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07-02 投稿




英:[p??ve?s?v]  美:[p?r?ve?s?v]

英:  美:


adj.普遍的, 渗透的, 遍布的


名词: pervasiveness | 副词: pervasively |


1 、A PKI is a pervasive security infrastructure whose sevices are implemented and delivered using public key concepts and techniques.───公开密钥基础设施(Public Key Infrastructure,PKI)是基于公钥概念与技术来实施和提供安全服务的具有普适性的安全基础设施。

2 、The pervasive odor of garlic.───弥漫着蒜味

3 、It is knowledge directed to the fundamental and pervasive concerns of existence.───它要回答的是人类生存的根本、普遍的问题。

4 、A key concept pervasive in Multi-point MAC Control is the ability to arbitrate a single transmitter out of a plurality of ONUs.───多点MAC控制的关键是它能够对多个ONU进行仲裁并选出一个发送器。

5 、At a time when shamelessness is pervasive, we are often at loss as to who can be trusted.───在恬不知耻之风盛行之际,我们常为谁堪信任感到困惑。

6 、The same hypothesis could be advanced with respect to grain markets in Zhili, where the presence of the Imperial court, bannermen, and the military was so pervasive.───同样假说能够解释直隶谷物市场,在那里,宫廷、旗人和军事力量的干预也非常普遍。

7 、As a pervasive semantic phenomenon across languages, polysemy has been given a systematic and extensive study, but there is not much attention shown to spatial polysemous words.───一词多义是语言中普遍存在的现象,人们对此有广泛深入的研究,然而对方位词多义性的研究却着墨不多。

8 、At its extreme, an inability to know what will make you happy can lead to a more profound existential boredom arising from a pervasive sense of meaninglessness.───在极端情况下,如果个体不知道如何找乐子,被无意义感包围,就会产生一种更复杂的无聊感,直指生存问题本身。

9 、Future bionic hybrids will be more confusing, more pervasive, and more powerful.───将来的仿生杂交会更混乱,更普遍,且更具威力。

10 、Pervasive digitalization of the approaching future promises clearer, faster, and more omnipresent mirrors.───不远的将来,普及的数字化将为我们提供更清晰,更快捷,更无所不在的镜子。

11 、It is not difficult to find symptoms of pervasive anti-intellectualism in our school.───在我们学校里不难发现普遍深入的反知性主义的模范.

12 、So you'll see things like classified advertising and the Yellow Pages move over to electronic form as the system becomes more and more pervasive.───因此你将会看见像机密的**一样的事物,而且****簿对电子的形式结束移动如系统变成越来越普遍。

13 、Symptoms of pervasive anti-intellectualism in our schools aren’t difficult to find.───在学校中不难发现广泛存在的反学识现象。

14 、They discussed the pervasive role of science, technology, and health in foreign policy.───他们讨论了科学、技术和卫生在外交政策中的普遍作用。

15 、Communication is one of the most pervasive, important, and complex aspects of human life.───传播是人类生活中最具普遍性的、最重要的和最复杂的方面。

16 、The key pervasive applications we will focus on are: messaging, transaction, device management, synchronization, location-based services, data management, and multimedia services.───对于关键普及应用程序,我们主要关心的是:通信、事务、设备管理、同步、基于位置的服务、数据管理以及多媒体服务。

17 、Israel's insecurity was so pervasive that even words were daggers.───以色列感到到处都有危险,甚至纸面上的文字也是刀**林立。

18 、I don't know where this “meme” originated (a “meme” is a virus-like idea which inhabits or even “infects” our minds) but it's pervasive and long-lasting.───我不知道这个“拟子”从哪儿来(“拟子”是如病毒一样的主意,它寄生甚至“感染”我们的心),但它却是那么的普遍和持久。

19 、Although few people are as adventurous or successful in their self-presentations as Demara, self-presentation is pervasive in everyday life.───尽管少数人是如戏剧般冒险或者成功的自我展示,但自我展示还是普遍且深入的存在日常生活中。

20 、It is one of the most important reasons leading to the pervasive bribery that there are criminal holes in legislation.───刑事立法的缺漏是导致受贿蔓延的重要原因之一。

21 、For a technologically backward society, the reach of traditional China’s government has been amazingly pervasive.───作为一个科技落后的社会,传统中国的政府,干涉范围惊奇地广泛。

22 、In his dissent in Branzburg, Justice Stewart said, “As the years pass,the power of government becomes more and more pervasive.───“布莱兹伯格案”中的斯图尔特法官曾说过:“随着时光流逝,政府的权力将渗透到各个角落。”

23 、The assumption that rationality is common knowledge is so pervasive in game theory that it is rarely stated explicitly.───在博弈论中理性是常识这种假设几乎人人皆知,因此这个假设很少明确地陈述过。

24 、A pervasive problem is the vulnerability of observational data to distortions and biases.───另外,观察法最常见的问题为资料容易被曲解及有偏差。

25 、The overuse of groundwater,at a rate much faster than the aquifers are recharged, is a pervasive problem,including in some of the most populous parts of the world.───以远远超过补给地下储水层的速度过度使用地下水资源,这是一个普遍存在的问题,包括世界上人口最多的一些地区在内都存在着这样的问题。

26 、Pervasive, surveillance, misinformation, propaganda, and they can activate almost anyone.─── 无所不知 无所不见 误导民众 操纵宣传 他们可以激活调用几乎所有人

27 、English Introduction: Beijing wind laughs because strong and pervasive fragrance culture summons the matchmaker guest of Ltd. looking at bar VLIKE.COM allying self with a product.───中文介绍:欢迎您玩"他的玫瑰"这个小游戏,北京风乐馨文化传媒有限公司来客看吧VLIKE.COM联合出品

28 、So pervasive are advertisements that no one can avoid being influenced by them.───**是如此盛行,每个人都难免不受它们的影响。

29 、The ideal of marriage is dogmatic, and as socially pervasive as any religious belief.───婚姻观念以及任何普遍深入人心的宗教信条都是独断的。

30 、What you need is a strong moral conviction that is pervasive throughout the society... and integrity reigns.─── 你需要的是能渗透至社会每个角落的 坚定道德信念以及正直精神

31 、In many accounts, the BBC's current agonies are integrated with the pervasive apprehension afflicting the TV industry.───在很大程度上,BBC眼下的麻烦是与困扰电视业的普遍担忧相伴随的问题。

32 、The prevailing habits of using the products of human art and the raw materials of nature constitute by all odds the deepest and most pervasive mode of social control.───利用人类艺术产品和天然原料的流行的习惯,极大地构成最深刻和最普遍的社会控制模式。

33 、To circumvent its pervasive effects, they invested heavily to open up subsidiaries to locally produce what those highly protected markets could not.───为了克服这个效应,他们大量投资设立子公司,并生产在严格保护市场中所无法进口的产品。

34 、In addition, readers may learn to appreciate the relationship between scientific views and some of the values and philosophies that are pervasive in our culture.───另外,读者可学会正确评价科学观点与我们文化中无处不在的某些价值观和哲学思想之间的关系。

35 、One of the most pervasive and destructive mental tendencies in the society is that of focusing on what we want instead of what we have.───在社会上最普遍的、最具破坏性的心理倾向之一就是:我们关注自己想要得到的,并不是自己已经拥有的。

36 、National bank regulation is one field where pervasive regulation takes place through informal supervision rather than through formal proceedings.───国家银行管理这一领域就是通过非正式监督而不是通过正式程序进行普遍管理的。

37 、I don't know why, but it seems the more pervasive evolved state of the cortex is causing lapses in the lower brain function.─── 我不知道为什么 看起来大脑皮层的进化程度越高 其低层次的功能丧失得也越多

38 、The mood of defeat was as pervasive as the odor of malfunctions and decay.───失败的情绪就象损坏腐烂的臭味一样弥漫全艇。

39 、The process of development can be seen as extending the reach of these basic ways of thinking, making them more pervasive in every corner of life.───发展的过程可被看作扩展这种基本思考方式所到达的范围,广泛的覆盖生活的每一个角落的过程。

40 、TIME AS SPACE metaphor, as one of the conventional metaphor pervasive in both Chinese and English language is also closely attached to the two cultures.───“时间是空间”隐喻作为汉语和英语这两种语言中都普遍存在的概念隐喻和这两种文化有着紧密地联系。

41 、Unlike those previous advances, however, this one, in the period of a decade, will become pervasive.───不像那些早先的进步,然而,这一个,在十年的时期内,将会变成普遍。

42 、Embedded database(EDB) technology is one of the important steps for normal pervasive computing system.───嵌入式数据库技术是整个普适计算系统正常工作中的重要一环。

43 、Their activities are most likely to come into conflict where the agency's regulation is pervasive, and where uniform interpretations are necessary to assure effective regulation.───当行政机关的管理渗透性极强而统一的解释又是确保有效管理所必不可少的时候,双方的活动即非常可能产生冲突。

44 、Meanwhile, more and more districts are being rendered into no-go zones due to the pervasive Taliban presence, and complete lack of response on the part of both the U.S. and NATO.───同时,由于塔利班的渗透且完全没有得到美国和北约的回应,越来越多的地区被纳入战区。

45 、Steiner's declaration accompanied a UNEP report that identifies plastic as the most pervasive form of ocean litter.───与施泰纳的声明同时出炉的还有一份联合国环境规划署的报告,该报告将塑料列为最常见的海洋垃圾。

46 、...you're gonna do something about the pervasive bias towards children of color in the educational system.─── 你得对教育系统中对有色人种孩子 随处可见的歧视问题做些什么

47 、The LHC will explore the leading explanation that mass arises from ordinary particles slogging through an otherwise invisible but pervasive field of virtual Higgs particles.───LHC 也将会藉由一般物质与另外一种看不见,但却普遍有场存在,名为希格斯玻色子的虚粒子互撞,进而了解质量的成因。

48 、Such is the passion, pleasure and wisdom that Gulistan brings to us.A magic is pervasive in the misty air, softly floating.───她的画更像是一种媒介,在画中你可以和任何人对话,你可以从一个全新的视角重新认识这个世界。

49 、Pervasive tendrils of glowing hydrogen gas are easily traced throughout the region in this deep field image of the same region.───在相同区域内拍摄的这张深空影像中可以清楚地看到,到处都蔓延着炽热氢气发出的卷须状物质。

50 、Pervasive computing systems often lack professional administrators unlike grid computing systems.───不像網格計算系統,普適的計算系統經常缺乏專業管理員。

51 、The Word of God is the king of words and its pervasive influence is incalculable.───上帝之言乃是言词之王,其统摄之威力无可估量。

52 、The effects of nicotinic receptors are so pervasive, in fact, that some of the mechanisms involved are not completely understood.───尼古丁受体作用广泛,因此有些相关机制尚未完全解开。

53 、It is the most pervasive compound on earth.───它是地球上最普遍的化合物。

54 、Reinvention can be even more powerful and pervasive than invention.───再创造与二次创造将比初创更为强大、遍。

55 、Nor does a new outbreak of high inflation seem imminent, given the pervasive deflationary conditions in most of the rich world.───从大多数发达国家目前所处的通货紧缩环境来看,这些也不意味高通货膨胀即将爆发。

56 、But, formed within the nebula, that cluster's young, massive stars ultimately power the pervasive nebular glow.───但是,诞生于星云内的年轻大质量恒星最终激发了星云内到处弥漫的光和热。

57 、These are the most pervasive of Chinese musical forms.───吹打乐是中国最普遍的器乐品种,

58 、Perhaps the most dangerous phenomenon gripping the nation today is official corruption , which is pervasive in all levels of government.───大概当今困扰国度的最伤害的景象是遍布各级当局的官员败北。

59 、In our travels, we didn't find the power of women as pervasive in the communes as in the cities.───在旅行中,我们发现妇女在公社中的影响不如他们在城市中的影响那样广泛。

60 、On the supply side, most of these workers come from nations where the myth of nationality is pervasive and destructive.───在供应方面,许多这些外来工人都来自于一些民族主义猖撅和盛行的地方。

61 、But unlike such other pervasive technologies as electricity, television and the motor car, computers are on the whole less reliable and less predictable in their behavior.───但不同于其他渗透性技术如电力、电视和汽车的是,总的来说电脑行为更不可靠,更不可预测。

62 、It combines tools, runtimes and middleware for building, testing, and deploying server-managed client software to pervasive devices.───它将工具、运行库和中间件组合在一起,以便构建、测试服务器托管的客户端软件并将其部署到普及设备上。

63 、The risks are so pervasive that Total employees can’t travel around town without an escort and are not allowed to leave Sana, the Yemeni capital, on their own.───危机无处不在,职员不能没有护卫队在镇上出行,不允许擅自离开也门首都,萨那。

64 、With a pervasive lack of interest in anything that doesn't directly affect us, we, in the here and now.─── 对与我们没有直接利益关系的事 都一副漠不关心的态度铸造了这样的氛围

65 、Although it did not raise rates, “inflation jitters” were pervasive.───尽管并它没有上涨利率,但依然笼罩着一片“通胀恐慌”的愁云。

66 、In over a dozen years as a stress consultant, one of the most pervasive and destructive mental tendencies I've seen is that of focusing on what we want instead of what we have.───在作压力咨询顾问这十几年期间,我所见到的最为普遍最具毁灭性的心理趋向,就是专注于我们想要得到的而非我们所拥有的。

67 、Sexual harassment can take the form of persistent or pervasive acts, or of a single act that is intense or severe.───性骚扰的形式可以是持续的或普遍的行为,或一个单一的行为,或严重紧张的行为。

68 、Sleaze had become pervasive in Poland.───不道德行为在波兰已经变得肆无忌惮。

69 、One further type of argument, pervasive in much Protestant theological literature, deserves brief mention.───另外一个论点在新教神学文献中影响广泛,在此值得一提。

70 、Having pervasive comments discourages refactoring because it adds significant extra friction.───大量的注释在重构时的冲突导致重构工作很困难。

71 、I think it's beautiful that you're here and not contributing to this pervasive, toxic culture of women in the arts just cutting each other down, maligning each other.─── 你能来真是太好了 不为这弥漫着的 艺术女性毒文化贡献丝毫 她们互相拆台 恶意中伤彼此

72 、In such a free and unrestrained in the world, we all feel in the virtual life, but also a pervasive sense of romantic atmosphere.───在这样的一个自由奔放的世界中,大家在感受虚拟生活的同时,也感受到了无所不在的浪漫气息。

73 、She stressed that other people's interest never lasted, even though I knew she had been the one to end most romantic relationships (not pervasive).───她强调别人的兴趣从来没持久过,即便我知道她是一个曾经将最为浪漫的恋爱(非普遍化)终止的人。

74 、Perhaps the most dangerous problem gripping the nation today is offical corruption,which is pervasive in all levels of government.───也许当今引起国家关注的最危险的问题就是官员腐败问题,这一现象普遍存在于政府的各个阶层。

75 、He found cynicism, anger and pervasive lying about how things were going.───他发现事态进展的报道中充斥着玩世不恭,愤怒和普遍的谎言。

76 、For the first time in 15 years, the pervasive platform is an open network, not a proprietary operating system.───十五年来,这是第一次,流行的平台是一个开放的网络,而不是一个专有的操作系统。

77 、Yet another product of misreading military history, this myth is pervasive in almost every discussion about MOUT today.───作为对军事历史错误理解的另一个结果,这种理论已经出现在城市地型下军事行动的几乎所有讨论中。

78 、In Western culture today one of the most pervasive beliefs is belief in the existence of God.───在当代西方文化中,最普遍的信仰之一是相信上帝的存在。

79 、Context access control problem remains a major challenge in the security researches of pervasive computing.───上下文访问控制是普适计算安全中极具挑战性的重要问题。

80 、Your husband said right, now cheater is pervasive, you think of the drilling, Hey, this is you pay less, and there are big time, we must take care about.───你老公说的对,现在骗子是无孔不入,想着发子让你钻,哈哈,你这次是交少的,大的还有的时,要当心约。

81 、From the perspective of pervasive computing, data transfer must take into consideration client capabilities, such as processing, storage, and bandwidth.───从普及运算的角度来看,数据传送必须考虑客户端的性能,例如处理数据的能力、存储量和带宽。

82 、It is essential to appreciate fully the pervasive presence of filiality.───充分高度评价深入人心的孝道现象是很有必要的。

83 、In the world today, no political speech or academic lecture is more pervasive or persuasive than advertising.───在当今世界,没有什么政治性的演说或学术性的讲座会具有像**那么强的渗透力与说服力。

84 、A sense of social change is pervasive in her novels.───她的**里充斥着社会变化的意识。

85 、Then you know their network's as pervasive as it is deadly.─── 那你应该知道他们的网络无所不在

86 、It's only when we get into the realm of rich interaction that it will start to be as pervasive as we want it to be.───当我们想要它当,只有当我们进入它将会开始是如普遍的富有交互作用的王国时候,它是。

87 、B>Perhaps the most dangerous phenomenon gripping the nation today is official corruption , which is pervasive in all levels of government .───也许当今困扰国家的最危险的现象是遍布各级政府的官员腐败。






        广泛性发育障碍(pervasive developmental disorder,PDD)是《国际疾病分类第10次修订本》ICD-10和美国《精神障碍诊断和统计手册第四版》DSM-4中使用的名称,在DSM-4中PDD包括孤独症障碍、Rett’s综合征、阿斯伯格综合征、童年瓦解性障碍和未区分的广泛性发育障碍(PDD-NOS)。孤独症障碍又可细分为早期婴儿孤独症、儿童孤独症、卡纳孤独症(Kanner)、高功能孤独症、非典型孤独症。

       孤独症谱系障碍(Autism Spectrum Disorder,ASD)是《精神障碍诊断和统计手册第五版》DSM-5中使用的新名称,DSM-5将之前定义为广泛性发育障碍(PDD)的4个类别:孤独症障碍、儿童期瓦解障碍、阿斯伯格综合征,PPD-NOS,统称为孤独症谱系障碍(ASD),是一种基于行为而定义的症候群。Rett’s综合征则被归为另一类医学疾病。ASD在DSM-5中归属于神经发育障碍,这一组疾病包括:智力障碍、交流障碍、孤独症谱系障碍、注意缺陷/多动障碍、特定学习障碍、运动障碍、抽动障碍。







      孤独症发病的原因尚不明确,普遍认为是遗传因素和胚胎发育时神经发育期环境共同作用的结果。通过家族谱系调查及对孪生子的研究发现,遗传因素占60-90%,环境因素约占10%。患者父系中有**病史者较为多见。目前为止,已经鉴定的ASD易感基因超过100个。环境因素包括:围产期缺氧 、 早产儿、低出生体质量 、 妊娠期服用某些药物、父母亲高龄、妊娠期感染以及社会环境因素等。



















       孤独症诊断观察量表(Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule,ADOS)。该量表包括4个模块,可根据受试者的发育表达水平选择不同的模块进行评估。ADOS最初由密歇根大学的Catherine Lord编制,是一种标准化、半结构化的ASD诊断工具,可对ASD患者的核心特性症状进行评估,并对患者的观察沟通、社会互动、游戏及刻板行为、局限兴趣4个领域进行重点观察。

       儿童孤独症评定量表(Childhood Autism Rating Scale, CARS)。该量表有15项内容,每项按与年龄相当的行为表现、轻度异常、中度异常、重度异常给予1-4级的评分,每级评分又有具体的描述说明,使不同评分者之间做到尽可能一致。量表总分为15-60分,评分<30分为非ASD,≥30分诊断为ASD。




自闭症治疗评估表(Autism Treatment Evaluation Checklist ,ATEC)。适用于2~12岁,ATEC旨在测量治疗后ASD严重程度的变化。ATEC 包含四个部分:I. 表达/语言沟通 (14 个项目);II.社交能力(20 个项目);III.感知/认知能力(18 个项目);IV.健康/生理/行为(25 个项目)。每个子量表的得分组合起来计算总分,总分范围为0到179分首次测评的总分作为“初始(基线)总分”,其中轻度(初始ATEC总分20–49)中度(初始ATEC总分50–79)重度(初始ATEC总分>80)(分数越低越好)ATEC的目的是评估康复干预后的个体变化,初始(基线)ATEC分数与下一阶段的ATEC分数之间的差异。ATEC不是为诊断目的而设计的,仅测量ASD严重程度的变化,作为治疗效果的评估,以决定是否对下一步治疗进行做出调整。   



     (1)以促进人际关系为基础的疗法:包括地板时光(floor time)疗法、人际关系发展干预(relationship development intervention,RDI)疗法。

      (2)以技巧发展为基础的干预疗法:包括图片交换交流系统(picture exchange communication system,PECS)、行为分解训练法(discrete trial training,DTT)。


      (4)综合疗法:包括孤独症以及相关障碍儿童治疗教育课程(Treatment and education of autistic and related communication handicapped children,TEACCH)、应用行为分析疗法(applied behavioral analysis,ABA)。



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