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06-29 投稿




英:  美:


adj. 令人厌烦的;奇怪的;穿着老土的;对计算机狂热的


1 、E: Do you know what a geek is?───e:你知道"a geek"是什么吗?

2 、A geek is someone who just does computers, maybe they are very pale, because they never go outside───它指的是那些整天沉溺于电脑的人,可能他们看起来很苍白,因为他们从不外出。

3 、But now I had no spares left, and that's simply not acceptable for a card-carrying geek.───但我现在没有备件离开,这根本不能接受的一卡进行怪人。

4 、If you are looking for a unique geeky gift, Free Gifts Ideas is the perfect guide for you.───如果您寻找一件独特的geeky礼物,自由礼物想法是完善的指南为您。

5 、Zina : I really do not have time to deal with some lovesick computer geek.───吉娜:我真的没时间去应付爱昏了头的计算机怪胎。

6 、When we go to the party tonight, stay cool. You don't want the ladies to think you're a geek.───今晚我们去聚会的时候,你不会希望让女士们感觉你是个可笑的滑稽鬼吧。

7 、Another way to geek up your BlackBerry is to change its signal strength indicator from bars to numbers that tell how many decibels per milliwatt the device is transmitting.───另一个用黑莓耍酷的方法是把它的信号强度指示由条形改为数字,这会显示你的手机每毫瓦传递多少分贝。

8 、Zina: I really do not have time to deal with some 1) lovesick computer 2) geek .───吉娜:我真的没时间去应付爱昏了头的电脑怪胎。

9 、You are intelligent, witty, a bit geeky and have great power and responsibility.───你是聪明的,富于机智的,和有一点令人讨厌的并且有很棒的力量和职责。

10 、From the perspective of this SCM geek, distributed repositories are an attractive concept.───关于这个配置管理讨厌的看法,分布库是一个吸引人的概念。

11 、The result will be a little dense for some, but it is delightfully geeky and has the virtue of being right more often than not.───其结果对于一些人来说会有点晦涩难懂,但其专业性古怪得讨人喜欢,而且优点是往往是正确的。

12 、In computers and the Internet, a geek is a person who is inordinately dedicated to and involved with technology.───在计算机和互联网上,网迷是指那些专注于技术到了异乎寻常的地步的人。

13 、Within this context, the Geek Goddess book was a highly useful tool.───在这种情况下,极客女神相当有用。

14 、How about something that’s not so geeky, “Lolz it’s 2050 and I have ’s old favicon!───”如何东西的并非如此乏味, “ lolz它的2050和我有的旧图标” !

15 、But these aren't your typical meteors, because inside dwells tough-talking alien commander Skip, muscle-bound weapons specialist Tazer, lethal female Razor, and geeky four-armed techie Sparks.───但是这些都不是典型的流星,因为里面居住着强势的外星人指挥官,肌肉型的武器专家Tazer ,致命的女性外星人“剃刀”和另类的四只胳膊的技术人员“火花”。

16 、Do you know what a geek is?───你知道“a geek”是什么吗?

17 、Carol: He's not a geek, he's from Los Angeles.───卡罗尔:他不是小丑,他刚从洛杉矶来这儿。

18 、Dora always go every length to flatter the boss. What a geek!───多拉总是极尽其奉承之能事去讨好老板,真是个马屁精!

19 、You are such a geek.───你真是个怪人。

20 、In a world where grandmothers send email, computer users aren't seen as pure geek any more.───在祖母们送电子邮件的一个世界上,计算机用户没再被看作纯怪杰。

21 、They do forget to eat,and maybe their clothes are dirty,because they forget to wash,because they love their computer so much,that's all they do. So that is a computer geek.───他们这些人的确会忘了吃饭,也许他们的衣服很脏,因为他们忘了洗衣服。出于对他们电脑的如此热爱,上网便成为他们的全部生活内容,这便是网虫。

22 、KB:To get really geeky about this, the waythey move, we actually solvedthe problem by taking two waveform-pattern algorithms and blended theiroutput;───为了真正的做到这一点 -- 船只的移动方式,我们采取了两种波形算法和混合模式输出的方法来解决这个问题。

23 、You've gone to academic lectures just for fun?How geeky you are!───去听学术讲座是为了好玩?你还真是变态!

24 、Geek House: 10 Hardware Hacking Projects for Around Home───10个家庭硬件活用项目

25 、They do forget to eat, and maybe their clothes are dirty, because they forget to wash, because they love their computer so much, that's all they do. So that is a 'computer geek.───他们这些人的确会忘了吃饭,也许他们的衣服很脏,因为他们忘了洗衣服。 出于对他们电脑的如此热爱,上网便成为他们的全部生活内容,这便是网虫。

26 、So you are going to sound like a true 'computer geek' when you are surfing the net, when you use all this good English vocabulary───学会使用这么多电脑用法之后,你马上就要成为一个真正的“网虫”了。

27 、But all the geeky science guys are gonna be so disappointed.─── 但那些阿宅科学家会很失望的

28 、Your blog has geeky attitude and I'm not geeky enough to keep up.───你很少回复别人。(那么,有90%的可能你也不回复我)因此我写了也是白写。

29 、Once there, Cody is mentored reluctantly by a surfing legend, the bigger-than-life but extremely laid-back King Geek (Jeff Bridges).───在那儿,科迪被不情愿的被一传奇式的,大名鼎鼎的教练杰夫指导。

30 、Flora: Do you consider yourself a geek or a computer nerd?───你觉得自己是电脑虫还是电脑迷?

31 、Back in the '80s, before the Internet, it was impossible to find your geeky soulmate.─── 在八十年代 网络还没普及 想找到极客灵魂伴侣简直是不可能的

32 、It sounds geeky, but it's kind of fun.───听起来有点怪,但是挺有趣的。

33 、Geek wants to study piano?───他想学钢琴。

34 、This video shows a very human side of Gates, the true geeky engineer he always has been.───在异国(加拿大)度过了元旦,并在自己辩论生涯的最后,联手搭档(再次赞一下,她很厉害)取得了一个冠军。

35 、Autograph shows, some geeky bullshit, event sold out.─── 签售会啊什么乱七八糟的东西 终于卖完了

36 、There's a reason the stereotype of the computer geek is almost always depicted as male.───其中一个原因是因为在传统的观念里,电脑怪杰都被描写成男性。

37 、This one might be useful if you're in the need to type stuff while doing practical work in tough climates - but if you would wear this keyboard at the office, you might be considered a bit geeky.───如果你在艰苦的气候下作业,这个键盘绝对是你要输入东西时的好帮手--但是如果你想在办公室里戴着这个键盘,那可能就有点奇怪了。

38 、Subscribe to the Geek to Live feed to get new installments in your newsreader.───在评论里让我们知道你的答案吧.

39 、(Beauty and the Geek Season One)LOL───下一篇:《男才女貌第一季》

40 、"The geeks are buzzed," says Dave Winer, a Silicon Valley-based programmer and self-described geek───大卫·温勒是一名在硅谷工作的编程人员,他说:“这些家伙都搞得闹哄哄的就像整个世界正展现在我们面前”。

41 、geek out───vi. 努力学习

42 、It's sounds geeky,but it's kind of fun.───听起来有点奇怪,但是挺有趣的。

43 、When he meets the Geek, an older, washed-up penguin surfer, Cody learns that fame and fortune might not be the most important things in the world.───他追名逐利,希望得到自己应得的东西。当他遇到年长的过气冲浪选手基克时,他逐渐认识到名利和财富并不是世界上最重要的东西。

44 、Free Will of the Ancient Geek Myths───古希腊神话的自由精神

45 、.. fine nudes fluctuat For Music Geek Juan Cole knuttz Peking Duck Rebecca MacKinnon...───太阳能 胸罩 日本黛安芬公司推出了其最新的产品太阳能 胸罩 ,该 胸罩 .

46 、For many a true computer geek, moving through meatspace is a daunting prospect.───对很多真正的电脑迷来说,在现实世界活动是个挺可怕的想法。

47 、A Cultural Interpretation of the Female Image in the Ancient Geek Literature───古希腊文学中女性形象的文化阐释

48 、A geeky guy who stalked her in high school, a fuzz bumper she got tattoos on a road trip with.─── 高中时跟踪她的技术帝 和她公路旅行时一起去纹身的姬佬

49 、With that rule of geek behavior in mind, Fast Company went to Novell headquarters to ask Schmidt a series of precise, carefully worded questions.───今天中级开发者们又开会,我们小的们又没有任务做,本周即使周六加班,我预计也不会很忙吧。怎么不浪费时间呢?

50 、"The problem is the normal, everyday citizen doesn't know how to do that," he said. "Any kid knows how to do that, but it's a little bit geeky."───“通常,一般人不知道怎么使用**服务器,”他说,“很多小孩都知道怎么用**服务器,但是这对普通人还是有一点技术难度。”

51 、Many view this as a rather geeky practice, but note taking can really help you to learn more about beer, train your palate and broaden your beer vocabulary.───做笔记:多次的品尝将会是相当乏味的,但是记笔记却能真正的帮助你学到很多啤酒方面的知识,训练你的味觉和开阔你的啤酒视野。

52 、Doctor Geek has gathered the best pilots in the Galaxy in order to determine who will be the first to use his brand new invention: a vessel capable of travelling through the Vortexes.───医生玩家有聚集在银河中最好的飞行员为了要决定谁将会是第一使用他的商标新的发明: 能够旅行过旋涡的一艘船。

53 、"The geeks are buzzed," says Dave Winer, a Silicon Valley-based programmer and self-described geek.───大卫·温勒是一名在硅谷工作的编程人员,他说:“这些家伙都搞得闹哄哄的就像整个世界正展现在我们面前”。

54 、What is it with you geeky guys and these|Goth chicks anyway?───|那和你们这些烂人以及|哥特女孩在一起的又是什么呢?

55 、A mission to prove that the geeky little kid in me was gone forever.─── 我要证明我体内的那个呆小子 永远消失了

56 、S.I., Beauty and the Geek, The O.C.───喜欢的电视节目:Friends, Sex and the City, C.

57 、That was before the iMac and the iPod spawned legions of Apple obsessives.Today, Apple tattoos are ubiquitous in geek circles.───但是,如果有人更愿意把这些特征抽象成的符号和图案永久地镌刻在皮肤上,而不是记忆中,你是否会觉得他们太过疯狂呢?

58 、Her weekly feature, Geek to Live, appears every Friday on Lifehacker.───完全让你丧失信心,还是获得更好的联系?

59 、If you want, you can sit there with a pen and paper and do the math yourself (geek heaven!───如果你高兴,还可以拿张纸和拿支笔坐在那,自己算算看(奇客的天堂!

60 、E: So you are going to sound like a true 'computer geek' when you are surfing the net, when you use all this good English vocabulary───E:学会使用这么多电脑用法之后,你马上就要成为一个真正的“网虫”了。

61 、Working with computers doesn't make you a geek, he insists.───他坚决认为:和电脑工作不会使你成为一个怪胎。

62 、[Marvin's new roommate Sandra is a tech 1)geek and Marvin isn't. He is trying to get up to speed before she arrives.───[马文的新室友珊卓拉是个科技狂,而马文不是。他想在她搬进来之前迎头赶上。

63 、"The first digit is very easy, the last digit is very easy, but the inside numbers are extremely difficult," the mental gymnast, who says he doesn't consider himself a nerd or a geek, said.───勒麦尔说:“(在计算过程中,)确定第一个和最后一个数字非常容易,但算出中间的数字相当困难。”这位数学天才说自己并不是个“书呆子”或“怪人”。

64 、Shuttleworth, like many open source proponents, is watching the community change as it evolves from geeky hobby to new-business-model-as-usual.───夏特沃斯,像许多开源倡议者,是看社会的变化,因为它的演进从乏味的业余爱好,以新的商业模型作为一切照旧。

65 、This is gonna be a super geeky appeal. I can't wait.─── 这会是一场特别讨厌的上诉 我都等不及了

66 、Geek Chic is the story of their lengthy rise to power, told in language and a method that they have helped to pioneer.───主张自悟自修、无念无住;力倡顿悟说,是禅宗最主要的思想依据;对人们对佛学的诸多困惑予以坚定明确的开释。

67 、You can geek out one day and scream your head off for your favorite NFL team the next.───你可以沉默寡言一整天,你可以在下一天为了你最爱的橄榄球队欢呼雀跃地为他们加油。

68 、Your sikao8 has geeky attitude and I'm not geeky enough to keep up.───你很少回复别人。(那麽,有90%的可能你也不回复我)因此我写了也是白写。

69 、Thanks to the geek aesthetic of the high-tech industry, the work-in-your-jammies home office movement in today's low unemployment hiring environment, business casual wear has taken off in a big way.───在现今这个高就业率的经济环境下,由于高科技业界怪异的品味,以及穿着睡衣在家上班的潮流所趋,使得上班穿便装大行其道。

70 、If you are a computer aficionado with a free and unorthodox thinking, people call you a geek.───如果你对电脑狂热,思维叛逆,别人会认为你是一个“奇客”。

71 、Likelike, I learned that you can be... super geeky when trying to do romantic boyfriend stuff.─── 比如我发现当你想做个浪漫的男友时 可能会像个技术宅一样让人讨厌

72 、Asked if she would describe herself as a geek, Pozgar rolled her eyes and said no. Her brother, who had separately won a television, seemed to disagree.───但被问道是否认为自己是一个怪人,Pozgar翻了下白眼,说道不是。她的哥哥一个人赢得了一台电视机。他似乎不太认同妹妹的回答。

73 、You are such a geek!───你真是个电脑高手!

74 、- He was tailgaing - Bob. Milo is not just another geek───- 他尾随闯入 -麦洛不是其他的怪杰

75 、He drew fans as a beloved geek and cheerleader, hitting it off with engineers for his penchant for rattling off technical terms in casual conversation , current and former employees say.───他就像一个令人喜爱的明星一样吸引了众多“粉丝”,他总是在稀松平常的对话中连珠炮似地抖落出一大堆技术术语,仅凭这一点就能和公司的工程师们打成了一片。

76 、They called me geek, gay and the freak that molested children.───他们叫我畸形人,同性恋者,性骚扰小孩的怪胎!

77 、It's a little geeky, but... I think you guys are gonna like it.─── 内容有点宅 不过你们应该会喜欢

78 、He is a computer geek, he likes staying in front of the screen, where he feels conmfortable with making complicated programs.───他是电脑狂人,喜欢呆在电脑上编写复杂的程序,只有这样他才感到得心应手。

79 、Yeah, I was into different geeky stuff sometimes.─── 有时我喜欢的极客文化和他不一样

80 、E: So you are going to sound like a true 'computer geek' when you are surfing the net, when you use all this good English vocabulary.───E:学会使用这么多电脑用法之后,你马上就要成为一个真正的“网虫”了。

81 、An old Geek statue was dug up here last month.───一尊古希腊的雕像上月在此地被挖出.

82 、So Geeky and Nerdy, but I love it.───发现自己越来越喜欢MIT了.

83 、He was just the geeky alien kid next door.─── 他本来只是隔壁家呆呆的外星人

84 、Zina: Great. A4) geek and a5) punk all rolled into one. Just my type.───吉娜:好极了。集怪胎与朋克于一身。正合我意。

85 、But nowadays plots instead see the geeks keep their geeky ways - but still getting the rewards.───但现在这些“新男性偶像”只要保持“异样”、就依然能够受到追捧。

86 、“I can be quite geeky.───“我会做出很奇怪的事。

87 、”: Her friend said: “I think you should (ditch/dump) 1 that geeky 2 boyfriend 3 of yours.He’s so 4 yesterday 5 .───她的朋友说: “我认为你应(抛弃/ditto) 1 你那个的(土包子) 2 (男朋友) 3 , 他是(那么) 4 (落后不时髦) 5 .

88 、Geek, a voxel terrain engine that uses perlin noise to create natural looking geometry───Geek,使用花边噪声生成自然形状几何图形的体素地形引擎

89 、Maybe it's because he talks like a geek, he walks like a monkey, and he dresses like chimp.In fact, I think he is the fourth stooge.───也许是因为他说话像呆子,走路像猴子,穿的有点像小丑,反正他总是一个丑角的模样。

90 、- Unless you’re a command-line uber geek (there are a substantial amount out there) you’ll prefer a more user-friendly method of LAMP admin.───-- 除非你是一个命令行的高手(尽管这样的人为数不少),你应该更倾向于使用一种便于操作的LAMP管理方式。





千年杀:kancho (这个其实是老词,樱木花道喊的“灌肠”那个的发音,在naruto里招式为thousand years of death)


宅人:Nerd、Geek;形容词nerdy、geeky。nerdy一般感觉比较宽泛,geek有点技术宅的感觉,也可以叫“极客”,多是怪才,比如一个迷莎翁作品的戏剧宅,可以叫他drama geek。








26.变态! Pervert!

e.g. A: Let’s get out of here. There are so many perverts here.


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