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shot gun,shotgun是什么意思,shotgun中文翻译,shotgun发音、用法及例句

07-02 投稿

shot gun,shotgun是什么意思,shotgun中文翻译,shotgun发音、用法及例句



英:[???tg?n]  美:[??ɑt?ɡ?n]

英:  美:


adj.用猎**的,强迫的, 漫无目的的

n.猎**, (橄榄球)进攻阵势


1 、No bird: An illegal shotgun target, usually because it is broken when it emerges, is not propelled or is released before the shooters call.───废靶:不合规定的猎**靶。通常刚刚出现即破裂,或不能推进,或要靶口令发出前即抛出。

2 、I understand that this is a shotgun wedding.───我知道这是一起为**所迫的结婚。

3 、He upped with his fist [a shotgun].───他举起了拳头[猎**].

4 、In other instances, the cross-examiner adopts a "shotgun" strategy in which her questions skip rapidly from one topic to another, in the hope of uncovering a useful bit of information or at least of making the witness appear confused.───在另外一些情况下,反诘问者采用一种"漫无目标"的策略,提问从一个话题很快地跳跃到另一个话题,希望藉此能够发现一些有用的信息或至少能够让证人显得困惑不解。

5 、The robbers used a sawn-off shotgun in the raid.───劫匪在袭击中用锯断的猎**。

6 、Just make sure there are no farmhouses nearby or you may receive a nocturnal visit from a perturbed farmer carrying a shotgun!───一定要确保周围没有农舍,不然你们可能就会在夜间被一个拿着猎**、心烦意乱的农民来拜访了!

7 、Hit: A shotgun target that has been struck and broken by the shooter.───中靶:猎**靶被射手击中破碎。

8 、Whole Microbial Genome Shotgun Sequencing───微生物全基因组鸟**法测序

9 、whole-genome shotgun sequencing───全基因组鸟**法

10 、The most expensive single gift Bush received was the shotgun with" accessory tools" from Roy Weatherby Jr. of California.───布什收到的最昂贵的礼物是一支猎**及其“附属部件”,由加利福尼亚州的罗伊·卫斯比赠送。

11 、I'll never forget one lady, who looked to be in her seventies, sitting stoically in her lawn chair with her shotgun across her lap.───我永远不会忘记一位女士,看上去有70多岁,表情坦然地坐在她家的草坪座椅上,在坐着的大腿上横放着一枝猎**。

12 、I held on to my shotgun as moral support.───我紧紧地握住我的滑膛**,以此表示一种精神上的支持。

13 、In 1994, a jury in Pensacola, Florida, convicted Paul Hill of murder for the shotgun slayings of an abortion provider and his bodyguard; Hill was sentenced to death.───1994年,一个陪审团在彭萨科拉佛罗里达判处杀害堕胎的散弹**提供商和他保镖的希尔死刑。

14 、One outraged politician from the junior partner in the coalition, the conservatives, said he would “reach for his shotgun” if Mr Moller came calling.───一个愤怒的政治家,来自于联盟的初级搭档,保守主义者,说他会“拿起猎**”如果莫勒先生给他来**。

15 、They are going to have shotgun marriage next week.───他们下周即将举行婚礼,因为女方怀了孩子。

16 、I want to grab a shotgun and go all Cheney on them.───我就想拿起猎**,把所有子弹都射在它身上。

17 、He was charged with possessing a shotgun without a licence.───他被控无照拥有猎**。

18 、He would carry a shotgun on his shoulder and walk about for hours through the woods.───他会背着猎**,在森林里走上数小时。

19 、He sawed off the shotgun. It's the same shooter.─── 凶手锯短了猎** 开**的是同一个人

20 、Then why do you come to our village with a shotgun?───“那你为什么带着一把猎**到我们村里来?”

21 、On the grass near him he found an old shotgun.───在他旁边的草地上,他发现一把旧猎**,

22 、No, chances are, he has a shotgun and will soon take aim at your noggin.───事实是,他有一把**而且正准备瞄准你的脑袋。

23 、Don't ask us what we're thinking about unless you are prepared to discuss such topics as football, the shotgun formation, or golf.───别问我们感觉之类的话题,除非你们准备讨论足球,射击编队之类的话题。

24 、A rough guy suddenly fired a shotgun.───一个很粗暴的家伙突然开了一**

25 、Why do you have a shotgun on your shoulder?───“你肩上为何扛着一把猎**?

26 、Tee-off Ceremony and Shotgun Start───开球典礼及比赛开始

27 、While cleaning his shotgun he had accidentally blown his own brains out.───他擦猎**时意外走火,打烂了自己的脑袋。

28 、Lara : I hope Natla sent you with more than that shotgun.───劳拉:但愿纳特拉不只给了你那把猎**。

29 、Then on April 27, 1987, while turkey hunting, LeMond was accidentally shot by a blast from a shotgun.───但在1987年4月27日,在一次的狩猎火鸡当中,拉蒙意外地被猎**的流弹击中。

30 、A 12-gauge shotgun was found at the crime scene.───在犯罪现场发现了一支十二口径的猎**。

31 、Her hands were matchstick-thin, but her grasp on the shotgun was firm───她的手象火柴棍一样纤细,但却牢牢地握着那枝猎**。

32 、They killed the pig shortly before the doctors's arrival, and the meat was so fresh that shotgun pellets were found in some servings.───事实上,在医师抵达不久前他们才刚宰猪,因此新鲜到可在餐中发现多颗散弹弹头还钳在猪肉里。

33 、Shotgun Willie (Bonus, Prev.Unrel.───)试听 Shotgun Willie (Bonus, Prev.

34 、Humping a ceramic Virgin Mary in front of your uncle's house is not "pimping it" (unless you tell her you're done then blow in her face like a shotgun when she turns around).───在你叔叔的屋子前面放一个陶瓷的圣母玛丽亚不是罪过。(除非你在她转过头的时候,像一把散弹**一样朝她脸上喷射)汗。感觉好流氓的意思。

35 、Don't ask us what we're thinking about unless you are prepared to discuss such topics as navel lint, the shotgun formation, or monster trucks.───别问我们怎麽想,除非你们准备好跟我们讨论肚脐眼里的死皮、散弹**的构造、或者如何改造汽车。

36 、Your next door neighbor begins to patrol his front yard with a loaded shotgun while your children are at play in your own front yard.───你的孩子在自己的前院玩耍,而你的隔壁邻居却拿着上了子弹的猎**在他自己的前院里巡逻。

37 、Use either the rifle with 3x scope or the trusty old shotgun.───使用的步**3倍范围或可信赖岁猎**。

38 、Lydia, sobbing with fright, saw Thomson dart forward and pick up the shotgun.───利季娅害怕地啜泣着,她看到汤姆森抢步上前捡起**。

39 、The most expensive single gift Bush received was the shotgun with "accessory tools" from Roy Weatherby Jr. of California.───布什收到的最昂贵的礼物是一支猎**及其“附属部件”,由加利福尼亚州的罗伊·小卫斯比赠送。

40 、Willie accidentally let off his father's shotgun and made a hole in the wall───威利无意中发射了他父亲的猎**,把墙打了一个洞。

41 、Henry and Janet had a shotgun wedding last week.───享利和珍妮特因**所迫上周举行了婚礼

42 、Early diagnosis and treatment of shotgun vascular wound in extremities───四肢血管砂**伤的早期诊断及治疗

43 、The shotgun in his back is loaded with bullets.───他背后的猎**装满了子弹。

44 、The farmer being protective of his daughters decided to meet their suitors at the front door with a shotgun.───农夫为了保护他的女儿们,就拿着**站在门口,准备亲自会会他女儿们的求婚者。

45 、Jet is the son of shotgun XM1014, the line of fire did not regret a single jet, only even spray.───喷子就是散弹**XM1014,很遗憾火线里没有单喷,只有连喷。

46 、Hang the police under his shotgun───在他的散弹**下绞死那个警察

47 、One hunter panics, grabs the shotgun and shoots the dog.───其中一个慌了,拿出**对狗射击。

48 、Later in the day, the shopkeeper is driving home when he spots the young woman standing waist deep in the water, shotgun in hand.Just then, he sees a huge 9 foot alligator swimming quickly toward her.───当天下午,在开车回家的路上,店主看到一个年轻妇女手提猎**,站在齐腰的水中,这时,他看到一个巨大的9英尺长的鳄鱼向她快速游去。

49 、My parents had a shotgun wedding and had only been married a few months before I was born.───我的父母是因为母亲**被迫结婚的,他们结婚才几个月便生下了我。

50 、Win the Survival mode in the Single Player Campaign playing jigsaw and using only a shotgun.───在单人战役中玩拼图并仅使用猎**且赢得生存模式。

51 、I calmed her down as Kayla sneaked out of the house with a shotgun.───我让她平静下来,凯拉于是带着一支鸟**出去了。

52 、Placing a smaller gauge or caliber cartridge into a gun( such as a20 gauge shell in a12 gauge shotgun) can result in the smaller cartridge falling into the barrel and acting as a bore obstruction when a cartridge of proper size is fired.───如果误将小号或小口径弹药装入**内(如将20#弹装入12#弹**)结果会造成小子弹滑入**管,再装填合适的子弹射击时就会造成堵塞。

53 、When the man attempted to grab the shotgun after being warned not to move, Mr Jiang shot him in the leg.───当嫌犯被警告不许动但却置若罔闻反而去抢**时,蒋先生先鸣**警告,随后朝嫌犯腿部开了一**。

54 、Without a shotgun you cannot drive away the wolves and jackals.───不用猎**,赶不走豺狼。

55 、small lead shot for shotgun shells.───一种从鸟**壳中发射出来的小石弹。

56 、but it's twenty years since he went away from home with his shotgun.───但他二十年前就带着猎**离家出走至今。

57 、a light shotgun used for fowling.───一种用来捕鸟的轻型散弹**。

58 、It was a double-barrel shotgun with a shining blue body and a chilling black muzzle.───它是****管,**身瓦蓝铮亮,**口黑黝黝的,有一股逼人的寒气。

59 、Here we are talking, and you pull a shotgun on me.─── 我们正谈心呢 你却拿把**指着我

60 、Jason Fried over at 37signals has been evangelizing the idea. "Big sites take a shotgun approach. You post a job. Anyone can see it. There's no targeting, no like-mindedness.───大型求才网站采用乱**打鸟的方式:你提供一个工作,任何人都可以看到它.这是没有针对性,相当低能的作法.

61 、Basically you take a pump-action shotgun and kill whatever woodland creatures come across the screen.These include deer, elk, rabbits, wolves, coyotes and raccoons.───基本上你”**栓式”的猎**然后射击出现在萤光幕上的所有动物,像是鹿啊、驼鹿啊、小兔兔啊、狼啊、土狼啊、浣熊啊。

62 、A large lead shot for shotgun shells, used especially in hunting big game.───大号**猎**用的大**,尤其是用于射击大的猎物中

63 、Shotgun: An offensive formation, used especially for passing, in which the quarterback receives the snap several yards behind the line of scrimmage.───传球阵式一种进攻阵式,专门用于传球,在这种阵形中四分卫在争球线后几码的地方接到裆下后传球。

64 、You don't get to ride shotgun means that you can't sit in the front passenger seat. The front passenger seat is often referred to as "shotgun.───原来shotgun就是指前面驾驶座旁的座位啊?好奇怪!为什么要用“**”来形容一个座位呢?

65 、When the man spotted the rattlesnake, he drew back and aimed his shotgun.───当这个人确认出那是只响尾蛇后,他往后退并瞄准了它。

66 、It seemed that at the blast of the shotgun Pooch had hunkered down and begun to whine and shake.───大概是普茨听到一阵**声就蹲下身子,开始悲嗥,发抖起来。

67 、I shot the target with a shotgun.───我用猎**击中了靶子。

68 、FRENCH hunter was shot by his dog last week after he left a loaded shotgun in the boot of his car with his two dogs and one of the animals stepped on the trigger.───上周一个法国猎人被他自己的豿射中!当他把一把装了子弹的**和他的两只豿一起放在了汽车后面后,一只豿爬在了扳机上!

69 、A$14,153 shotgun with accessories, a$2,700 bike and thousands of dollars worth of fishing gear topped the list of gifts received by President Bush last year.───一杆价值14,153美元的猎**及其附件,一辆售价2,700美元的山地车,以及一套价值数千美元的钓鱼装备占据了美国总统布什去年所收礼品单上前几名的位置。

70 、He's here because we've a bunch of sawedoff shotguns.─── 他来是因为我们有很多短猎**

71 、Then you'll need the holy shotgun that is now in your inventory───一会儿你需要圣**,好的!现在就在你的物品栏里

72 、"Shotguns[are] so named because a shotgun fired through the front door of these long, narrow homes could pass straight through the house and out the back door without hitting any barriers" (Melissa O. Fryauf).───“盒式房屋之所以[被]叫做shot guns是因为用滑膛**在这些狭长房子的前门射击,子弹穿过房间,从后门射出,在这过程中子弹不会遇到任何障碍物” (梅利萨O.弗雷奥夫)。

73 、I asked whether he had a shotgun.───我问他有没有散弹猎**。

74 、If wonderful sparks excite your friend, you tell him/her to try Ebony &Ivory and Shotgun with Gunslinger.───想着别人的喜好可能和你一样,这样说服别人是很冒险的。

75 、A12 - gauge shotgun.───12口径猎**

76 、Ve heard that they had a shotgun wedding.───听说他们是奉子成婚。

77 、The remark, from an interview with NBC, referred to the shotgun blast by Cheney on a hunting trip that accidentally wounded a companion.───他在接受美国全国广播公司采访时发表的评论,显示是指切尼副总统在一次打猎活动中开**误伤了一名猎友的事件。

78 、Shotgun to the face in the playground.─── 在操场上对着脸部开了一**

79 、Two days after his return to the house in Ketchum, he took his life with a shotgun.───他返回凯彻姆家中两天后,便以猎**自杀。

80 、I'm sorry, Li Hua, but you don't get to ride shotgun on the way home. I need you to sit in back and hold the stereo.───你要我坐在后座抱住你的音响啊?可以啊!可是你怎么说我不能坐shotgun?我本来就没想拿**呀!

81 、Till he decided to off himself with a shotgun.─── 直到他决定用短**结束自己的生命

82 、So I took the shotgun off the wall and I fired two warning shots.───我从墙上拿下**,打了两发警告弹。

83 、Combat shotgun. This includes any shotgun with a barrel length less than 18 inches.───任何散弹**,包括管长小于18英寸的。

84 、Some of the boils were as large as pigeon eggs, and every boil had a hard piece in it the size of a shotgun pellet.───一些疖子就像鸽子蛋那么大,而且每个疖子都有一个鸟**子弹那么大的硬块。

85 、So he went inside a woods, shotgun in hand.───但当他一进入树林,走到那里,还没有举起**,鸟就飞走了。


来复**=rife 步**的音译







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