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07-02 投稿




英:['ri:me?k]  美:[ri?mek]

英:  美:


v.再作, 再制, 重作

n.再制, 改作


动词过去式: remade | 动词现在分词: remaking | 动词第三人称单数: remakes | 动词过去分词: remade |


persist | keep on | hang about | abide | stay on | stay | go on | tarry | wait | prevail | endure | keep | hang around | continue | linger | survive | last | on | rest | stay behind | stay put | be | stand




1 、Other movies listed in the same price range are Spider Man 3, King Kong and a remake of The Poseidon Adventure.───其它与此斥资相仿的影片包括《蜘蛛侠3》、《金刚》和翻拍的《海神号遇险记》。

2 、"Man cannot remake himself without self-imposed consequences, for he is both the marble and the sculptor."───如果缺乏某种强加的后果,人们将很难重塑自己,因为,他既是大理石,也是雕刻家.

3 、If you a Minesweeper fan then you have got to check out Crazy Minesweeper - modern remake of the classic minesweeper based on original idea.───如果你扫雷舰范那麽你就有查一查疯狂扫雷舰现代翻唱经典扫雷舰基于原来的构想.

4 、His basic problem as Nazism stalked Europe was that some Americans wanted to isolate themselves from the world while others wanted to remake it in America's image.───他的基本问题是,当纳粹主义在欧洲蔓延时,一部分美国人想要置身事外,而另一部分则想要按照美国的样子改变世界。

5 、The two could be seen collaborating again onscreen two years later in Love Affair, a remake of the 1957 An Affair to Remember.───两年之后人们在银幕再度看到他们的身影,两人合作将1957年的《金玉盟》的翻拍成新片《风流韵事》。

6 、FIMA( Foreign Investors' Merger and Acquisition) is the need of our opening-up and our strategic choice to reform, reorganize, remake our state-owned economy.───利用外资并购国有企业是中国扩大开放的需要,也是改革、组、造国有企业的战略选择。

7 、Remake Construction of Existing Subgrade Bed Strengthening and its Plan Optimization for Raise Running Speed on Beijing-Qinhuangdao Passenger Special Line───京秦客运通道提速改造工程既有基床加固及方案优化

8 、He remake his dicision according to the develop of the matter.───他根据事态的发展重新考虑自已的决定.

9 、In this particular remake, the sparkly, green-dusted fairy gets a chance at life as a real girl.───在这部特别重新制作的版本中,这名环绕绿光的闪耀仙女会有机会成为一名活生生的女孩。

10 、Its essence is to remake a kind of unequal economy and culture tendency and politics hegemonism.───其实质就是重新制造一种不平等的经济与文化的趋势和政治霸权主义。

11 、In an ambitious, 20-minute address, Mr.Obama sought to obliterate the divisions of conservatism and liberalism and remake American politics.───在20分钟热情洋溢的演讲中,奥巴马希望消除保守主义和自由主义的分歧,重塑美国的政治。

12 、The state should regulate our relative interests in the ephemeral realm of thought, but that regulation must be about knowledge, not a clumsy remake of the property system.───国家应该在某些层面上保证我们的权利,但这种保证必须是基于对知识的管理,绝非笨拙地复制一个财产管理系统。

13 、Zileas tells us that Masteries will getan eventual remake.───RIOT官方告诉我们,天赋也会在不久的将来重新制作。

14 、The Ring is a remake of Japan's biggest box office of horrible movies hits ever.───《七夜冤灵》改编自日本惊栗片王《午夜凶铃》。

15 、He was remaking us, in your form, and he did it perfectly.─── 他只是用合*的形式 重造人类 而且他做的非常完美

16 、So you don't have to remake the heading if you're re-exporting, you can choose to save the heading in an editable form openable by this program.───于是,当再次导出时,你就不需要重新来编写标题了,你可以将这些标题文件存为一个可编辑的开放文件。

17 、Geological exploration (GE) is one of the main activities for the mankind to remake Mother Nature (MN) and to gain the wealth from MN;───地质勘探活动是人类改造自然获取财富的主要活动之一。

18 、In circumstances like this, it is no surprise that America has failed to remake the Middle East just as it pleases.───在这种情形下,就像美国过去重构中东成功一样,现在的失败一点也不惊奇。

19 、The producers of "First China Box" constantly purchase aged camphorwood furniture from the populace at a high price, and then ask carpenters to remake it into such mostalgic and ancient-styled stationery.───为满足樟木文仪爱好者的需求,我们不断从民间以高价收购老樟木家具,拆拼后,请木匠打造出这些古朴怀旧的文仪物件。

20 、enhanced remake───n. 提高重制

21 、The only film during the period that was excluded was Never Say Never Again (1983), because it was a remake of Thunderball.───在这一期间唯一没有被研究的**是1983年的,因为这部**是的翻拍版。

22 、EXAMPLE: When our plans changed for next year we needed to remake the budget totally.───如果明年计划有变化,我们需要彻底重新制定预算。

23 、I use already used in game options , dont add any new effects , but remake already in game effects.───不会拖电脑的速度.他只是修改了贴图已经存在的特效,而没有增加特效.

24 、Dynamic Analysis and Remake of Exit Pipeline Vibration of Ethylene Compressor in Superhigh Pressure───乙烯超高压压缩机出口管线振动分析及改造

25 、remake a plan───修订计划

26 、An escaped maniac returns to his childhood home on Christmas Eve, which is now a sorority house, and begins to murder the sorority sisters one by one.A remake of the 1974 horror movie.───初次登场是在1974年,这部描述连续杀手的**,成为影响后来多部**如十三号星期五、月光光心慌慌的经典始祖,本片则以最新的好莱坞科技重拍。

27 、Man cannot remake himself without self-imposed consequences, for he is both the marble and the sculptor.───如果缺乏某种强加的后果,人们将很难重塑自己,因为,他既是大理石,也是雕刻家。

28 、My manager insisted I remake your sandwiches.─── 我经理坚持让我重做你的三文治

29 、Several Problems about Remake Plan for Water-Saving in Large-Sized Irrigation Districts in North China───北方大型灌区节水改造规划的几个问题

30 、The technical remake measure of pure water in the mid-dle or small sized enterprises───中小型纯净水企业的技改措施

31 、"They remind us that we each have it within our power to fulfill dreams, to advance the dreams of others, and to remake the world for our children," he said.───“他们的成就告诉我们每一个人都有能力去实现梦想,去推进其他人的梦想和为我们的孩子改造这世界。”

32 、All five of last year's top worldwide grossers were fantasies, and all but one (The Chronicles of Narnia) a sequel or a remake.───去年五部全世界最热卖的**都是科幻片,只有一部(纳尼亚传奇)是翻拍的续集。

33 、I'm remaking the world in my image, and I'm starting with you.─── 我要随心所欲地改造这个世界 就从你开始

34 、Do you think the remake will make a success in the US?───你觉得重拍版本会在美国取得成功吗?

35 、I thought that we could remake our lives here.─── 我以为我们可以在这里重塑我们的生活

36 、Two lucky girls are cast as the heroines in a remake of the "Dream of the Red Chamber" TV series according to an announcement made on Saturday.───在周六的电视系列发布会上,红楼梦再拍的两位女主角闪亮登场!


38 、As the shirt fits badly, she will pick it to pieces and remake it.───因为这件衬衫极不合身,她要拆了重做。

39 、Remake of Frequency Conversion Saving Energy of Traditional Hydraulic Pressure Plastic Welder───传统液压注塑机的变频节能改造

40 、Honeywell R-150 MAS and Its Application in the Remake of Analogue Control System───150在常规控制系统改造中的应用

41 、Inevitable, it is necessary to remake a classic is not the same old tune, naturally only in addition to do more drama.───不可避免的,要翻拍经典又不能老调重弹,自然只能在剧情之外多下工夫。

42 、When we remake the technology of saving energy in the pump station, we may have these ways: the economic and reliable ways of joining the lines, the efficient distribution lines and the higher power numbers.───在进行泵站节能技术改造时,实施节能的主要途径有:经济可靠的接线方式、高效运行的配电线路以及较高的功率因数等。

43 、"They remind us that we each have it within our powers to fulfill dreams, to advance the dreams of others and to remake the world for our children.───他们提醒我们,我们每个人都可以在力所能及的范围内实现梦想、帮助别人改进梦想、为我们的孩子们改造这个世界。”

44 、One is just the Japanese version of the Shining Force remake that was released in America through THQ.───一只是光亮的力量日本版本再作那经过 THQ 在美国被释放。

45 、It is shallow to talk the car to remake to build the engineering───基于可持续发展战略的汽车再制造工程

46 、Selection and remake of the living environment on the loess plateau by primitive residents───先秦人类对黄土高原生存环境的选择与改造

47 、City Network Remake and New Low-voltage VAR Compensator───城网改造与新型低压无功补偿装置

48 、On How to Remake Old Orchard in South Xinjiang───南疆地区老果园改造初探

49 、Optimume Remake of the Four Cycles Cooling tower and Calculation of it's heat power───四循冷却塔优化改造与热力计算

50 、This time, smash hit."War of the worlds," remake, tremendous. "Walk the line," it was "ray" with white people.───像《金刚》,《世界大战》,还有《一往无前》是白人版的《灵魂歌王》。


52 、Harrison Ford stars in the remake of "Sabrina".───哈里森福特在“新龙凤配”这部**中担纲演出。

53 、There may be salient contradictions in exploitation,protection and remake of geological environment resources in actuality .───地质环境的开发利用、保护与改造,在现实生活中往往是比较突出的矛盾。

54 、Scott Porter, Jessica Stroup, and Dana Davis co-star in the slasher remake that will have tuxedo-clad teens everywhere nervously looking over their shoulders as they file out onto the dance floor.───今晚舞会的高潮,不再是谁人获选为舞皇舞后,而是哪位逃得过狂魔毒手。

55 、Houston's remake of Dolly Parton's "I Will Always Love You" music video───休斯敦回忆多莉·帕顿的"我将永远爱你"音乐录影带

56 、Thoughts on Equipment Remake in Laboratory Construction───实验室建设中设备改造的思考

57 、We do a shotforshot remake of their music video.─── 我们一个个镜头复制他们的MTV

58 、This is a remake of the 1977 movie that starred George Segal and Jane Fonda.───它改编自1977年由乔治?席格和珍?芳达所主演的**。

59 、Foreigners living on the other side of the ocean, remake China into the lives of ordinary people are a bit acclimatized, even ridiculous.───大洋彼岸的洋人生活,翻拍成中国老百姓的生活,都有点水土不服,甚至有些可笑。

60 、In 1928, Bank of China was reorganized to be a foreign exchange bank, and began its specializational remake under general manager Chang Kia-ngau's lead.───1928年,中国银行改组为国际汇兑银行,在总经理张嘉璈的领导下开始进行专业化改组。

61 、But we are poised to remake them into something that one day may be taken as a compliment.───但我们随时准备再造它们,让它们总有一天为众口称道。

62 、SuperOthello is an amazing and perfect remake of the addicting Othello board game!───superothello是一个了不起的和完善重拍的上瘾的奥赛罗的棋盘游戏!

63 、He remakes them so he can destroy them.─── 他重新塑造她们 进而摧毁她们

64 、the two subsequently became a couple when they reteamed for the botched 1988 noir remake D.───两人在1988年再度合演了一部糟糕的黑色翻版影片《DOA》后结为夫妇。

65 、Remake and Restoration of Ionic Gun of XASM-800 Multitechnique Surface Analysis System───XASM-800型多功能表面分析系统的离子****心的改造与修复

66 、In the case of a last resort, Mike and Jerry had to "remake" the town residents want to see the video in order to avoid Mr.Fletcher found.───在万不得已的情况下,迈克和杰瑞只好“重拍”小镇居民想看的录像带,以避免弗莱彻先生发现。

67 、Then the Thai remake this and he sing in a Lao and Thai way.───后来泰国人重新翻制了它并用老挝和泰国的方式去演绎了。

68 、A key Senate Committee has approved a sweeping remake of the country's health care system,delivering a long -sought boost to President Obama's goal of expanding coverage.───一个关键的参议院委员会已经批准了一项国家医疗保险系统的彻底改造,兑现奥巴马长期追求的扩大覆盖范围的目标。

69 、When some artist remake other artists' song, it usually gives rise to public censure in Japan, USA or whatever other countries.───在日本,美国或者其他国家,翻唱别人的歌往往回招来公众的责难.

70 、His belief that each generation has the chance to remake the country's laws and constitutions was truly visionary.───他真是一位富有远见的伟人,因为他深信每一个世代都应该有机会改造国家的法律及宪法。

71 、CNC Remake Technique of CW6163 General Lathe───CW6163普通车床CNC改造技术

72 、One option is to remake the restoration itself, which is both costly and time consuming.───在允许范围内,修复体发生崩瓷可以修补。

73 、Instead of overhauling theaters, the company is trying to remake home entertainment centers.───不是大修影剧院,该公司正在试图改造家庭娱乐中心。

74 、At this stage, it's easy to remake a solder connection if there is a problem.───在这一阶段,如果存在问题,可以很容易地改造焊接的连接点。

75 、A key Senate committee has approved a sweeping remake of the country's health care system, delivering a long-sought boost to President Barack Obama's goal of expanding coverage.───一个重要的参议院通过了一项极其全面的国家卫生保健系统,声称可以长期提升奥巴马总统关于扩大国家卫生保健范围的目标。

76 、Katie proved how talented she is musically when she performed in The Singing Detective remake."───“而凯蒂的音乐才能则在她主演的《唱歌神探》重拍版本中得到了证明。”

77 、Humans need not adapt to the natural environment because they can remake it to suit their needs.───人类无需适应环境因为人类可以改造自然以满足自己的需要。

78 、In the following passage, Jackson reveals his hopes and dreams for the remake of a film that quite changed his life.───在接下来的文章中,杰克逊坦陈重拍这部**一直是他的希望和梦想,这部**改变了他的一生。

79 、They're remaking the world in the image of their leader.─── 他們是在按照他們領袖的旨意重塑世界

80 、The original not that godawful remake.─── 都是原版 不是糟糕的翻拍版


82 、Software Description: About BATTLESHIPS 3D, This is a 3D remake of the classic battleships game. Fight against the computer or with your friendsvia LAN or Internet.───BATTLESHIPS 3D这是一3D重制古典的战舰游戏。与计算机作斗争或者跟你的朋友一起通过局域网或者互联网络。

83 、A new age of bioengineered forestry is dawning, and it promises to completely remake the $ 750-billion-a-year global forestry business -- and, with it, landscapes all over the world.───一个生物工程林业的新时代正悄然而至,并且保证重塑每年7500亿美元全球林业经营和景色的新形象。

84 、We will remake the price if you keep this batch of material .───如果您留下这批材料,我们可以为您调整价格。

85 、Other movies listed in the same price range are Spider Man3, King Kong and a remake of The Poseidon Adventure.───其它与此斥资相仿的影片包括《蜘蛛侠3》、金刚》和翻拍的《海神号遇险记》。

86 、there are a good amount of remake of the classic cartoons in recent years...."3/1 robots (ghetter robo)"───"香港人成功不就是靠拼劲和韧力吗?今次都一定会捱得过去。"-陈方安生.

87 、From the fire she was reborn to remake the world.─── 她从烈火中重生 再造这个世界

88 、Attempts to remake the partner rather than compromising causes constant friction.───不是以协商的方式,而是以改造伴侣的方式将会带来持续的摩擦。

89 、But more than that, I want to be there when you remake the universe to your taste.─── 但不止如此 我想见证你 按自己的意愿重塑世界

90 、Death Speed Death Race "remake since 1975 by the then Department of Stallone starring" Speed died 2000 Death Race 2000 ". From "The Transporter" and other well-known film starring Jason Statham.───主人公杰森参加这种比赛已经有八年了,还剩六个星期他就可以出狱与家人团聚了。






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