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07-02 投稿




英:['kw?r?l]  美:[?kw?r?l, ?kwɑr-]

英:  美:


n.吵架, 争论, 怨言

vi.吵架, 争论, 挑剔


动词第三人称单数: quarrels/quarrels | 名词: quarreler | 动词现在分词: quarreling/quarrelling | 动词过去分词: quarreled/quarrelled | 动词过去式: quarreled/quarrelled |


quarrel with

1. 不同意

I don't quarrel with your right to speak, but with your way of speaking.

我并非否定你说话的权利, 而是不喜欢你说话的态度。


1 、There was a quarrel for the best seats.───为了那些最好的位子发生了一场争吵。

2 、He's trying to keep out of this quarrel.───他不想**身在这场纠纷中间。

3 、He maneuvered himself out of the quarrel.───他巧妙地摆脱那场争吵。

4 、He had a quarrel with his girlfriend.───他与女朋友争吵起来。

5 、His parents always quarrel with each other.───他父母经常吵嘴。

6 、They had a quarrel about the project.───他们在项目问题上争执不休。

7 、Then I reckon your quarrel is with your past, not me.─── 那你怨恨的是你的过去 不是我

8 、Occasionally will quarrel with you.───偶尔会和你斗嘴。

9 、Nobody could quarrel with your conclusions.───你的结论无可辩驳。

10 、We quarreled about my leaving the program.─── 我们因为我离开项目的事吵了起来

11 、He arranged a quarrel among his friends.───他调解(他的)朋友们所发生的争执。

12 、He was severed for his quarrel with his boss.───他因与老板争吵而被炒了鱿鱼。

13 、A quarrel had estranged him from his family.───一场争吵使他与家人疏远了。

14 、They didn't take sides in the quarrel.───他们没有参与吵架。

15 、No, it grieves me that you two quarrel.─── 看到你们二人争吵我十分难过

16 、I can't imagine any of you quarrelling.─── 我想象不出你们姐妹会吵架

17 、He hankered to do something of quarrel.───他真想大吵一顿。

18 、He is good-natured and has never had a quarrel with anyone.───他脾气很好,从不和任何人争吵。

19 、They have finished with each other after the quarrel.───他们吵过之後就绝交了。

20 、Do not quarrel with your bread and butter.───[谚]不要砸自己的"饭碗"。

21 、They instantly made up their quarrel.───他们立刻不吵了。

22 、A quarrel dissevered the two friends.───一场争吵使两个朋友绝交了。

23 、A quarrel dissevered the young couple.───一场争吵使一对年轻夫妇分离了。

24 、They were reconciled after a quarrel.───他们吵架之后又重归于好。

25 、The quarrel caused her great anguish.───争吵给她造成了极大的痛苦。

26 、His comment sparked off a quarrel between them.───他提的意见引起了他们之间的争吵。

27 、He and Phoebe had had a senseless quarrel.───他跟菲比曾无谓地吵了一架。

28 、He tried to patch up their quarrel.───他试图平息他们之间的争吵。

29 、They settled the quarrel out of court.───他们以庭外和解的方式解决了争端。

30 、They often quarrel but they always make up.───他们经常争争吵吵,但总会言归于好的。

31 、You have to help them make up the quarrel.───你得帮助他们解决这场争吵。

32 、His angry words engendered the quarrel.───他的恶言引发了这场争吵。

33 、Let her alone! She didn't pick a quarrel with you!───不要惹她!她并没有找碴和你吵架!

34 、Their fathers' quarrel kept a breach between them.───他们父辈之间的交恶使他们的关系始终存在着裂痕。

35 、I'm here because you have a quarrel with me, not my mother... and not a child.─── 我来是因为你我之间有账 跟我母亲无关 跟孩子无关

36 、They embroiled Peter in their quarrel.───他们使彼得卷入了他们的争论。

37 、They are no longer speaking after the quarrel.───他们争吵后不再交往。

38 、He tried to pick a quarrel with me about it but I refused to discuss the matter.───他极力想就那事找我的茬儿,但我绝不谈论此事。

39 、He sailed in and settled the quarrel.───他果断地介入并迅速平息了这场争吵。

40 、They're not on speaking terms after their quarrel.───他们那次吵过架後就互不理睬了。

41 、Any misunderstanding can resolve itself into a quarrel.───任何误解都可能酿成一场争吵。

42 、He did not mention the quarrel with his wife.───他没有提起和妻子的争吵。

43 、Had to ask the school principal to adjudicate the quarrel.───不得不请**裁夺争吵

44 、They have patched up their quarrel.───他们已平息了争吵。

45 、They got into a quarrel, whereupon she left him.───他们吵了一架,之后她就离开了他。

46 、They are good friends, and they never quarrel.───他们是好朋友,从来不吵架。

47 、Don't involve me in your quarrel.───不要把我卷进你们的争吵中去。

48 、It's wrong for you to quarrel so often.───你们经常这么争吵是不对的。

49 、He considered that it is better for him to sit on the fence during the quarrel.───他认为在这场争吵中自己还是保持中立为好。

50 、The quarrel rose from a mere trifle.───争吵由小事引起。

51 、Their quarrel estranged the two friends.───他们的争吵使两个朋友失和。

52 、His statement sparked off a quarrel between them .───他的话引起他们之间的一场争吵。

53 、George shows a disposition to quarrel.───乔治好吵架。

54 、This rift became wider through a quarrel.───一次争吵更加加深了这个裂痕。

55 、He was ready to quarrel at the drop of a hat.───他动辄吵架。

56 、They had a quarrel, but they're friends again now.───他们吵过架,不过现在又和好了。

57 、A mere trifle brought about a quarrel between the brothers.───一点儿小事引起了兄弟间一场争吵。

58 、He seemed determined to pick a quarrel with us.───他似乎存心要找我们吵架。

59 、After the quarrel, they were no longer on speaking terms with each other.───争吵之後,他们相互之间关系就不好了。

60 、Do you know that they have had a bitter quarrel?───你知道她们两个曾很凶地拌过一回嘴吗?

61 、He was offended by her unreasonable quarrel.───他被她的无理取闹激怒了。

62 、Every now and then there is a quarrel.───不时会有争吵。

63 、What brought about his illness(the quarrel)?───他的病(这场争吵)是怎样引起的?

64 、Don't quarrel with your bread and butter.───你可不要砸自己的饭碗。

65 、And yes, we quarrel, but that is what family does.─── 确实 我们会吵架 但这才是家人

66 、A man may have a quarrel to marry when he will.───一个人只要他愿意,任何时候都有娶妻的理由。

67 、He could not give up his ideal of provoking a quarrel.───他不能放弃挑起一场争吵的想法。

68 、The quarrel caused her intense unhappiness.───争吵令她极其不快。

69 、They often quarrel with each other about trifles.───他们经常为小事吵架。

70 、They compounded with us for a quarrel of trade.───他们与我们就贸易争端达成协议。

71 、A quarrel rose between the twin brothers.───两个孪生兄弟之间发生了口角。

72 、A quarrel broke out between them.───他们间爆发了一场争吵。

73 、What? I fear there's been a quarrel.─── 怎么了 怕是两人起冲突了

74 、Do you know how he got tangled in the quarrel?───你知道他是怎么卷入争吵的吗?

75 、He has made up his quarrel with me.───他和我吵过一次,现在己经和解了。

76 、Don't quarrel with him; he's your own kith and kin.───不要同他吵架,他可是你自己的亲戚。

77 、The quarrel happened at breakfast.───争吵发生在吃早饭的时候。

78 、It's silly to quarrel over trifles.───为鸡毛蒜皮的小事争吵真不值得。

79 、Why did you have a quarrel with him?───你为什么和他吵架了?

80 、Let's not quarrel about knickknacks.───不要争小问题了。

81 、Don't involve me in your quarrel!───不要把我牵扯进你们的争吵中!

82 、You'd better keep out of their quarrel.───你最好别介入他们的争吵。

83 、The quarrel flared up between them.───他们突然争吵起来。

84 、Hot Words pass when men quarrel.───人们争吵时易说出过激的话来。

85 、They're our friends. I have no quarrel with them.─── 他们是朋友 我不和他们争吵

86 、Now I understand that. I have no quarrel with you.─── 现在我明白了这点 我对你没有憎恨

87 、His intervention brought their quarrel to a climax.───他一干预使他们的口角达到最激烈程度。

88 、He fell into a quarrel with his classmate.───他与同学吵了起来。

89 、Our discord was originated by a quarrel.───一次口角导致了我们之间的不和。

90 、I had no quarrel with him. I asked him to withdraw.─── 我跟他没有过节 我请他退出






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