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07-02 投稿




英:[?b?d?b?ld??]  美:[?bɑ?d?b?ld??]

英:  美:


n. 健身


名词: bodyybuilder |


1 、Analyzing of the Management of Staff Value in Commercial Bodybuilding Club───商业健身俱乐部员工价值管理探讨

2 、One of the best ways to become familiar with new products is to visit a bodybuilding or fitness expo.Often, you can try new protein technology foods right there or get free samples to try at home.───了解新产品的最好途径就是去访问健美或健身展览会,通常你都有机会可以任意尝试各种新的蛋白质科技产品,或者是可以获得免费的试用装带回家。

3 、bodybuilding facility───健身设施

4 、The relationship between muscular soreness, the rest required and hypertrophy is a contentious topic in bodybuilding.───在肌肉疼痛的关系中,休息的需求与肌肥大一直是健美运动所争论的议题。

5 、Some people resort to taking anabolic steroids in order to accelerate muscle growth but you can get great results by implementing the ultimate bodybuilding diet.───一些人为了加速肌肉的生长采取服用促同化激素类,但是你可以通过完成终极健身饮食得到更显著的效果。

6 、Influences of aerobic training on the human body as seen from aerobic bodybuilding exercises───从有氧运动对人体的影响谈有氧健身运动处方的设计

7 、Do they have bodybuilding equipment?───他们有发展肌肉的器材吗?

8 、The age-old Kungfu for bodybuilding and self-defense has gained widespread popularity in its history.───在历史上用于健身、自卫的古老功夫得到了广泛的喜爱。

9 、bodybuilding sport───健美运动

10 、Hong Kong China Bodybuilding Delegation Chief Coach───中国香港健美总会教练

11 、The ECA stack is most often taken during the cutting phase of a bodybuilding program, or during a weight loss program. It is taken prior to cardiovascular exercise.───ECA混合物通常被用在健美运动的雕塑期,或减肥计划中。在心血管运动之前服用。

12 、The bodybuilding community itself was a great experimental group.───健身团体本身是一个很好的实验小组。

13 、A poor young boy from Austria went to the U.S. alone and took the opportunities that America offered.He became the world bodybuilding champion, a Hollywood superstar and the governor of California.───一个奥地利的穷小子独闯美国,抓住美国提供的机会,成为世界健美先生、好莱坞巨星和加州州长。

14 、The Features of Popular Bodybuilding belief in Foreign Countries and the Inspiration They Bring to Us───国外大众健身理念的特点以及给我们的启示

15 、But his working theory is that it's like a cutting edge bodybuilding supplement.─── 但是他所持的理论是 人脑是一项尖端的健身补充剂

16 、For example, carnitine is often sold both as a bodybuilding supplement and as a diet supplement, whereas the "andro" supplements are generally kept exclusively in the bodybuilding arena.───例如,左旋肉碱既是健身补剂又是饮食补剂,而男性补剂一般仅用于健身场所。

17 、bodybuilding service system───健身服务体系

18 、Dictionary Of Weightlifting, Bodybuilding, And Exercise Terms And Techniques───举重、身体塑形和训练技术词典

19 、physical bodybuild;───体育健身;

20 、Keywords Community;Bodybuilding Activities;Sports Injury;Epidemiology;───关键词社区;健身运动;损伤;流行病学;

21 、bodybuilding training───健美训练

22 、While China has been benefited from the capital globalization and modern management after joining in WTO, DeRong also flows with the tide of international bodybuilding industry.───中国受惠于加入WTO所带来的全球资本和现代管理,而德荣公司也力求跟随国际健身行业的潮流。

23 、bodybuilding situation───健身状况

24 、sport bodybuilding───体育健身

25 、Other services include: SPA full range skin-care, general SPA aromatherapy, bodybuilding, breast nursing, etc.───其服务项目主要有:SPA全套护肤.全身SPA芳香疗法舒穴油压.塑身.美胸等专业护理。

26 、bodybuilding & recreational service───健身娱乐服务

27 、Bodybuilding exercises is a kind of aerobic exercises and are very popular with many women. This is ...───健美操是一项有氧活动,很受女性的欢迎。因为健美操不但可以起到减肥的效果,还能健身。现在很多白领在下班...

28 、Research on methods of modeling in bodybuilding training───健美模式训练的建模方法再探

29 、The whole purpose of bodybuilding was to relearn the rules of nature to re-establish of form of life commensurate with the past.───健身的目的在于重新学习自然的法则,重建与过去相等的生活形式。

30 、The staff are fully aware of the importance of bodybuilding while not going for bodybuilding sports.───健身项目主要为散步、乒乓球和跑步;

31 、On the Discussion of Changing Field and Track Sports Meeting to Bodybuilding Sports Meeting───中学田径运动会改为健身运动会的讨论与实践

32 、bodybuilding calisthenics───健身健美操

33 、Bodybuilding should be fun because you get a feeling of satisfaction which is very hard to explain.───个人介绍:上帝给了一双眼睛,是让你去学会欣赏。

34 、Study about Bodybuilding Specialized Course Specialized Check Appraisement Quantification Criterion───健美专项课考核评价量化标准的研究

35 、He was 20 when won his first bodybuilding award and went on to win many more.───20岁的时候他获得了有生以来的第一个健美奖项,以后的日子里他还获得更多的奖项。

36 、Glutamine for general health and fitness, as a bodybuilding supplement, to reduce the ravages caused by chemotherapy and a mood elevator? Yes, glutamine is that important!───因此,谷氨酰胺对大众健康与健身非常重要。它可以作为健美营养补剂,可以缓解化学疗法的副作用,也可以改善情绪。

37 、Bodybuilding exercise prescription───健美运动处方

38 、You never know bodybuilding is a new and international popular stuff.───你不知道健美是一项在国际上受欢迎的新事物。

39 、The IFBB approves a Pan-Arab Bodybuilding Federation and efforts are made to bring the 22 nations of the South Pacific into the IFBB.───国际健联批准成立了泛阿拉伯地区健美联合会,并且努力使南太平洋地区的22个国家加入国际健联。

40 、bodybuilding management───健身管理

41 、commercial bodybuilding club───商业健身俱乐部

42 、It's sold at a lot of gyms, to bodybuilders, to redistribute body fat and increase testosterone.─── 这种药在很多健身房有卖 是卖给想要练就好身材的人 重组全身脂肪 并增加*素的

43 、“I was sure I'd shrivel up and die if I didn't eat meat,” recalls Joe Schneider, a mailman who is into bodybuilding.───“以前我确信自己如果不吃肉,就会衰弱而死。”一位热衷于健美的邮差先生乔伊舒奈德回想道。

44 、A Research and Analysis on How to Instruct Students to Conduct Self-appraisal in the Teaching of Bodybuilding Specialized Course───健美专项课教学中指导学生进行自我评价的研究分析

45 、bodybuilding activities───体育参与

46 、“The lats have two basic functions as far as bodybuilding is concerned: They pull the shoulder back (a rowing motion) and pull the shoulders down (a pulldown or chinning motion).───“谈到健美,背肌有两个基本功能:一来它们将肩膀往后拉(一个划行的动作),二来它们能将肩膀往下拉(一个折叠式或引体向上的动作)。

47 、bodybuilding of popular───全民健身

48 、bodybuilding instructor───健身指导员

49 、Keywords whole people s bodybuilding project;Taijiquan;amusement;bodybuilding;───关键词全民健身计划;体育锻炼;太极拳;娱乐性;

50 、Titus was also coming close to the end of his professional career and was trying to launch a bodybuilding governing body to compete with the International Federation of Body Builders, Bohm said.───Bohm透露,Titus在事发前已打算结束职业生涯,同时筹划建立一个健美运动管理机构与国际健美联会抗衡。

51 、Professional coaches will give instuction in badminton, tennis, swimming, bodybuilding, and some other skills in sports.───专业教练指导羽毛球、网球、游泳、健身、棋类等体育专业技能。

52 、bodybuilding awareness───健身意识

53 、Bodybuilding Workshop - Competition Preparation───健美运动工作坊-如何准备比赛

54 、bodybuilding and health keeping───健身养生方法

55 、It doesn’t matter if you train at home in the basement of your parents’ house, or at the local gym, bodybuilding is your focus.───在家中,还是你父母家,或在当地的体育馆,都不是很重要,健身才是您关注的焦点。

56 、bodybuilding behavior───健身行为

57 、It's rich in educational content: bodybuilding, fitness, taekwondo, physical training and so on.───具有丰富的教学内容:健美、健身、跆拳道、形体训练等等。

58 、T-Nation: Are you still a fan of bodybuilding?───型国家:你仍是一个迷健身?

59 、A study on the nutrient arrangement and absorption value of food and drink in bodybuilding───健身健美过程中饮食的营养搭配及摄取价值的研究

60 、bodybuilding freestyle dance───健身街舞

61 、bodybuilding and healthy - keeping value───健身养生价值

62 、August 16 - Pacific USA Naturals Bodybuilding and Figure Championships (bodybuilding polygraph tested) in Anaheim, CA. NQ Team Universe.───8月16日:阿纳海姆美国太平洋自然健美形体冠军赛(健美要进行药物检查)。

63 、They were important ways for the people's bodybuilding and entertainment, which could the promote people's productivity.───充分利用这一财富,对全民健身活动的开展具有积极意义。

64 、Western-style food, dim sum, beverages, accommodation, ablution, foot care, chess, ping-pong, billiards, bodybuilding, darts entertainment services. (The above operating permits covering operating with permits to operate).───中、西餐,点心,饮料,住宿,沐浴,足部保健,棋牌,乒乓,台球,健身,飞镖娱乐服务。(以上经营范围涉及许可经营的凭许可证经营)。

65 、Sense of Bodybuilding and Capacity of Physical Education───健身意识与体育能力

66 、Research at the P. E. Center Building and all People Joined Bodybuilding Promotion Xiang,E,Yu and Qian Border Region───在湘鄂渝黔边建立体育中心以推动全民健身活动开展的研究

67 、Hong Kong China Bodybuilding Association───中国香港健美总会

68 、Xandra said she got them from this bodybuilder guy.─── 桑德拉说是从一个搞健身的人那弄到的

69 、Bodybuilding is becoming more popular in our city.───健身在我们这个城市变得越来越流行。

70 、On the System of Nationwide Bodybuilding for Constructing a Fairly Well-off Society in an all-round way───全面建设小康社会的全民健身体系

71 、Later, another Hunan official, Huang Zili, said the company did not sell to the United States, and declined to comment on the government’s contention that Hunan was a supplier of bodybuilding drugs.───其后另一湖南官员,黄自立表示,公司没有出售到美国,并拒绝对此发表评论,对政府的争论,湖南是一个供应商,健身药物。

72 、bodybuilding market───健身健美行业市场

73 、MQ: To sum it up, bodybuilding in the eighties was awesome and the nineties were a huge disappointment.───传输:总之,健美操是在八十年代和九十年代可怕的是一个巨大的失望。

74 、Influence of Bodybuilding On Male College Students'Figure and Girth───健美锻炼对男子大学生体围与体型影响的研究

75 、Bodybuilding at that level is pure narcissistic behavior.───健美运动在这一水平是纯粹的自恋行为。

76 、T-Nation: If you were starting out in bodybuilding nowadays, would you still want to be a pro?───型国家:如果您已开始在健身的今天,你仍然想成为一名职业?

77 、bodybuilding club───健身俱乐部

78 、strength training for bodybuilding───器械健身健美运动

79 、Role of traditional Chinese keep fit method for bodybuilding regimen in the bodybuilding of elderly people───中国传统健身养生法对老年人健身的作用

80 、bodybuilding association───健美协会

81 、Current situation and trend of bodybuilding industry───健身健美产业的现状与趋势

82 、The bodybuilding you do today prepares you better for the threats awaiting you in the future.───今天的锻炼能为将来可能的威胁更好得做好准备。

83 、Maybe giving him a dose of testosterone, like how bodybuilders use steroids.─── 也许可以给他一剂*酮 就和那些健美运动员用类固醇

84 、bodybuilding exercises───健美操









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