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07-02 投稿




英:  美:



异体字: curveball |


1 、Dad, he's teaching me how to throw a curveball.─── 爸爸 他在教我丢曲线球

2 、Berlusconi's difficulties have also thrown a curveball at the logistics of the summit.───贝卢斯科尼的困难还投向峰会的后勤一个曲球。

3 、First Melissa Rosenberg, screenplay scribe for "The Twilight Saga," threw a curveball when she told E!───第一个梅利莎罗森伯格,剧本编剧的“暮光之城” ,作出了完美的回答,她说什么!

4 、In that frame, Ichiro Suzuki laced a one-out double down the left-field line and scored on Raul Ibanez's two-out hit to right, ripped on a hanging curveball off the glove of first baseman Josh Phelps.───三局下,一出局后,铃木一朗先击出紧靠左外野边线的二垒安打,随后艾凡捏兹击出的球擦过一垒手费尔普斯的手套,将铃木一朗送回本垒。

5 、It can also be a curveball for would-be heirs.───本来有望成为这些企业继承人的子女也不好受。

6 、So you want to learn how to hit a curveball?───所以,你想要学如何打曲球啰?

7 、I want to see that vaunted curveball.─── 让我见识见识你吹上天的弧线球

8 、Helpful hints for hitting a curveball out of the park.───这是一篇写面试技巧的文章的幅标题....

9 、They might be one of two or three guys on the team that have a shot at the big leagues so they keep throwing and throwing and throwing.They work on a curveball and a changeup and a slider.───球队中可能会有两三个小孩能够有机会登上大联盟一展身手,所以他们继续投呀投,他们继续钻研曲球、变速球和滑球。

10 、...but I couldn't hit a curveball, so I did the next best thing.─── 但我打不到弧线球 只能退而求其次

11 、NO10>He has a quick fastball and a great curveball.───他的快速球很快,而且曲线球也很厉害。

12 、But if I could handle the curveballs of today, then maybe I'll be okay.─── 但如果我能处理好今天的挫折 我应该没问题

13 、The curveball reality hit me all at once.───(不擅打)曲球的残酷现实,某一天突然来袭。

14 、The curveball becomes that rude awakening that often derails us from our tried and true plan to go from A to B.───当我们计画由A点启程前往B点时,曲球就像是个突然出现的莽汉,打乱我们原有的轨迹。

15 、You're throwin' your curveball like you'reyou're throwin' a curveball.─── 当你丢一个曲线球时 动作就已经被别人看穿了

16 、And one day, she might throw you a curveball.─── 也许有一天 她就会打你一个措手不及

17 、There are some curveballs within the realm of pop.─── 在流行音乐领域里 有一些令人措手不及的问题

18 、So, no curveball is easy to handle, not even when it is expected.───所以呢,任何曲球都不容易打,即使你事先知道也是如此。

19 、Whether you become tongue-tied or are thrown a curveball question, roll with the punches.───你是否突然舌头打结说不出话来,或者,被问到一个出乎意料的问题,变得逆来顺受?

20 、” That was the moment I became determined to learn how to hit a curveball for fear of ever again feeling like a frozen popsicle, the way I did when I first saw Olson's Zeus-like hammer.───为了不要再变成一根站在打击区的冰棒,我下定决心要打好曲球。

21 、Igawa throws a fastball, changeup and curveball, and the scout said his curve could be his best pitch if he learned to control it.───井川庆会投快速球、变速球、和曲球,而且球探说他的曲球如果学会控制它可以是他最佳的球路。

22 、But I can impart some curveball wisdom that might improve the mental part of your game, even though I make no such promises for your swing.───但,我还是可以传授一点打曲球的小撇步,对你的场子或许会有点心理上的帮助,当然我没办法保证你挥棒一定打得到。

23 、Yeah, you've been dealt a bit of a curveball.─── 是的 你遇到了一点麻烦

24 、We throw them another curveball, people are gonna panic.─── 我们再来个重磅炸弹 会引起民众恐慌的

25 、[D] Alec Leamas is more intelligent than Curveball.───[D] Alec Leamas比Curveball更加聪明。

26 、” If thrown right, a curveball drops right before it gets to home plate.───假如投得正确,曲球会正巧在抵达本垒前坠下。

27 、The curveball looks like it will go straight, but it's deceptive.───曲线球看起来是直线的,其实是假象。

28 、Verlander has a plus curveball and a decent changeup.───他还拥有曲球和变化球等球种。

29 、This year、my fastball location has gotten better and I'm at the point with my curveball where I can throw it in any count at any time.───今年我的快速球进垒点变得更好,而现在我正朝著随时(每次有著不一样的好坏球数时)都能投出各样的曲球。

30 、So take it from a dead-red fastball hitter: once you master your strike zone, you can win your battle with that curveball by just taking it in stride.───所以,就从一名打四缝线快速球的打者做起吧!只要你能掌握好球带,即使曲球投过来,你也能跨步出击,赢得胜利。

31 、When life throws you a curveball, and you and your sweetie are forced to spend time apart, you can keep connected.───当生活给你出难题,你和你的甜心不得不相隔异地时,你们至少还可以保持联系。

32 、I am probably not the most qualified baseball mind to tap since, for me, the curveball often prompted a bad and premature hack at the ball.───我也许不是最有资格教你的人,因为曲球飞过来时,我通常只会乱砍一通。

33 、Now, Chamberlain said, he's employing five pitches, adding in the curveball, changeup, and a two-seam fastball that he learned from fellow pitcher Chien-Ming Wang.───张伯伦说现在他投5种球路,包括曲球、变速球和他向队友王建民习得的两缝快速直球。

34 、Torre praised Wang for using his slider and curveball to set up his heavy sinker, inducing 14 groundouts.The White Sox only run came on a Juan Uribe groundout in the third.───托瑞对于小民使用了滑球和曲球,以挟带出他那超重猛下沉球,制造14个滚地出局,更是赞不绝口,白袜队唯一获得的一分,也是由JuanUribe在第三局以滚地出局换来的。

35 、The biggest curveball of my life came when my father began his descent into chronic illness one spring training while I was playing for Philadelphia.───我人生中面临最险恶的一颗曲球,是我在费城人队参加春训时发生的。

36 、Better offspeed pitch: This one's really close, but I have to give the edge to Joba's sick slider over Phil's excellent curveball and underrated changeup.───比较好的速差球路:这个就非常接近了,但是我必须说贾霸病奄奄的滑球胜过菲尔杰出的曲球跟被低估的变速球。

37 、Subaru threw a bit of a curveball to the assembled media at the New York Auto Show today, unveiling the 2010 Legacy as expected, but also revealing the 2010 Outback at the same time.───斯巴鲁扔有点曲线的组装媒体在纽约国际汽车展今天揭幕的2010年预期的遗产,而且还揭示了2010年的澳拜客在同一时间.

38 、You're not gonna meet those curveballs with a cowardly flinch.─── 你遇到这些阻碍 并不会退缩



to strick out 三振出局。棒球中打者三次击打投手投出的球失败就叫做三振,三振的打者需要退场不能继续比赛直到打序在此轮到他为止。所以俗语的意思是一件事做了几次都失败

to throw a curve ball 投曲球,棒球里投手为了不让打者打出安打,会投不同球路的球,曲球是其中的一种。所以俗语的意思是刁难人

off-base 未上垒,在棒球里未上垒就代表失败出局。所以俗语的意思就是某事做错了

to play ball 去打球。可能因为打球大多数时候都需要有人一起玩,所以俗语的意思就是一起合作或者互相帮忙

to make a ballpark estimate,这句话本身跟棒球没有多大关系,因为ballpark现在不仅仅只有一个“棒球场”的意思,不过追踪溯源应该也是从估算棒球场大小中引申出来的,所以这句话的意思是做个大致的估算

to play a hard ball 打硬球(棒球分硬球软球,职业比赛一般都用硬球)。打棒球比打其他球类都要危险,尤其职业棒球,好的职业投手球速能达到160KM/H以上,普通人被打倒都能受重伤。所以俗语的意思是采取强硬手段








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