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07-02 投稿




英:[?m??m?nt]  美:[?mo?m?nt]

英:  美:


n.片刻, 瞬间, 力矩, 非常重要的时机, 准确时刻


in a moment

1. 立即

I'll come in a moment.


to the moment

1. 不差片刻

The striking up of the band is timed to the moment.


of moment

1. 重要的

This is a matter of great moment.


at the moment

1. 此刻; 当时

I am very busy at the moment.


not for a moment

1. 决不; 从来没有

He was not for a moment deceived by her words.


for the moment

1. 暂时; 目前

Stop arguing for the moment.


at every moment

1. 不断地

At every moment I am reminded of what I have seen in Chicago.


the moment (that)

1. 一……(就)

I want to see her the moment she arrives.


at any moment

1. 随时

She'll be here at any moment.



the moment
-立刻, 马上; 刚才
the (very) moment (that ...)(=as soon as)
to the (very) moment
-及时, 准时, 不差片刻
not have amomentone can call one's own (=not have a moment to call one's own)
-忙得不可开交, 抽不出时间
of the moment
-此刻的, 目前的; 红极一时的
every moment
of great moment
the psychological moment
-最能达到预期效果的瞬间; 最恰当的时刻; 最有利的时机
for a moment
at moments
-时刻, 常常
at the last [critical] moment
unguarded moment
of little moment
in a moment
-一会儿, 不久; 立即, 马上
moment of truth
not [never] for a moment
-决不; 从来没有
at any moment
-随时; 在任何时候; 马上
all of a moment
of no moment
-不重要的, 无足轻重的
in one's extreme [last] moment
have one's moments
-走红时; 也有好的时候
at odd moments
-抽空, 用零碎时间, 偶尔
One moment (=Half a moment, Wait a moment)!
on [upon] the moment
-立刻, 马上就
at the moment
-此刻; (正当)那时


end moment
-端力矩, 端(弯)矩
aerodynamic moment
symmetric moment
apparent dipole moment
intrinsic magnetic moment
central principal moment of inertia
exchange magnetic moment
distributed bending moment
equivalent bending moment
-等量弯矩, 等效弯曲力矩
moment of forces tending to capsize
relative moment
breaking moment
-断裂力矩; 切断瞬间
bending moment
-弯(曲)矩, 挠矩
induced moment
impact moment
dead-load moment
processional moment
-惯性矩, 转动惯量
final moment
stability moment
-安定[稳定, 恢复]力矩
opposite and equal moment
saturation moments
current moment
ferromagnetic moment
longitudinal moment
magnetic moment
damping moment
applied moment
surface dipole moment
centrifugal moment of inertia
engine moment
microinertia moment
restoring moment
transverse bend-ing moment
hogging moment
zero moment
moment of gyration
-转动力矩[惯量], 惯性动量
elastic reactance moment
octupole moment
principal moment
axial moment of inertia
out-of -trim moment
proton moment
righting moment
moment of a family of curves
group moment
rated moment
restraint moment
carry-over moment
live load moment
lifting moment
crank turning moment
moment of sparking
overturning moment
moment of area of water plane
high-speed bending moment
impulsive moment
fixed end bending moment
fixed end moment
hinge moment
product moment
centrifugal moment
kinetic moment
driving moment
-旋转[转动]力矩; 传动[驱动]力矩
resistance moment
force moment
positive moment
static moment
Dirac moment
gyro moment
right-handed moment
-右旋力矩, 顺时针旋转力矩
counter-balance moment
-平衡力矩, 配重力矩
anomalous magnetic moment
population central moment
effective torsional moment
electric moment
-电矩; 偶极矩
moment of displacement
redundant moment
even twisting moment
geometrical moment
first moment
load moment
-载荷(力)矩; 负载转矩
paramagnetic moment
fourth moment
yawning moment
combined moment
pole moment
bond moment
population moment
stalling moment
-失速力矩, 使气流离体力矩
principal moment of inertia
factorial moment
absolute Ythmoment
control surface moment
-控制面力矩; 舵力矩
rotary moment
first moment of mass
cohesion moment
critical moment
-临界力矩; 临界时限; 决定性时刻
moment of area of transverse
central factorial moment
time moment
ensemble moment
general moment
mass moment of inertia
moment of density function
permanent moment
angular moment
-转动力矩, 角(度)矩
quenching moment
-灭弧时刻, 猝熄时刻, 灭弧点, 猝熄点
moment of a vector
antitorque moment
support moment
unit bending moment
negative moment
negative torsional moment
static hoisting moment
resultant moment
disturbing moment
-颠覆[倾斜, 扰动]力矩
plastic reactance moment
pro-spin moment
trimming moment
twisting moment
-转矩; 扭(转)矩
diamagnetic moment
fixing moment
third moment
virtual moment
moment of couple
dipole moment
orbital moment
internal moment
crude moment
tilting moment
-翻倒[倾斜, 倾复]力矩
factored moment
momentum moment
peak moment
unbalanced moment
corrective moment
initial moment
heeling moment
quadrupole moment
rolling moment
optical moment
double-direction twist moment
area moment
nuclear mechanical moment
flywheel moment
horizontal moment
sagging moment
-正弯矩, 下垂力矩
equatorial moment of inertia
-中线惯性矩, 轴惯性矩
starting moment
counterrolling moment
constant moment
electron magnetic moment
spin-decelerating moment
gyroscopic [gyrotraverse] moment
contilever moment
retarding moment
sample moments
destabilizing moment
-破坏力矩, 不稳定力矩
multi-pole moment
atomic magnetic moment
turning moment
-转矩, 动力矩
control moment
-控制力矩, 控制系统单元力矩
left-handed moment
-左转力矩, 反时针旋转力矩
inertia moment
statistical moments
core moment
-柱心力矩, 核矩
synchronizing moment
deviation moment
mean turning moment
pitching moment


1 、He arrived at the most opportune moment.───他在最适当的时候到达。

2 、He said he would help us, but at the last moment he ran out on us.───他说他要帮我们的忙,但最后却丢开我们不管了。

3 、He decided to visit a friend who lived very near where he was at that moment.───他决定去拜访一位朋友,那位朋友离当时他住的地方很近。

4 、There was not a moment to be lost.───分秒必争。

5 、One flight up Della ran, and paused One flight up Della ran, and paused for a moment, panting. She opened the door.───德拉一口气跑上一段楼梯,停了一会儿,喘着气,然后打开了门。

6 、For a moment his life was in jeopardy.───他的生命一度陷入危险中。

7 、For a fleeting moment I thought the car was going to crash.───刹那间我想到汽车要碰撞。

8 、An essential or constituent element; a moment.───必要的或构成的元素; 契机

9 、As the great moment approach, she grow more and more nervous.───她因那重要时刻渐近而越来越紧张。

10 、The blow on the head dazed him for a moment.───头上受了一击后,他昏过去了一会儿。

11 、A decisive or critical moment or situation.───决定性关头,关键时刻决定性或关键的时刻或状况

12 、Your big moment is at hand.───你的重大时刻即将到来。

13 、You have moments of glory and moments of defeat.─── 你有过荣光 也经历过低谷

14 、Not for a moment do she raise the question of the worthiness of the man she love.───她一刻也没有怀疑过她所爱的人是值得尊重的。

15 、"What else do you see?" asked the captain after a moment of silence.───"你还看见什么?"上尉沉默了片刻后又问。

16 、I'll tell you a funny story, if I may digress for a moment.───如果我可以暂时离开一下话题,我将讲一个有趣的故事给你听。

17 、In the heat of the moment I suppose I might attack an armed burglar, but never in cold blood.───在我发火的时候,我想我可能去和一个带有武器的盗贼厮打,但冷静的时候绝不会这么做。

18 、Hopes that lasted but a moment.───希望仅仅持续了片刻

19 、If you will indulge me for one moment (ie allow me to continue to speak), I think I can explain the matter to you.───你要是容我把话说完,我想我可以把此事给你解释清楚。

20 、I'll come in a moment.───我一会儿就来。

21 、Every moment was a delight; I can't remember ever having enjoyed myself so thoroughly anywhere!───在那里的每一刻都充满了欢乐,这是我记忆中玩得最开心的一次。

22 、I'll be back in a moment.───我一会儿就回来。

23 、If I may be immodest for a moment, let me tell you about the latest book that I've written.───恕我出言无状,请姑且容我谈谈新近的拙著。

24 、This isn't my moment, it's your moment.─── 这一刻属于你 而不是我

25 、He promised to do the job, but he jacked up at the last moment.───他答应做这项工作,但到最后一刻却突然不干了。

26 、You've arrived at exactly the right moment.───你到得正是时候。

27 、The old suit he is wearing at the moment looks as if it were made before the Flood.───他身穿的这套旧衣服真不知道是哪个朝代做的了。

28 、The noise went on all night without a moment's respite.───噪音一刻不停地持续了一整夜。

29 、Something seems to be preoccupying her at the moment.───她此刻若有所思。

30 、He had an appointment to see the dentist but he chickened out (of it) at the last moment.───他已预约治牙,但到时候却不敢去了。

31 、It was a painful moment for me. It was a painful moment for him.─── 那于我是一个痛苦的时刻 他也同样

32 、She must be in the television studio at the moment.───她现在一定在电视演播室。

33 、Just at that moment, the door opened and the teacher walked in.───就在那时,门打开了,老师走进来。

34 、He knew the precise psychological moment when to say nothing.───他知道什么时候该不说话的那心理上精确的一息间。

35 、Don't forget, I want my ladder back the moment you have finished with it.───别忘了,你一使用完梯子,就请送还给我。

36 、But the harsh words of the father in a drunken moment of excessive ancestral pride cause a dignified departure with the conciliatory donation of half her means of subsistence and the intimation that she is rejoining her husband.───但父亲在一次酒后的刺耳话语中说了一些有关家世过分骄矜的话,使苔丝傲然离开了家。她把自己一半的生活费留给父母,并告诉他们她要去找丈夫团聚。

37 、At the precise moment that I put my foot on the step, the bus started.───恰恰就在我登上公共汽车踏板的时候,车子开动了。

38 、She didn't hesitate for a moment but came straight out with her reply.───她没有迟疑,痛快地答覆了。

39 、At the last moment Bob edged out Henry in the election.───在选举的最后时刻,鲍勃以微弱的多数胜过亨利。

40 、She's under a lot of strain at the moment; her child's very ill.───她现在心情紧张,因为她的小孩病得很厉害。

41 、I am sorry, but that product is out of stock at the moment.───很抱歉,该商品目前已没有存货了。

42 、She's on the telephone at the moment.───她正在打**。

43 、The home side is ire at die moment; but we shall be batting soon.───主队正在进攻,但很快就轮到我们击球了。

44 、He should be here directly if you can wait a moment.───如果你能多等一会儿的话,他应该很快就会到的。

45 、That you become her for a moment the moment.─── 你暂时变成她 在谋杀发生的一瞬间

46 、The play may begin at any moment.───戏随时都有可能开始。

47 、This is the most momentous moment for you for us.─── 这对你 对我们都是最重要的时刻

48 、The moment they hear any of us, the moment they sense us, the moment an alarm is given, this is over.─── 只要他们听到我们的动静 察觉到我们 只要他们警惕 营救就会失败

49 、You'll have to watch for the right moment.───你得等候适当时机。

50 、He pauses a moment at the foot of a tree to take his bearings.───他在一棵树下面停了下来,以便判明自己的方位。

51 、She will join the club later, but at the moment wants to remain uncommitted.───她迟些将加入俱乐部,但目前仍想保持自由。

52 、The bus conductor became the man of the moment when he acted as midwife to a woman who gave birth to a baby on his bus.───当这个公共汽车售票员为一个在车上生产的妇女接生时,他曾名噪一时。

53 、She's very taken up with voluntary work at the moment.───她目前大部分时间和精力都用在志愿工作上了。

54 、At the last moment, Tom hit the ball in and so ensure their team's victory.───在最后的关头,汤姆打进了一球,这样就确保了他们球队的胜利。

55 、Can you stop by for a moment on your way home from your firm?───你从公司回家时,能顺便来呆一会儿吗?

56 、He was here a moment ago.───他刚才还在这里。

57 、At this very moment there are probably important inventions lying fallow.───就在目前这个时刻,说不定还有一些重要的创造发明尚未发挥作用。

58 、For a moment his mask of benevolence fell and the real man was revealed.───一刹那间,他慈善的假面扔掉,露出了他的真面目。

59 、As set forth, he was a changed man from that moment.───如前所述,自那时起他就变成了另外一个人。

60 、You justyou have to take it moment by moment.─── 你只要 你必须时时刻刻忍受住

61 、Because that moment, that is the moment.─── 因为那一刻 就是那个时刻

62 、He had promised to help me but at the last moment he drew back.───他答应帮助我,但到最后一刻打了退堂鼓。

63 、She dragged the child back on to the pavement in the nick of time; another moment, and it would have been run over.───她正好把这个孩子拖到人行道上,再晚一点儿,他就会被车子撞倒在地。

64 、From that moment the debate was lost. Churchill sat up, gloating at his critics with a discreet twinkle, like a cat presented with an unexpectedly large bowl of cream.───从那一刻起,辩论就已告失败。丘吉尔坐直身子,扬扬得意地看着批评他的人,审慎地眨着眼睛,那副样子就像猫意想不到地被赏给一大碗奶油似的。

65 、She went to London on the spur of the moment.───她一时兴起就到伦敦去了。

66 、He has a lot of financial worries at the moment.───他现在有很多财务上的烦恼事。

67 、Keep back! The building could collapse at any moment.───别靠近! 那建筑物随时可能倒塌。

68 、He'll be bursting in upon us at any moment.───他随时可能出现在我们眼前。

69 、In advanced years a man's mind might go back on him at some unpredictable moment.───上了年纪的人,脑子有时候会一下子不听使唤。

70 、You were there in that moment, and now you're here. It's just a moment, that's what it is.─── 当时你处在那个瞬间中 而现在你在这里 这就是一瞬间 就是这么回事

71 、He thought for a moment and then spoke.───他想了片刻,然後说。

72 、Here for four very difficult years they worked every moment, weighing and boiling and measuring and calculating and thinking.───就在这里,他们非常艰难地工作了四年,称呀,煮呀,量呀,计算呀,思考呀。

73 、He's dealing with his post at the moment.───他此刻正在处理信件。

74 、Darling: the popular form of address used in speaking to a person of the opposite sex whose name you cannot at the moment recall.───亲爱的——是当你和一位异性讲话而霎时间想不起其姓名之时用的一般称谓方式。

75 、Stop jesting and be serious for a moment!───别开玩笑了,严肃一会儿吧!

76 、In a moment the troops were under arms.───在短短的时间里,部队就进入了战备状态。

77 、He accompany me, however, not lose one moment in continuing his exhortation.───他陪著我,然而不失时机地继续他对我的的规劝。

78 、The stranger, after listening for a moment, joined in the mournful dirge.───听了一会儿后这个陌生人也跟着唱起了悲哀的挽歌。

79 、I am in the moment. It's a terrible moment.─── 我正在当下呢 是个糟糕的当下

80 、She hesitated for a moment, and then went on.───她迟疑了一下,然后接着说。

81 、They want to start a family but can't afford it at the moment.───他们想生个孩子,但暂时还养不起。

82 、In a moment he stumble into a trap, set by bear-catcher.───不一会儿他绊跌到捕熊人设的陷阱里。

83 、I saw the policemen file away a moment ago.───刚才我看见警察排成一列纵队出发了。

84 、I wonder if I may be excused for a moment.───不知能否恕我暂时告退。

85 、He was silent for a moment, then began his answer.───他沉默了一会儿,然后开始回答。

86 、Keep on your toes, lads, the attack is expected at any moment.───小伙子们,要保持警觉,敌人随时可能来袭。

87 、He paused for a moment, and then continued his speech.───他停顿了一下然後继续讲话。

88 、She laid aside her knitting to rest her eyes for a moment.───她把她正编织的东西放下,让眼睛歇一会儿。

89 、She answered without a moment's hesitation.───她毫不迟疑立即回答。

90 、At this critical moment, several of the men stepped forward.───在这关键时刻,几位战士挺身而出。






at the moment(目前,现在)、at this moment(此刻;目前)、for a moment(片刻;一会儿;片刻时间)。

every moment(每一刻;每一个瞬间;每时刻都)、wait a moment(稍候;稍等一下;且慢)、the last moment(最后)。

in a moment(不久;一会儿;立即;马上)、take a moment(需要片刻;花片刻;等一会)、WeChat Moments(微信朋友圈)。

for the moment(暂时;目前)、at any moment(马上;任何一刻;随时)。


1、The moment I arrived in Germany,I felt like I was starting from scratch.


2、At that moment,all my pride turned into a bubble immediately.


3、He's probably upset at the moment,too.


4、Whenever I feel I might be falling,I tell myself to hold on until I find my moment.






英 [?mm?nt]

美 [?mo?m?nt]



复数: moments


instant n. 片刻,刹那


Please hold on! She will be back in an instant.


The instant I saw him, I knew he was the policeman who had helped me carry the box.


moment n. 片刻


Can you spare a few moments to fill out this questionnaire?


He will come back to see you in a moment.


second n. 一会儿,片刻

指极为短暂的一段时间,常可与 moment 换用。

Don't worry, and he'll be back in a second/moment.


Just a second/moment, the reporter will come to interview you.



In a moment he was gone


At this moment a car stopped at the house


They ran the risk of being shot at any moment


At the moment, no one is talking to me


I don't for a moment think there'll be a divorce.


For the moment, however, the government is happy to live with it.


The film has its moments


They changed their minds at the last moment and refused to go.


The next moment there was an almighty crash


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