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07-02 投稿




英:['b??ɡ??]  美:[?b??ɡo]

英:  美:


n. 宾果游戏

int. 看吧!瞧!(因出乎意料的成功而表示兴奋的叫声)


名词复数: bingos |


1 、Torben: Bingo! Oh no! I put them in the wash. The machine will be mid-cycle ...───托本:没错就是那里!噢,糟了!我把裤子拿去洗了,洗衣机已经洗一半了...

2 、You Bingo internet hall is one of the most popular internet bingo games due to large jackpots, huge bonuses, multiple games, and a great loyalty program.───您宾果互联网大厅是一个最流行的互联网宾果游戏,由于大量累积奖金,庞大的奖金,多个游戏,一个伟大的忠诚度计划。

3 、The person who get the ticket Please fill in following vice-association for the bingo!───持入场券人士,请填写副联,方便抽奖!

4 、A game of Bingo draws smiles.Some look carefully for the numbers, while others require a bit of help.───宾果游戏让爷爷奶奶露出笑容,有人认真的找号码,行动不方便的也有人来帮忙。

5 、Play Bingo with the children.You may even want to prepare the Bingo board at home or at least the items that stick to the bingo board.Review colors and the alphabet.───和小朋友玩宾果游戏.你在家事先准备一张宾果游戏的黑板或者至少是一张可以粘贴的宾果的游戏板.复习颜色和字母.

6 、a bingo hall───宾戈游戏厅.

7 、Bingo! You're very smart. Here is another one: TGIF.───完全正确!你真聪明。还有一个:TGIF。

8 、Son: Bingo! The fortune-teller will discuss the prophesy.───儿子:算命师就接著讨论卡片的涵意。

9 、To play Bingo, we used pictures of objects in the home.───为了玩宾果,我们用了一些在家里使用的物品图片。

10 、Bingo!You are right.───你答对了,是许海峰!

11 、If you get bingo on the way, tell me in plenty of time.───如果路上车快没油了,要尽早告诉我。

12 、We use voice commands to take care of duties that normally require numerous inputs on a keypad, such as punching in navigation coordinates and changing radio frequencies and bingo fuel amounts.───我们将语音命令用于正常情况下需要大量键盘输入的场合,比如装订导航座标和改变无线电频率以及设定最大航程油量。

13 、to play bingo───玩宾戈游戏

14 、A person who calls out numbers or directions, as at a bingo game or a square dance.───呼唤者,召集者叫出数字或方向的人,如在宾果游戏中或在方步舞中

15 、They wouldn't cover my nana's anti-itch cream which means she only has one free hand available for bingo now.───他们不愿报销我奶奶的止痒霜,这样她玩宾果游戏就只能用一只手了。

16 、the amplifier attempts to apply a signal to the speaker, and bingo, the speaker reacts, sucking more current than it needed a moment ago, or actually trying to feed current back into the amplifier.───有时,它也许会对抗所被施加的电流,不愿改变,直接后果就是它没有即时去做放大器告诉它要做的事情。

17 、"We have bingo, a snow-cone stand, cotton candy, polka bands, and a parade with floats.───宾果游戏机,甜筒摊,棉花糖,波尔卡乐队,彩车游行,应有尽有。

18 、It's a 20minute trip, we're at bingo fuel.─── 那要飞二十分钟 我们的机油只够返程

19 、When the promotion to the Yankees came, Joba was having lunch at a Wendy's in Scranton, Pa.The first person he called was Harlan, who was calling a bingo game at the time for a senior citizens group.───当洋基拉他上大联盟时,张伯伦正在温蒂汉堡吃午餐.他第一个就是打**给他的父亲----当时正要去社区集会所玩宾果.

20 、Bingo! THAT is WHAT the SOMETHING is. Remember that, kid! Write it down on your hand if you don't trust your head!───宾果!那就是我说的小条件。记住它,孩子!如果你不太信任你的大脑就在手心里记录下来吧。

21 、Play the Bingo Game. Review: grandpa, grandma, daddy, mommy, brother, sister, I nsect, jet, and key.───玩宾果游戏.复习:爷爷,奶奶,爸爸,妈妈,哥哥,姐姐,昆虫,喷气机,钥匙

22 、His father forbid him entering into a bingo hall.───他父亲禁止他去宾戈游戏厅。

23 、there was a farm had a dog,and bingo was his name,b-i-n-g-o.───本儿歌由网友提供,如有疑问,请与太平洋亲子网市场部联系。联系**:(020)87590226-305

24 、Bingo: Eating vegatables is a good habbit.───吃素是个好习惯。

25 、Bingo! Your wife is a secret hooker .───恭喜,你老婆是个妓女!

26 、Today, bingo is extremely popular with 11 million players in the United States and 3 million players in the United Kingdom.───今天,宾果已经成为非常大众化的一种游戏,美国有一千一百万人爱玩,英国则有三百万人。

27 、As the people would say here, bingo.─── 按照这里人的话说 找到了

28 、It's bingo, of course I was drinking.─── 我可是在玩宾果 我当然喝酒了

29 、Supporters also enjoyed a stand-up bingo and a hot-pot supper.───球迷非常享受宾果游戏和丰盛晚餐。

30 、L: Let’s have a rest.Play a game bingo.───今天我们要做一个有趣的游戏名字叫做:宾果(Bingo)。

31 、This short activity is a fun bingo game designed to practise numbers with your students.───下面是个围绕数字练习而设计的趣味小游戏。

32 、If she starts talking about sex, the BINGO... time for a booty call.───假如他开始说性,作为奖励和进行BINGO游戏。

33 、Bingo! I've got my working-capital needs together.───答对了!我已经筹到所需的营运资本。

34 、“He was very friendly, talking and joking with people.When someone asked him to sign the back of their bingo card he borrowed a pen from the girl behind the bar and signed a couple of cards.───他很友好,和人们不停的聊天,开着玩笑,当有人要求威廉在他们的宾果卡背面签名时,他就向吧台后面的一个女孩借了一支笔并在两张卡片上签上了名子!

35 、Now Charlie knows that all BINGO Kids have to do chores.───现在查理知道了,所有的宾果孩子们都要做家务。

36 、Play bingo with the children using the numbers 1-9───使用数字1-9和小朋友玩宾果游戏

37 、And Bingo was his name, oh!───宾果就是它的名字,噢!

38 、* Board games: we like to play Risk, or Sorry, or Yahtzee, or bingo, or Clue.───*棋盘对弈:我们喜欢玩的有“大冒险”、“对不起”、“掷筛子”、“宾狗”和“妙探寻凶”。

39 、Thus, there are a few benefits of the playing the game of bingo live.───有很多赞助商网站提供的免费游戏宾果直播 , 以吸引潜在的果球员。

40 、The local cinema has been made into a bingo hall───当地的**院已改建成宾戈游戏厅了

41 、Why wouldn't I? I like singing. I like bingo.─── 為什么不行 我喜歡唱歌和賓果游戲

42 、Select between having your students identify matching answers on their bingo cards while you provide the questions or having your students identify matching questions while you provide the answers.───之间进行选择后,您的学生找出匹配的答案,对他们的宾果卡,而您所提供的问题,或有你的学生找出匹配的问题,而您所提供的答案。

43 、The game of bingo is an ongong American custom that is encouraged by civic groups, and is condoned by the church as well, in exchange for the needed income the game provides.───宾戈游戏是一种常见的美国风俗,不仅受到民众团体的鼓励。而且也得到教会的宽恕,因为它能带来一些必要的收入。

44 、We just have to isolate the satellite relay and bingo.───只要把我们的**分离出来 然后 成了

45 、Businesss: Engagements can range from vital (potential new client or high?po wered client) to inconsequential (Bingo from accounting).───商业性的:这类约会有至关重要的(与潜在的新客户的或者能量很大的客户进行的约会),也有无关紧要的。

46 、Bingo, here we go with the hysterectomy.─── "真好" 又要开始关于子宫切除术的讨论了

47 、Bingo :These days, my family stops me from being online because I did badly in my examinations.(上面) [2002-7-13───我去了环球学电脑,你又有什么节目啊?你个主页不错,你还有什么需要改的。同碧云讲讲吧。[2002-7-13

48 、And all through it, like Pitt’s Raine, Landa is very funny, a charming and somewhat effete presence who delights in his grasp of other cultures (“That’s a bingo!”───在整个片子中,兰达跟皮特的雷尼一样,也是很搞笑的。他有一种带有女子气的可爱,特别喜欢学习人家的文化(“那就对了!”

49 、For entertainment, enjoy a fun game of Valentine Bingo.───为了娱乐,享受一下有趣的情人节宾果游戏。

50 、An early form of bingo was first played in Italy in 1530.───一五三0年,在义大利第一次有人玩早期版本的宾果。

51 、Unlike poker, everyone knows how to play bingo.───与扑克牌不同,每个人都会玩宾果游戏。

52 、Bingo is considered a low-risk game and thus poses no threat of economic difficulties of the players.───宾戈游戏被看作是危险性低的赌搏,因而不会给参加者造成经济上的威胁。

53 、Play Bingo with the children.You may even want to prepare the Bingo board at home or at least the items that stick to the bingo board.This time you will be reviewing animals and the alphabet.───和小朋友玩宾果游戏.你在家事先准备一张宾果游戏的黑板或者至少是一张可以粘贴宾果的游戏板.这次复习动物和字母.

54 、These are made by a bingo dauber, a pen used to mark bingo cards.─── 这些是宾果画笔的印子 用来画宾果卡的笔

55 、Examples of social activity included going to restaurants, playing bingo, volunteering, visiting friends or family, and attending religious services.───社会活动包括去餐馆,打宾果游戏,参加义务劳动,访友或访亲戚以及参加宗教服务。

56 、The computer program searches, and bingo! We've got a match.───电脑程序在搜索,瞧!找到匹配的了。

57 、bingo ,I like you ,like your article.that is nice .───[我对你的文章有点意见,扔个给你!

58 、Card sheets can be printed with as many as nine bingo cards for either multiple games or for the students to play multiple cards in the same game.───卡表,可印有多达九宾果卡,无论是多个游戏或为学生发挥多卡在同一个游戏。

59 、From there, I worked in our bingo hall.─── 从那里开始 我在我们的游戏厅工作

60 、B: Yes.Sometimes Bingo wants to play with me, but I don't have time.───会。不过宾果想跟我玩,我却没时间。

61 、Once a farmer had a dog and bingo was his name, sir.───从前有个农民有条狗,宾戈是它的名字,先生。

62 、Bingo fever is sweeping Italy after the government finally legalized it in expectation of swelling tax proceeds from a game born here five centuries earlier.───意大利是吹过“欧元风”,又刮“宾果风”。政府为了增加税收,最近使“宾果”这种抽奖游戏合法化。

63 、When someone asked him to sign the back of their bingo card he borrowed a pen from the girl behind the bar and signed a couple of cards.───当有人请他在牌后面签名时,他向吧台后面的女孩借了根笔,签了一对牌。

64 、Bingo Palace is online bingo hall including slots, keno, video poker and big progressive jackpots.Established in 1999 Bingo Palace has become a favorite among online bingo players.───宾宫在线宾大厅包括**槽,玩耍,视频扑克和大进步奖金.成立于1999年宾宫已成为年轻人的最爱啊在线播放.

65 、and Bingo was his name,───它的名字叫宾果。

66 、Green Goblin:Bingo!───绿魔:答对啦!

67 、1. Businesss: Engagements can range from vital (potential new client or high po wered client) to inconsequential (Bingo from accounting).───1.商业性的:这类约会有至关重要的(与潜在的新客户的或者能量很大的客户进行的约会),也有无关紧要的。

68 、You know, take a rubber substitute randomly match it with a kid's toy and, bingo,you got a million-dollar invention calledSilly Putty───你知道,拿一个橡皮的替代品...随便的把它和儿童玩具联系起来...然后,对极了,你得到了一个百万美元的发明,橡皮泥。

69 、bingo card───宾戈卡

70 、bingo, need to consider watching dist too!!!───100吋投影需要的距离??

71 、Registered brand "BINGO", the company aims: to customers as the first, to a quality brand, a product to the world.───注册品牌“BINGO",公司宗旨:以客户为第一,以质量创品牌,以产品创世界。

72 、to guess what number will bingo!!───来猜猜什麽号码会中!!

73 、I don't want it to be weird when we see each other at bingo.─── 我不想之后我们在 宾果游戏见面时变得很尴尬

74 、Like when all your numbers in bingo are crossed out.─── 就像玩宾戈的时候 把数字全划掉一样

75 、Learn everything you need to know about playing bingo games on the internet.───学习一切你需要知道在网上玩宾果游戏。

76 、We drive, and drive, and turn around, and turn around.We finally try the only road we've yet to familiarize ourseves with, and bingo, there's the yellow house and the berry parch.We stylin.───然后我们就去要那堆肥了,我们运了一车回来, 懒蛋在父亲节中表现不错,又接着独自去运了两车, 而且还和那儿的人接上关系, 一再告诉他, 还要尽管来。

77 、and Bingo was his name, sir.───宾戈是它的名字,先生。

78 、I'll hazard a dollar on the bingo game.───我在这局宾果游戏上赌一元钱。

79 、There was a farmer had a dog. And Bingo was his name. O!───有个农民养了一条狗,它的名字叫宾果。噢!

80 、BINGO Cucumber is one of the few veggi that my son likes.───最简单就是每天给孩子吃一段黄瓜。

81 、It is now available at Bingo Runner.───它现在是可利用的在宾果游戏赛跑者。

82 、The local cinema has been made into a bingo hall.───当地的**院已改建成宾果游戏厅了。

83 、More than just a game of pure entertainment, bingo is also praised for its social benefits.───宾果不只是一种纯粹娱乐性的游戏,它还因其社交效益为人称道。

84 、We enjoy singing the “B-I-N-G-O” song and playing the Bingo game.───我们唱着“B-I-N-G-O”,玩着宾果的游戏。

85 、A: Let me try to guess your age. Are you 27? B: Bingo!───你让我试试猜猜你的年纪吧,你是不是27呢?答对了。

86 、And Bingo was his name-o!───他的名字是宾果-哦!

87 、Jennifer: Bingo! And they've just made the 1)announcement so you'll have more choices.───珍妮花:答对了!而且他们才刚刚宣布,所以妳还有很多选择。

88 、Events held include the “5K Run Like a Headless Chicken Race”, egg toss, “Pin the Head on the Chicken”, the “Chicken Cluck-Off”, and “Chicken Bingo”.───举办的活动有:“像无头鸡麦克一样竞跑5公里”、掷鸡蛋、“按紧鸡头”、“**不咯叫”和“**宾果游戏”。

89 、we bingo, bango, ready to go, go?───|说好了吗,快走,慢走,准备走了吗?

90 、Maybe he's playing bingo with his mommy.─── 也许是在陪*咪玩宾果游戏吧


答对了~~猜中了~~各种表示肯定的意思…… 你也可以试着说bingo啊,就像“萌”“有爱”这种词都很不错,简单就能表现出自己的意思,而且很潮……


bingo的意思是太好了,好极了。发音为英 [?b??g??] 美 [?b??go?]。扩展资料Bingo 是一种填写格子的游戏,在游戏中第一个成功者以喊“Bingo”表示取胜而得名。现在不止是在游戏中,表示答对了,猜中了,或者是做到了某件事情。

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