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06-29 投稿




英:[??n??:(r)]  美:[?ɑn???r, -??or, ??n-]

英:  美:


adj.(风)向陆的, 在岸上的



seaward | shoreward | inshore




1 、Taking a development block in an onshore oilfield around Bohai Bay as an example, the relationships of fluvial microfacies here with sandbody size, petrophysics and oil in place are studied.───以渤海周边陆区某油田一开发区块为例,研究了河流相油田沉积微相与砂体规模、储层物性及石油地质储量之间的关系。

2 、onshore purchases───(在)国内采购

3 、China-type petroleum domains include onshore China and adjacent belts,which is enwrapped by Asia-type petroleum domain.───中国型含油气域包括中国大陆及相邻地带,被亚洲型含油气域包裹。

4 、a series of continental-source clastic sedimentary systemdeveloped during Silurian-Devonian period, in the mass, it belongs to deep watertrough mare basin and onshore environment;───志留系-泥盆系为一套陆源碎屑沉积体系,从总体上看,属深水凹槽海盆环境和滨岸环境中的陆源碎屑沉积;


6 、Now, its successful cases are mainly distributed in offshore oilfields and a few onshore oilfields.───从其成功的研究实例分布看,它主要集中在海上和少数陆上油田中。

7 、It will gradually perfect the multi-functional force of marine supervision and law enforcement personnel so as to form an integrated air, sea and onshore marine surveillance and management system;───--逐步完善多职能的海上监察执法队伍,形成空中、海面、岸站一体化海洋监察管理体系;

8 、The dollar was mostly unchanged early Wednesday against the yuan, though bond yields and onshore interest rate swaps rose as the data stoked inflation fears.───周三早上,美元对人民币的汇率几乎没有变动,虽然债券市场收益和内地拆借利率有所提高,因为该数据让人开始担心出现通货膨胀。

9 、“It's a buyer's market because it can buy in large quantities and offer opportunities to do business onshore,” says Mr Kwan.───关荣乐表示:“这是一个买方市场,因为中国可以大量购买,并提供在岸商业机会。”

10 、Regardless of being "offshore" or "onshore", ultimately the key issue is to know and understand what it is you invest in, and be patient for the returns.───不管是岸外或岸上,最重要的是明白和清楚你的投资,并耐心地 等待赚取回报。

11 、If the pie gets bigger, then both tax haven and onshore jurisdiction will benefit.───如果馅饼做的更大,避税港和在岸地区都将会受益。

12 、The vorticties are generated in the breaking process, and they extend and elongate toward offshore as wave propagate onshore.───在碎波过程中生成的涡流随著波浪向岸传递同时向离岸方向延伸与拉长。

13 、an onshore wind.───吹向海岸的风

14 、Shuanghe oilfield is not only a million-ton scale oilfield which has been earlier put into production in the Biyang Depression but also one of high-effectively developed onshore oilfields in China.───双河油田是泌阳凹陷较早投入开发的百万吨级油田,也是我国高效开发的陆上油田之一,现已进入特高含水产量递减采油阶段。

15 、RICHTECH provide engineering and design service in following field: Fixed jacket platform, Subsea pipeline, FPSO, Drilling equipment, Subsea production system, LPG &LNG, Onshore oil &gas and petrochemical facilities, New Energy.───工程服务领域:固定式平台、海管、浮式生产储油系统、钻井船及钻井设备、水下生产系统、液化天然气和液化石油气、陆上油气及石化设施、新能源。

16 、The best-run of them compete not only with offshore rivals but also, in certain industries, with onshore ones.───因为他们不仅仅要和其他一些离岸金融中心展开竞争,在某些金融业务上它们还要和许多在岸的金融机构竞争。

17 、Prepare and review design specification, drawings and procurement requisition relating to Civil& Structure works for onshore and offshore facilities.───制定与审核设计规格、图纸,及有关陆域和海上设施土建工程方面的采购申请。

18 、This year, assets are being shifted to more conservative investments, more money is being kept onshore in home markets and some individuals have curtailed new investment.───今年,全球的资本更多地流向了较为保守的投资领域,更多资金被留在了国内市场,部分人则削减了投资项目。

19 、He also attributes rapid growth to a2004 tax amnesty that opened a window for wealthy Belgians to move their money back onshore at attractive rates.───他还将快速增长归因于2004年的税收特赦,这为比利时富人在诱人的税率下将资产转移回国开了方便之门。

20 、There is a high over the Tasman which is pushing onshore winds across the whole eastern seaboard.So there will be showers, scattered showers for the whole week.───同时,魔力**,注意放松膝盖部位的肌肉,绷得太紧会对腿部关节发生较大的压力,破天一剑**,使肌肉疲劳。

21 、Ajob readiness test will be introduced for onshore applicants, in linewith the testing arrangements for offshore applicants.This will ensurethat applicants have the skills claimed.───和海外申请人一样,国内申请人将参加一个预备工作的测试,这将确保申请人符合技术的要求。

22 、The profits arising from sales made to the PRC customer are onshore profits subject to Hong Kong Profits Tax.───得自中国内地客户的销售业务利润是本地利润,须缴付香港利得税。

23 、Keywords China;onshore natural gas resources;exploration state;natural gas industry;development strategy;───中国;陆上天然气资源;勘探现状;天然气工业;发展策略;

24 、Every account that can be traced back to me, onshore, offshore, has either been frozen or seized by the government.─── 我所有的账户 境内的 境外的 不是被冻结了 就是被政府接管了

25 、The wind shifted onshore.───吹向海岸的风。

26 、Russia has been producing oil on a commercial scale for more than a century now, but most of its crude oil has been coming from onshore fields.───俄罗斯以商业规模生产石油已有超过百年的历史,但其大部分原油都是来自陆上的油田。

27 、PRC Exploitation of Onshore Oil Resources in Cooperation with Foreign Parties Regulations (Revised)───中华人民共和国对外合作开采陆上石油资源条例(修订)

28 、Job Description:- Offshore or onshore Oracle EBS Finance module day to day support, including functional business proces...... ...───公司名称:上海新嘉锐人才咨询有限公司工作地点:上海市发布时间:2009-7-17

29 、Application of advanced seismic interpretation techniques to reveal the gas exploration opportunities in the mature Miocene trend of the onshore Gulf Coast───应用先进地震解释技术寻找海湾平原中新统成熟趋势带的天然气勘探机遇

30 、Chevron, which halted its onshore operations in the region last month, said it was investigating.───已于上月中止在三角洲地区石油开采业务的雪佛龙表示此事正在调查之中。

31 、onshore forwards───在岸远期

32 、At this facility, fingerlings from onshore hatcheries are raised to adulthood in clean, deep ocean waters.───岸上孵化的鱼苗被送进这座设施,并在清洁的深水中生长成熟。

33 、they were living onshore.───他们面对着海岸居住。

34 、Regardless of being "offshore" or "onshore", ultimately the key issue is to know and understand what are you investing in, and be patient for the returns.───不管是岸外或岸上,最重要的是明白和清楚你的投资,并耐心地等待赚取回报。

35 、onshore slop tank───岸上污水舱

36 、Airtricity is a fully integrated renewable electricity utility specialising in the development and long term ownership of onshore and offshore wind farms.───安粹风能集团是从发电到销售完全一体化的可再生电力供应商,专注于陆上及海上风电场的开发、长期拥有与经营。

37 、In 2001, China promulgated the revised Rules on External Cooperation for Ocean Oil Exploitation as well as Rules on External Cooperation for Onshore Oil Exploitation.───2001年,中国公布了海洋石油开发外部合作修订条例和陆上石油开采外部合作条例。

38 、The National Hurricane Center says Beryl is likely to parallel the East Coast instead of heading onshore and is not likely to go into a hurricane.───国家飓风中心称贝里尔似乎会从登陆改为以东岸海岸线为基准平行前进,看来是不会演变成为飓风的了。

39 、onshore outsourcing───在岸外包

40 、Exploration is of vital importance for onshore petroleum industry in China at present.───当前,勘探工作是我国陆上石油工业的重中之重。

41 、If the goods ate purchased onshore but will be collected by the traveller beyond the customs barrier (e. g .if delivered to a ship)───如果属岸上购物并由旅行人在远离海关关卡提货时(如船上交货)

42 、Let it wash up onshore with false information, feed it to german intelligence.─── 随后带着假情报被冲上岸 让德国的情报部门找到他

43 、I've accessed his various bank accounts, both onshore and off.─── 我已经进入了他的多个银行账户 境内和离岸都有

44 、The authors established the onshore, wadd, onshore-wadd sedimentary model of Tataertage Formation in Tarim Basin, which is primary onshore-wadd sedimentary model.───同时建立了塔里木盆地塔塔埃尔塔格组滨岸、潮坪和滨岸-潮坪的沉积模式,在研究区以滨岸-潮坪的沉积模式为主。

45 、A definition of conventional heavy oil reservoir is presented by analyzing a lot of data from onshore heavy oil reservoirs in China.───在陆上常规稠油油藏资料分析的基础上,对常规稠油油藏高产井作了定义。

46 、Thus the middle and lower combinations are one of the most favorable regions for future exploration in onshore superimposed basins.───叠合盆地中下组合是中国陆上含油气盆地未来勘探的重点领域之一。

47 、An Improved Solids-Control Technique for Onshore Drilling in Trinidad───先进的特林尼达陆上固控技术

48 、Difficult Problems for the New Type Onshore Radio Navigation System of High-accuracy───实现高精度新型陆基无线电导航系统技术难题分析

49 、Potential, Distribution and Exploration Strategy of Petroleum Resources Remained Onshore China───中国陆上剩余油气资源潜力及其分布和勘探对策

50 、onshore financial market───在岸金融市场

51 、Companies will want to check quality management all the way down their supply chains, whether onshore, offshore or nearshore.───企业还会希望检查整个供应链上的质量管理情况,无路是在岸、离岸或是近岸。”

52 、VeriTest is a full-service provider of comprehensive Outsourced Testing Services, delivered either onshore, near-shore or offshore as appropriate for our clients.───VeriTest是全面的外包测试服务提供商,能够为不同的客户提供相应的现场、近岸或离岸服务。

53 、Going aongside with onshore wind───吹拢风靠码头

54 、onshore market───国内市场

55 、Prepare and review design specification, drawings and procurement requisition relating to M&P works for onshore and offshore facilities.───制定与审核设计规格、图纸,及有关陆域和海上设施机械管道工程方面的采购申请。

56 、” He argues that the tax regimes of OFCs and their onshore copycats distort economic decisions.───好像应该翻译成OFCs与其在岸效仿者的税收结构扭曲经济决策。

57 、Plan the detailed commissioning activities for the Project, both onshore and offshore.───为项目制定陆地和海上调试计划。

58 、In the past, all technologies were subsidised equally, so most investment went into onshore wind, the cheapest source of renewable energy.───在过去,所有的技术都能得到相同补贴,因此多数公司都投资陆上风力,这可以产出最便宜的一种可再生能源。

59 、An onshore prototype oscillating water column (OWC) wave power station has been constructed at Dawanshan Island, South China Sea, by Guangzhou Institute of Energy Conversion (GIEC).───中国科学院广州能源研究所在位于南海的珠海市大万山岛建成一座岸式振荡水柱型示范波力电站。

60 、"Structure, usually with a tower, Built onshore or on the seabed to signal danger or provide aid to seafarers."───建于海岸或海底上的建筑(通常是一座塔),用于发出危险讯号或协助船员航行

61 、A description of the onshore and offshore geology can be found in a series of 15 geological maps published at a scale of 1:20 000 and six memoirs produced by the Hong Kong Geological Survey Section of the Geotechnical Engineering Office.───土力工程处辖下的香港地质调查组,出版了15幅比例为1:20000的地质图和6份地质报告,介绍了本港陆上及海底的地质。

62 、The efficient allocation and use of international capital under globalisation depend on the provision and linkage of these offshore platforms with the onshore ones.───全球化下国际资金能否有效分配及使用,便视乎能否提供这些离岸平台及离岸与本地平台是否有联网安排而定。

63 、Sciencestone has 41 staff, including 35 engineers that have more years work experiences in onshore or offshore petroleum, chemical, petrochemical engineering design, engineering management.───公司现有员工41人,其中有35人是从事陆地或海洋石油、化工、石化工程设计,工程服务多年的工程师,是一支比较精干的专业队伍。

64 、On summer days coastal regions often experience onshore winds which at night are replaced by offshore winds.───夏天,沿海地区经常白天刮海风,晚上刮陆风。

65 、Inquire into Contract Modes of Onshore Hydrocarbon Resource Development for External Cooperation Projects───对外合作开发陆上油气资源的合同模式探讨

66 、years work experience in onshore and offshore oil and gas facility design or Chemical, Petrochemical design.───具有三年以上海上/陆上油气工程及石化、化工行业的设计经验;

67 、Every day we gain onshore, gives us another day to practice on the water.───在岸上我们多争取一天,在水中我们就能多航行一天。

68 、In Cayman it would not be taxed, but onshore it might have been.───在开曼它并不用缴税,而在其余在岸市场,这家公司却可能得缴税了。

69 、Only the Yukon has full control of its onshore natural resources, something the other two territories are still negotiating with the federal government.───也只有玉空地区政府对其海岸上的自然资源拥有完全的控制权,而此权力其它两个地区的政府还在与联邦政府商议。

70 、onshore waters Waters abutting the coastline.───向陆的水域邻接海岸线的水域。

71 、Dividing the world into onshore and offshore financial centres is difficult because “it is a matter of degree, not substance,” says one European bank regulator.───区分离岸和在岸金融中心非常困难,。一位欧洲银行管理者说:“这是一个“量”的问题,不是“质”的问题。”

72 、The main business of Company covers onshore and offshore pipeline construction, shield tunneling, long-distance pipe-jacking, pre-commissioning and etc.───公司主营业务为各类介质的陆上与海洋管道施工,隧道盾构与长距离顶管,管线预投产施工等。

73 、If you have applied for an onshore or offshore GSM visa and your nominated occupation is on the CSL, it is estimated that your application will be finalised within 12 months from your lodgement date.───其他有效申请按收到顺序处理 第三:关于案例审理的估计时间 在CSL清单的申请人可以在12个月内获得签证。

74 、State Council, PRC Exploitation of Onshore Oil Resources in Cooperation with Foreign Parties Regulations (Revised)───上一篇文章:中华人民共和国对外合作开采陆上石油资源条例(修订)

75 、A turbine placed there would thus generate more power than its inshore or onshore cousins.───因此海上的风轮机可以比近海和陆上的风轮机具有更高的发电效率。

76 、onshore wind───向岸风

77 、onshore current───向岸流

78 、onshore purchase───国内采购

79 、Please be sure to enrol in a full-time course load as this is a visa condition for onshore international students on a student visa.───当这以一个学生签证是向陆的国际学生的一种签证情况的时候,请确定登记在全部时间的课程中负荷。

80 、The geological and recovery characteristics of onshore oilfield in China were summarized.───总结了中国陆上油田的地质特点以及由此决定的开采特征。

81 、We provide professional personal financial planning and investment consultation in the Greater China region on both onshore and offshore basis.───以专业之个人理财规划及投资顾问两类型服务方式,提供内陆、香港及台湾的境内与境外金融咨询顾问;

82 、Is the leading magazine in oil and gas exploration, drilling and production, providing readers with information on offshore and onshore operations worldwide.───为读者提供石油和天然气勘探,钻井和生产,技术和经营信息,以及研究和统计等资料。

83 、An onshore waterflood, on the other hand, generally involves the drilling of several injection wells and the conversion of several existing wells onto injection wells.───另一方面,陆上注水方案通常要牵涉到钻几口注水井和转换几口已经存在的井为注水井。
































离岸价 FOB: Free on board

到岸价 CIF : Cost insurance and frieght (成本保险加运费价)

假如是单纯的到岸,就和上船对应 用 off board

正如上车get on, 下车用get off 一样。

直译用 reach destination port

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