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07-02 投稿




英:['elb??]  美:[??l?bo]

英:  美:


v.用手肘推开, 推挤

n.手肘, 扶手,急弯


动词现在分词: elbowing | 动词第三人称单数: elbows | 动词过去分词: elbowed | 动词过去式: elbowed |


up to the/one's elbows

1. 非常忙; 深深卷入

She was up to her elbows in preparing dinner when the doorbell rang.


at one's/sb.'s elbow

1. 在(某人)手边

She stayed up all night writing the paper with a pot of coffee at her elbow.

她熬了一整夜写论文, 身边放着一壶咖啡。


1 、It's physically impossible for you to lick your elbow.───你不可能舔到你自己的肘子。

2 、He is up to his elbow in soapsuds, while washing his shirt.───他洗衬衫时,连胳膊肘都弄上了肥皂泡沫。

3 、I didn't move, you nosed me in the elbow.─── 我没动 是你的鼻子撞到我胳膊肘了

4 、He always wears that old jacket although it is out at elbow.───他总是身穿那件旧茄克衫,尽管那件衣服已经破旧了。

5 、Caraher as a matter of course set the whiskey bottle at his elbow.───卡拉埃尔呢,理所当然地拿出一瓶威士忌来,放在他手边。

6 、Is Base Elbow Installed Level?───基座弯头是否安装在水平位置

7 、Oh, not on your hands, on your elbows.─── 不是手扶 要用肘部支撑

8 、B: Because people keep bumping into my elbow.───因?我的手肘?不?被人撞到。

9 、Don't put your elbow off the table.───别把你的胳膊肘矗在桌子上。

10 、His elbow was poking through his torn shirt sleeve.───他的手肘从他衬衫袖的破裂处露出来。

11 、He's too fond of bending the elbow.───他太贪恋杯中物了。

12 、He jogged my elbow and some coffee spilt on to my dress.───他碰了我肘部一下,咖啡洒到了我的衣服上。

13 、He prodded me in the side with his elbow.───他用手肘戳我一下。

14 、If you used a bit of elbow grease you could get those boots clean.───只要稍用些力就能把那双靴子擦乾净。

15 、You tend to twist your elbow to absorb the recoil.───你总是弯曲肘部来化解后坐力。

16 、He had a patch on the elbow of his jacket.───他的上衣肘部有一块补丁。

17 、Ow! You whacked me with your elbow!───唷!你用胳膊肘撞了我!

18 、But as he gingerly exammed the piece, he saw the bend of a colossal elbow.───但当他小心翼翼地检查这个物品时,他看到了一个巨大的肘关节。

19 、He felt a sting in the elbow.───他感到肘部一阵刺痛。

20 、When you bend your elbow,you contract the muscles of the arm.───你屈肘时,手臂的肌肉收缩。

21 、Tom always stops somewhere on the way home and lifts his elbow.───在回家的路上,汤姆总是找个地方痛饮一顿。

22 、His elbow brushed her shoulder.───他的胳膊打她的肩膀擦过。

23 、When you bend your elbow, you contract the muscles of the arm.───你屈肘时, 手臂的肌肉就会收缩。

24 、He grabbed my elbow and dragged.───他抓住我的胳膊肘,把我拖到门口。

25 、He gave me a touch with his elbow.───他用胳膊肘杵了我一下。

26 、He raised himself up on one elbow.───他用一只胳膊肘支起身子。

27 、He jabbed me with his elbow.───他用肘戳了我一下。

28 、He barked his elbow on the wall.───他碰到墙上,肘部擦破了皮。

29 、You accidentally elbow an opponent in the face. What do you do?───你一不小心用肘打到对手脸上,你会怎么办?

30 、He used his elbow to touch me.───他用肘碰了碰我。

31 、Gabel turned, jabbing Jake with his elbow.───加贝尔翻身,胳膊肘撞碰到杰克。

32 、I haven't had to elbow my way into anything here.───在这里我没有必须“奋力的挤”才能获得的经历。

33 、C'mon guys! Put a little more elbow grease into it.───你们几个!再加把劲儿!

34 、The part of the arm between the wrist and the elbow.───前臂处于手腕与胳膊肘之间的手臂部分

35 、Leave a radio at the patient rs elbow.───在病人手边留一个收音机。

36 、His arm was lopped off at the elbow.───他的胳膊齐肘部给截断了。

37 、He poked me in the ribs with his elbow.───他用胳膊肘捅了捅我的肋部。

38 、Steve came to work late this morning; he must have been tipping his elbow last night.───史蒂夫今天早上上班迟到了; 他昨晚准是出去喝了酒。

39 、Your arm and elbow seem to be all right.───你的手臂和肘关节看来没什么问题。

40 、He jogged me with his elbow to give me warning.───他用肘轻推我以给我警告。

41 、He carried a gunman at his elbow.───他随身带了个持**保镖。

42 、He suffered a painful twist of the elbow.───他肘部扭伤,疼痛难忍。

43 、They now need to put some real elbow grease into promoting the product.───他们现在推销产品确实需要化大力气。

44 、But the inside elbow, the where the creasething is.─── 胳膊肘里面 这个折缝里

45 、He tried to elbow me off the line in the lunchroom.───他想用肘把我挤出餐厅的候餐行列。

46 、If you use a bit of elbow greaseyou'll get the floor clean.───你只要用点劲,就能把地板擦干净。

47 、When I was getting into a bus, I fell on my elbow.───上公共汽车的时候,我把肘部摔伤了。

48 、The next 15 miles an hour are generated in the arm and the elbow.───下一个十五英里的能量是由胳膊和肘提供的。

49 、With that first blow on the elbow the nightmare had started.───在手肘遭到那一击之后,噩梦就开始了。

50 、She wants to be able to rub elbows, and you need to learn how to trade elbows.─── 她想要和人亲近互动 你就要去想怎么才能做到

51 、She gave me the elbow when she started going out with Roger.───她开始与罗杰外出约会,就把我撇开了。

52 、I would do anything for those elbows.─── 为了如此手肘 我愿意做任何事

53 、We finally have all this, this elbow room.─── 我们终于能在这里大展身手了

54 、It's a pity her husband crooks the elbow too much.───可惜她丈夫太爱喝酒。

55 、Her mother was always at her elbow to help her.───她妈妈经常在她身边帮助她。

56 、When he reads, he always keeps a notebook at the elbow.───他读书时,总是在手边放一本笔记。

57 、You jogged my elbow and spoiled what I was drawing.───你撞到了我的手肘,弄坏了我正在画的图画。

58 、Putting pressure on his elbow And driving him into the wall!───向他的肘部施压并使他撞向墙面!

59 、A boy beside him knocked it down with his elbow.───他旁边一个学生一胳膊肘把它捅下去了。

60 、She sat with one elbow resting on the sill of the open window.───她坐在那儿,一只胳膊肘搁在开著窗的窗台上。

61 、He held my elbow and helped me up the stone steps.───他把着我的肘部,扶着我登上台阶。

62 、He poised his elbow on his knee.───他把肘摆放在膝盖。

63 、I was up to my elbows in your breakfast.─── 我把手伸在你的肚子里浸在你的早餐残渣里

64 、His elbow was poking through his torn shin sleeve.───他的肘从衬衫的破袖子中露出。

65 、He nudged Michael with his elbow.───他用他的肘轻推迈克尔。

66 、He jabbed his elbow into my side.───他用肘猛顶我的腰.

67 、His elbow poked out through his torn shirt sleeve.───他的胳膊从衬衫的破袖子中露了出来。

68 、He rested his left elbow on the mantelpiece.───他把左肘搁在壁炉架上。

69 、He is up to his elbow in soapsuds, washing his shirt.───他洗衬衫时,连胳膊肘都弄上了肥皂泡沫。

70 、You're defrosting an elbow in our microwave.─── 你用我们的微波炉解冻一个手肘

71 、You may jog John's elbow to get his attention.───你可以轻推约翰的肘以唤起他的注意。

72 、He came in crying and complaining of a bad pain in his right elbow.───他哭着进来说右肘部痛得厉害。

73 、She propped herself up on one elbow.───她单肘撑起身子。

74 、He gave his elbow a wrench when he fell off the ladder.───他从梯子上摔下时扭伤了手肘。

75 、Elbow grease give the best polish.───勤奋必成功。

76 、It is impossible to lick your elbow.───你不可能舔到自己的肘部。

77 、We were the ones up to our elbows in blood.─── 我们才是处在水深火热中的抢救人员

78 、And thank you, all of you, for the elbow room.─── 谢谢 谢谢你们 给我些个人时间

79 、When you bend your elbow , you contract the muscles of the arm.───你屈肘时,手臂的肌肉收缩。

80 、If you use a bit of elbow grease you'll get the floor clean.───你只要用点劲,就能把地板擦干净。

81 、The induction elbow needs repairing.───吸入弯管需要修理。

82 、He could raise himself up on one elbow.───他能用一只胳膊肘支撑直起身子。

83 、He raised himself on one elbow and looked at the bedside clock.───他用一只胳膊肘撑起来看了看床边的钟。

84 、A joint, as of a bird or quadruped, corresponding to the human elbow.───关节,肘部鸟或四肢动物的关节,相当于人的肘

85 、Up to now, everything is all right. More power to your elbow!───到目前为止,一切都很好。加油做吧!

86 、You hit your elbow on my head.───你的手肘碰到我的头。

87 、He will have a test tomorrow and I say more strength to his elbow.───他明天有个测试,我祝他成功。

88 、"Where to now?" Ken asked at hir elbow.───/ "在哪里到现在"? 肯恩在 hir 手肘问。

89 、Do not elbow me off the sideway .───别把我从小路挤出去。

90 、Don't worry about the debate; you will have tutors at your elbow.───别担心辩论赛;你会有指导们在身边。

bend bow stoop三者的区别?

Bend是指头部或身躯弯下,或是关节屈曲的动作。例如:bend from the waist(从腰部弯下);bend the elbow(把肘屈曲起来)。

Bow是把头部或上身bend向前下方,鞠躬。Stoop是bend膝使身躯降低。例如:She stooped to pick up her keys.她俯下身去拾起钥匙。


elbow grease[英][?elb?u ɡri:s][美][??l?bo ɡris]n.费体力的工作,重活; 网络重活; 干活的力气; 费体力的工作; 1The only thing we can do's dig. We can't get a crane here, so it's elbow grease. We'll try here first.我们唯一能做的只是挖掘。这里没有起重机,所以这是费体力的工作。首先,试试这里吧。

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