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07-02 投稿




英:[?m?f?b??n]  美:[?m?f?b??n]

英:  美:


n. 两栖动物, 水陆两用飞机, 水陆两用车

adj. 两栖类的, 水陆两用的


1 、Masayuki Sumida, a professor at the Institute for Amphibian Biology at Japan's Hiroshima University, bred the frog to be a humane learning tool.───因为这种透明的青蛙能够让研究人员无需进行解剖就观察到它的内脏器官、血管和卵细胞。

2 、Although parasitism by trematodes is the likeliest explanation for most outbreaks of amphibian deformities, it is certainly not the only cause and may often be abetted by additional factors.───受到吸虫寄生虽是多数两生类畸形的最可能解释,但绝不是唯一的原因,往往也可能受到其他因子连带影响。

3 、second earliest fossil amphibian ever found; of the Devonian; found in Greenland.───于格陵兰所发现的稍晚于早期的泥盆纪两栖类化石。

4 、Amphibian medical animals───两栖药用动物

5 、Amphibian - Hong Kong Newt───受保护两栖类-香港蝾螈

6 、Amphibian is an important specie in ecosystem and has profound meaning in the ecotoxiclogy evaluation.───两栖类是生态系统中的重要物种,并且对环境毒理评价有着深远意义。

7 、[24 J"SS,Wang YX,Li CY,Wang RF,Liu GZ.1981.A comparative investigation ofthe karyotypes from four amphibian species lJ J.Zool Res,2───[李树深,王应祥,李崇云,王蕊芳,刘光佐.1981.四种无尾两栖类染色体组型的比较研究.动物学研究,2(1):17

8 、Club Members Preview of Asia Largest Reptile and Amphibian Exhibition───参观全亚洲最大型爬虫及两栖动物展览

9 、Though some cats survive exclusively on pet food, many hunt all sorts of mammals, amphibians, reptiles, birds and fish.─── 虽然有些猫仅以猫粮为食 还有许多猫猎杀各种哺乳动物 两栖动物 爬行动物 鸟和鱼

10 、The chytrid fungus, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, has devastated amphibian communities in many parts of the world over the last several decades.───他们的结论基于:他们发现,在大范围的栖息地内,真菌的爆发和灭绝的方式不能用偶然性来解释。


12 、The design of high speed sliding amphibian vehicle, is also discussed in this paper.───在高速滑行两栖车设计工作上进行了有益而深入的探索。

13 、second earliest fossil amphibian ever found; of the Devonian; found in Greenland───在格陵兰所发现的稍晚于早期的泥盆纪两栖类化石

14 、"All the old people &the old places, they make me feel like an amphibian detained forcibly on dry land, very very dry land," he wrote.───他写道:“净是些旧面孔和老地方,我感觉自己像一只被迫留在干枯陆地上的两栖动物,而且是非常非常干枯的陆地。”

15 、Considering the scarcity of the amphibian and reptant medical animals in Shanghai,it is necessary to carry out proper protection and better control and utilize them more rationally.───上海市不少两爬类药用动物资源已十分稀少,应加强保护、规范管理,更合理地利用两爬类药用动物资源。

16 、The living space of the amphibian is much larger than that of others.───两栖动物的生活空间要比单栖动物大得多。

17 、Realism sends answer how to have: Amphibian, orangutan edition of simian pilfer of his elder brother, person, atavism.───写实主义派的答安有:两栖动物、猩猩他哥、人猿盗版,返祖现象等。

18 、Wann, 31 and Naval Academy 1940, had been an amphibian tractor officer at Bougainville, Guam, and Iwo Jima.───31岁的沃恩中校是海军学院1940年的毕业生,曾经在布干维尔岛、关岛、以及硫磺岛担任过两栖工程车军官。

19 、means any non-human mammal, bird, reptile, amphibian, fish or invertebrate capable of feeling pain or distress.───“动物”一词,意指任何非人类,但具有感知痛苦和紧迫能力的哺乳类、鸟类、爬虫类、鱼类或无脊椎动、物。

20 、Amphibian viruses───两栖动物病毒

21 、Observation Amphibian Plane───两栖观察机

22 、amphibian oocyte───两栖类卵母细胞

23 、Keywords Shanghai;Amphibian medical animals;Reptant medical animals;resource situation and utilization;───上海;两栖药用动物;爬行药用动物;现状与利用;

24 、Skelly's theory instead relies upon his belief that run off from agricultural and cultivated lawns may be causing these maladies in the Vermont amphibian population.───史盖利的理论,不再仰赖过去的教条,而将指出农耕地可能是造成佛蒙特州两栖类动物畸形异常数量的原因所在。

25 、Amphibian venom───两栖动物毒素

26 、"animal" means any non-human mammal, bird, reptile, amphibian, fish or invertebrate capable of feeling pain or distress.───“动物”一词,意指任何非人类,但具有感知痛苦和紧迫能力的哺乳类、鸟类、爬虫类、鱼类或无脊椎动物。

27 、Amphibian patterns of diversity, especially in the tropics, are not well understood, mainly because of incomplete information on species classification and distribution.───两栖物种的多样性,特殊是在热带,没有得到好的认识,重要是因为对物种的分类信息缺少认识。

28 、Considering the scarcity of the amphibian and reptant medical animals in Shanghai, it is necessary to carry out proper protection and better control and utilize them more rationally.───上海市不少两爬类药用动物资源已十分稀少,应加强保护、规范管理,更合理地利用两爬类药用动物资源。

29 、Adopting the sliding bodywork in the Amphibian Vehicle is good for sailing in high seed.───两栖车采用滑行车体方案是实现高速航行的一种有效形式。

30 、We have five fingers because our amphibian ancestors had five digits, not because five is necessarily the optimal number of fingers for the human hand.───人有五只手指,因为两栖动物的祖先就有五只手指,而不是因为五必然是人手手指的最佳数量。

31 、Freeze Tolerant Mechanism of Amphibian and Its Research Strategies───两栖类结冰耐受机制及其研究策略

32 、Generally speaking, a Possession Licence is required to keep any reptile or amphibian listed in the CITES Appendix II in Hong Kong.───一般,在本港管有CITES附录II的爬虫及两栖类动物,均需申领濒危物种管有许可证。

33 、I'm trying this new amphibian facial for our summer skin care list.─── 我在为我们 夏季的护肤清单试用这款新的两栖动物美容

34 、The Resource Situation and Utilization of Amphibian and Reptant Medical Animals in Shanghai───上海两爬类药用动物资源现状与利用研究

35 、Amphibian : Frogs hatch out of eggs.───两栖动物 :青蛙孵化的蛋。

36 、A vertebrate amphibian.───两栖类脊椎动物

37 、Bioactive Substance of Amphibian Skin and a Study on Exploitation and Utilization of Chinese Amphibian Resources───两栖类动物皮肤活性物质的利用兼论中国两栖类资源开发的策略

38 、He'll be eating insects, he'll be eating reptiles and amphibians if he can find them.─── 它吃昆虫 爬行动物和两栖动物也是它的猎物

39 、Amphibian adenovirus───两栖动物腺病毒

40 、that the relationship between the numbers of Amphibian and other animal and between the numbers of Aves and other animal are the remarkable correlativity;───两栖类与各类动物之间以及鸟类与各类动物之间的物种数目呈显著的相关关系;

41 、But,this function only works when their skins are wet,it infers that amphibian animals can never go without water.───不过,这只有在皮肤湿润的时候才行,所以它们不能远离水源。

42 、amphibian house───两栖动物馆

43 、Amphibian armored car───两栖装甲车辆

44 、Keywords amphibian habitat selection trophic ecology Nanhu Park Changchu City;───两栖类;生境选择;营养生态;长春市南湖公园;

45 、The phylogeny of the amphibian intestinal tract.───两栖动物肠道的演化发展

46 、They're stupid, even by the modest standards of amphibians.─── 它们很蠢 就是按照最低两栖动物标准来说

47 、Lighter Amphibian Heavy Lift───两栖重型运输驳船

48 、amphibian and reptile───两栖爬行动物

49 、Application of FTA in Fault Analysis and Reliability Design of the Sub Transfer Case of an Amphibian Vehicle───FTA在汽车副分动器故障分析及可靠性设计中的应用

50 、amphibian armoured equipment───两栖装甲装备

51 、in addition, 11 invasive plants are recorded without baneful quarantine species.Spread of amphibian and aridly plants is caused by the scarcity of water resources in Beijing;───共记录入侵植物11种,未见有害检疫种. 北京湿地水资源缺乏导致植物类群变化及中生和旱生植物**;

52 、Keywords Amphibian venoms;Bufonidae;Cinobufotoxin;Cinobufacin;Sarcoma180;Models;animal;Toxicity;───两栖动物毒液类;蟾蜍科;蟾蜍毒素;华蟾蜍毒素;肉瘤180;模型;动物;毒副作用;

53 、Of all these components in the fauna,there are 9 species of Palearctic realm,6 dispersed species,and 1 species of Oriental realm,which accounts for 56.25%,37.5%,and 6.25% respectively of total amphibian and reptile animals in the region.───在这些区系组成中,古北界种类9种,广布种6种,东洋界1种,分别占该区两栖爬行动物总种数的56.25%、37.5%和6.25%。

54 、Causes and conservation strategies of amphibian population declination───两栖类种群数量下降原因及保护对策

55 、Amphibian animals start their lives in water,and finish their rest lives on land.───两栖动物的生命是从水中开始的,长大后它们生活在陆地上。

56 、After an university doctor that just society drives sees this catchphrase, the tune on the horse opens car plant, he asks a manager seriously: "You this kind of car can swim, be amphibian?───一位刚学会开车的大学博士看到这条标语后,马上调头开到汽车厂,他认真地问经理:“你们这种车会不会游泳,是不是水陆两用的?”

57 、And so, reptiles and amphibians are gonna not be too spry.─── 所以爬行动物和两栖动物不会太活跃

58 、Through further research by individual biologists, it was made clear that fish, amphibian, reptiles, aves, mammal and even human beings have the third eye.───各项研究结果表明,鱼类、两栖类、爬行类、鸟类、哺乳动物,甚至包括人类,都有3只眼睛。

59 、National Park more than 1500 kinds of plants up, and there are 355 kinds of birds, 89 kinds of mammals, 47 reptile, 9 amphibian species, 17 species of fish live. 26th U.───国家公园内的植物多达1500种以上、并有355种雀鸟、89种哺乳类动物、47种爬虫动物、9种两栖类动物、17种鱼类生活其中。

60 、As the smallest known frog species in the world's second largest mountain range, this new amphibian is easy to miss.───在世界第二大山脉,作为已知最小的青蛙物种,人们很容易就会忽略这个新发现的微型两栖动物。

61 、At the same time, based on the test results, detergency pass index of not less than 69.2 for amphibian oils was determined.───同时,根据试验结果制定了通用油清净性通过指标为清净性评分不小于69.2。

62 、amphibian tissue culture medium───两栖动物组织培养基

63 、The specimens in the Amphibian and Reptile collection have provided precious researching materials for the scientists and scholars throughout the world.───两栖爬行类标本馆珍藏的标本为国内外专家学者提供了宝贵的研究材料。

64 、AMPH REGT Engineer Amphibian Regiment───两栖工兵团

65 、Effect of salmonid introduction and other environmental characteristics on amphibian distribution and abundance in mountain lakes of northern Spain Orizaola, G. And Brana, F.───在北西班牙山湖的鲑鱼介绍和其他环境特征对于两栖动物分布和物种丰盈方面的影响。

66 、boat amphibian───[机] 船形水陆飞机

67 、Amphibian cytoplasmic virus───两栖动物胞质型病毒

68 、Engineer Amphibian Command───两栖工兵司令部

69 、A cold-blooded, smooth-skinned vertebrate which characteristically hatches as an aquatic larva, breathing by gills. When mature, the amphibian breathes with lungs.───一种皮肤平滑的冷血脊椎动物,以孵化为水上幼虫为特点,用腮呼吸,成熟后用肺呼吸.


71 、Determination of GSH in amphibian tissues by reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography───反相高效液相色谱法测定两栖动物组织中还原型谷胱甘肽的含量

72 、In the1930 s, Kansas husband-and-wife team Osa and Martin Johnson-- flying two Sikorsky amphibian aircraft painted in animal motifs-- covered60,000 miles and photographed the land and peoples of Africa.───兰

73 、Application of Amphibian in Environmental Toxicology───两栖类动物在环境毒理学研究中的应用

74 、Keywords amphibian maneuvers;armyman;symptom checklist;───两栖登陆演习;军人;症状自评量表;

75 、No one has suggested an amphibian, a bird, or any type of invertebrate.───人们都觉得它不可能属于两栖类、鸟类或者无脊椎类动物。

76 、Their product includes: up-to-down granule popped feeds for shrimp, crab, shellfish, reptile and amphibian, feed for all light water fishes and also for poultry and livestock.───产品包括:对虾料、蟹类、甲壳动物及爬行类两栖类沉浮性颗粒膨化饲料、各种海淡水高档经济鱼类饲料、各种畜禽饲料。

77 、It is being actively pursued by amphibian specialists, for example.───举个例,许多两栖类生物研究专家正积极的从事这项工作。

78 、10. “animal” means any non-human mammal, bird, reptile, amphibian, fish or invertebrate capable of feeling pain or distress.───“动物”一词,意指任何非人类,但具有感知痛苦和紧迫能力的哺乳类、鸟类、爬虫类、鱼类或无脊椎动物。收藏指正

79 、Unfortunately for the Chinese Giant Salamander, which is the largest amphibian in the world, it is a delicacy in China and the target of illegal hunting.───不幸的是中国大鲵,这种动物世界里最大的两栖类,在中国成为了一种美味被非法捕杀。

80 、Keywords Amphibian;Water pollution;Biomonitoring;───两栖动物;水体污染;生物监测;

81 、Scouting Amphibian Plane───两栖侦察机

82 、Look, I love being an amphibian as much as the next guy.─── 我跟边上这货一样是很喜欢当两栖动物

83 、Pneumatic All Terrain Amphibian───充气轮胎全地形两栖车辆

84 、Amphibian iridoviruses───两栖动物虹彩病毒

85 、Keywords amphibian armoured equipment;natural environment;anti-corrosion;paint;───两栖装甲装备;自然环境;防腐蚀;涂料;

86 、amphibian armored vehicle driver───两栖装甲车驾驶员







早在2011年《最新心理科学指南》(Current Directions in Psychological Science)双月刊上发表了一篇相关的研究论文,该论文的发表者是美国拉特格斯大学的瓦妮莎·洛比与卡内基以及弗吉尼亚大学研究人员,他们将两台电视同时播放节目,一台播放的是蛇的画面,一台播放的是自然界中的大象等不可怕的动物,在播放的同时,工作人员会用音频同时播放可怕和欢快的声音。





2019年发表在《自然科学》杂志上的一篇学术论文对人类惧怕两栖动物进行了一定的研究(原文:Human evaluation of amphibian species: a comparison of disgust and beauty),在研究的过程中,研究人员选择了101张不同的两栖类动物图片分别给不同年龄、性别的人看,然后设计了一个七级李克特量表(一种心理反应量表,以选项的形式表达,一般都是5个等级,7级是5级的进一步细分化,即:非常不满意、不满意、比较不满意、一般、比较满意、满意、非常满意,对应了害怕和不害怕),结果发现,大多数人对蛙类有着明显的恐惧。













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