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07-02 投稿




英:['ɡla?d?(r)]  美:[?ɡla?d?]

英:  美:


n.滑翔机, 助滑器,滑翔导弹


动词过去分词: glided | 动词第三人称单数: glides | 动词过去式: glided | 动词现在分词: gliding |


1 、After the ceremony there were many activities and shows: 1. The Lion Dance. 2. The Chinese yo-yo. 3. A hot air balloon and glider demonstration.───升旗典礼完毕后,北市各地展开多项表演庆祝活动。图1:舞狮。图2:儿童耍扯铃。图3:热汽球及三角翼表演。

2 、When a kite needs to be reeled in, it is angled so that it falls out of the sky like a glider, without the need for much power.───当风筝要卷缩回初始位置,转动风筝倾角,风筝就可像滑翔机一样下落,不需要花什么力气。

3 、She took a glider to try and save them.─── 她开了一架水下滑翔器去救他们了

4 、But Keith feels safer on his glider than in a car.───但是基思觉得在他的滑翔器里比在汽车里安全多了。

5 、This study is a foundation for the next work of SEA-WING and can serve as a reference for the study of the same kind of underwater glider.───在质量和俯仰角保持不变条件下,横滚角对回转半径的影响较明显,系统的回转半径可以通过控制横滚角来实现的。

6 、And if you dream of soaring the Alpine skies with a paraglider or a colourful hang glider,wintertime Davos can make your dreams come true!───如果你梦想坐滑翔伞或色彩鲜艳的悬挂式滑翔机在阿尔卑斯山的天空翱翔的话,那冬季的达沃斯就能让你梦想成真。

7 、As Rice ran on the treadmill and Bush worked out on a glider,the college professor began a two year tutorial of her most important student yet.───"当赖斯在跑步机上锻炼和布什玩滑翔机的时候,这位大学教授开始了对她最重要的一位学生为期两年的授课。

8 、He flies a motor glider and small airplanes.───他开摩托滑翔机和小型的飞机。

9 、As the glider turns through half a rotation, its airspeed is slowed down and the angle of attack increased as the pilot starts to pendulum underneath.───当飞行伞经过半圈迴转,它的空速慢下来而攻角加大;同时飞行员开始向下摆盪。

10 、He gave us much more than the Mona Lisa. This Renaissance man drew up designs for an armored vehicle, a fixed-wing glider, a helicopter and a pyramid-shaped parachute.───他留给我们的不只是蒙娜丽莎,他是文艺复兴时期的伟大画家,绘制出了装甲车的图形,机翼固定的滑翔机,直升机和角锥状降落伞的图象。

11 、Audio glider activated for sound, utilizing music as 96 decibel redirection, drawing active deceased along with it away from all exits, allowing immediate free passage for permanent redirection, if successful.─── 音频滑翔机已开启声音 使用95分贝音乐转移尸群注意力 吸引所有活跃行尸远离全部出口 立即创造出逃生通道 以便永久引走尸群 如果成功的话

12 、The glider won't sustain contact with my decoy because the actual beacon still exists.─── 导弹无法和我的假信标保持联络 因为真的信标仍然存在

13 、In 1804 Cayley designed and built a model monoplane glider of strikingly modern appearance.───1804年剀利爵士设计制造了一架外观颇为现代的单翼滑翔机模型。

14 、Complete Glider / Disrupt Lab───完成滑翔机/瓦解实验室

15 、Alan travels to Tuscany and watches a glider being built from one of Leonardo's designs before it's put to the test.───基于小时候想出对小鸟会飞的原因,开始发表对滑翔机飞行的一套理论,又初步构思并以素描记录了一系列解决水患的机械草图。

16 、In order to reduce the impact on changes of the net buoyancy and save energy consumption of the glider, a method has been proposed in this paper by optimal design of the pressure hull.───保证耐压壳体抗压条件和质量最小前提下采用结构优化设计方法,降低耐压壳体压缩变形和海水密度变化对驱动浮力的影响,提高系统能源的利用率。

17 、Udajeet Eye of the Sun; Death Glider───太阳之眼;死亡滑翔机

18 、He put (the glider) down in a field.───他(把滑翔机)降落在田地里了.

19 、He died in a glider accident in 1911.───他1911年在一次滑翔机事故中丧生。

20 、Whack - Something hang glider pilots shout when they see a friend digging in the glider's nose on landing.───哇玩滑翔翼的人,当他看见有滑翔翼降落时,用机鼻挖土(倒头栽)时的大声惊叫。

21 、Insert the bamboo stick into the winglets and press it into the pre-marked position at the rear part of the glider.───在机头位置加上适量的重物,例如:万字夹,铜枝等等,用以调整滑翔机的重心,直到滑翔机能飞行平顺

22 、On the one hand, before the Underwater Glider’s reliability,stability and independent ability has been validated, the experiment of the Underwater Glider on the sea is dangerous.───一方面,水下滑翔机器人的可靠性、稳定性和自主能力在没有得到确切的验证之前,对它进行海上实验是有很大的危险性。

23 、When you know how to handle the glider well, you feel safe and in control.───当你知道怎么很好的控制滑翔器时,你就会感到安全,一切都在掌握之中。”

24 、Our experience of flights on AVA as on a glider and on the electric version has shown that you have much more chances to win if you fly AVA.───我们的楼梯阶段对AVA的经验当做在一个滑行者和电的版本上已经显示如果你飞AVA,你有更多机会赢得。

25 、He is a prefessor at the University of North Carolina Ca***.And at age fifty, he learnt (learned) to fly .He flie s motor glider and small airplanes.───他是美国南部卡罗莱纳州大学的教授,15岁时,学习航空,曾使用过电动滑翔机和小型飞机。

26 、And, at age fifty, he learned to fly.He flies a motor glider and small airplanes.───另外,他在五十岁的时候,学习了电动滑翔机和飞机的飞行技术。

27 、If the glider land on the floor, the point it touch the floor will be the reference point for measuring of the gliding distance.───或者滑翔机接触到地面时,亦以此落点作终点及量度滑行距离的依据。

28 、I'd better finish that glider before I go down there...───我在下去那边之前应该先完成滑翔机...

29 、A glider expert, Lorne Welch, was asked to review the stress diagrams and calculations made by Goldfinch.───一位滑翔机专家,罗恩威尔奇,被叫来检查压力图示而葛芬奇则负责计算。

30 、"Neat" and "Kaka" Wenzhou paraglider clubs are members of the glider's unique creative wedding is in gliding enthusiasts, developing a common plan together.───“漂漂”和“卡卡”都是温州滑翔伞俱乐部的成员,这个滑翔婚礼的独特创意,就是在滑翔爱好者们的共同策划下搞起来的。

31 、We are fixing the hang glider.───六、选用下列所给的词填空,把对话补充完整。

32 、Drexler was also a glider, said: "If Artest was not injured, he's become such a normal, but now he Quezhuo one foot, he's done this before even more valuable.───1)如果稿件有非常好的新闻点,新闻发布而且所宣传的品牌本身又是行业领先,民间知名,那么可直接向各网站主编信箱投稿,虽然时间周期比较长,但免费发布的可能性较大。

33 、Paratroops were one of my favorite units from the first CoH, but now, nothing beats calling in a glider and seeing it crash land through buildings and trees.───伞兵是我在主程式中最喜欢的部队之一,但是,现在没有什麽可以比呼叫一架滑翔机,看它在建筑物、树林间迫降更赞的了。

34 、You're a pilot, Captain Stone. In your opinion, would this glider be... airworthy?───你是个飞行员,史东上校,以你看来,这台滑翔机可以飞吗?

35 、The glider's ready to fly, Major.───少校,滑翔机已经可以飞了。

36 、He watched the plane release the glider and the glider shoot up silently above him.───他看着飞机释放了滑翔机,然后滑翔机悄无声息的在他上方飞速穿过。

37 、If any part of your body or material come into contact with the glider, you must stop proceeding and the position where you stopped will be the reference point for measuring of the gliding distance.───当身体任何部份或任何物件接触到滑翔机时,参赛者必须立即停步及以此落脚点作终点及量度滑行距离的依据。

38 、I believe who's developed a glider that can take a man in the air, sir.─── 他研制了一种滑翔机 能够载人上天 先生

39 、They built a glider in the back of their bicycle shop and, in the summer of 1900, shipped it to the small fishing village of Kitty Hawk, North Carolina to test.───他们在自己的自行车行后面造了一架滑翔机,并且于1900年夏天将这架飞机运往北卡罗来那州的一个名叫基蒂霍克的小渔村试飞。

40 、Before flying, glider and sailplane pilots may be interested to know if there is adequate lift due to upward air currents.───在飞行之前,滑翔机师及模型机操作专家可能想知道有没有上升气流提供足够的抬升动力。

41 、Octave Chanute, a 19th-century American aviation pioneer, designed the multiwinged Katydid glider.───十九世纪美国航空工业创始者奥克塔夫.沙尼特设计的多层机翼纺织娘滑翔机。

42 、Different yes, he is wearing a glider suits, the paraglider carrying huge, carrying flowers, Yu from 200 meters altitude winds from the.───不同的是,他是穿着滑翔服,背着硕大的滑翔伞,捧着鲜花,从200米高空驭风而来的。

43 、I guess it must require some skills to fly a glider───我想驾驶滑翔机一定需要些技术。

44 、For hang gliders, to keep the parachute away from the wing, the bridle must extend past the hang glider's leading edge.───对悬挂滑翔机而言,连接带的长度必须跨过前缘,这样的后果是增加了备份伞的稳定性和降低了下沉率。

45 、If you don't find it within the next two minutes, that glider will pass failsafe.─── 要是两分钟之内找不到的话 滑翔导弹就会越过自动保险

46 、Made with the best compromise between strength and weight: a mix of 9092 and 9017, both with the new Porcher coating (E85A) which gives a longer life to your glider.───在力量与重量之间选择了最佳的平衡点(9092与9017的混合体)。新型伞衣材料:E85A将使伞的寿命更长

47 、A mouse mounted on a glider flight in the sky, the attention should not be flying with the eagle hit the birdie.───一只老鼠架着滑翔机在天空上飞行,注意不能被飞行的小鸟与老鹰撞上。

48 、As Rice ran on the treadmill and Bush worked out on a glider, the college professor began a two-year tutorial of her most important student yet.───当赖斯在跑步机上锻炼和布什玩滑翔机的时候,这位大学教授开始了对她最重要的一位学生为期两年的授课。

49 、He put the glider down in a field.───他把滑翔机降落在田地里了。

50 、When I was sixteen years old, I even took some flying lessons on a glider, but my parents freaked out and thought it was too dangerous.───我十六岁时,甚至上过一些滑翔机飞行训练课,但我父母得知后极力反对,认为这太危险。

51 、He put(the glider)down in a field.───他(把滑翔机)降落在田地里了.

52 、Get to the Glider and Escape!|+|+Make haste to the Attic and escape In the Glider with Colonel Harding.|+|+If captured, General Stahl Is unlikely to grant mercy.───到滑翔机那边并且逃脱!|+|+尽快到馈楼与哈定上校一起利用滑翔机逃脱.|+|+一旦被抓到了,史塔将军一定不会给予宽恕。

53 、AFP, Auckland. In New Zealand, eye-witnesses say that the American adventurer Steve Fossett has failed in his latest bid for the world altitude record in a glider.───(法新社奥克兰电)在纽西兰,目击者指出,美国冒险家佛塞特(SteveFossett)尝试创下世界滑翔高度纪录的最新行动,已告失败。

54 、But Stone, although you're probably Itching to Investigate that lab, do make sure you're happy with that glider first.───但是史东,虽然你要调查实验室,但是你最好先把滑翔机完成。

55 、Underwater Glider Embedded Control System Base on QNX───基于QNX的水下滑翔机器人嵌入式控制系统

56 、Was It something I said? Better get to the glider...───我刚刚说了什么吗?最好快一点去滑翔机那边...

57 、German Glider Assault on Fort Eben Emael───德国滑翔机突击埃本埃马尔要塞(1940)

58 、Return to the Glider as fast as possible. If captured, General Stahl Is unlikely to grant mercy.───尽快回到滑翔机那边。一旦被抓到了,史塔将军绝对不会宽容。

59 、Get to the Glider and Escape!───坐上滑翔机并且逃脱!

60 、The first person to circumnavigate the globe solo in a hot air balloon, Fossett is also considering flying a glider 3000 kilometers of distance over New Zealand in November.───佛塞特是独自驾驶热汽球环绕地球的世界第一人,也正考虑十一月在纽西兰以一架滑翔机飞过三千公里的距离。

61 、A dynamic full stall is performing a full stall when the glider is behind the pilot.───动态全失速是指当伞头在飞行员背后的时候进入全失速。

62 、Still have the glider that resembles half egg form additionally, among them a kind what combine stainless steel and cany look is contemporary model glider, very suffer people love.───另外还有像半个鸡蛋形的吊椅,其中一种将不锈钢和藤相结合的现代型吊椅,很受人们的喜爱。

63 、If the glider is set in motion, it is observed to move at a constant speed.───假如让滑动物运动,就可以看到它的运动是恒速的。

64 、Glider, enjoy the weekend too! I'm watching Star War...───小月不只慧中,而且长得很好看,我可以作证.呵呵.

65 、A501( c)(19) non-profit veterans organization consisting of World War II Glider Pilot members who earned the MOS1026 and the Glider Pilots wings.───一个以二战滑翔机飞行员为成员的非盈利性退伍军人组织,拥有MOS1026和滑翔机机翼。

66 、Over the course of previous summers, I had experienced the sweeping rush of glider school and had soloed in my first motorized aircraft.───去年夏天,我去过许多规模很大的滑翔机学校,并且有了属于我自己的小飞机。

67 、What airplane tows you aloft if you are in a glider?───如果你飞滑翔机,那么什么飞机可以把你牵引上天?

68 、Pictured above is a replica of Cayley’s glider.───上图所示为凯利滑翔机的复制品。

69 、Although getting a look at that lab Is a priority, Stone, we'd suggest you get the glider completed first.───史东,虽然勘查实验室也很紧急,不过我们还是建议你先完成滑翔机。

70 、A microphone attached to the bottom of the glider can pick up calls from all whales, including the high frequency call of the beaked whale, which until now has been difficult to detect.───安装在滑翔器底端的麦克风可以捕捉到所有种类的鲸鱼叫声。包括由喙鲸发出的高频率叫声,在此之前一直都难以探测。

71 、As paragliders and glider pilots, they soar like hawks higher and higher, using air heated by the sun, called thermals, to rise high in the sky.───作为滑翔伞和滑翔机的驾驶员,他们利用太阳带来的空气热动力,也称为上升暖气流,像鹰一样越飞越高。

72 、Target his thruster, turn him into a glider.─── 打他的推进器 把他变成滑翔翼

73 、The satellite is designed to launch a glider at hypersonic speeds.─── 卫星会在极超高音速下 发射滑翔导弹

74 、Captain, you must finish the glider with all haste and then see what you can discover In the foundations of Colditz.───上校,你必须尽你所能的快速完成滑翔机,然后看看你是不是可以在寇地兹的地基发现些什么。

75 、It's crushing me! I don't think the glider can take it.─── 它在挤压我的船 我觉得滑翔器支撑不住了

76 、Fossett and his team had been staying at Omarama in Southern Alps for nearly three weeks, waiting for the suitable weather conditions for him to fly in a glider to a height of 14,938 meters to make the world record.───佛塞特和他的组员在南阿尔卑斯山脉的奥马拉马待了将近三个星期,等待合适的天气,好让他能乘风滑翔至一万四千九百三十八公尺的高度,创下世界纪录。

77 、A man had bolted a go-cart engine and a propeller to the back of a hang glider, and there he was, running off flat ground and cruising into the sky just like a bird.───一个人预先将轻便车发动机和螺旋桨捆到悬挂式滑翔机的后部,他准备就绪,接着在乎地上迅速奔跑,然后像鸟一样盘旋上天。

78 、I've completed Harding's glider.───我完成哈定的滑翔机了。

79 、But plans are afoot to make a low-power glider that can prowl the oceans for up to 5 years.───但人们在计划制造一种低电量滑翔机,能在海中潜行五年时间。

80 、Note to accompany schematics for audio glider emergency binder.─── 记得以后附上紧急粘合音频滑翔机草图

81 、I couldn't hack it in time, but the glider appears to communicating with a homing beacon.─── 我没能及时侵入系统 但滑翔导弹 似乎在与归航信标通讯

82 、It's in getaway glider to (the sky) from the top (Well.───天空中从首位开始,在逃走的滑翔机(很好地。

83 、This energy helps the glider stabilize due to the inherent pendulum stability that is built into a paraglider.───所以单边夹页的科目是一定要勤加练习的。

84 、A new exhibit, the Virtual Glider, was added to the original 55 groups of permanent interactive exhibits in the Hall of Astronomy and Hall of Space Science.───天文展览厅及太空科学展览厅长期展出55组互动式展品,让观众触摸和亲自操作,现更增添了一项新展品"虚拟滑翔风筝"。

85 、At Kitty Hawk during the late summer and early fall, both brothers logged many hours of unpowered flight in this glider.───从夏末到秋初的时间里,这对兄弟待在小鹰镇,花了许多时间轮流驾驶这具非动力滑翔机。

86 、The "GIN Touch", the trademark of our designer which makes our gliders different: the special synthesis between pilot and glider, GIN pilots know what we mean.───“珍的感觉”,这是飞行员和伞翼的综合体现,飞过珍牌的飞行员自会领会其中的含义!

87 、In 1900, the Wright brothers tested a glider that could carry a person.───1900年,赖特兄弟试验了一架能够载一个人的滑翔机。

88 、He performed the fastest sail circumnavigation, the fastest sail transatlantic crossing and the highest flight in a glider, nine miles (15.5km) above the Andes.───并且他还进行了最快的环球帆船航行,最快的的跨大西洋的帆船穿越和在安第斯山脉9英里(15.5公里)上空进行最高的滑翔机飞行。

89 、You have to drive a glider confidential at the impact of airflow and decrease the interference of crows landed in the landing area, a bit difficult to Oh!───你要驾驶滑翔机要在气流的冲击和乌鸦的干扰下降落在着陆区,有点难度哦!

90 、Within the assigned period of time, the number of successful grasping of the glider will be counted.───于指定时间内数算成功接回滑翔机的次数。








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