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07-02 投稿




英:[?g??ldm?n]  美:[?ɡoldm?n]

英:  美:


n. 戈德曼(戈德曼;爱玛:(1869-1940)俄籍美国无政府主义者)


1 、Goldman Sachs Gao Hua Securities Co.───和高盛高华证券。

2 、"No one chartered us to be Goldman Sachs on the Potomac.───“谁也没给我们稳赚不赔的权力。”

3 、Unlike firms such as Merrill and Lehman, Goldman has so far managed to avoid a major mortgage-related blowup.───不同于美林与雷曼兄弟等公司,目前为止高盛还没有遭受抵押贷款相关的巨额损失。

4 、Last week, the seven winners of this year's goldman enviromental prize were announced in Sanfrancisco, California.───上周,在加利福尼亚的旧金山为7位获奖人颁发了今年的环境金牌人奖。

5 、So acquisition chatter around Goldman or Morgan Stanley mightn't lift the stocks by much.───因此,围绕着高盛或者摩根士丹利的收购传闻恐怕也难给两只股票带来多少提振。

6 、The right-hand chart ranks the reliability of other Chinese statistics, based on an analysis by Goldman Sachs.───依高盛分析家的看法,右边的图将中国其他统计数字的可靠性分级。

7 、Ms Cohen is no longer the lead index forecaster for Goldman.───当然,所有大师们之所以落到这步田地,只是因为他们曾有一段时间是正确的。

8 、Goldman also showed up for six other dealers.─── 在逮捕其他六个毒贩时 他也出现了

9 、California judge has given Fred Goldman a week to come up with a list of sports memorabilia.───加州一名法官给佛瑞德.高曼一周时间,交出体育大事记的目录(体育纪念品清单)。

10 、In the sparser post-crisis banking landscape, a few carnivores such as Goldman may emerge winners.───在后危机时代更为荒凉的银行业版图上,高盛等少数猎食者可能会成为赢家。

11 、The main catalyst for losses was a downgrade of US investment bank Citigroup by rival Goldman Sachs.───导致损失的主要原因是高盛降低了其对竞争对手美国投资银行花旗集团的评级。

12 、"The average inventory is still 22 months," says Luo Yunting, a Beijing analyst with Goldman Sachs.───“平均库存量还是22个月,”高盛(中国)在北京的一名分析师罗云庭(音译)说。

13 、Meanwhile, the gossip at Goldman Sachs suggests that the US bank is now pondering a float in China and Brazil.───与此同时,高盛内部有传言称,这家美国银行正考虑在中国和巴西上市。

14 、He holds degrees of M.B.A. in International Finance and M.S.C.He joined Goldman Sachs (Asia) L.───他获有国际金融的工商管理硕士学位和理学硕士学位。

15 、Neither Mr.Blankfein nor Mr.Trott, the Goldman banker who reached out to Mr.Buffett, responded to requests for comment.───布兰克费恩和特洛特均未回复要求置评的**。

16 、Goldman supposedly a pillar of the free market changed its banking status from investment to commercial.─── 高盛这间本应是自由市场顶梁柱的公司 把自己的性质从投资银行改成了商业银行

17 、Mr.Trott had approached Mr.Buffett before with at least one offer to invest in Goldman.───以前,特洛特曾至少一次向巴菲特提议过投资高盛。

18 、Last week, the seven winners of this year's Goldman Environmental Prize were announced in San Francisco, California.───上周,在加利福尼亚州旧金山市,本年度高曼环保奖授予七位获奖者。

19 、Mr.Trott also brokered Mr.Buffett's $5 billion investment in Goldman Sachs last fall.───去年秋季特洛特还促成了巴菲特向高盛投资50亿美元的交易。

20 、He joined Goldman Sachs (Asia) L.L.C., Corporate Finance Department, Hong Kong Office in 1998.───于1998年加入高盛亚洲在香港的公司财务部。

21 、Analysts at investment bank Goldman Sachs yesterday downgraded China Mobile's stock from “neutral” to “sell”.───上周五,在股票暂停交易等待相关声明之前,中国电信、中国网通和中国移动的股价均告上涨。

22 、Goldman, with a staggering 33% return on equity last year, has the highest valuation.───去年股本收益率摇摆于33%的高盛估价最高。

23 、Unlike RBS and BofA, Goldman Sachs and Allianz would not be buying in the run-up to an overseas listing.───与**苏格兰银行和美洲银行不同的是高盛和安联不会购买将要在海外上市的股份。

24 、Mr Corzine, perhaps because of the need to be tight-lipped hen he ran Goldman Sachs, is not a natural braggart.───当他掌管高盛集团时,迫于工作需要,他总是金口紧闭,然而,或许考尼兹本来就不是个天生的自夸自耀者。

25 、Aug 14th, 2008, Thursday, Goldman Sachs issue the positive expectation of USD after Credit Suisse.───2008年8月14日,周四吧,高盛在瑞银之后发布对美元的向好预期。

26 、Lord Browne has resigned as a board member at Goldman Sachs in the wake of revelations that he lied to a UK High Court judge.───布朗勋爵已辞去高盛董事职务,此前有消息披露称,他曾向英国高等法院一位法官说谎。

27 、But Goldman appeared to miscalculate how serious and how long the crisis would be.───不过,高盛似乎错误估算了危机的严重程度和持续时间。

28 、But soon after, Goldman's stock cratered as stock investors, clients and creditors got jitters about broker-dealers.───但此后不久,高盛股价就遭受重创,因为股市投资者、客户和债权人都对经纪行的命运焦虑不安。

29 、Historically, Goldman Sachs has been a very efficient risk bearers.───从历史上看,高盛一直是非常有效率的风险承担者。

30 、However, Goldman Sachs thinks this is just part of a much bigger problem of capital and resource misallocation.───但是,高盛认为,这只是资本与资源配置失衡这个更大问题的一部分。

31 、In his late forties, Nim Goldman usually appeared younger, but not today because of strain and fatigue.───尼姆·歌德快五十了,但通常看上去没那么大年纪,不过今天例外,那是由于太紧张,太疲倦了。

32 、There are five in the top tier: Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Merrill Lynch, Lehman Brothers and Bear Sterns.───其中,最顶级的有五家,分别是高盛、根士丹利、林、曼兄弟以及贝尔斯登。

33 、Nim Goldman had been conferring with somebody at the dispatch console.───尼姆?哥尔德曼一直在调度台上与别人商量。

34 、Galvin's subpoena, also reviewed by the Journal, asks for a host of internal Goldman documents related to the huddles.───传票要求高盛提供一系列与交易业务秘密会议有关的文件。

35 、Even Goldman Sachs, Wall Street's savviest and best-connected firm, is taking a hit of sorts.───就连高盛这个华尔街最精明最负盛誉的公司都受到了“不良影响”。

36 、During the1990 s, when oil was cheap and biofuels unheard of, demand grew by1.2% a year, according to Goldman Sachs.───在20世纪90年代,高曼企业表明当时石油价格走低时生物燃料基本就没听说过,每年的需求只是增加1.2%。

37 、He resigned in June of last year to join Goldman Sachs.───他在去年六月辞职后就加入了高盛投资公司。

38 、Goldman for five years as a tech *yst, then he left to start his own company.─── 在高盛做了五年技术分析师 然后离职创办了自己的公司

39 、The huddles, and what is discussed during or after them, currently aren't disclosed in Goldman's long-term research.───交易业务秘密会议以及会中、会后的讨论内容目前没有披露在高盛的长期研究报告中。

40 、Mr Buffett, no idle flatterer, describes Goldman as “exceptional”.───巴菲特先生显然不是无所事事的马屁精,他将高盛描述为”异常出色”。

41 、Goldman today stands in disgrace.───哥尔德曼今天已经失宠了。

42 、Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and FirstRand Bank Ltd. advised Richemont on the spinoff.───在历峰的剥离中,高盛集团和第一兰特银行是顾问银行。

43 、She would report Goldman's speech straight.───她打算要老老实实地报道哥尔德曼的演讲。

44 、Typically banks impose savings during downturns, with Goldman Sachs ending free fruit after the dotcom bubble burst.───你可以?所有支出提出?疑,以确保它?是必要的,以此?到自己的??。”

45 、Goldman was still acid, cynical and biting about Judaism.───哥尔德曼仍然对犹太教辛酸尖刻,冷嘲热讽。

46 、They are also concerned by prediction lower profits forecasts of the General Motor and investment bank ,Goldman Sach.───他们也对通用汽车和高曼银行的低利润的预计而担心。

47 、One analyst fretted “are they happy?”when inquiring about the morale of Goldman’s ranks.───一位分析师问到高盛员工士气的时候还担心地问“他们觉得开心么?”

48 、But Mr.Schorr addedthat Goldman and Morgan Stanley have far less exposure to problemassets than Merrill and Lehman did.───但绍尔补充说,较之美林和雷曼兄弟,高盛和摩根士丹利的问题资产少得多。

49 、To graft a Goldman or a Lehman on to a commercial bank culture would threaten chaos.───将高盛或是雷曼的员工放入商业银行的企业文化,很可能会引发混乱。

50 、Goldman, for example, secured a backstop facility of at least $1 billion from Sumitomo Mitsui when it bought a stake in the Japanese bank in 2003.───例如,当它控股日本银行的时候,高盛[8]获得了三井住友财团的保证最低十亿美元的支持。

51 、Mr Buffett, no idle flatterer, describes Goldman as “exceptional”.. But some doubt that it can adapt and thrive.───巴菲特先生显然不是无所事事的马屁精,他将高盛描述为”异常出色”。但是有些人怀疑高盛是否能够改革并再次兴盛。

52 、Goldman Sachs bought a 7% stake in the NCDEX last year while Fidelity International owns a 9% stake in MCX.───去年高盛购买了印度全国期货和衍生产品交易所(NCDEX)7%的股份,与此同时,印度多种商品交易所(MCX)9的股份也落入富达囊中。

53 、But this is unlikely to calm public fury, which could flare up again when Goldman announces its bonus pool.───但这不可能平息公众的愤怒,当高盛公布其奖金池计划时这些愤怒可能再次点燃。

54 、Credit Suisse, Goldman Sachs and Merrill Lynch are joint book-runners on Evergrande’s IPO. They declined to comment.───作为恒大地产IPO的联合簿记行,瑞信(Credit Suisse)、高盛(Goldman Sachs)及美林(Merrill lynch)均拒绝置评。

55 、He always had a practical streak, and when he was invited to be a partner at Goldman Sachs in 1984, he accepted.───“金融一度被我当作周日的绘画消遣,”萨缪尔森曾经写道。在当时,甚至布莱克自己也认为,布莱克--斯科尔斯公式不会引起多大关注。

56 、Goldman, of course, had blown his cool and didn't expect her to take the suggestion seriously.───当然哥尔德曼当时是发了脾气,根本没指望她认真对待他的建议。

57 、He also said a drop in equity trading could hit Goldman because of the firm's heavy reliance on proprietary trading.───他同时表示,股票交易量下降,将给高盛造成打击,因为该公司对自营交易的依赖程度很高。

58 、After he was repeatedly passed over for a partnership, Mr.Tepper left Goldman to start Appaloosa in 1993.───在一次又一次和提升合伙人的机会擦肩而过之后,泰珀离开了高盛,并在1993年创立了Appaloosa。

59 、Fundamentally, Goldman has lost the ability to neutralise the vitriol which greets its every move.───从根本上讲,高盛已失去了“中和”自己一举一动所遭遇的尖酸言论的能力。

60 、But Goldman hardly sounds panicked: it says it is fully hedged or collateralized.───但是高盛丝毫未露惊惶之色,据称它已经做好了防范和担保措施。

61 、Goldman left the restaurant just before 10:00.─── 戈德曼离开餐厅时 正好在10点前

62 、The winner of this year's Goldman Prize for Africa is Feliciano dos Santos in Mozambique.───官司的被告原为美国德古士石油公司,但该公司已于2001年被美国雪佛龙石油公司收购。

63 、Goldman, get rid of yourself and come awake.───哥德曼,别婆婆妈妈的,快醒醒!

64 、Earlier, Goldman Sachs and Wells Fargo also reported stronge strong results.───但房地产市场却仍身陷困境。

65 、Goldman had injuries on his hands, like he was defending himself.─── 戈德曼手上有伤 像是反抗的迹象

66 、But, as Brian Foran of Goldman Sachs points out, they are a mixed blessing.───但是,高盛BrianForan指出,面对利率的调整这些银行真是喜忧参半。

67 、But once it joined the risk-management game, Goldman steadily accumulated market nous.───但是一旦高盛加入风险管理这项游戏,它就稳定地积累了市场知识。

68 、His fund will be inside Goldman Sachs.───他的基金将在高盛。

69 、If only a modicum of calm returned to markets, Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs should be able to survive.───只要市场能恢复少许平静,摩根士丹利和高盛就应该能够生存下去。

70 、Prices accelerated in 80% of the countries that Goldman tracks.───在其所观察的国家中,80%价格上扬。

71 、Obama's policy, like Bush's before him, is keyed to theenrichment of Goldman Sachs and the armament industries.───奥巴马的政策,和他之前的布什政府的政策一样,都是为高盛和军事工业巨头的财富服务的。

72 、But Marshal Goldman from Harvard University, says there could be tensions between the two men.───但是哈佛大学的戈德曼认为,两人关系可能会产生紧张。

73 、A Goldman spokesman said in an interview that the firm was never imperiled by A.I.G.’s troubles and that Mr.───Blankfein participated in the Fed discussions to safeguard the entire financia米奇休闲包l system, not his firm’s own interests.

74 、That Goldman, Nancy thought as she moved away.───好一个哥德曼!南希边走边想。

75 、But both UBS and Goldman are undoubtedly delighted to be firmly ensconced in China as their rivals watch in envy.───但是,毫无疑问UBS和高盛都很乐意在中国进行扎根,而这让其对手无比嫉妒。

76 、Goldman Sachs is the most profitable company in the world, by far!───就是说:高盛是世界上最赚钱的公司,遥遥领先第二名!

77 、Goldman isn't named in a document filed with a U.S. magistrate judge in New York that describes the alleged scheme.───一位纽约地方法官在描述这一案件的案宗中没有具名提到高盛集团。

78 、Henry Paulson has led Goldman Sachs for seven years.───亨利.鲍尔森掌管高盛达七年之久。

79 、He was later found guilty, in a civil trial, of the wrongful death of Nicole Brown Sim on and Ronald Goldman.───他后来在民事审判中被认定有罪,必须对妮克·辛普森和雷纳德·戈德曼的非正常死亡负责。

80 、Goldman's situation steadied when the government guaranteed bank debt and invested $10 billion.───在政府为高盛银行债务提供担保并投资100亿美元后,高盛的状况才逐渐稳定下来。

81 、But in fighting for business, Goldman never reached the lows of brazenness of, say, Salomon Brothers in the 1980s.───但在生意场的角力中,据说高盛从未达到所罗门兄弟在上世纪八十年代上演那一幕幕丑剧的高度。

82 、He was later found guilty, in a civil trial, of the wrongful death of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman.───他后来在民事审判中被认定有罪,必须对妮克.辛普森和雷纳德.戈德曼的非正常死亡负责。

83 、"However, the valuation of Goldman Sachs has markedly enhanced the psychological price TOSE.───“但高盛的估值明显提高了东星的心理价位。”上述航空业资深人士如是说。

84 、Coppola, Allen and Billy Wilder had four scripts apiece make the cut, while Charlie Kaufman, William Goldman and John Huston each had three.───卡普拉、艾伦与比利-威尔德每人分别有四部剧本入选,同时,查理-考夫曼、威廉-高曼与约翰-休斯敦每人均有三部作品入选。

85 、Hally Bosiden had golfmen saidHenry Paulson headed Goldman Sachs before he became Treasury Secretary in 2006.───做为商业银行,他们在任何时候都可以接受公众的存款并且向美联储借钱。这将有助于它们筹集资金。



James Taylor:

一位年轻的新AMS特工,在2000年2月23日平息了“日落镇(城)”的丧尸危机,在两位AMS前辈Amy Crystal和Harry Harries的帮助下和搭档Gary一一击败了Tarot Card怪物,在Goldman的“原罪”控诉下顽强的活了下来,并且打败了新自然界的统治者——“Emperor”(皇帝)。

Gary Steward:


Amy Crystal,Harry Harries:



G在HOD2中出师不利,被小蝙蝠人Zeal暗算而身负重伤,但是还是努力活了下来,他把Tarot Card BOSS的WEAK POINT交给了James和Gary,在HOD2中没露多少面。



Gary Steward操作方法:在游戏一开始时,黑屏的那一下,按shift键,就会出现两个人物,不过复活机会就会减少一次。第二个人物使用是键盘攻击。

Thomas Rogan:



男女主人公都活着- -

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