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07-02 投稿




英:[m?θs]  美:[m?θs]

英:  美:


n. 数学



1 、So I started tutoring him in math, and he became the best math student in school.─── 所以我开始辅导他数学 然后他成了学校里数学最好的学生

2 、Cathy has done her Maths homework.───凯茜已经完成了她的数学作业。

3 、He likes not only maths but English as well.───他不但喜欢数学,还喜欢英语。

4 、A weak student; weak in math.───功课不好的学生; 数学差

5 、She got a first in maths at Exeter.───她在埃克塞特大学数学系毕业,获一级荣誉学位。

6 、I am better at math than English.───和英语相比我更擅长数学

7 、She majored in maths and English.───她在大学主修英语和数学。

8 、She is good at Maths and Chinese.───她的数学和语文都很好。

9 、You'll have to make a make-up exam in maths.───你们得参加数学补考。

10 、To what degree are you interested in maths?───你对数学的兴趣达到了什么程度?

11 、He solved the maths problem for his younger sister without any difficulty.───他毫不费劲地帮他妹妹解开了这道数学题。

12 、Her report card points up her talent for maths.───她的成绩单清楚地表明了她的数学才能。

13 、In all probability, he will pass the maths exam.───他非常有可能会通过数学考试。

14 、Jim is good at English and Maths.───吉姆善于英语和数学。

15 、Classical Physics and Linear Maths.───古典物理学,线性数学。

16 、Where do your brother teach maths?───你兄弟在哪里教数学?

17 、He made progress in maths by leaps and bounds.───他数学进步飞快。

18 、Anyway, you're too slow and your math stinks.───不管怎么说,你太慢了,而你的数学又一团糟。

19 、He is not interested in math in the least.───他对数学一点都不感兴趣。

20 、As a matter of fact, I have no interest in maths.───事实上,我对数学不感兴趣。

21 、Naomi got a distinction in maths.───内奥米的数学得了优等。

22 、Practical lessons, like woodwork and cookery, are not considered as important as maths.───一般认为像木工和烹饪之类的实用课程不如数学重要。

23 、She plugged away at her math.───她埋头攻读数学。

24 、You do the math, 'cause you know me and math.─── 你自己算算 你也知道我数学不好的

25 、Princeton was a scholarship because I was good at math, and math led me to tech, and then tech led me here.─── 我拿奖学金上的 因为我数学好 后来就开始搞科技 然后就到这了

26 、No, not me. You know maths is out my cup of tea.───不。没有。你知道我数学并不好。

27 、He wants me to help her with her maths.───他想要我在数学方面帮助她。

28 、She majored in maths and physics at university.───她在大学期间主修数学和物理。

29 、It is necessary that he study maths.───他学数学是必要的。

30 、He made some mistakes in his maths test.───他在数学测验中出了几个错。

31 、Because that math they had me working on it was his.─── 因为他们让我算的东西 其实是他的工作

32 、You can make capital of your knowledge of maths.───你可以利用你的数学知识。

33 、It's up to me to help them with maths.───帮他们学数学是我的责任。

34 、I got put in remedial math because my math from my old school is not the same math they have here.─── 我被安排进了数学补习班 因为我上一个学校的数学 学的跟这里的不一样

35 、He was kept busy doing his maths exercises all day.───他整天都在忙于做数学作业。

36 、He is the math wiz of his class.───他是他班的数学天才。

37 、"How did your two lads do in their maths contest?" "The youngster came out pretty well, but poor old Jim was nowhere.───"你的两个孩子这次数学竞赛考得怎么样?""小的一个考得不错,但是大的一个,就是那个可怜的吉姆,却考得很糟。

38 、There is going to be a maths exam next month.───下个月将有数学考试。

39 、He has a mental block about maths.───他一遇到数学问题就糊涂。

40 、Chou did poorly at maths, science and English.───周杰伦的数学、自然科学和英语成绩很差。

41 、Would you like to help me with my maths?───你乐意帮助我复习数学吗?

42 、She messed up on the math test.───她数学考砸了。

43 、He would rap at the desk when he had difficulty working out a math problem.───他做数学题遇到困难时往往要敲书桌。

44 、Her maths teacher accused her of cheating in the test yesterday.───她的数学老师指责她在昨天的测验中**。

45 、He reminds me of my maths teacher.───他使我想起了我的数学老师。

46 、You shouldn't read a storybook in a maths class.───你不应该在数学课上看故事书。

47 、Who teaches Maths in this school?───在这个学校谁教数学?

48 、He teaches maths at a college.───在一所学院里教数学。

49 、I don't do math anymore. I don't care about math.─── 我不研究数学了 我不管那些

50 、Can you come and help me with my Maths?───你能来教我数学吗?

51 、He did not floor his maths paper and failed.───他的数学试卷没有全部做完,所以不及格。

52 、I think it's 'cause I'm a math geek and, um, you know, music is the art of math.─── 我想因为我是数学高手 而音乐就是数学艺术

53 、My first was a science and math teacher in high school, my second, a professor of creative. writing at Stanford, and my third was my friend and partner, Ed Ricketts.───头一位是中学里教理化和数学的老师,第二位是斯坦福大学里教写作的教授,第三位就是我的朋友、合作者——埃德·雷克茨。

54 、How did you do in the maths test [quiz]?───你的数学考得怎么样?

55 、He shaved through the math exam.───他勉强通过了数学考试。

56 、He debated with our maths teacher the solution to the problem.───他和数学老师争辩这道难题的解法。

57 、Their maths teacher is very them.───9他们的数学老师对他们要求很严格。

58 、She majored in maths and physics .───她主修数学和物理.

59 、He got a goose egg on his maths test.───他数学测试得了零分。

60 、He failed his maths examination because of his careless work.───他由于粗心大意,数学考试没及格。

61 、She waltz off with the school prize for maths and science.───她轻而易举赢得了全校数学奖和理科奖。

62 、Have you ever done maths in English, nanny?───小晶晶:婆婆,你有用英文来做过数学吗?

63 、Fortunately, our math doesn't have any inhibitions and we could still calculate all these things even if they seem completely counter intuitive and it's only through the math that we're able to actually deal with all these ideas.─── 幸运的是 数学是没有任何偏见的 我们可以去推演那些看起来 和常识直觉完全相悖的东西 而且事实上也只有数学 能够帮我们处理这些问题

64 、He must be our new maths teacher.───他一定就是我们的新数学老师。

65 、Kathy had hard sledding in her math course because she was poorly prepared.───凯西的数学很难进步,因为她的基础太差。

66 、He had taught maths for four years by last July.───到上个七月为止他教数学四年了。

67 、He must be good at maths, isn't he?───他数学一定学得很好,是吗?

68 、There only four subjects worth studying science and math and math and science.─── 只有四门课程值得学习 科学 数学 数学 科学

69 、Little Gauss was very good at maths.───小高斯很擅长数学。

70 、He stands first in maths in his class.───他的数学位于全班之首。

71 、Did you get a good record in maths at school?───你的数学成绩很好,是吗?

72 、He was always bottom of the class in maths.───他的数学成绩在班上总是垫底。

73 、His work in maths needs to be brought up to the standard of the others.───他的数学功课需要赶上别人的水平。

74 、She usually learns English and Maths.───她平常都学习英语和数学。

75 、Mr Mu knows the maths teacher of his son's.───他儿子的数学老师。

76 、He is getting up his maths for the exam.───他正在温习数学,准备考试。

77 、She was put off maths by a bullying and incompetent teacher.───她对数学失去了兴趣,因为老师仗势欺人又没教学能力。

78 、She's in the top set in maths.───她在数学成绩最好的班上。

79 、Study should bring on your Maths.───学习会提高你的数学水平。

80 、Why not try doing the maths problem in other ways?───为什么不试试用别的办法做这道数学题呢?

81 、I do... but unfortunately the math is still the math, and our budget is only going to get tighter with all the earthquake damage.─── 我懂 遗憾的是 数字依然不会改变 而且因为地震带来的损害 预算只会更紧

82 、What did your maths teacher say?───你的数学老师说什么?

83 、He is Mr. Wang, our Maths teacher.───他是王先生,我们的数学老师。

84 、He has a chicken head for maths.───他不擅长数学。

85 、She majored in maths and physics (at university).───她(在大学)主修数学和物理。

86 、Pupils are streamed for French and Maths.───学生上法语和数学课时按能力分成小组。

87 、The prize was awarded to him for excellence in maths.───他因数学成绩优异而获奖。

88 、If my maths is/are right, the answer is 142.───如果我的运算正确,答案就是 142。

89 、She often helps her deskmate with maths.───她常常帮助她的同桌学数学。

90 、She is going to go over maths instead of English.───她打算复习数学,而不是英语.






英 [mæθ]  美 [mæθ] 


n. 数学(等于mathematics)


1、Those math problems made me dizzy.


2、He shaved through the math exam.







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