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07-02 投稿




英:[?d?l?d??ns]  美:[?d?l?d??ns]

英:  美:




steadfastness | industriousness | labor | persistence | thoroughness | carefulness | labour | attentiveness | assiduity | doggedness | application | exertion | pertinacity | tenacity | assiduousness | industry


idleness | laziness


1 、Naomi, your work is very good, very diligent.─── 内奥米 你的工作很出色 非常勤奋

2 、Diligence overcomes Difficulties,Sloth makes them.───勤奋克服困难,懒惰创造困难。

3 、Diligence is the mother of good fortune.───勤勉是好运之母。

4 、At the end of the day, it's all about diligence.─── 说到底 勤勉是最重要的

5 、Until that moment, the most diligent, the *artest, was me.─── 在那之前 班上最勤奋 最聪明的学生是我

6 、Only after encounters with hardships will one be roused to vigorous diligence.───28唯有体验了艰苦的境遇,才会有精进奋发的心。

7 、Diligence is a habit,a way of life.───勤奋是一种习惯,是一种生活方式.

8 、I've been doing due diligence for the board.─── 我在为董事会进行尽职调查

9 、Diligence is often the door to success.───勤奋常会引向成功。

10 、They are distinguished for their diligence and courage.───他们的突出之点是勤劳和勇敢。

11 、Diligence is a money-spinner, thrifty is the cornucopia.───一、勤是摇钱树,俭是聚宝盆。

12 、CYM's ideology of employees: Realism, diligence, teamwork and creativity.───公司的用人观:务实、敬业、团队、创新;

13 、His natural gifts and exceptional diligence immediately brought out his talent.───先天的秉赋和超人的刻苦,使他很快崭露头角。

14 、Everything yields to diligence .───万事屈服于勤奋。

15 、The leading rule for the man of every calling is diligence.───勤奋是各行各业的人的主要法则。

16 、for his diligence, and service to the community.─── 为当地服务奉献 而在艾彬镇备受尊敬

17 、He applied himself to the task with diligence .───他勤奋地全神贯注于这项工作。

18 、Diligence dismisses despondency.───勤奋使人驱除沮丧。

19 、D.1 Diligence dismisses despondency.───勤奋使人免于沮丧。

20 、Achievement is found on diligence and wasted upon recklessness.───业精于勤,荒于戏。

21 、They flattered him about his diligence.───他们恭维地夸奖他的勤劳。

22 、We attack it with *ysis and diligence.─── 我们要用分析和努力来打败它

23 、He exercises due diligence in performing his work duties.───他在工作上始终都是克尽职守。

24 、Diligence leads to success while laziness results in failure.───勤奋导致成功,而懒惰将以失败告终;

25 、Persistent application or diligence; unflagging effort.───勤奋坚持不懈的勤奋或用功;持续的努力

26 、People oriented,Win by quality Strictness、Diligence、Innovation、Perfection...───以人为本,以质取胜严谨、敬业、创新、求美...

27 、He took up the rug, to celebrate their diligence and taste.───他拿过沙发毯,夸奖了她们的勤奋和雅兴。

28 、Diligence is the master of time; laziness the slave.───勤奋是实践的主人,怠惰是时间的奴隶。

29 、He is not only clever but aslo diligence.───他不仅聪明而且勤奋。

30 、You're a diligent man, have some coffee.─── 你可真是勤奋啊 喝点咖啡吧

31 、Being good to your body, however, requires diligence and determination.───但是,善待自己的身体也需要勤勉和决心。

32 、Diligence is a sure warrant of success.───勤勉是成功的可靠保证。

33 、He is the pink of diligence.───他是勤奋的典范。

34 、His diligence in his younger days made him what he is now.───他年轻时的勤奋,使他有了今日的地位。

35 、Diligence is the mother of goodluck.───勤奋为幸运之母。

36 、Diligence is the mohter of success.───勤奋是成功之母。

37 、Does he have enough diligence to finish the job on time?───他是否很勤奋,能及时完成这项工作?

38 、He was appreciative of Paul's diligence.───他赏识保罗的勤奋。

39 、He succeeded by means of diligence.───他靠着勤奋成功了。

40 、A goat hopped up on one of the carts and then to the roof of the diligence.───一只小羊跳到一辆二轮马车上,然后跳上驿车的蓬顶。

41 、Success in life does not depend so much on chance as on diligence and honesty.───人生的成功与其说是取决于机遇,不如说是取决于勤奋和诚实。

42 、You need money and time; in addition, you need diligence.───你需要钱和时间,除此之外, 你还需要努力。

43 、Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it is the wellspring of life.───你要保守你心,胜过保守一切;因为一生的果效,是由心发出。

44 、Diligence is the key to success.───勤奋是成功的关键。

45 、Diligence is just one of his many outstanding attributes.───勤奋只是他的许多优秀品质之一。

46 、His success was largely due to his diligence.───他的成功大半由于努力。

47 、He earned a reputation for diligence.───他赢得了勤勉的美誉。

48 、With the spirit of science, diligence, speciality, meiling Da Commerce Co.───公司以科学、奋、结、性化为理念,坚持质量第一,用户至上的原则,为客户提供优质产品和优质服务。

49 、Their diligence is well received by the Hungarians.───他们的勤恳精神得到了匈牙利人民的好评。

50 、That diligence of yours makes you a star.───妳的勤奋会使妳成为一个亮点。

51 、Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.───你要保守你心,胜过保守一切。因为一生的果效,是由心发出。

52 、Diligence is an inestimaBle prize.───勤勉是无价之宝。

53 、My experience: diligence is the mother of luck.─── 我的经验 勤奋是幸运之母

54 、His perseverance and diligence in his youth has made him what he is today.───他年少时的毅力和勤奋造就了他今天的成就。

55 、You must have been very cold in that diligence!───你们在车子里没有受凉吧!

56 、Your diligence will absolutely lead you to great success.───你的辛勤努力必定会使你获得巨大的成功。

57 、Diligence conditions success.───勤奋为成功的条件。

58 、Diligence is the mother of good luck.───[谚]勤力佳运之母。

59 、Diligence. I looked it up, in your dictionary.─── 勤奋 我在你的字典里面找到这个词

60 、He's not a born bagman and works on diligence and resolution.───他不是一个天生的推销员,他依靠的是勤奋和决心.

61 、Diligence is often a ladder to success.───勤勉常常是通往成功的阶梯。

62 、Naturally, that's after we do due diligence.─── 当然了 那要在我们做完尽职调查之后

63 、It goes without saying that our success depends on diligence.───不用说,我们的成功取决于勤奋。

64 、The Chinese nation is distinguished for its diligence and courage.───中华民族以勤劳勇敢著称。

65 、Diligence brings about fruitful results.───勤劳出硕果。

66 、You need money and time, in addition, you need diligence .───你需要钱和时间,除此之外,你还需要努力。

67 、His diligence was such that he made great progress.───他很聪明,进步很大。

68 、You need money and time, in addition, you need diligence.───你需要钱和时间, 除此之外, 你还需要努力。

69 、Diligence is the path leading to happiness.───勤劳是获得幸福的途径。

70 、Your success was due to nothing else than your own diligence.───你的成功完全是由于你自己的勤奋。

71 、He came to grasp English pronunciation by diligence.───他靠勤奋掌握了英语发音。

72 、We cannot overemphasize diligence in your work.───你工作努力(这个事情)怎么强调也不会为过。

73 、He pursues his aims with diligence .───他努力追求自己的奋斗目标.

74 、Achievement is founded on diligence and wasted upon recklessness.───业精于勤,荒天嬉。

75 、Your diligence combined with your innate talents indicate a dynamic future.───你的勤奋加上你的天才为你展示了广阔的前程。

76 、There is no such thing as genius; it is nothing but labour and diligence.───世间无所谓天才,它仅是刻苦加勤奋。

77 、Diligence, thrift, plain living and hard work constitute the good proletarian style.───勤俭节约、艰苦奋斗是无产阶级的优良作风。

78 、He is the epitome of diligence.───他是勤勉的典型。

79 、Diligence is fundamental to success.───勤勉对成功来说是基本的。

80 、I think what makes a genius is nothing than diligence and assiduity.───1我认为无所谓天才,它仅是刻苦加勤奋。

81 、With your diligence, I'm sure you will amount to something in the future.───依你的勤奋,我敢肯定你将来一定会大有作为。

82 、Diligence compensates for lack of experience.───勤勉能弥补经验的不足。

83 、His diligence is a mere pose.───他的勤奋不过是装样子罢了。

84 、Diligence and thrift made him a possessor of warm fortunes.───勤俭使他成为富翁。

85 、I was deeply impressed by his diligence.───他的勤奋给我留下深刻的印象。

86 、Success in life depends not so much on talent as on diligence.───人生的成功与其说是在于天才,不如说是在于勤奋。

87 、Success presupposes diligence.───勤勉是成功的先决条件。

88 、Diligence is the mother of success.───勤勉是成功之母。

89 、He impressed me with his diligence.───他的勤奋给我印象深刻。

90 、The principle of diligence and frugality applies to all undertakings.───勤俭节约的原则适用于一切事业。


是海商法中的专有名词,最早出现于美国1893年哈特法,随着我国海商法的颁布被引入我国。“due diligence ”一般被译为“恪尽职守”或“谨慎处理”,它要求承运人作为一名具有通常要求的,并谨慎行事的船舶所有人,采取各种为特定情况所合理要求的措施


due diligence 尽职调查,审慎调查

reasonable diligence 合理努力

Diligence Capital 道合金泽

sincerity and diligence 真诚和勤奋

1. The police are pursuing their inquiries with great diligence.


2. He exhorted his companions, \"Try to accomplish your aim with diligence\".


3. She shows great diligence in her schoolwork.


4. Diligence and thrift made him a possessor of warm fortunes.


5. If your talent combines with diligence, you can excel in your pursuit.

如果你把天赋与勤奋结合起来, 你所追求的事业便会出类拔萃。

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