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06-29 投稿




英:[k?n's??l]  美:[k?n?sol]

英:  美:


vt.安慰, 慰藉

n.仪表盘,操控台, (游戏)平台, 落地式支座


动词过去分词: consoled | 动词第三人称单数: consoles | 动词过去式: consoled | 动词现在分词: consoling | 副词: consolingly | 名词: consoler | 形容词: consolable |


soothe | console table | calm | solace | comfort | relieve | cheer up | sympathize | ease | support | cheer | cabinet


torture | torment | afflict


1 、Click the Console Application icon under Visual Studio Installed Templates.───单击“Visual Studio已安装的模板”下面的“控制台应用程序”图标。

2 、The information read from the device is displayed in the console.───从设备中读取的信息将显示在控制台中。

3 、New communities will form for console players.───一个界于PC和游戏机之间新的玩家团体将会产生。

4 、Will there be a console version of StarCraft II?───会登录家用机么?

5 、I always console my friend in grief.───在朋友忧伤时我总是予以慰问.

6 、Remove the floor console from the floor pan transmission tunnel.───从底板变速器-传动轴盖板中拆去底板支柱。

7 、Anything and thus provides no console (no "dos box" appears on the screen).───不输出任何内容,便不提供控制台(不会弹出“DOS窗口”)。

8 、She has been jilted and I am trying to console her.───她失恋了,我正在对她进行解劝。

9 、A console command showing the status of a system function.───一种给出系统功能状态的控制台命令。

10 、Console Interface Module Interfaces with Industry Standard Dispatch Console.───多种类型的转发器控制和发射控制能力。

11 、I was shocked to learn of the death of your mother today. I have no words to console you.───今天获悉令堂逝世,使我为之震惊。遭此剧痛,自非言语所能慰籍。

12 、In the corridor, Eloise paused by a console table.───在走廊上,爱罗伊在一个装在墙上的台子前停了下来。

13 、Reconnecting a disconnected session to the console is not supported.───不支持重新将一个断开的会话连接到控制台。

14 、Is the Domino server reporting error messages to the console or the log file?───Domino服务器向控制台或日志文件报告错误消息吗?

15 、You cannot use the Exchange Management Console for this task.───不能使用Exchange管理控制台执行此任务。

16 、How to disable Ctrl+Alt+Del from restarting computer in Console mode?───如何在终端机模式下关闭历史纪录?

17 、Support for console on serial port( CONFIG_ SERIAL_ CONSOLE)[ N/ y/?───如果喜欢使用计算机串口作为系统控制台,否则在这里保留默认值。

18 、MJS - MJS is a console MP3 Jukebox System.───MJS是MP3播放器控制系统。

19 、There's no consolation for this, for losing her.─── 你肯定会失去她了 这是毋庸置疑的

20 、Go to the root directory of your Geronimo installation in a new console window.───在一个新的控制台窗口中转向您的Geronimo安装目录的根目录。

21 、We tried to console her when her mother died but it was very difficult.───她母亲去世时我们设法安慰她,但很难奏效。

22 、We tried to console her when her husband died but it was very difficult.───她丈夫去世时我们设法安慰她,但很难奏效。

23 、In most cases, these operators are applicable only to console applications.───大多数情况下,这些运算符仅适用于控制台应用程序。

24 、HOW DARE THEY BAN MY CONSOLE!───他们怎么敢禁我的机器!

25 、People tried to console the widow at the funeral.───人们在葬礼上试着安慰那名**。

26 、What if you went further and built this application to be console friendly?───如果更进一步,将这个应用程序构建为有友好的控制台呢?

27 、Oracle9iAS simplifies management tasks by using a single management console.───Oracle9iAS 通过使用单一管理控制台简化了管理任务。

28 、A console providing capability for manual intervention and the monitoring of co mputer operations.───一种提供人工干预能力和监视计算机运行的控制台。

29 、And if it's any consolation, we were not compatible.─── 如果这样说能安慰你 我们的"型号"不搭

30 、Say those words again, they console me! Say them again!───再说一遍,这些话听来好安慰,再说一遍吧!

31 、At hour 24 there was widely neutrophil infiltration and largely consol region.───24h广泛性嗜中性粒细胞浸润,出现较大实变区;

32 、When she was beaten and cursed she used these words to console herself.───她拿这样的话安慰自己,甚至在想到吃打骂的时候。

33 、Nothing could console him when his wife died.───他妻子去世后,什么事情也不能使他感到宽慰。

34 、Command on the console and requiring a root login to work in single user mode.───命令,并要求在单用户方式中使用root登录。

35 、If it's any consolation, these are delicious.─── 如果能给你带来一丝丝安慰的话 这挺好吃的

36 、In System/38, a panel located adjacent to the system console on the system unit that contains lights and switches that are used primarily when the system is started or serviced.───在IBMSystem/38中,位于系统部件上并与系统控制台邻接的一种面板,它包含主要用于系统启动或维护时所需的指示灯和开关。

37 、Co-Op bot console commands now function on local servers.───合作店肤蝇等幼虫安慰现下命令关于地方服务生的功能。

38 、You're not the first, if it's any consolation.─── 你不是第一個 如果這算是安慰的話

39 、His voice was quiet, the voice he used to console the bereaved.───他的声音平静,他用来安慰那被剥夺的声音。

40 、HandupHomworkDelegate ql = delegate(string subject) { Console.───WriteLine("钱六帮我交" + subject + "作业;");};

41 、We tried to console her when her dog died.───她的狗死后, 我们尽力安慰她。

42 、He tried to console herm but in vain.───他试图安慰她,但是徒劳。

43 、if that's any consolation. It's not.─── 但愿能给你们点安慰 没有

44 、Do all you can to console me in it.───在信中尽量安慰我。

45 、She felt she could console the child better than anyone else.───她认为自己比任何人都能更好地安慰这孩子。

46 、To log messages to a file rather than the console window.───以便将消息记录到文件中,而不是记录到控制台窗口中。

47 、In the console tree of the DHCP snap-in, expand the new DHCP server.───在DHCP管理单元的控制台树中,展开新的DHCP服务器。

48 、Then, as if to console her, "It's nothing to do with you.───不干你的事!

49 、What would you say to help console them?───你将怎样帮助和安慰他们?

50 、She felt she could console the child better than anyone .───她觉得自己可以比别人更好地安慰这孩子。

51 、CCE> Fatal error: No GGI/DSL found, you can only run CCE in text console.───不知道什么原因,我就是在控制台下运行的阿。

52 、Console yourself with the thought that you did your best.───你可以安慰自己的是你已经尽了最大的努力。

53 、Get a connection out of the pool. Console.───从池中打开一个连接。

54 、What're you doing? I'm consoling you.─── 你在干什么 我在安慰你

55 、MMC shall open a new console if console file is not provided.───如果没指定控制台文件,MMC 将打开新控制台。

56 、You can view the output of the code in the Console window.───你可以在控制窗口中查看代码的输出结果。

57 、Disconnecting the console session is not supported.───不支持断开控制台会话。

58 、Was it not the duty in Christian charity to try to console the mourner?───基督教的慈悲,不是教人安慰受难者吗?

59 、If you are using a serial console, send a break to the machine.───如果您使用的是串口控制台,发送break到机器。

60 、While I was consoling him, we bonded.─── 当我安慰他时 他信任了我

61 、In the console tree, expand the zone that contains the _msdcs subdomain.───在控制台树中,展开包含_msdcs子域的区域。

62 、Open the MMC console that you created previously.───如果您想要浏览有更多信息、格式化和图片,请点击此处。

63 、He sat at the console and controlled the recording.───他坐在控制台然后控制录音。

64 、How to scroll up and down to view previous outputs in Console mode?───如何能在控制台模式中上下滚动查看先前输出?

65 、But I console myself with the lustre it's already bringing to our practice.───不过,能安慰我的是,我们的事业因之灿然生辉。

66 、He would sit before the console board and play the machines like a virtuose.───他坐在控制台前,就象一位著名的演奏能手在操纵机器。

67 、Let us one day be betrothed console my doubts.───何时见许兮,慰我彷徨。

68 、Function; this will make the console stay open so you can view the results.───函数处放置一个断点,这将使控制台保持打开状态以便于查看结果。

69 、Nothing could console him when his pet dog died.───他的爱犬死后,什么事情也不能使他宽慰。

70 、If it's any consolation, it wasn't personal.─── 希望能安慰到你 我并非针对你

71 、Start MMC and open the saved console.───启动 MMC 并打开保存的控制台。

72 、In the hallway was a small, wall-mounted console.───在走廊上有一个小的、装在墙上的支柱。

73 、At the console, log on to CONT-WK01 as a member of the Domain Users group.───在控制台上,以Domain Users组成员的身份登录到CONT-WK01。

74 、Our sole consolation it was only a test.─── 唯一值得欣慰的是 这只是次演习

75 、Warning: unabled to open an initial console?───不能打开一个初始化控制台?

76 、At the top of the console, click Options.───在控制台的顶部,单击“更新”。

77 、They tried to console him for losing the prize by taking him to a theater .───他们领他去看剧,以作为对他失去奖金的安慰。

78 、Get a second connection out of the pool. Console.───从池中打开第二个连接。

79 、If it's any consolation, I'm not enjoying this.─── 如果能让你好受点的话 我并不喜欢这样

80 、Click the Console Application icon.───单击“控制台应用程序”图标。

81 、More information can be found in the Console Appendix.───你可以在控制台附录找到更详细的信息。

82 、Its output will display in the console view.───在控制台视图中会显示其输出结果。

83 、The following options are valid for. Lib files for file or console output only.───下列选项仅对用于文件或控制台输出的.lib文件有效。

84 、A COBOL mnemonic name associated with the console typewriter.───和控制台打字机有关的一种COBOL助记忆名。

85 、Use this page to add or remove a standalone Snap-in from the console.───使用此页来添加或删除控制台的管理单元。

86 、He tried to console the crying girl with a box of chocolate.───他试图用一盒巧克力来安慰那位哭泣的小女孩。

87 、Installation is possible via frame buffer or the serial console.───可以frame buffer或过串列主控台来进行安装。

88 、The Domino server console does not appear, even when tasks appear to be loaded.───Domino服务器控制台不出现,即使当任务似乎已加载时。

89 、He had to console himself with the thought that it might have been worse.───他只好想事情可能会更糟糕,并以此来安慰自己。

90 、Otherwise, the server is checked to see if console logging is enabled.───否则,该工具将检查服务器,以查看是否启用了控制台日志。







1‘建筑’ (装饰用的) 螺形支柱,支托

2 (风琴的) 演奏台


3 a. (收音机、电视机、音响等的) 落地式座架


b. (电算机的) 控制盘


d. (汽车的) 置物箱


4 (又作 console table) (有落地支架与螺形支柱! (console) 的)








1 安慰<人>

(→ comfort同义字)

I tried to ~ her, but in vain.



a. [对于…]安慰<人>,慰问[for]

I could do little to ~ her for the loss of her



b. 安慰 <他人、自己> [with]

He ~d himself with the thought that there might

be no other way.







1、输出多个值:console.log()可以接受多个参数,并将它们以空格分隔的形式输出。例如,console.log(“Hello”,“world”,123)将会输出“Hello world 123”。


3、格式化输出:console.log()还可以接受格式字符串作为第一个参数,这样你就可以有控制地输出特定格式的数据。例如,你可以使用console.log(“%s is %d years old”, person.name,person.age)来输出一个格式化的字符串。

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