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06-29 投稿




英:[di:]  美:[di:]

英:  美:


n. D 字;D 字形物


1 、dee scaler───深刮器

2 、When Deron Williams picked up his second foul in the first minute of the game I knew my man Dee Brown from the Chi was going to come in and do his thing.───当德龙-威廉姆斯在比赛开始后的第一分钟内领到第二次犯规时,我知道我芝加哥来的哥们迪-布朗要上场打拼了。

3 、Beautiful Life - Mello Dee feat.───AgnesLRC歌词,边听边学唱.

4 、Histories make men wise; poets, witty; the mathermatics, subtile; natural philosophy, dee moral, grave; logic and rhetoric, able to contend: Abeunt studia in mores.───历史使人聪明;诗歌使人机智;数学使人精密;哲理使人深刻;道德使人正经;逻辑与修辞使人能言善辩:总之,读书能陶冶人的性情。

5 、Dee was here, but she snuck out again.─── 小迪之前在这里 但她又偷偷溜出去了

6 、Dee (Fairfax, VA): What position do you feel you can be most effective playing small forward or power forward, especially with the shift to the Eastern Conference?───球迷甲:你觉得你打哪个位置最牛,小前锋还是大前锋?特别是当你来到东部联盟之后。

7 、Ossie Davis and Ruby Dee have been actors, activists and husband-and-wife for more than fifty years.───奥西?戴维斯和露比?迪夫妇做了50多年的演员和活动家,


9 、Anyway, during that time, I really wanna thanks to: Dee, Danny, and Ariel, the best wishes give to you guys!───不管怎么说,在那段时间,很感谢丁丁,霄尘,丽颖,祝福你们!

10 、The results of BeP, ethanol and DEE were negative.───其余受试物的测试结果为阴性。

11 、Laugh or do a good dee just for fun!───开怀大笑或者做件好事,哪怕仅仅是为了快乐!

12 、Using the relaxation method, a numerical calculation of three dimensional electric field in the central region was described of a three-sector cyclotron with 20? rotation of ion source surface with repect to dee gap.───本文描述了用弛豫法对离子源表面相对D极间隙旋转20°后,三叶扇形回旋加速器中心区的三维电场的数值计算。

13 、Abstract: The economical relationship and economical sy stem are dee ply influenced by contemporary property system and the modern construction en terprise system requires a new adaptive accounting system.───文摘:一个时代的产权制度深深地影响着同时代的经济关系和经济制度,建立现代建筑企业制度要求有一套新的会计体系与之相适应。

14 、Judge Dee───狄公

15 、He appropriately opted for Wellington boots and fisherman pants while fishing on the River Dee with the Duchess of Cornwall.───在梯河钓鱼时,王储夫妇选择了渔夫渔妇的装扮。

16 、The symbolic image represented by Dee, one of the leading characters, played a crucial role in revealing the theme of the novel.───作家赋予主要人物之一的迪依身上的象征意蕴对于揭示文章主题起到了关键的作用。

17 、mut won dee gum ke yeah lei "see" ar......need to go doctor now───炎炎夏日就唻啦!!唔好比自己一个人过!!去[**之地]行下啦!!

18 、The desolation and gloom in his poems reflect dee p mental connotation and strong artistic charm.───正是由此形成陈子昂诗中苍凉梗概的主调,体现出深厚的心理内涵和强大的艺术震撼力。

19 、For buggies there is the new Double Cross, brutally large slotted lugs for maximum thread life while incorporating half height Double Cross and Double Dee lug and pins.───对于车有新的双交叉,残酷的大缝派最大的线程,而把生命的一半高度双交叉和双迪耳和别针。

20 、May you have a very Blessed and Godly Birthday on Tuesday Sep. 30th dear dee!───祝你有一个非常有福和敬虔诞辰日9月30日亲爱的迪!

21 、Once again UBC photographer Martin Dee did a fine job of capturing the excitement of the day.───加拿大哥伦比亚大学的摄影师再一次成功的捕捉到了当天令人激动的场面。

22 、Dee:a river rising in the Cairngorm Mountains of eastern Scotland and flowing about 145 km (90 mi) eastward to the North Sea through an artificial channel at aberdeen. It is known for its scenic beauty and salmon fisheries.───"迪伊河:发源于苏格兰东部凯恩戈姆山脉的一条河流,向东流145公里(90英里)经阿伯丁的人造海峡入北海.该河以其秀丽的风景和鲑鱼渔场而著称."

23 、Pee Dee───皮迪河(美国北部和南部河流,注入大西洋)

24 、When Dee Thoms and her colleagues got together 15years ago to design a new high school, they knew there was one thing that had to go: the bell.───D 汤姆斯和他的同事们在15年前共同设计一所新的高中时意识到有件事必须要做,那就是取消铃声。

25 、Shaking loose from the dee ply-held ideologicial beliefs and sense of ethnic and historical identity th at their culture and political system have instilled in them───化及政治系统灌输给他们的民族和历史认同中摆脱出来

26 、upper dee───上D盒

27 、The Investment Environment Evaluation (DEE) has been the core in the research of IE.───投资环境评价一直是投资环境研究的中心课题之一。

28 、Azula: Supreme Bureaucratic Administrator Joo Dee!───总行政官(太守)朱蒂!

29 、a chain bridge spanned over River Dee───横跨迪河的铁索桥

30 、It includes individual metabolism,energetic equivalence of different activities,breeding energy and daily energy expenditure (DEE) and so on.───种群能量学着重介绍研究范畴、个体代谢率、不同活动的能当量、繁殖能学、每日能耗 (DEE)及种群和群落能流等的研究进展

31 、Dee's is not really a hard name to remember.─── "迪家"这个名字又不难记

32 、Dee was a selfish, ungrateful junkie who was always skimming off the top.─── 迪伊就是个又自私又忘恩负义的毒虫 总想从别人那里骗钱

33 、Jo Dee Massina - Because You Love Me───只因你爱我

34 、Just wait till Jerry puts Dee Brown on McGrady, what was Wilt's record again?───就等着斯隆让迪布朗来防麦迪吧,再确认一下张伯伦的得分纪录是什么来着?

35 、"These are the foods we naturally look to as we try to lose extra pounds; however, they are the ones that we need to be careful about," says Dee Rollins, PhD, R.D., dietitian with Baylor Regional Medical Center at Grapevine.───如果你是几百万美国人中希望通过购买无脂肪、无胆固醇或全天然食品来减肥的一个,你可能感到惊讶的是,专家们说那就是所谓的经常破坏日常饮食的“健康”食品。

36 、I am a graduate of Hong Kong University, and have in addition the M. A. dee from UCLA.───本人毕业于香港大学,并在加州大学获得文学硕士学位。

37 、Ossie Davis and Ruby Dee were close friends with many of America's great leaders and thinkers,───奥西?戴维斯和露比?迪是许多美国伟大**和思想家的密友,

38 、The other players in final three were east Londoner Dee Okojie and Mark Gradosielski from Essex.───最后三名决赛选手的其他人是东伦敦人迪?克杰和来自埃塞克斯的马克?拉德西尔斯基。

39 、The rest of the sidechains is modeled by the genetalized DEE theorem.───其余铡链则用广义“死端排除定则”安装。

40 、lluniau gan Dee Shulman.───作者声明: Michaela Morgan ;

41 、This paper makes a study of the electronic document administration, describes the key technology in the overall architecture of the OA system applied in DEE, CAEP.───本文以电子公文管理为研究题材,描述中物院电子工程研究所办公自动化的总体结构中的关键技术,并在其中建立一个公文管理子系统。

42 、dee line───[电] D线

43 、Dee, I can see how proud you are of him.─── 迪 我看得出来你多为他骄傲

44 、La da dee da da dee die, on the radi-adi-adi-adi-o.───啦嗒滴嗒嗒滴嗒,在收音机上。

45 、GL: There's Han Solo's friend, Lando Calrissian who is played by Billy Dee Williams.───有汉-索罗的朋友兰度-卡尔绵阳,由比利-德-威廉姆斯扮演。

46 、A: Yes. In 1996 I received my Bachelor of Science dee from Hebei University, and in 2001 I received my MBA dee from Peking University.───有,1996年我在河北大学获得了理学学士学位,2001年在北京大学获得了工商管理硕士学位。

47 、Yaangznix gul xih bail aul hanlnaih dee.───[这样我就马上去挑吧。]

48 、What dee will you receive?───你将拿到什么学位?

49 、Dee is the girl I told you about, the one who asked me out.─── 我跟你说过迪伊 约我出去的那个

50 、Japan has put special emphasis on moral education in the course of dee pening the third educational reform since the middle of 1980's.───20世纪 8 0年代中期以来 ,日本在深化第三次教育改革的过程中 ,尤为重视道德教育。

51 、Let's know a new friend, she is Lady Dee. We will learn some words after Lady Dee, and we will meet a new teacher.───从日常生活引入到本课的新内容,告知学生本课的主要学习内容。

52 、You are study for Bachelor or Master dee?───你在本科学历还是硕士学历?

53 、The economical relationship and economical sy stem are dee ply influenced by contemporary property system and the modern construction en terprise system requires a new adaptive accounting system.───一个时代的产权制度深深地影响着同时代的经济关系和经济制度,建立现代建筑企业制度要求有一套新的会计体系与之相适应。

54 、dee jay───=disc jockey

55 、illustrated by Dee DeRosa.───作者声明: Jamie Gilson ;

56 、"By Dr. Jay Dee, Associate Professor, Higher Education Department, UMass Boston───什么是有效的学术部门?组织学术工作的新模型。

57 、Twee-dle dee, twee-dle dee,───琴声悠扬,琴声悠扬,

58 、"This is as lethal as pro-anorexia websites," Dee Dawson, medical director at Rhodes Farm Clinic, which treats girls aged from eight to 18 who suffer eating disorders, told The Times.───“这是致命的亲厌食症网站, ”帝道森,医务主任在罗德斯农场诊所,对待女孩,年龄由8至18谁受害饮食失调,告诉纽约时报。

59 、Oya, before I forget, my little tortoise, Dee Dee, also followed her partner, left me out without giving me a reason.───每当他要帮我做这做那, 我就会用重语气 的阻止。

60 、Why I decided to never give it a shot before this day I don’t know, but whoop dee doo I tried it.───市环保局环科所的蒋鹏向记者介绍,曾经有个集体宿舍,建造时装的抽水马桶水箱容量大且不能调节。

61 、GL: There's Han Solo's friend, Lando Calrissian who is played by Billy Dee Williams. And there's another new character, Yoda, a Jedi Master who teaches Luke about being a Jedi.───有汉-索罗的朋友兰度-卡尔绵阳,由比利-德-威廉姆斯扮演。还有一个新角色,尤达,一个教卢克成为绝地武士的绝地大师。

62 、I realize later, with some dee of understanding, that Mike was the hunter holding me down and I am the bird that longs to fly.───我后来才渐渐明白,原来迈克就是那个使我坠落的猎人,而我是那只渴望飞翔的小鸟。

63 、A Virtual-Instrument-Oriented Visual Development Environment called DEE(Development Environment of E) is presented in this paper.───以该可视化语言为基础,文中介绍了一个可视化开发环境DEE。

64 、It described with an example that dee p comprehension of demand makes a project done in a correct method of analysis a nd design.───用实例说明,通过对需求的深入理解使得项目开发从一开始就能按正确的分析和设计方法进行.

65 、triangular dee───三角形D盒

66 、La da dee da da dee die, on the radi-adi-adi-adi-o. The system's gonna feel so Fi-e-i-e-i-e-i-e-i-ine!───啦嗒滴嗒嗒滴嗒,在收音机上。这样就会感觉很好!

67 、Francine Dee , born July 21, 1978 in Hong Kong is a model best known for her appearances in import tuner automotive magazines and shows.───弗朗辛迪 ,生于1978年7月21日在香港是一个典范她最为著名的一个出现在进口调谐器的汽车杂志和节目。


69 、Application of Casing Water-washing Method for Light Well in Dee Drawdown───套管水冲法施工轻型井点在深基坑降水中的应用

70 、dee jig───棣氏漏斗形活塞式跳汰机

71 、One day you may get married. One day you may have baby,oh my dear Dee.───也许有天你会结婚,也许有天你会生小孩,噢我亲爱的阿弟。

72 、Methods The DEE was determined by the method of combined centrifugation with ultrafiltration.───方法以离心超滤法测定脂质体的包封率。

73 、At some point, Dee Dee Myers went into the plant's small office and called headquarters.───在其间某一时刻,迪.迪.迈尔斯走进工厂的小办公室给竞选总部打**。

74 、and Dee and Ferrantino, 2005).───和迪伊和费兰蒂诺, 2005年) 。

75 、Dee Dee Myers from California became the press secretary, a job that would require her to handle more incoming fire than she possibly could have anticipated.───来自加利福尼亚州的迪.迪.迈尔斯成了新闻秘书,在这个岗位上,她必须应对可能超过她想象的“炮火攻击”。

76 、"Our research has uncovered shocking failings in the customer service email channel," said Dee Roche, director of marketing at Transversal.───“我们的研究已发现了令人震惊的通病,在客户服务电子邮件的渠道,说: ”迪伊罗氏公司,营销总监,在横向。

77 、You gonna take advice from somebody who slapped DEE BARNES?───你会接受一些不要自尊人的建议?

78 、We should make sure to develop rural urbanization positively,stably and healthily by way of insisting on the leading of industry,on reforming the investment system of town construction,on dee...───坚持产业引领、改革小城镇建设的投资体制、深化制度的配套改革、合理布局、科学规划,积极、稳妥地推进农村城镇化的健康发展。

79 、When Alice follows the White Rabbit down a hole, she enters a world of strange places and even stranger characters: Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee;───爱丽丝在追逐白兔时,不小心掉进兔子洞里,因而跌入一个奇幻的世界。

80 、She could sing nothing but fiddle dee dee, The mouse has married the bumblebee.───她唱不了任何东西除了乱拉着嘀嘀声。

81 、And, of course, Cowens played one season with Larry Bird, who played with Dee Brown, who played with Antoine Walker, who played with Paul Pierce , and, well, there you are.───科文斯联系起来。当然,科文斯与伯德合作了一个赛季,伯德与迪。布朗,布朗与安东尼。沃克,然后连接到了皮尔斯。

82 、Also, the structure of the Dee acceleration electrode is introduced.───并简单介绍加速电极结构。

83 、The concept and basic features of natural gas hydrate are limited and the newest domestic and foreign research trends and dee p-sea survey results are analyzed in the paper.───界定了天然气水合物的概念与基本特征,分析了国内外最新研究动态和深海调查成果。

84 、They are Teo Bei Pio, Teo Tua Chye, Teo To To and Teo For Dee.───也许若干年前我曾经接收过,但是不同的心情、不同的时间,感觉会完全不一样。

85 、Jon Dee from the National Plastic Bags Campaign says that it's an extraordinary increase.───国家塑胶袋协会的琼说,这是一个惊人的增加。







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