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07-02 投稿




英:[?m'pa??m?nt]  美:[?m'po?rm?nt]

英:  美:


n. 授权


动词过去分词: empowered | 动词第三人称单数: empowers | 名词: empowerment | 动词过去式: empowered | 动词现在分词: empowering |


1 、Issues pertaining to building up state-owned captital management operation system with symmetric ownership, responsibility and empowerment and their solution───建立国有资本管理责权利对称运行机制的问题与对策

2 、I'm all about women's empowerment these days.─── 我这几天一直在为了妇女权益奔走

3 、Inclusion, dear friends, brings empowerment which is, I believe, a central goal of our work.───亲爱的朋友们,通过包容,定能增强能力,我认为这正是我们工作的中心目标所在。

4 、Few here are interested in genuine empowerment for the poor.─── 这里没几个人真想让穷人过上好日子

5 、I believe also that the new additions will reinvigorate the franchise and lend a greater sense of empowerment to players.───我也坚信游戏新创意的引入会重振这个游戏的招牌以及他在玩家心目中的影响。

6 、Transformational Leadership and Employee Work Attitudes: The Mediating Effects of Multidimensional Psychological Empowerment───变革型领导与员工工作态度:心理授权的中介作用

7 、I'm sorry. I was just thinking about female empowerment.─── 抱歉 我只是在想女性赋权

8 、The Research of First Line Employees'Empowerment Cognition───一线员工的授权认知研究

9 、She also cited food security and the empowerment of, and prevention of violence against, women as key American aims within the world body.───克林顿国务卿说,防止**和裁减,并最终实现完全消除核武器是美国在联合国工作的重点。

10 、If empowerment is what the Civil Service needs for the country to do well in a fast changing world, can it be done while assuring integrity?───如果授权给公共服务是使国家在瞬息万变的世界里继续进步的必要步骤,我们是否同时能保有廉政呢?

11 、He is devoted to reader empowerment like Keats was devoted to euphony.───他致力于让读者觉得自己强大,就像济慈致力于写出悦耳的诗句。

12 、Empowerment of the individual was the idea in 1857, and after a century and a half of travail and misadventure among human societies, there is no better idea left standing.───“权力归于个人”,这就是1857年人们所秉持的信念,而人类社会经历了一个半世纪的阵痛与种种劫难,并无更好的理念最终存留下来。

13 、make a difference on " nation building" issues like economic empowerment,conflict resolution and community service.───争取在经济事务、冲突解决方案和社区服务之类的重大问题上发挥重要作用

14 、We must join forces to advance women's empowerment and to ensure universal access to reproductive health by 2015.───我们必须合力推进妇女的权利,确保在2015年前实现人人享有生殖健康服务。

15 、In this, as in so many things in life, the solution must lie in striking a practical balance between 100% grant of empowerment and 100% assurance of integrity.───在这件事里,就像生命中多数的事一样,解决方案必然是出在于100%的授权和100%的确保廉洁之间拿捏一个切实可行的平衡。

16 、Genuine empowerment and decentralisation are required.───企业需要真正的授权和去集权化。

17 、Enhanced mechanisms for ensuring local empowerment and participatory approaches to resource use for potato development, with environmental benefits in consuming countries;───加强各种机制来确保向地方授权和采用参与性资源利用方法,从而促进马铃薯的发展,同时使消费国在环境方面受益;

18 、Over the past 100 years, management theory has followed a smooth trajectory, from enslavement to empowerment.───乔布斯停车的态度反映在了他的商业态度上:对自己来说,平常的条条框框没用的。

19 、Agency is the feeling of empowerment that comes from being able to take actions in the world whose effects relate to the player's intention.───介入是指操控感,源于感到在某一空间能够采取行动并且该空间能够与操控的意图相关联的感觉。

20 、Gender equality and empowerment of women and girls;───两性平等与赋予妇女和女孩权力;

21 、Family and Gender Equality and Women Empowerment───家庭与性别平等及妇女赋权

22 、Empowerment of employees and self-managed work teams are two specific management approaches that are having a significant impact on today's human resource managers.───员工授权和自我管理工作团队是对当今人力资源经理具有重要影响的两种具体管理方法。

23 、They also use them to death, as anyone who has had to listen to a business meeting about 'empowerment' can attest.───他们也拼命地用新词,任何一个参加过关 于“授权”的商业会议的人都可以作证。

24 、When directed and enriched by purposing and fueled by empowerment, teachers and others respond not only with increased motivation and commitment but with surprising ability as well.───如经计画的指示及富裕和受赋予权力的刺激,教师和其他人不但动力及承担的义务增加,出人意外的能力也会表现出来。

25 、Subscales of psychological empowerment, such as meaningfullness, autonomy, and impact were also significant predictors of organizational commitment and job satisfaction.───心理充能中工作意义、自主与影响等次量表亦为组织承诺与工作满意度之显著预测变项。

26 、Mr. Bush reviewed the highlights of his trip with a slide show at an African-American foundation committed to self-help, social responsibility, economic empowerment, and human rights on the continent.───布什先生在美非基金会上用幻灯片回顾了此次行程的重点,该基金会一直致力于非洲的自我救助、社会责任、经济权利以及人权问题。

27 、They have a tradition of empowerment and selfdiscovery.─── 她们的传统是自我探索和行动自由

28 、Empowered Arcane Missiles renamed Arcane Empowerment and no longer increases mana cost. It now also increases damage caused by Arcane Blast.───奥蛋增强天赋更名为奥术强化,此天赋不再增加奥蛋魔耗,同时增加奥冲伤害。

29 、See, everything we do here is about empowerment.─── 我们在这里做的一切都是为了赋权

30 、Organization and Empowerment Management of the Complex Government Affair Information System───复杂政务信息系统的组织与授权管理

31 、Then only we can utilize tools such as empowerment, delegations, trainings, etc to the maximum effects of this said tools.───我们可以运用一些方法,如授权,委派,培训等去发挥员工的最大潜能。

32 、Psychological empowerment in turn affected job satisfaction, task performance, and organizational citizenship behavior of employees.───心理授权影响工作满意度,工作表现,和员工的组织公民行为。

33 、Leaders in health bureaus in Taiwan may wish to develop empowerment education for primary health professionals as well as their managers, in order to enhance their sense of empowerment.───建议县市卫生局可参考此研究结果,针对基层医疗保健人员以及其主管设计充能教育课程,以提升充能感受。

34 、Less developed countries (LDCs) should take advantage of the peripheral empowerment ability of the Internet to develop themselves and fight for a new communication order.───后者则认为网际网路将继续维持现存的全球媒介体系,甚至进一步增强原来就处于中心地位的西方发达国家在国际新闻与资讯流动中的主导地位。

35 、How do we allow empowerment and initiative yet ensure they do things in a transparent manner?───我们将如何确保他们获授权和采取主动后,依然以透明的方式办事?

36 、Mr.Lemke appreciated the work UN-HABITAT does in close cooperation with governments, municipal councils and other partners in addressing the issue of slums and youth empowerment, while Dr.───Lemke先生高度赞扬了联合国人居署在与各国政府、市政当局及其他伙伴的密切合作中,在解决贫民窟和青年赋权问题上所做的工作。

37 、Full Spectrum Balanced Empowerment of the Higher Loving Qualities and Compassionate Attributes of the Real Eternal Infinite Selfhood.───对真实永久无限的自我,所做的高层次爱与慈悲奉献的全光谱平衡活化。

38 、The rate of product improvement, the kind of empowerment it provides, its ability to create and stay in touch.───产品的升级换代频率使得创造力跟上大家庭的步伐。

39 、The present paper,by focusing on the annotation of the above core concepts,combs out this empowerment theory systematically and an...───在诠释核心概念的基础上,对激发权能理论进行较为系统的梳理,最后就激发权能的维度加以分析。

40 、You will begin to understand what empowerment means.───你将开始明白掌握力量的真正意义。

41 、Normal concerns were job consumption, realization of personal value, job stability and sufficient empowerment.───一般关心的是职务消费、个人价值实现、工作稳定、充分的支配权力;

42 、Post-colonial empowerment is vital to development and still has a surprisingly long way to go.───后殖民地时期的权利授予是非常需要建设的,并还仍然有着惊人的长路要走。

43 、We talk about empowerment for black women all the time.─── 我们经常聊黑人女性权力问题

44 、The World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) recognized young people as the future workforce and earliest adopters of ICT and called for their empowerment.───信息社会世界高峰会议(WSIS)确认,青少年是未来的劳动大军和ICT的率先采用者,因此应赋予他们权利。

45 、Under empowerment, managers express confidence in the ability of employees to perform at high levels.Employees are also encouraged to accept personal responsibility for their work.───在授权这种情况下,管理人员对员工高水准工作的能力表现出信心,员工也被鼓励对自己的工作承担个人责任。

46 、SHAM takes advantage by cleverly marketing the dualism of victimization and empowerment.───SHAM聪明的以受害和授权的双重性做为行销点。

47 、Black South Africans are pushing up property prices and propelling the economy in general; black economic empowerment, brought in to redress the injustices of apartheid, has spurred the creation of a small but wealthy black business elite.───南非黑人提高了地产价格,推动着整体经济;作为对种族隔离政策不公正的补偿,黑人取得了经济权,催生了一个小规模但很富裕的黑人商业精英阶层。

48 、The Business Map Foundation, a local outfit following empowerment, has tracked 60 billion rand ($8.6 billion) or so of share transfers this year in over 250 transactions.───一个支持该授权的当地组织--经济地图联盟今年就在超过250宗交易中成功获得约600亿兰特(相当于86亿美元)的股份转让。

49 、empowerment theory───增权理论

50 、empowerment of girls───女童赋权

51 、As regards empowerment of women,five focus areas have been identified - health,education,safety at home and in public places,economic well-being,and women in decision-making and social participation.───增强妇女能力方面,委员会定出的五个优先处理工作范围是妇女与健康、教育、经济、在家中和公众地方的安全,以及妇女在决策和社会事务上的参与。

52 、It must create a culture of success, establishing a strong value system based on empowerment, proactive behavior, and integrity.───必须创造一种成功的文化,同时根据赋能、主动积极的行为和人品操守,建立坚实的价值体系。

53 、From her blockbuster first novel Fear of Flying through several worldwide bestsellers, her adventurous explorations of female emotion and empowerment have been credited with unlocking "a new female spirit".───从她的第一部引起轰动的畅销**《怕飞》到以后的多部畅销**,艾瑞卡. 琼的女性情感的冒险精神已经成为“新女性精神”的代表。

54 、We will work together for the genuine empowerment of immigrant brides towards a stronger movement for their rights and wellbeing.───我们将会站在一起陪伴新移民女性自我培力成长,以达到一个捍卫移民工权利福祉的更强大行动能量!

55 、They are also undeniably chauvinist, sneering at "civil rights" and "empowerment."───他们也是那种会大肆嘲笑“公民权力”和“法律权力”的极端爱国主义者。

56 、Harmonious Society: Deliberative Democracy Accompanying Mutual Empowerment--Illustrated by the Grass-root Organization of Commerce in Fu Street, Shenzhen City───协商民主中相互赋权的和谐社会--以深圳市福街商家草根组织为例

57 、college empowerment through personnel development───人才强校

58 、The healthy church actively seeks the Holy Spirit's direction and empowerment for its daily life and ministry.───健康的教会积极地在每日的生活与事工中,寻求神的指引与能力的同在。

59 、The MCEP is designed to build capacity in the racial and ethnic communities through the empowerment and education that will impact cancer and tobacco healthcare decisions.───MCEP的设计是透过会对癌症及菸草健康照护决策造成冲击之充权和教育,建立各种族社区的能力。

60 、The fact is (today) that women around the world have embraced the Playboy bunny as a symbol of empowerment and sexual freedom.───当今)的现实是.全世界的妇女已接受的`兔女郎`作为赋予权力和性自由的象征."

61 、Request teachings and blessings: Pray to H.H. Penor Rinpoche for your personal answers, blessings, and empowerment.───五、请求教导与加持。向贝诺法王祈祷,可以为了自己疑惑的解答,请求加持跟灌顶。

62 、The solution therefore, dear friends, is in inclusion and empowerment, with mutual respect for our rich diversity.───因此,亲爱的朋友们,解决办法就在于如何做到包容和赋予能力以及相互尊重我们丰富的多样性。

63 、The Office of Welfare Promotion, Protection and Empowerment of Vulnerable Groups───弱势群体权益保护、促进和能力提升办公室

64 、It's the next level in the women's empowerment movement.─── 这是下一阶段的女性赋权运动

65 、In 1997, during the Amsterdam Gay Games, Empowerment Lifestyle Services organized an international workshop on LGBT education.───1997年,在阿姆斯特丹举行同性恋运动会期间,赋权生活方式服务组织成立了一个关于LGBT(女同性恋/男同性恋/双性恋/跨性别)教育的国际工作坊。

66 、And what they leave behind is a feeling of empowerment.─── 而受伤留下的是一种获得力量的感觉

67 、And it was about that kind of empowerment and reinventing yourself.─── 这其实是关于 自我认可和自我改造

68 、Empowerment: A New Idea in Social Work for Maltreated Aged People───增权:受虐待老人社会工作新理念

69 、VDS's empowerment technique is to develop a workforce whom owns the organisation.───VDS的授权体制是为了将员工培养成为机构的主人。

70 、Based on our four core values: High Ethics, Empowerment, Openness, and Teamwork, SKF is committed to offering safe and non-discriminatory working conditions to our employees.───SKF立足于其四项核心价值:道德高尚、积极进取、开放透明、团队协作,并致力于为所有员工提供安全和健康的工作场所。

71 、"The fact is (today) that women around the world have embraced the Playboy bunny as a symbol of empowerment and sexual freedom.───“(当今)的现实是,全世界的妇女已接受《花花公子》的‘兔女郎’作为赋予权力和性自由的象征。”

72 、make a difference on " nation building" issues like economic empowerment, conflict resolution and community service.───争取在经济事务、冲突解决方案和社区服务之类的重大问题上发挥重要作用。

73 、The media can help build a more empowered citizenry, and the media itself will benefit from this empowerment.───媒体可以打造拥有更多权利的公民群体,而媒体本身也会从这种权利赋予中获得益处。

74 、It has identified three priority areas of action: gender mainstreaming, empowerment of women and public education.───委员会厘定了三项须优先处理的工作,分别是性别观点主流化、增强妇女能力和公众教育。

75 、VDS's empowerment tactics may be aligning the employees' goals and values with that of the organisation, but in doing so they are creating a very soft managerial system for the future.───VDS的授权策略就是将员工与组织的目标与价值统一起来。不过这样做,就是形成一种非常软性的管理体系。

76 、and in the very important UNDP human development index, China does well in life expectancy, education and gender empowerment.───在联合国开发计划署公布的重要的人类发展指数上,中国在平均寿命、教育、实现性别平等上的得分也很高。

77 、Based on research results, we recommended that school health managers redesign the work environment and conduct empowerment education to foster job satisfaction amongst SHNs.───建议学校卫生主管机关应重新审视学校卫生护理人员工作环境,必要时辅以充能教育课程,以提升学校卫生护理人员之工作满意度。

78 、Representative Loretta Sanchez, Democrat of California, said she voted “for the empowerment of all women in the world.───加州民主党议员洛泽塔说她为了“世界上所有女性的权利”而投票。

79 、Branches of enterprise legal persons, with the legal person's written empowerment, can offer guarantee within the authorized areas.───企业法人的分支机构有法人书面授权的,可以在授权范围内提供保证。

80 、An Empirical Study on the Relationship between Psychological Empowerment of the Staff and Perceived Service Quality of A Hotel───员工心理**与酒店服务质量关系的实证研究

81 、empowerment mode───增权模式

82 、phychological empowerment───心理授权

83 、Supporting project manager for coordination and facilitation of the project team to ensure max. empowerment continued focus and action on the right priorities throughout the project execution.───协助项目经理进行项目团队的协调、管理工作,确保团队工作能够高效、有序的进行;

84 、It can be a love song or a personal song of empowerment.───它可以是一首情歌,也可以是自我许可的歌。

85 、A ring of empowerment, something to control this curse.─── 一枚带有魔力的戒指 它可以破除这个诅咒

86 、Empowerment: Many people pursue a law degree in order to be more effective or influential in their field.───增加影响:许多人想取得法学位是希望在自己的领域里更加有影响力。

87 、Many different skills and strategies are required by individuals in the empowerment process.───很多技能与策略在赋能的过程中都是必须的。

88 、Although VDS has adhered to their vision of empowerment, they may have looked the other way when administering it.───尽管VDS一直信奉授权的理念,在实践中,他们应当看看其他的方法。

89 、The mistake of equating empowerment with freedom must be avoided.───应避免把赋予权力与自由画上等号的错误。

90 、Saleshando accused government of failing to commit itself to citizen economic empowerment by giving big projects to foreign companies.───思乐兰德指责政府在推动国民经济方面渎职,而把大的工程都给了外国公司。





商业领域,赋能主体通常是有需要的一方 ,就是企业本身。而客体通常是为提供提供所需的一方,即员工。企业根据切实需要,来决定赋予员工哪方面的能力,比如:业务能力,管运权限,专业技能等。


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