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06-29 投稿




英:[sl?m]  美:[sl?m]

英:  美:





动词过去分词: slummed | 形容词: slummy | 动词过去式: slummed | 动词现在分词: slumming | 名词: slummer | 动词第三人称单数: slums |


1 、Work in the slum bring her up against the reality of poverty.───她在贫民区工作,使她正视贫困的现实。

2 、Tu Wei-yueh's swoop on the slum soon had its effect on the struggle among the women themselves.───刚才“屠维岳捉人”那一事变,很快地影响到女工们内部的斗争。

3 、He suggested that I wrote an article on Chicago's vilest slum, and this was as good as meat and drink for me.───他建议我写一篇关于芝加哥最下层的贫民窟的文章,而这正是我最爱写的。

4 、Your voice is resonating in every corner of the earth: in palace or slum; in school or prison; in your house and in our universe.───你的声音在地球的每个角落回荡:无论是宫殿还是贫民窟;学校亦或监狱;你那温柔中蕴涵张力的口令承载了我们对希望的渴望。

5 、Born into a very poor family in a slum area and lacking any formal education, he grew up a victim of circumstances among the most underprivileged section of society.───他出生在贫民区的一个非常贫困的家庭里,而且没有受过任何正规教育,长大后成为大多数下层社会中的一个客观环境的牺牲者。

6 、However, writer also emphasised that must keep distance to slum areas and empty buildings during night.───不过,作者也提到,成片的贫民区和晚上人去楼空的高楼密集的街区,务必不要前往。

7 、In a Rio de Janeiro slum, drug traffickers opened fire on a helicoptercarrying Santa Claus to a Christmas party, apparently mistaking it fora police helicopter.───在里约热内卢的一个贫民窟附近,一架载有“圣诞老人”的直升飞机遭到贩毒分子的**击。这架直升飞机送“圣诞老人”去参加圣诞晚会,显然被贩毒分子当作警察的直升机了。

8 、The Warrens in the eastern part of town is a terrible slum sick with poverty and crime.───位于城市东部的沃伦斯区是一个治安混乱的贫民窟,这里充斥着贫穷和犯罪。

9 、You were slumming with that clown, anyway.─── 反正你一直和那个小丑待在贫民窟里

10 、Shanty Dwellers Say Goodbye To Slum───兴隆社区:告别棚户过上新生活

11 、No one wants to carry around extra pounds, lout few people know how to slum down effectively.───她一次又一次地节食,但是没有一次成功。她的体重会快速地下降,但没多久就又反弹了。

12 、Like the others, they were usually called “slum dwellers” or “the guests” from another province by the feudal official or the folk, meanwhile not be called the Hakka.───像其他的迁入者一样 ,他们被官府与民间通称为“棚民”或称“客民”、“客籍”。

13 、Pick up the lessons from the property slum in Hong Kong, Japan and Singapore to really understand about capital appreciation.───吸取香港、日本和新加坡楼市的教训,才能真正了解什么是资产增值。

14 、A person born in the family of a millionaire and a person born in a slum will never enjoy the same rights after birth.───一个人出生在百万富翁的家庭和一个人出生在贫民窟里,他们后天所享受到的人权是绝对不会一样的。

15 、From the mid-20th century Glasgow' s notorious slum tenement areas (particularly the Gorbals) were given over to high-rise redevelopment schemes.───20世纪中期以来,格拉斯哥声名狼藉的贫民住宅区(尤其是哥贝尔地区),拟定了高速再发展规划。

16 、Mrs. Jarley was not proof against the poet's insinuating manner, and Mr. Slum entered the order in a small note-book as a three-and-sixpenny one.───乍莱太太敌不过诗人那种死乞白赖的态度,斯拉姆先生就把三先令六便士作为一笔定货登记在记录薄上。

17 、Is there a nice atrium lobby with live palm trees and a fountain, or does it feel like a government dental clinic in a slum, with dying corn plants and old copies of Newsweek?───中庭门廊有生意盎然的棕榈树跟喷泉;或者是让人感觉像是贫民窟里的一个公立牙齿诊所,旁边还散布著枯黄盆栽与过期杂志?

18 、Take El Valle, a hillside slum on the edge of Caracas, for example.───以埃尔巴耶为例,这是加拉加斯郊区一个位于半山腰上的贫民窟。

19 、People living in the slum have their own gross language.───住在贫民区的人有他们 自己人的粗俗的语言.

20 、Several businessmen had to slum it in economy class.───几个商人只好将就着坐在经济舱里。

21 、Surely we can all agree that even in a city as great as ours we have slums, and that slums are not to be romanticized or preserved.─── 显而易见 我们都赞同 即使像我们这样伟大的城市也会有贫民区 而且贫民区不能被浪漫化或保留

22 、On the top of the list would be educational reform, followed closely by improved sanitary measures, slum clearance and most assuredly, the abolition of slavery.───列表的首条将会是教育改革,紧接着是关于公共卫生的改革措施、民窟的检查以及最必要的--废除奴隶制。

23 、It's one of the largest slums in India.─── 那是印度最大的平民窟之一

24 、In one shack, deep inside the labyrinthine slum, her team found a weeping child whose parents had left her at home alone while they worked.───在迷宫似的贫民区深处一个简陋小屋里,她的小组发现了一个哭泣的孩子,她的父母出去工作时把她独自留在家里。

25 、By the late1900' s, the fashionable businesses moved uptown and the area developed into a seedy, sweatshop spawning slum known as" hell's hundred acres".───到了20世纪晚期,时尚产业迁到了城镇住宅区,这一地区便演变成了一个满是血汗工厂的破败贫民窟,名曰“百亩地狱”。

26 、I mean, "slum" is not the right word. It's not a slum.─── 并不能用"贫民区"来形容 这里不是

27 、As they made their way down to the slum, they found the whole area alive with policemen and militiamen patrolling in pairs, while small knots of factory girls buzzed excitedly by the roadside.───他们一路上看见警察双岗,保卫团巡行,三三两两的丝厂女工在路旁吵闹。

28 、The bullet, fired in a shootout between a drug gang and police in a slum adjacent to the cemetery, pierced the casket inside the cemetery's chapel and got lodged in the corpse's pelvis.───在毒贩集团与警方于紧邻墓园的一处贫民区交火时所发射出来的这枚子弹,穿透放置在墓园礼拜堂内的棺材,最后击中尸首的骨盆。

29 、In many respects it is a stark and difficult an existence as that of the people in that Latin American slum across the ocean.───它在许多方面像大洋对面拉丁美洲贫民窟中人们的生活一样,贫困而又艰辛。

30 、His band of missionaries rented a house in Recife that was next to a slum and started trying to convert the people who lived there.───他们那群传教士们在累西腓紧挨着贫民窟的地方租下一座房子,并开始试图向住在那里的人传教。

31 、By 2020,to have achieved a significant improvement in the lives of at least 100 million slum dwellers as proposed in the "Cities Without Slums" initiative.───- 到2020年年底前,根据“无贫民窟城市”倡议,使至少一亿贫民窟居民的生活得到重大改善。

32 、Noble as you were, you shouldn't slum here.───像你这样的上等人,不该来这种地方。

33 、Certainly not slumming it with the humans.─── 不会是屈尊在人间跟人类厮混吧

34 、In June 1992, volunteers established their first Argentine liaison office in Buenos Aires. starting their charitable work in nursing homes, orphanages and slum areas.───1992年的六月,志工在布宜诺斯艾利斯设立了阿根廷的第一所慈济联络处,他们的慈善事业由老人院、孤儿院及贫民窟开始。

35 、What's weird is you, here, slumming it at a stakeout.─── 奇怪的是你 居然跑来跟我监视

36 、Brig.Gen.Hani Abdel-Latif said 50 to 60 protesters gathered in Cairo's Manshiyet Naser slum because they were upset with the health ministry's decision to slaughter all pigs in the country.───哈尼阿卜杜勒-拉迪夫准将说,50到60名抗议者聚集在开罗ManshiyetNaser贫民窟,他们因为卫生部决定宰杀这个国家所有的猪而惊惶不安。

37 、When they reached the narrow street running alongside the slum, the girls caught up with the bullies and another roughand-tumble broke out.───大混乱又在草棚前的狭路上开始!

38 、Other schemes involve a donor accepting the responsibility of upgrading a slum in return for a sovereign debt.───其他方案涉及捐款人以承担消除城市贫困责任以换取对外债务。

39 、I'm not in the habit of slumming it with angels.─── 我可没习惯跟天使一起过贫民生活

40 、But as the smog fell on their slum in the afternoon of the next day two more bodies were found.Someone had alerted the boss and the redhead and the girl with red slippers were also dead.───后来当他俩坐在 凳子 上的时候,罗宾为这场紧张 刺激 的战斗感谢了塔克并 坦率地 请他和他一起去对付那个讨厌的约翰王子。

41 、Goal 7 of the MDGs aims to improve the living conditions of 100 million slum dwellers by 2020.───千年发展目标志在于在2020年前改善1亿贫民区居民的生活质量。

42 、While he was studying, Nick had to slum it in a tiny room.───尼克上学期间只能住在很小的房间里.

43 、That's pretty far south of the slum.─── 那里在贫民窟很靠南的地方

44 、It's in the misery of some unnamed slum that the next killer virus will emerge.───一些没有名称的贫民区的不幸是或有一天致命病毒会在这里产生。

45 、In a slum, people live in abject poverty.───在贫民区,人们可怜地生活在贫穷之中。

46 、He came finally upon a miserable slum.───后来,他闯进一个穷苦的贫民窟。

47 、TEA TIME: A clay-pot maker drank some tea while taking a break in the Dharavi slum of Mumbai on Monday.───休息时间:周一在孟买的达拉维贫民区,一位陶器工匠在休息的时候喝茶。

48 、She could not speak the jargon of the slum.───她不会讲贫民区的黑话。

49 、Rich: Well I figured, the more people we have feeling good about themselves, the less people we have calling me a heartless slum lord.───富先生:我是应该多捐一些,捐了钱,心情舒畅,今后喊我“黑心老板”的人也会少些。

50 、But the conditions of slum life do not ease the adaptation.───但是,贫民窟的生活状况不会使这种适应活动轻而易举。

51 、A big fire burnedmore that three hundred houses in the slum districts to the ground.───一场大火将贫民区三百多座房子夷为平地。

52 、On January 6, a huge fire tore through a slum area in Quezon City of Manila in the Philippines leaving 836 people homeless.Tzu Chi volunteers immediately began a program of aid relief.───1月6日,一场大火袭击菲律宾马尼拉计顺市,一处贫民区让836人无家可归,慈济人在灾后立即进行发放工作,赠送给灾民的物品。

53 、Children of slum dwellers play under a pushcart in New Delhi, India.───印度新德里,贫民窟的孩子们在一辆手推车下玩耍。

54 、He works hard to improve the sanitary condition of the slum.───他努力改进贫民窟的卫生条件。

55 、A fire broke out in a slum near the suburban Bandra railway station in Mumbai in the wee hours of Thursday, burning about 300 shanties and leaving at least 20 people injured and about 3000 homeless.───18日凌晨,印度孟买班德拉火车站附近一贫民窟发生重大火灾事故,约300座棚户被烧,造成20多人受伤,约3000人无家可归。

56 、But there we were, unable even to mateas slum children would have so easily found an opportunity to do.───但我们,甚至不能象贫民区的孩子那样很容易就找到作伴的机会。

57 、From my prospective, a man with a quiet, optimistic mind lives no different life in palace or in slum.───在我眼里,一个心态平和的人,思想乐观,处世泰然,居住在济贫院里就象居住在皇宫里一样。

58 、In the Brazilian capital of Brasilia, for instance, the sprawling urban center was designed for easy car transport but now teems with slum dwellers too poor to afford even bicycles.───在巴西首都巴西利亚,最初为缓解汽车交通而不断拓展的市中心区现在却到处都是连自行车都买不起的贫民。

59 、American reform movements of the late nineteenth century made slums their special target.“Slum”became the name for places where poverty, crime, prostitution, and disease festered.───“美国在19世纪后期进行的改良运动,把贫民窟作为特别目标。‘贫民窟’成了那些贫困、犯罪、**与疾病区域的代名词。”

60 、I saw what you did in that squalid slum.─── 我看到你在那个肮脏的贫民窟做的事了

61 、The bodies of 56 other children remained buried under a three-storey section of the collapsed orphanage in the Carrefour slum area.───在家乐福贫民区该孤儿院的一幢三层高坍塌部份下,56名其他儿童的身体仍被埋在下面。

62 、Along with the Internet, the mobile phone has revolutionized communication. The mobile has spread from city whiz kids to Brazilian slum dwellers.───与互联网同样,移动**已经使通讯交流发生了翻天覆地的变化。从城里的年青俊杰到巴西的贫民区居民都拥有了移动**。

63 、She cannot authenticate her address, because she lives in an illegal slum.───她也不能告诉他们自己的住址,因为她住在一个非法贫民窟中。

64 、Like other But like other electronic electronics companies, it's been hit hard by the worldwide slum slump in demand.───但是和其他电子公司一样,三星在全球性的需求暴跌中深受打击。

65 、He introduced a project for slum clearance.───他提出一个清除贫民窟的计划。

66 、Leaving the slum behind her, she turned into a squalid alleyway.───她离开了那工人区域的草棚地带,跑进了一个肮脏的窄街。

67 、New development plans, including a runway for Mumbai's main airport, are threatening the homes of slum dwellers in India's most populous city.───包括孟买主要机场跑道在内的新发展计划正威胁着印度人口最多的城市中贫民窟居民的住所。

68 、They caught a couple of dozen girls and drove over two hundred from the slum to the factory, where they herded them into the workshop.───他捉了二十多个,他又驱着二百多个到厂里去上工!

69 、You original old style, all has not changed. I come Taibei am cooperate for and you open a slum joint.───你还是原来的老样子,一点都没有变。我来台北就是为了和你合作开个珠宝店的。

70 、Himanshu Parikh Consulting Engineers won one for a sanitation project,called Slum net working.───以咨询贫民窟网页工作的项目获胜。

71 、American reform movements of the late nineteenth century made slums their special target. “Slum” became the name for places where poverty, crime, prostitution, and disease festered.───“美国在19世纪后期进行的改良运动,把贫民窟作为特别目标。‘贫民窟’成了那些贫困、犯罪、**与疾病区域的代名词。(为避免翻译有误,故将原文置前。)

72 、A movement of socially conscious architects is emerging around the globe with novel ideas for solving the slum problem.───世界各地有社会责任感的建筑师提出了一些解决贫民窟问题的崭新的设想。

73 、Clue: Slum ghettos do not host the Olympics.───主题: Chicago supporters crushed, confused by early elimination.

74 、These can be reinforced still further if administrative procedures can be revised to lower the cost of entry to legal shelter,(4) thus reducing the need for new slum formation.───如果行政程序能修订减少申请合法住所的成本(4),这样就能巩固这种循环,并且能减少新的贫民区产生。

75 、The slum on Wall Street set up a chain reaction in stock markets around the world.───华尔街金融滑坡产生世界股票市场的连锁反应。

76 、By 2020, to have achieved a significant improvement in the lives of at least 100 million slum dwellers as proposed in the "Cities Without Slums" initiative.───-到2020年年底前,根据“无贫民窟城市”倡议,使至少一亿贫民窟居民的生活得到重大改善。

77 、But she says the Mathari slum alone has more than 300,000 children of school age.───但是她说光马萨里就有超过300,000适龄上学儿童。

78 、In Orangi, Karachi's largest slum, residents organised themselves into groups of 20 to 4o families, installed sewage disposal, provided simple health care and family planning, and brought down infant mortality four-fold in just nine years.───在卡拉奇最大的贫民窟奥林奇里,居民们以20到40户为单位组织起来,安装污水处理设施、提供简易保健和计划生育服务,在短短九年里把婴儿死亡率降低了4倍。

79 、Why not cure unemployment by a National Slum clearance effort?───何不通过全国性的消除贫民窟运动来解决失业问题呢?

80 、Down at the east end of the slum, however, a noisy crowd had gathered on a rubbish dump: the girls were holding a meeting.───但在这草棚区域东首一片堆垃圾的空场上,又是嚷嚷闹闹的一个人堆。 女工们正在开大会。

81 、Meanwhile, this document facilitated has occurred together in addition in Jiangxi Shangrao's slum joint robbery smooth uncovering.───与此同时,此案又促成了另一起发生在江西上饶的珠宝店劫案的顺利破获。

82 、They discovered that the average monthly income of workers in garment-export factories was 86 percent above that of other wage workers living in the same slum neighborhoods.───他们发现,外销成衣厂工人的平均月薪,比同样贫穷地区其他工人的薪资,高了86%。

83 、District 13 is a walled-off slum, a hive of crime that the police have given up on.───13区是一个被围墙环绕的平民窟,是一个已被警方弃之不理的犯罪巢穴。

84 、Filipinos retrieve whatever belongings they can find after a fire razed a slum area and injured at least four in Manila.───在菲律宾马尼拉,一场大火将一处贫民窟化为灰烬,人们在废墟里寻找一切可以找到的财物。

85 、While he is study, nick have to slum it in a tiny room.───尼克上学期间只能住在很小的房间里。

86 、In Hussainabad, a slum district of Lahore, a gang of men sunning themselves on a rubbish-strewn railway track say that they are normally PML(N) voters but this time will vote PPP.───在拉合尔的一个贫民区Hussainadad,一群男人顶着强烈的日晒站在到处是垃圾的铁道上,讲道他们通常都是PML-N的支持者,但这次他们会把选票投给巴基斯坦人民党。

87 、He lived in a sordid slum.───他生活在一个污秽的贫民窟。

88 、The battle with the slum began the day civilization recognized in it her enemy.───与贫民窟的斗争始于文明与之作对之时。

89 、It's about halfway between the slums and the festival itself.─── 就在贫民区和音乐节举办地之间

90 、New York is both the biggest city of industry and commerce and the city with the largest area of slum in America.───作为美国最大的工商业城市纽约 ,同时也是拥有贫民窟面积最大的城市。











谁知道I will tel l you what i want what i really really want 是哪手英文歌曲里面的歌词

辣妹组合 wannabe ,,去年超级女生,,胡灵也唱过

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