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06-29 投稿




英:[?pi:'??]  美:[?pi:'o?]

英:  美:


n. 波河


1 、Work with material planner, UK ICS, Suppliers for PO follow up in order.───与材料计划,英国客服和供应商合作,跟踪订单。

2 、You can use gettext tools only for checking GNU PO files.───你只可以用 gettext 工具来检查 GNU 的 PO 文件。

3 、Po's trying to do something that could benefit us all.─── 阿宝在做一件让大家获利的事

4 、Po, the last few weeks have been amazing.─── 阿宝 最近这几星期的成果真是惊人

5 、A number of studies in the1960' s and70' s set out to debunk the idea that what you eat po up on your face.───兰


7 、Good correspondence with vendors to track delivery of ongoing PO.───与供应商联系,跟踪采购订单的执行情况。

8 、The three industrial estates at Tai Po, Yuen Long and Tseung Kwan O provide a total of 214 hectares of land.───三个分别位于大埔、元朗和将军澳的工业恏,合共提供214公顷的用地。

9 、In Italy Bologna had fallen and Alexander's Allied forces were plunging into the valley of the Po.───在意大利,波洛尼亚已经沦陷,亚历山大率领的盟军正在向波河流域推进。

10 、Po's ready to rejoin your team, shifu.─── Po 已经可以回团队了 师傅

11 、Pa bo gom ya , po go xi po...───不知道写什么。。唉。。那就写这么多吧。

12 、Do not forget, that place is called "Po GANZHOU gourd farm.───别忘了,那个地方叫“赣州宝葫芦农庄”。

13 、Distribution: Tai Po, Lam Tsuen Valley, Fung Yuen, Plover Cove, etc. Guangdong( Shenzhen).───地理分布:大埔、村谷、园、湾等地。除香港外,仅广东深圳有分布。

14 、Buddha answered, “ Such is but a world of Po Suo,or regret.───佛曰:这是一个婆娑世界,婆娑即遗憾,没有遗憾,

15 、Tsat Po is the first apartments at the Link, a million plate.───七宝是第一个外环线外公寓房单价过万元的板块。

16 、Po:(stares Xue) Who is that woman? Tell me! I shall not care about her so much!───博:(瞪著天雪)那女子到底是谁?告诉我!我不应该这麽在乎她的!

17 、China Holiness Church Living Spirit College 1 Tung Leung Lane, Tai Po, N.T.───中华圣洁会灵风中学新界大埔栋梁里1号。

18 、Lian Po feels ashamed of himself.───廉颇感到十分惭愧。

19 、We confirm to meet 7-2 sailing date for stripe hat based on receipt of PO by end next week.───下周末之前收到贵方的定单我方便将条纹帽的航运日期定于7-2个人意见。。。

20 、The ATC and CCTV systems will be expanded to Tai Po and North District,Tuen Mun and Yuen Long.───当局计划把系统扩展至在大埔、北区、屯门及元朗。

21 、Can you provide a PO Box you again?───你能再次提供邮政信箱吗?

22 、Justin: When Turtle Po and Turtle Pao woke up, they had itchy bottoms!───大贝贝:小龟波和小龟炮起床时,觉得屁屁痒痒的!

23 、Po, I know this vow was my suggestion, but enough is enough.─── 阿宝 我知道这是我的建议 但现在够了

24 、Po, you need to figure out if you're really willing to commit to this.─── 阿宝 你得弄清楚 你是不是真的想这样做

25 、Health is the best treasure (which) a man can po e .───健康是一个人所能拥有最好的财富。

26 、Students made sketches in Tai Po Waterfront Park.───学生于大埔海滨公园内写生。

27 、Tell me the good news as soon as po ible.───尽可能早得告诉我好消息。

28 、Distribution: Tai Po, Lam Tsuen Valley, Fung Yuen, Plover Cove, etc. Guangdong (Shenzhen).───地理分布:大埔、林村谷、凤园、船湾等地。除香港外,仅广东深圳有分布。

29 、Po:(Coldly) Then go get it quickly! Six!───博:(冷然)那就赶快去拿过来!六!

30 、Po? What are you doing? Why it's looks like a closestool?───你在这儿干吗?这玩意儿怎么看起来像个马桶?

31 、No, non la faccio tutta a piedi, ne faccio un po a piedi e un po in autobus.───不,我不全是步行,我步行一段,坐一段公共汽车。

32 、"Eulogy of Po Yi" was a prose piece written by him.───《伯夷颂》是韩愈所写的一篇散文。

33 、Mabel Chau Po Wah, one of the participants, enjoyed the activities very much.───参加者之一的邹宝华(Mabel)直言整个过程很开心。

34 、In 894, Arnulf subjugated all the country north of the Po River.───但由于一些政治问题,褔慕于同年离开了当年为若望八世所管治的罗马和教廷。

35 、SAN YSIDRO, CA: Pedro Saenz wita si? z krewnym po drugiej stronie granicy.───圣易西铎,加利福尼亚州:佩德罗萨恩斯wita女士? krewnym浦drugiej个结果granicy。

36 、Run ASCP planner to create PO for the demand (SO).───完成一张SO,怎样运行ASCp产生PO(需要为此so下PO的情况下),那位大侠可以指导一下。

37 、DC-SC photocathode infector for high average po wer FEL[J].───引用该论文 郝建奎,全胜文,向蓉,朱凤.

38 、Tinky Winky, Dipsy, Laa-Laa and Po did a calypso dance.───在天线得得园,Tinky Winky, Dipsy, Laa-Laa和Po一起跳舞。

39 、"Miss Scarlett, it wuz dem Slatterys, dem trashy, no-good, low-down po'-w'ite Slatterys dat kilt Miss Ellen.───"思嘉**,都是斯莱特里家那些贱货,坏透了的下流白人,他们把爱伦**害死了。

40 、Po: (frowns) There is no such things here! Go!───博:(皱眉)这里没有你说的东西!快走!

41 、Try to write a few sentences about your day and then blurt them out as many times as po ible before you go to sleep.───写几个句子描述一下你的一天,然后在睡觉前尽可能多地大声操练。

42 、Po alone will accompany me to meet with the other master.─── 只让Po和我去会见其他大师

43 、Po Leung Kuk Beijing and Tianjin Education Research Delegation.───保良局北京天津教育考察團。

44 、I know you're disappointed, po, but be patient.─── 我知道你很沮丧 Po 你要有耐心

45 、Po: (scratch his head) Okay, if you think it can be done.───博:(搔著头)好吧,如果你认为可以的话.

46 、PO only takes up 20 percent.───ipo 只占 20 %,

47 、On a cold day, late in January 1947, I sat in a comfortable, plush chair in Commissar Po's residence.───一九四七年一月下旬一个寒冷的日子,我坐在薄政委住宅中的一张舒适的太师椅上。

48 、The train to Po Lam is arriving ; Please let passenger exit first , thank you.───列车到达车站往宝琳列车即将到站,请先让乘客落车,多谢合作。

49 、Po ate those saint peaches, which might carry some unexpectable power.───功力在不知不觉之中就增加了。

50 、And in Group II we treat them with omeprazole(20mg,Po,bid,3 weeks).───奥美拉唑组50例,给奥美拉唑20mg,Po,bid,共3周。

51 、Tai Po Kau is a designated special area.───大埔滘是指定特别地区。

52 、Dr Sun Veterinary Clinic, No.31, Ma Po Tsuen, Mui Wo, Lantau Island, Hong Kong.───c) 太阳动物医务所,香港大屿山梅窝麻布村31号。

53 、Construction work for the two treatment works at Tai Po and Ngau Tam Mei and for the Sham Tseng Treatment Works Stage II was in progress.───位于大埔和牛潭尾的两座滤水厂,以及深井滤水厂第二期的建筑工程正在进行。

54 、The Mai Po Outing held on this Sunday is FULL. Thank you for your kind support.───于本星期日举行之米埔观鸟活动已经额满,多谢大家参与支持!

55 、You po e great depth and have a pa ionate mind.───你很深刻,并拥有一颗充满热情的心。

56 、Distribution: Victoria Peak, Wong Chuk Hang, Tsiu Hang, Tai Po, Sha Tin, Ta Tit Yan, Tai Mo Shan. Guangdong.───地理分布:扯旗山、竹坑、坑、埔、田、铁屻、帽山等地。广东也有分布。

57 、But Po I-po is better than Liang Shu-ming.───但薄一波比梁漱溟好。

58 、Guangzhou Na Po Li Dress Co., Ltd.───广州拿坡里服饰有限公司。

59 、Tsat Po region is a medium-sized town south of Shanghai property market.───七宝地区是南上海楼市的一大中镇。

60 、Distribution: Cape D'Aguilar, Tai Tam, Sunset Peak, Po Toi Island.───地理分布: 鹤咀、大潭、大东山、蒲台岛。

61 、In Kowloon, population decreased in Kowloon City and Sham Shui Po.───九龙的九龙城及深水?兜娜丝诰?婕跎佟

62 、"South Tsat Po" plate is "subject form" of growth.───“南七宝”板块是以“主题形式”开发成长起来的。

63 、Po thought the flowers smelled lovely.───小波觉得那些花闻起来很香。

64 、Po I really hope you can happy. Even if I'm not around you!───但是我真的希望你开心或幸福。即使我不能陪在你身边。

65 、AFGANISTAN, Nawa: ?o?nierze w bazie Nawa po powrocie z patrolu.───AFGANISTAN,那瓦:?o?nierze瓦特bazie那瓦坡powrocie ? patrolu。

66 、Po:(vacantly speaking) So...you made me kill you on purpose...───博:(茫然的说著)所以....你存心让我杀你...

67 、Po says something he thinks is clever.─── 阿宝肯定会说些显得他自己聪明的话

68 、Local office of URA is relocated to Yim Po Fong Street near Arygle St.───市建局在旺角设立的办事处亦搬到染布房街近亚皆老街。

69 、I would like to bend the rules a little if po ible.───如果可能的话,我是愿意通融一下的。

70 、Po: Let Uncle Men and Da-Chu come out and help us!───博:让门大叔和大柱出来帮我们!

71 、On the album, "Po Lazarus" is attributed simply to "James Carter and the Prisoners".───在这张**音乐专辑中,"Po Lazarus"只草草地署上了"詹姆斯·卡特和他的狱友"这样的名字。

72 、Po, Po, get out of bed! It′ s time to sing a song of red!───小波、波,起床了!唱一首有关红色的歌的时间到了!

73 、Po:(sees Doug) Nothing. I may be too oversensitive. Let's go!───博:(回头望豆)没什麽,也许是咱多心了,走吧!

74 、Po:Well, let me think about this later.....we, now, return to the tavern first.───博:好吧,您让咱想想....咱们先回客栈去吧

75 、That sounds reasonable. We need to get the best po ible deal.───听上去有道理。我们应该获得更好的交易条件。

76 、Lam Kau Mow Secondary School 10 Tak Po Street, City One, Shatin, N.T.───圣公会林裘谋中学新界沙田第一城得宝街10号。

77 、Mountain forest area, widespread limestone, thin soilshi hou ,gou shen po dou .───区内山峰林立,灰岩广布,石厚土薄,沟深坡陡。

78 、The industrial estates in Tai Po and Yuen Long are currently full while the one in Tseung Kwan O is half-full.───大埔和元朗工业区的用地已经全部批出,而将军澳工业区亦已批出一半用地。

79 、Invoice Address- Please note we are unable to deliver to PO Box numbers?───发票地址,注意我们不会送到邮局箱号,什么意思啊?

80 、She discovered elements Po, Ra.───为科学而牺牲。

81 、Fax and confirm local PO with supplier on delivery date, quantity, pricing.───传真订单给国内供应商并确认交货日,数量,单价等。

82 、Po, honor demands that we not eat while the village starves.─── 阿宝 为了侠客的荣誉 村民还在挨饿 我们不能只顾自己

83 、Po's one of the high and mighty masters.─── 阿宝现在是了不起的功夫大师

84 、His nose was so long and thin, his eyes so sharp, his lips thin, and chin po inted.───他的鼻子又长又窄,眼睛很敏锐,嘴唇很薄,尖下巴。

85 、English: Old campus of New Asia College at Kweilin Street, Sham Shui Po.───中文:位于深水埗桂林街的新亚书院旧校舍遗址。

86 、Tsat Po Wan reasonable prices too?───七宝房价过万合理吗?

87 、Palao Po, in fact, love my wife!───怕老婆,其实就是爱老婆!

88 、Later in the year Yudeng Dance "Po Sijiu" gradually subsided.───后来渔灯舞在当年“破四旧”中逐渐沉寂。

89 、Po,Po, get out of bed! It's time to sing a song of red!───小波、小波,起床了!唱一首有关红色的歌的时间到了!

90 、Explore Mai Po wetland and you will get to know special animal species.───在米埔湿地探险,你会认识特别的动物品种。

















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