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07-02 投稿




英:[?tr?nz?n??n?l]  美:[tr?ns?n???n?l, tr?nz-]

英:  美:


adj.跨国的, 超越国界的


动词过去式: transmuted | 动词第三人称单数: transmutes | 副词: transmutably | 动词现在分词: transmuting | 动词过去分词: transmuted | 形容词: transmutable | 名词: transmutability |


1 、HLC) Bosen Ya Ma Group Company is set linen product design, development and production as one of the major professional transnational group.───博森亚麻集团公司是集亚麻产品的设计,研发和生产为一体的大型专业化跨国集团。

2 、As well known to all, Chinese enterprises far behind Transnational auto brand in strategic planning and BIC(Brand Integrated communication)strategy.───众所周知,跨国汽车企业在品牌战略规划以及品牌整合传播策略实施上把我们中国的企业远远的甩在了身后。

3 、Participating transnational enterprises and some big domestic companies say they will tailor new products for the rural market, as well as expand access to quality farm produce.───与会的跨国企业和一些国内大型企业表示,他们将设计农村市场**的新产品,同时加大高质量农产品的生产投资。

4 、COSCO Group is a responsible transnational group.Sustainable development of COSCO Group will benefit all related parties.───中远集团是负责任的跨国企业集团,中远集团的持续发展,必将惠及各利益相关方;

5 、Beijing is also a Chinese city that attracts large amounts of investment from transnational corporations.───北京也是中国大城市中吸引跨国公司投资较多的城市。

6 、This article inrushed Chinese from massive transnational trash the situation to embark,has analyzed behind this kind of phenomenon reason.───从大量跨国垃圾涌入中国的情况出发,分析了这种现象背后的原因。

7 、Then responds the former four chapters, finally puts proposition on perfecting Chinese relevant legislation and the resolving jurisdictional conflicts in transnational insolvency.───回应前四章的内容,最终对我国有关跨国破产管辖权立法的完善和管辖权冲突的解决提出建议。

8 、What the True Difference between Our Companies and the Transnational Corporations?───我们与跨国公司的真正差距在哪里?

9 、An accidental opportunity, she responds to a call for recruits into a transnational group President's secretary.───一个偶然的机会,她应聘成为一家跨国集团总裁的秘书。

10 、Transnational firms are also patenting human chromosomes, cells, tissues and organs.───同时,跨国公司还在对人类的染色体、细胞、组织和器官申请专利。

11 、Related principals of China branches of transnational corporations and the representatives of their offices.───国际跨国集团在华投资企业相关负责人和办事机构代表。

12 、And their transnational mergence of state-owned enterprises will easily lead to monopolize.───对我国国有企业的购并,很容易形成对某些产业部门的垄断。

13 、Thus, as the basis of unifying the report form in accounting for transnational corporations, report form of foreign currency is becoming more and more important.───作为跨国公司合并会计报表编制前提的外币报表折算显得越发重要。

14 、The recent development of transnational money laundering was especially exposit the weakness of counter-money laundering in our country.───尤其是国际跨国洗钱犯罪集团的新发展更加暴露了我国在刑事惩治力度上的薄弱;

15 、How is the competitiveness of Chinese catering industry? How it competes with foreign transnational catering groups in the globalization tide? Can the Chinese catering indus.───作为关系国计民生的重要产业之一,餐饮产业对拉动经济增长、促进经济结构调整、扩大社会就业、传承传统文化、构建和谐社会具有积极、显著的作用。

16 、You're wearing a top from a major transnational corporate retailer.─── 你穿着在大型跨国公司零售商买的上衣

17 、As a global transnational corporation,Microsoft's employees are required high English level.───作为全球性的跨国企业,微软在英语方面也有一定要求。

18 、Besides,the forms of international capital free flow have undergone tremendous changes,yet the areas where transnational merger and acquisition take place can not be opened up in China because of the lack of necessary conditions.───同时,国际资本自由流动的形式发生了重大变化,跨国并购所发生的领域在我国尚不具备对外开放条件。

19 、Till now, foreign companies have set up over 750 research and development centers in China; nearly 40 transnational corporations have established regional HQs in China.───到目前为止,外国公司已经在中国成立了超过750个研发中心;近40个跨国公司在中国建立了区域性总部。

20 、The analysis of the varieties of transnational ethnic groups can be based on their history, existing ways of life, settlement mode, national identity, language assimilation, etc.───从跨国民族历史形成原因、现实存在形式、聚居和散居情况、国家政治认同情况、语言文字涵化情况等方面,对跨国民族进行了类型划分。

21 、Differ to it, in the market that the parvenu of these transnational corporation increases at high speed, domestic competition is very brutal.───与之不同,这些跨国公司的新贵都处在高速增长的市场中,国内竞争十分残酷。

22 、Whether the bankruptcy procedures of a country have the extraterritorial effect becomes a prerequisite in handling transnational bankruptcy cases.───一国的破产程序应否具有域外效力,成为处理跨国破产案件的前提。

23 、Thirdly, OFM can transact business among transnational or trans-regional parties unrestricted by time or trading area so as to enhance the competitive ability of fishery industry in the international trade.───实现跨国跨地区、随时随地交易,提高水产企业在国际贸易中的竞争力。

24 、Our business people handle multi-national projects and our lawyers are required to deal with cross-boundary legal issues and transnational transactions.───商人经营多国业务,而律师们也需处理跨国的法律事务和国际商贸活动。

25 、Mature business atmosphere, a variety of convenient business services, convenient transportation is often necessary for the location of transnational corporations.───成熟的商业氛围、各种方便的商务服务、便捷的交通往往是跨国公司选点的必要条件。

26 、The investment promotion policies play an important role in the benefit from the internationalization of R &D by transnational corporations.───投资促进政策帮助东道国从跨国公司研发国际化中获益。

27 、If uniform rules expand - be they transnational or international rules, codified or uncodified - the whole conflicts system is trumped.───就这一类国际私法规范而言,它显然具有规定国家间关系的行为准则的性质。

28 、In May 1994,police in Yunnan Province cracked an extraordinarily serious transnational drug smuggling case,in which the "Golden Triangle" drug ring kingpin was sentenced by the judicial organ to capital punishment according to law.───1994年5月,云南省警方成功破获特大跨国贩毒案,抓获“金三角”大毒枭,司法机关依法处以极刑。

29 、Association sodality and business talks will be hold in Detian transnational Falls Attractions in Guangxi at the borders of China-Vietnam of on 30th ,Oct 2008.───10月31日将在中越边界广西德天跨国瀑布旅游胜地举行联谊会及商务洽谈。

30 、Finally, the new economic and political interest in the Arctic makes it all the more important that scientists keep alive the IPY’s spirit of transnational cooperation.───博客和大众媒体以及专门媒体在很多方面都不同,但是对于传播新的科学发现,考虑的事情是相同的。待发表论文的作者有权纠正他人的误解,并指出论文中将要出现的结果。

31 、This symposium revolved around the basic theories of criminology, urbanization and crime, transnational and transregional crime and the countermeasures.───会议主要研讨了犯罪学基础理论、城市化与犯罪、跨国跨境犯罪及防治对策。

32 、The developed market-economy countries have perfected their legislation in encouraging the foreign direct investment, transnational annex and trade of assets.───发达的市场经济国家在鼓励外国直接投资、跨国的购并及产权交易方面,已建立了完善的法律体系。

33 、Therefore, our common goal is to strengthen transnational judicial cooperation and work together to fight against corruption.───因此,加强国家之间的司法合作,连手打击腐败行为,已经成为我们共同的任务。

34 、I can understand that the branches of a transnational corporation should be independent in their financing and accounting.───我能够理解,跨国公司里各部门的财务和记帐都要单独进行核算的。

35 、It is very important for Chinese enterprises to internationalize themselves and become transnational corporation through CBM&A.───中国企业走出去,通过收购合并做大做强进而走向国际化非常重要。

36 、Pre-war Europe was a community networked by transnational institutions.───战前的欧洲是一个由跨国机构建立关系网的共同体。

37 、After World War II, as the west of a few transnational corporation enter, also brought western bishop and firewater, wait a moment like wine of beer, whisky, gold, vodka, brandy.───二战以后,随着西方一些跨国公司的进入,也带来了西方的葡萄酒和烈酒,像啤酒、威士忌、金酒、伏特加、白兰地等等。

38 、The advertisement because of this a lot of transnational corporation and consumable enterprise almost cram the advertisement of website of each big invite applications for a job.───因此很多跨国公司和消费品企业的**几乎填满了各大招聘网站的**位。

39 、A member of a pastoral and agricultural people inhabiting the transnational region of Kurdistan.───库尔德人居住在库尔德斯坦跨国地区的一个游牧和农业民族的成员

40 、A batch of burgeoning companies are for transnational corporation in the help in dangerous and fascicular China network navigation, old standard is among them a such company.───一批新兴的公司正在帮助为跨国公司在危险丛生的中国网络中导航,大旗便是其中一家这样的公司。

41 、Regional treaties on transnational bankruptcy, especially in European countries, have promoted the movement.───地区性的跨国破产公约,特别是欧洲的跨国破产公约为国际破产法的统一化运动增色不少。 此外,各国还缔结了大量的双边条约以解决破产宣告的域外效力问题。

42 、The case has illustrated that mutual legal assistance is an important mechanism through which jurisdiction can work together to effectively suppress transnational crime.───个案说明了不同的司法管辖区也可藉著相互法律协助这个重要机制,通力合作,以遏止跨国罪行。

43 、People are still plagued by regional conflicts,environmental degradation and transnational crimes,among others.───地区冲突、环境恶化、国际犯罪等问题依然困扰着人们;

44 、Canton Avenue Agropyron desertorum Biological Technology Co., Ltd. is the United States AUNC transnational enterprise group in China.───广州利士诺丹生物科技有限公司是美国AUNC跨国集团公司在华的企业。

45 、Fourthly, conduct management of transnational Communist enterprises that have joined the alliance.───四是对加入联盟的跨国共产企业进行管理;

46 、You know, music is transnational.───你知道,音乐是超越国界的。

47 、To intensify our efforts to fight transnational crime in all its dimensions, including trafficking as well as smuggling in human beings and money laundering.───-加强努力打击所有方面的跨国犯罪,包括贩卖和偷运人口以及洗钱行为。

48 、I work for a department of transnational corporation in shamen.───我在一家跨国公司在厦门的分公司上班。

49 、Owing to China's immature market, 70 percent of foreign investment in China is still in such traditional forms as joint or cooperative ventures. Foreign capital that has entered China through transnational merging is very limited.───但由于中国市场的成熟度问题,外国对华直接投资的70%仍属于传统的合资合作方式,通过跨国并购进入中国的外资微乎其微。

50 、They have responded by reorienting their export activity to the production of inputs for use by export-oriented transnational corporations operating in China.───作为回报,他们已将其出口行为调整为:为出口导向的在华经营的跨国公司,提供其使用的进口产品的生产。

51 、Todd: The right opportunity for you wouldcome along soon. You know, music is transnational.───托德:你一定有机会的。你知道,音乐是超越国界的。

52 、The report, which is more perfect and internationalized report, aims at becoming a notable report of top-grade transnational companies.───中远班轮的挂靠使得波士顿港复活了,与中远历史性的伙伴关系将为美中贸易关系注入活力。

53 、CIMA’s members and students are all over the world from small enterprises to transnational groups .───CIMA是企业成本会计课程,其培训涉及工业、商业领域,和其它各个行业和部门。

54 、Her principal areas of teaching and research include Transnational Corporation (TNC), Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and International Trade.───主要从事《跨国经营理论与实务》、《国际贸易理论与实务》、《国际贸易惯例与规则》、《跨国公司》等课程的教学及相关研究工作。

55 、Experts point out that many corrupt cases of Chinese officials are transnational and cooperation from the international society is necessary in hounding these malfeasants.───专家指出,在中国的官员腐败案件中,有不少是跨国腐败案,围堵、捉拿这些贪官离不开国际社会的配合。

56 、He doesn't want his firm to be swallowed up by a transnational giant.───他不想自己的公司被一家大型的跨国公司吞并。

57 、Kurd A member of a pastoral and agricultural people inhabiting the transnational region of Kurdistan.───库尔德人:居住在库尔德斯坦跨国地区的一个游牧和农业民族的成员。

58 、There are various problems in the effort of combating transnational organized crimes.───各国的反跨国有组织犯罪的斗争存在着各种问题。

59 、Recently, big groups and transnational companies prefer the merger and acquisition, which integrates the resources, but monopolizes the market.───一方面实现了行业资源整合,另一方面却导致了行业垄断性市场价格。

60 、From the above findings, we believe that there are so many biases and misunderstandings, which do not fit the facts to the transnational marriages.───从以上这些跨国婚姻的内涵看来,可知一般的看法实际上是充满了偏见与误解,与实际的情况并不符合。

61 、As a transnational group of integrated media agency, is growing as China's most dynamic media pioneer, are excellent content and service providers.───作为跨国集团旗下的综合性传媒机构,正在成长为中国最具活力的媒体先锋,是卓越的内容与服务提供商。

62 、In recent years, under his inspiration, Xu Xiaodong home with more than 30 farmers have transnational When chefs.───几年来,受他的启发,许晓东家乡相继有30多位农民跨国当厨师。

63 、In accordance with the requirements for the readjustment of the country's industrial and regional structures and enlarge domestic demand,a batch of investment projects will be offered to developed countries and transnational companies.───按照中国产业结构和地区结构调整的要求,结合扩大内需,推出一批面向发达国家和跨国公司的招商引资项目。

64 、And have we been able to reinvigorate international institutions to deal with transnational threats, like climate change, that we can't solve on our own?───我们开始了一个甚至需要更长时间来完成的工程吗?这个工程让我们的公共教育系统焕发活力,使我们能参与21世纪的竞争。以上是国内面对的(问题)。

65 、But you should understand,Mr Zhang,a branch of the transnational corporation does not mean the corporation itself.───张先生,你要知道,跨国公司的分公司不等于跨国公司本身。

66 、Socalled brain trust of your transnational drug operation.─── 所谓的跨国*贩毒智囊团

67 、But international commercial advertisement is a kind of propaganda on transnational &transcultural commodity promotion.───国际商业**则是跨国界`跨文化的商品营销的宣传形式。

68 、Perhaps the most difficult task is to coordinate the voluminous flow of strategic information and proprietary knowledge required to operate a transnational organization.───或许最难的任务是协调战略情报的大量流动和要求经营一个跨国的组织的专有的知识。

69 、Besides, the forms of international capital free flow have undergone tremendous changes, yet the areas where transnational merger and acquisition take place can not be opened up in China because of the lack of necessary conditions.───同时,国际资本自由流动的形式发生了重大变化,跨国并购所发生的领域在我国尚不具备对外开放条件;

70 、Transnational operation of China"s banks is the important part of the strategy of "going out".───中国银行跨国经营是我国“走出去”战略的重要组成部分。

71 、The setup of border measuring and detecting system of transnational oil pipeline should consider not only the economical benefits, but also the sovereignties of both countries.───国家间输油管道的计量、检定系统的设置不但要考虑到两个国家的经济利益,还要考虑到两个国家的主权问题。

72 、On the one hand moreover, the transnational dissemination is becoming an international relations domain active strength, is affecting the international relations trend.───另外一方面,跨国传播正在成为国际关系领域一支活跃的力量,影响着国际关系的走向。

73 、Its employees committed transnational briberies with suitcase full of money, with the information of the grant kept in notepads removed as soon as the bribery got finished.───公司员工甚至用皮箱装满现金进行跨国行贿,公司对行贿的授权就写上记事帖上,在完成后撕掉以消除纪录。

74 、Peking University School of Transnational Law (STL) offers a Juris Doctor (J.───北京大学国际法学院提供J.

75 、In the social sector, China has taken the lead in acceding to the UN Anti-Corruption Convention and the Convention on Transnational Organized Crime.───在社会领域,中国率先加入了联合国反腐公约和打击有组织犯罪公约。

76 、To intensify our efforts to fight transnational crime in all its dimensions,including trafficking as well as smuggling in human beings and money laundering.───加强努力打击所有方面的跨国犯罪,包括贩卖和偷运人口以及洗钱行为。

77 、BASF is a transnational chemical company that aims to increase and sustain its corporate value through growth and innovation.───巴斯夫集团是一家跨国化工公司。

78 、Do you think your party is a transnational organization/party?───您认为中华绿党是个跨国性的组织或党派么?

79 、What really concerns them is the practice of globalization driven by narrow economic interests of large transnational corporations (NTSC).───他们真正所关心的是跨国公司在狭隘利益驱使下所进行的全球化活动。

80 、As for global businesses, transnational corporations have been a new international main action body.───就其全球事务而言,跨国公司已经是一种新的国际行为主体。

81 、A few transnational corporation move headquarters when division China, also took the habit of use cork floor home.───一些跨国公司将总部移师中国时,也将使用软木地板的习惯带到了国内。

82 、Shanghai Investment Limited is a 100% young transnational private enterprises.───上海百成投资有限公司是一家年轻的跨国民营企业。



1.It takes brains to administer a large corperation. 管理一个大公司需要智慧。

2.One of the bottle-necks of the economic corperation in northeast asia is the service oftransnational transportion and international logistics. 东北亚区域经济合作的主要瓶颈之一是跨国运输和国际物流服务。



1.It takes brains to administer a large corperation. 管理一个大公司需要智慧。

2.One of the bottle-necks of the economic corperation in northeast asia is the service oftransnational transportion and international logistics. 东北亚区域经济合作的主要瓶颈之一是跨国运输和国际物流服务。

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