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06-29 投稿





英:  美:



adj.不固定的, 不固定的, 徘徊的,流浪的



动词过去分词: roved | 动词现在分词: roving | 动词过去式: roved | 动词第三人称单数: roves |


1 、Function in cotton spinning engineering of drawing and roving is taken attention to the develop of system spinning technology principle.───并条和粗纱在棉纺工程中的作用,随着系统纺纱工艺理论的发展日益被人们所重视。

2 、Rove: And the worst thing is, if anything goes wrong there's no-one to blame now.───一样的。其实没有他在身边,也是一种挑战。他就象是我的合作机长,我们一起去创作,去发表。不过现在我要亲自和会计,律师打交道了..烦呀,不过我一定要去做。

3 、Roving through places greener than green grass.───向青草更青处慢溯。

4 、Reminiscence of a Roving Scholar: Science, Humanity and Josephy Needham, Ho's academic autobiography, was published in Singapore and written by him in English.───《一位漂流学者的回忆录:科学、人文和李约瑟》是2005年出版的何丙郁先生的英文学术性自传。

5 、Roving exhibitions help improve the public's understanding of Genetically Modified (GM) food.───市民参观基因改造食物展览,获取更多关于基因改造食物的知识。

6 、FA478 increases the itinerancy pneumastic suction motion ,it makes the roving yarn evenness to improve.───FA478还增加了巡回式吹吸风装置,使粗纱条干均匀度明显提高。

7 、She sat still for a moment, then her eyes began to rove about the room.───她静静地坐了一会儿,眼睛开始慢慢地扫视房间。

8 、Roving exhibitions help improve understanding of GM food.───市民参观基因改造食物展览。

9 、They have also subpoenaed top presidential aide Karl Rove.───他们同时传讯高级总统助理卡尔罗夫。

10 、It will improve the quality and the standard by double oxygen bleached to dew retting rove after boiling.───对雨露麻粗纱煮练后进行两次氧漂,可提高漂后租纱质量,改善细纱条干及成纱品质指标。

11 、The young Lieutenant expounds the roving Yankee who ventures forth boldly, expecting the fairest of every land as his reward.───年轻的上尉大肆宣扬美国佬走遍全球到处寻欢作乐的冒险精神。

12 、So, we'll go no more a roving So late into the night, Though the heart be still as loving, And the moon be still as bright.───于是,我们将不再漂泊夜已如此深沉,尽管心上依然荡漾着爱意的浪波而月儿也皎洁如真。

13 、Predation, blow flies and rove beetles put time of death between eight and ten days.─── 丽蝇 隐翅虫在此进食 死亡时间 约为八至十天

14 、He paused, and his attitude suggested a roving glance at the window.───他停了下来,他的样子好象是向窗口眺望似的。

15 、Eccentric gear under the building motion is provided to adjust its eccentricity to change the tension of roving.───在成形机构的下方配有偏心齿轮,可以调节粗纱张力。

16 、The activities organised in 1999 included an exposition, five roving exhibitions, 98 experience-sharing sessions, 11 seminars and two issues of the QEF Newsletter.───基金在一九九九年举办的活动包括周年汇展、五次巡回展览、98次经验分享会、11次研讨会及出版两期基金专讯。

17 、Levitan is a distinguished Russian artist painting, realism landscape painting Master, roving exhibitions of a member of the School.───列维坦是俄国杰出的写生画家,现实主义风景画大师,巡回展览画派的成员之一。

18 、Instead of roving to hills or craters, Phoenix will claw down into the icy soil of the Red Planet's northern plains.───代替在小山丘和坑沟的漫游,“凤凰号”将会在红色小行星北部平原冰冷的土地上着地。

19 、Nim had a roving commission in Gsp %26 L which cut across department boundaries.───尼姆在金州公司里有一个跨越各个部门的巡回性的任务。

20 、He rove about his student.───他扫了他的学生一眼。

21 、History knows many peasant wars of the "roving rebel" type, but none of them ever succeeded.───历史上存在过许多流寇主义的农民战争,都没有成功。

22 、He had given up roving as horse-trader.───他不再四处流浪贩马为生。

23 、The application shows that new type control system has stronger anti-jamming ability,and can enhance constant tension control accuracy of roving ma...───在粗纱机上的应用效果表明:新型控制系统具有较强抗干扰能力,并提高了粗纱机的恒张力控制精度。

24 、As the key strategist for first Governor then President Bush, Rove learned lessons that paid big political dividends.───从早先的政府官员到如今的总统,罗孚一直是布什重要的战略家,他付出巨大的政治代价吸取了教训。

25 、As night falls in the nation's capital, there are reports of angry and griefstricken crowds roving the streets.─── 首都夜幕已经降临 报道称很多愤怒悲伤的民众 在街上徘徊

26 、The municipal pla ing administrative department, when examining and a roving the controlled detailed pla ing, shall solicit opinio of the SMUTA.───市规划行政管理部门在审批控制性详细规划时,应当征求市交通行政主管部门的意见。

27 、But the castle stayed roving about the hills, and it was learned that it did not belong to the Witch but to Wizard Howl.───不过随着这个城堡在周围山丘上漫游,人们知道了它并不是属于荒地女巫而是男巫哈尔。

28 、During spinning the roving is attenuated to the desired diameter, and the desired amount of twist is inserted.───在细纱生产中,粗纱被拉伸至所需要的细度,同时加上适当的捻度。

29 、He loved to rove the green hills and clear waters.───他喜欢漫游于山青水秀之乡。

30 、Check the blind spots, get a roving patrol.─── 把盲点检查一下 然后开始巡逻

31 、A roving is made and then drawn to a fine strand.───先制成纤维条子,再将其牵伸成细纱线。

32 、He is a widower with a roving eye and the morals of a stray dog.───他是一个眼睛滴溜溜乱转,道德水准和一条野狗差不多的鳏夫。

33 、When rats are in confined places and their tails get intertwined, they move as one, a roving tumbleweed of diseaseridden rodents.─── 当老鼠处于有限空间里时 它们的尾巴缠在一起 作为一个整体移动 像一团在漫游的疾病缠身的啮齿目动物组成的风滚草

34 、Structure and property of HY series roving machine is introduced.───介绍了HY系列粗纱机的结构特征和性能特点。

35 、On Sep Ist,2005,CTG Fiberglass Roving (Direct Roving,Spray up Roving,SMC Roving,panel Roving,etc)and Chopection and Quarantine of the P,R,China.───2005年9月1日,CTG牌无碱玻璃纤维无捻粗纱(直接纱、喷射纱、SMC纱、透明瓦纱等)和短切原丝毡两项产品均被国家质检总局评为中国名牌产品。

36 、It has been either my good or evil lot to have my roving passion gratified.───不知是有幸还是不幸,我游历的癖好得到了满足。

37 、Nominally, Mr Rove is the deputy chief of staff; in practice, he is far more powerful than that.───名义上,罗夫(首席政治顾问)是副总管,实际上他的作用远超于此。

38 、In addition, the roving reporting team will launch a special column on CCTV.com, ZHTV.com and airshow.com.cn with both selected information and blogs.───另外,报道组将在央视国际网站、珠海视听网及珠海航展网上专门开辟专栏,既有信息集粹,也有博客论坛。

39 、When the roving are drawn, lengthened and wound around the spindles, the process for fibre obvolventing and collecting is completed perfectly.───当粗纱经过抽长拉细的牵伸过程,卷装在每一个纱锭上时,一个纤维抱合、聚集的过程完美谢幕。

40 、Traveling with an armed guard, he was frequently threatened, and on several occasions, attacked by bands of roving Tibetan bandits.───带着一队有武器的警卫,他时常被威胁,还有好几次被联合的流浪藏族土匪团袭击。

41 、If take loneliness as faith, roving in dark nights, smoke and tears seems normal to you.───当把寂寞当成一种信仰,行走、夜晚、烟、泪水都在自己的身上显得是那么的理所当然。

42 、Another change in the Bruce Lee's Enter The Dragon influenced Roving Swordsman, is trying to take over the martial underworld.───可惜,白的挚友、大侠沈胜衣(狄龙)一直在白家作客,让慕容不敢贸然下手,慕容遂化名金梅盗向白发出怪帖,声言要劫走其女白冰(欧阳珮珊);

43 、The opposition sneers at him as China’s “roving ambassador”.───以至于反对党们将其讥讽为中国的“巡回大使”。

44 、We supply full range of fiberglass mat, roving, cloth, multi-axile fabrics, unsaturated resins etc.───各种规格的玻璃纤维短切毡、方格布、平纹布;各种型号的不饱和树脂。

45 、The publicity drive is seen throughout Hong Kong - on posters, leaflets, banners, at a roving exhibition ......───宣传活动遍及全港各处-巡迴展览,海报,单张......

46 、Rove has been at the president's side for more than 14 years, starting with Bush's run for Governor of Texas.───为布什出谋划策超过14年之久的罗夫从布什当年竞选德州州长时就开始为其服务。

47 、And frankly, roving pack of starving lions really cuts down on tourist trade.─── 而且 一群四处游荡的饥饿狮子 也很让旅*业受影响

48 、Slivers from the card go directly to the drawing frames and may actually be fed continuously through to the roving process.───从梳棉机出来的棉条可直接进入并条机,实际上也可直接喂入粗纱机。

49 、Approach is also done to the properties of cots starting with the roving process.───从粗纱机纺纱工艺出发,探讨了胶辊、胶圈的性能要求。

50 、A dedicated sample gill box to produce a roving from which a yarn can be spun.───专用的样品针梳机产出的粗纱能够用来纺成纱线。

51 、Today a House panel authorizes subpoenas for Karl Rove, Harriet Miers and others.───今天,参议院一个专门小组批准对卡尔?洛夫,哈丽雅特?迈尔斯以及相关人士进行传票。

52 、The Department launches a series of roving exhibitions on Genetically Modified Food in various housing estate shopping centres.───在各屋商场举办连串巡回展览,介绍基因改造食物。

53 、Prim before " old friend " those who began to become rove " stranger " .───以前规规矩矩的“老朋友”开始变成了飘忽不定的“陌生人”。

54 、Other promotional activities included safety campaigns and awards,talks,roving exhibitions,promotional visits,seminars,conferences and quizzes.───其他的**活动包括安全运动及奖励计划、讲座、巡回展览、**性质的探访、研讨会、讨论会和问答比赛。

55 、Oppose the purely military viewpoint and the ways of roving rebels,and recognize that the Red Army is a propagandist and organizer of the Chinese revolution.───反对单纯军事观点和流寇主义,承认红军是中国革命的宣传者和组织者。

56 、And all along the way, Karl Rove would act as his political right hand man.───一直以来,卡尔洛夫都扮演着布什总统政治上的左右手。

57 、Who seeks dreams? Poling a long pole, Roving thought places greener than green grass, A boat fully loaded with starlight Sings beneath splendid stars.───寻梦?撑一支长篙,向青草最青处漫溯,满载一船星辉,在星辉斑斓里唱歌。

58 、They're planning to get married soon,but he's always had a roving eye and I don't know how long it will last.───他们正打算马上结婚,但他总对有媚力的女性有游移不定的目光,因而我不知道那婚姻能持续多久。

59 、In the present age of advanced communications and technology, it would be all the more groundless to imagine that one can win victory by fighting in the manner of roving rebels.───在交通和技术进步的今日而企图用流寇主义获得胜利,更是毫无根据的幻想。

60 、Roving policemen make a careful observation of suspicious-looking persons.───巡警仔细侦察可疑分子。

61 、Because of Mount Zion, which is desolate-Foxes rove in it.───18因为锡安山荒凉,狐狸行在其上。

62 、Roving Software, maker of Constant Contact, which sends personalized e-mails to Web site customers, is an example of a software start-up.───Roving软件公司就是软件初创公司模式的例子,该公司是Constant Contact(不断联系)软件的制造商,此软件能把个人化的电子邮件发送给Web网站上的客户。

63 、Former White House top political adviser Karl Rove is being subpoenaed to appear before Congress.───前白宫首席政治顾问卡尔洛夫接到了国会船票。

64 、Woven Rovingis a bidirectional fabric made by interweaving direct roving in plain weave pattern. Wov...───发布者:边明慧所在地:河北衡水市行业:建筑、建材职位:外销员工作年限:应届毕业生

65 、To rove and raid in search of booty.───劫掠为了寻找劫掠品四处流浪和抢劫

66 、Presence of unopened roving in the feed sliver.───喂入条中有未打开的粗纱条。

67 、Animalism had yieded to fanaticism and the bold, roving eye now gleamed with a ferocious righteousness.───他的兽欲变成狂热,转来转去的眼睛现在闪烁着十分正直的光芒。

68 、It roves around and we're able to map, look at items of interest, do sample collection, try to do spectroscopy and learn about this new world.─── 它漫步四周而我们可以绘制地图 查看我们感兴趣的东西 做样品采集 尝试做光谱分析并了解这个新世界

69 、Produces a roving up to approximately 2.8 Ktex.───产出的粗纱一直到大约2.8千特。

70 、BOA: Me rove you rong dime.Five dollah.Citicorp: Me rove you short dime.───十一月买的没有贴同样的讯息,但是二月的那台又有了。

71 、Soldiers push their way through, swaggering and malevolent; a roving stage light suddenly picks out two women in the audience as Iraqi aid workers.───士兵从人群里挤过去,趾高气扬,还怀有恶意;突然,一束移动的舞台灯光打在了观众里两名妇女身上,示意她们是伊拉克援助人员。

72 、Nim studied the map, his eyes roving.───尼姆两眼转动,研究着地图。

73 、Just like in the roving step, the front set of rollers rotates faster than the back one.───与粗纱工序相似,前罗拉的转速高于后罗拉的转速。

74 、He has a roving eye and always seems to be with a pretty girl!───他贪恋美色,好像总是跟漂亮的姑娘在一起。

75 、When roving packs of mutants start swarming this place, don't say I didn't warn you.─── 等异形开始入侵的时候 别怪我没提醒过你啊

76 、No matter where I rove When will I see de bees humming all round de comb?───在那里有我故乡的亲人,我终日在想念。走遍天涯,到处流浪,历尽辛酸。

77 、More like a roving, popup sex party.─── 更像是流动举办的*聚会

78 、Stretch in draw frame sliver fed to roving.───喂入粗纱的条子意外伸长。

79 、In that shelter, 600 people share space with roving raccoons and other nocturnal creatures.───在那个收容所里,600个人和四处漫游的涣熊以及夜间出没的动物生活在一起。

80 、How is the person's mood old rove?───人的情绪怎么老飘忽不定?

81 、Mr Rove may have outlived his usefulness to the White House.───对白宫而言,罗夫或许已经没有利用价值,但这并不能掩盖他过去的辉煌。

82 、It is a role he has performed at Liverpool but it is likely to isolate Owen who is not as suited as Thierry Henry to roving alone.───他在利物浦充当过这种角色,但是这可能会孤立欧文,因为他没法像亨利那样单打独斗。

83 、A distributed control system built by CAN bus with PCC as its core was applied to a new style roving frame.───介绍了以PCC为核心,由CAN总线构成的分布式控制系统在新型粗纱机中的应用,阐述了系统的总体结构和实现方法,讨论了PCC控制的特点。

84 、Patrick's roving lifestyle takes him between London and Los Angeles.───帕特里克漂泊不定的生活方式使他在伦敦和洛杉矶之间奔波。

85 、Citicorp: Me rove you short dime.───内行人早在117-125的范围内入帐,等著165挂著卖。

86 、But since then Mr Rove's star has been on the wane.───但从此之后,罗夫身上的光环开始褪色。

87 、Tait's pack attract a band of roving males.─── 泰特的族群吸引到了一队游荡的雄性杂*

88 、The examining and a roving organ shall require the re o ible department to sort out and file for the record the examination and a roval materials.───审批机关应当要求责任部门将审批材料整理归档。

89 、Mark me, in life, my spirit never walked beyond our countinghouse, never roved beyond the narrow limits of our moneychanging hole.─── 记住 生前我从未走出 我们的账房半步 我们一直活在像钱眼一样 狭小的世界

90 、They stopped near the river and rove stakes for the night.───他们在河边停下,支起帐篷过夜。





玻璃钢学名纤维增强塑料,俗称FRP(Fiber Reinforced Plastics),即纤维增强复合塑料。根据采用的纤维不同分为玻璃纤维增强复合塑料(GFRP),碳纤维增强复合塑料(CFRP),硼纤维增强复合塑料等。它是以玻璃纤维及其制品(玻璃布、带、毡、纱等)作为增强材料,以合成树脂作基体材料的一种复合材料。纤维增强复合材料是由增强纤维和基体组成。纤维(或晶须)的直径很小,一般在10μm以下,缺陷较少又较小,断裂应变约为千分之三十以内,是脆性材料,易损伤、断裂和受到腐蚀。基体相对于纤维来说,强度、模量都要低很多,但可以经受住大的应变,往往具有粘弹性和弹塑性,是韧性材料。



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