard, Padgett, Sura, Battier, and Deke to improve much over their current performance.───我不认为斯通、霍华德、帕吉特、苏拉、巴蒂尔和大叔能在现在的成就上还能取得很大进步。

16 、James broke Sura's left arm and right leg, and kicked his nuts for 25 minutes nonstop.───芥末丝打断了苏拉的左臂和右腿,而且25分钟里不停的踢苏拉的睾丸。

17 、I like Bob Sura, just like you do.───我很喜欢苏拉,就和很多人一样。

18 、I hope JVG gets to include the other players on the team.When will the final decision be made on Sura?───我希望范甘迪让球队中的其他球员出场比赛,对苏拉最后的决定什么时候才有呢?

19 、Assuming Dikembe at $1.8 million, signing Carl Landry and waiving Bob Sura, the Rockets would be $2.8 over the luxury tax line.───假如穆托姆伯要花180万,再加上签卡尔-兰德里,放弃鲍勃-苏拉,总共要超出奢侈税280万。

20 、Bob - Bob Sura ready to come back.───鲍勃-苏拉准备复出。

21 、The NBA overturned Sura's third straight triple-double on Tuesday, saying he wouldn't get credit for a rebound that came just before the buzzer when he intentionally missed a layup.───NBA星期二否决了苏拉的连续第三个三双记录,表示不会承认他在比赛结束前故意雷阿普不进后摘下的“进攻蓝板”。)

22 、"A lot of our shooting is still not playing, as far as Jon Barry, Derek Anderson and Bobby Sura.───“我们的外线队员到现在都还不能正常参加比赛,比如老巴里,安德森,和素拉。

23 、T-Mac and Yao need to take over the rest of the way. Rafer is just being Rafer. Harping is one tough guy ala Bob Sura.───麦迪和姚明应该接管下面的比赛。阿尔斯通毕竟只是阿尔斯通,哈普灵是一个比苏拉更硬朗的家伙。

24 、Lucas, Reed, Harris and Sura seem most likely for contract reasons, though Harris has looked good and Reed has has moments.───(卢卡斯,里德,哈里斯和苏位很可能会离开,尽管哈里斯看上去不错,里德也很有冲劲。

25 、ATLANTA -- Bob Sura thought he made history.───(亚特兰大消息)鲍勃·苏拉以为他创造了历史。

26 、And Florida States all time leading scorer. Actually, Sura was a overall better player his senior year although his stats were way down and he did not make All-ACC.───他在大四变得更加全面虽然数据有所下降,也未能在入选。

27 、He sent down to the Talmudic schools of Pumbedita and Sura and brought up thousands of rabbis, and opened up synagogues and schools, and his people became what we call "Jews".───他将其下传至普姆贝迪塔市和苏拉市的塔尔木德经学校,培养出了数以千计的犹太教教士,并建立起了犹太教会堂和学校,他的人民成为了我们所称的“犹太人”。

28 、"(Sura's) greatest attributes were his penetration for us and his rebounding and his passion," Van Gundy said before the game.───在赛前,范甘迪曾这样评价苏拉:“苏拉最突出的特点就是他的突破、冲抢前场篮板以及他的激情。”

29 、I still remember when Howard cheap shotted Yao in the 2005 playoffs, and how Sura retaliated by tackling him.───我仍然记得2005年季后赛中,当霍华德卑鄙的对姚明时,鲍勃-苏拉是怎么报复他的。

30 、WHY is Sura and EVERYONE else from the Rockets guards keeps penetrating instea of taking the wide open jump shot? Are they really that afraid of missing the shot?───小丁最好的一点就是不贪功,和老将一起打当蓝领,今天几个小将在一打,他还是当苦力,其实他的进攻实力比起几个年轻的好的太多

31 、The new staff also seems to like the offense 6-10 forward Steve Novak will bring, and the Rockets have the means to finagle salary-cap room by dealing guard Bob Sura.───新的工作人员似乎也象攻6-10向前史蒂夫采用Novak带来而火箭也有办法哄骗薪金上限室交易员鲍勃掸族.There's also the mid-level exception available to the Rockets.还有还有半山区除现有的火箭.

32 、my guess is that some combination of billy, head, snyder, shane, sura, and the #26 will be traded for a PF.───我猜么,应该是将斯潘、海德、斯奈德、巴蒂尔、苏拉以及第26号选秀权一次性打包换来一个强力大前锋。

33 、After the safe assumption cuts of Bob Sura and John Lucas III, the remaining cuts will likely be entirely about basketball.───若由于相同的原因将BobSura和JohnLucasIII裁掉,剩下的裁人就是完全出于球队战术的考虑。

34 、A sura which We have sent down and which We have ordained in it have We sent down Clear Signs, in order that ye may receive admonition.───(这是)一章经,我降示它,并以它为定制,且在其中降示许多明显的迹象,以便你们记忆。

35 、If T-Mac can't go will this finally get JVG to play Bonzi. When will Sura make his decision to play or retire??───如果麦迪最终不能上场,那么就请范甘地换上棒子吧。苏拉也是时候决定到底是要上场比赛还是退役!

36 、Bob Sura will likely be waived on October 30 (the only reason this has not happened already is to keep the Rockets' trade options open).───苏拉也很可能在10月30日被球队放弃(球队之所以一直没这么做,为的就是便于球队交易上有更佳的选择)。

37 、He teamed future NBA players Bob Sura, Doug Edwards, and Sam Cassell to reach the 1993 NCAA Tournament Elite Eight.───1993年NCAA锦标赛中,沃德和未来的NBA球员如鲍勃-苏拉,道格-爱德华兹以及萨姆-卡塞尔一起,带领球队打入八强赛。

38 、Or do they say, "He forged it"? say: "Bring then a Sura like unto it, and call (to your aid) anyone you can besides Allah, if it be ye speak the truth!"───难道他们说他伪造经典吗?你说:“你们就试拟作一章吧!”如果你们是诚实的,你们就应当舍真主而吁请你们所能吁请的人。

39 、A miracle healing of Bob Sura would help put some heart into this lily-livered outfit.───如果苏拉能够奇迹般地康复,那么这个懦弱的球队可能会更有斗心。

40 、For six hundred years the Talmudic government, at Jamnia, Usha, and Sura, remained in or near to its native, oriental climate, where its nature was comprehended by other peoples;───为六百年该talmudic政府,在雅麦尼亚, usha ,和苏拉,仍然留在或接近其本土,东方气候,其性质是理解其他民族;

41 、Y.`A." (Kaaf Haa Ya `Ayn) in Sura 19 to give another total that is also a multiple of 19. (See below).───Y.`A.相互作用于第十九章,而使得这 些字母的总数成为19的倍数(参见下面内容)。

42 、I'll take a few stabs at Sura, Bonzi, John Lucas, Luther Head and Juwan Howard.───我认为苏拉、维尔斯、卢卡斯、海德和霍华德最有可能会被当作筹码交易出去。

43 、I can only think of one more...trade sura's expiring contract for a legit PF.───我所能想到的只有一点,就是用苏拉即将到期的合同换来一个正统的大前。

44 、All but Sura, who is hoping to come back from knee surgery, was acquired either this offseason or last.───另外一个需要解决的问题就是,他们是否能够一块一块组成一片圆馅饼?那些切片都吻合么?”

45 、Sura yarn has been insisting at a competitive price for customers with high-quality products, and we can also customized according to customer requirements fancy yarn, chenille yarn.───苏拉纱线一直坚持以有竞争力的价格为客户提供高质量的产品,同时我们也可根据客户要求定制花式纱,雪尼尔纱。

46 、The Rockets have to add point guards, probably John Lucas III and maybe Vassillis Spanoulis. They'd love to get Bob Sura back healthy.───控位上还得补充人手,或许是小三,或许是希腊人,最好是10+5+5+数据男回归。

47 、The most important roster move has been the addition of Bob Sura.───最重要的球员转会应该算是苏拉的加入。

48 、The night began with Bob Sura on the court before the game to determine whether he could hold a basketball, a skill that seemed likely to come up again later.───在北京时间2月1日火箭队客场作战凯尔特人队的比赛中,面对凯尔特人薄弱的中锋,火箭的姚明得到23分,帮助火箭最终战胜凯尔特人。



1月13日,LC Sura发布了一段关于“人间地狱”的视频。他出色的指挥能力使他的队友获胜。最初的视频持续了20分钟,但由于视频的亮点来自互联网,所有的精华都在两三分钟内被压缩,所以看起来很高。


根据up master本人透露的信息,我们可以知道他是留学生中的一员,而且他的学校不是军校或者网上流传的什么,所以他的专业是不匹配的。他出于兴趣和爱好制作了这个视频。为了让更多的人了解和理解部分相关知识,而不是单纯的为了火。





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