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06-29 投稿




英:[es'θet?ks]  美:[es'θet?ks]

英:  美:


n. 美学



1 、The transition of esthetics has its political, economic and cultural reasons.The revolution of dissemination method is the key issue among the factors.───促成美学的转型有政治、经济、文化等多种因素,其中传播手段的革命是至关重要的。

2 、In the nursing work how evolve esthetics───护理工作中如何开展美学

3 、The Art World of ZONG Bai-hua and his Life Esthetics───宗白华的艺术世界与审美人生

4 、Artistic conception is an unique category of appreciation of the beauty in ancient China of esthetics, which is a tensile poetry space created by "reader participation".───意境是在“读者参与”下创造出来的一个具有张力的诗意空间,这一观点,在中国古代文论中已有零散提及。

5 、The Beijing Olympics Park as natural extension to the Beijing city which takes the axes line as its construction esthetical characters is an important constituent of the Beijing city esthetics.───北京奥林匹克公园作为对北京城市以中轴线为特色的建筑美学之自然延伸,是北京城市美学的重要组成部分。

6 、Second, the esthetics color of revel exhibits its folk essence.───其次手机**的狂欢化美学色彩也体现了其民间本质;

7 、Esthetics on Chinese a Tradition Painting.───中国绘画美学。

8 、Emphasizing Esthetics, Hunting for Truth and Try for Best───判美析理,务本求精

9 、In the second part, I think the view of beauty and ugliness in forepart China located in achaos situation, ethnics and esthetics are not detached.───在第二部分,本文认为,中国文化早期的美丑观处在美丑善恶交混的混沌状态,伦理学与美学是混沌未分的。

10 、Looked from the ancient times esthetics angle that, the art of tattoo was one kind of special artistic form of human body decoration, which was a wonder in the art history in the ancient times.───从古代美学的角度来看,纹身是一种特殊的人体装饰艺术形式,是古代民族艺术发展史上的奇葩。

11 、The commercial advertizing esthetic culture cooperating study subsystem with sets at variance to esthetics constructing.───商业**审美文化作为美学的子系统对美学的建构与解构。

12 、And this thesis asserts to realize the new humanism with the ecological esthetics value, which is "benignity" and "harmonious".───并且主张用“亲和”、“和谐”的生态美学价值观,实现新人文精神。

13 、Another aspect of its performance requirement is esthetics. indeed?, there are times when esthetics may constitute a major design criterion.───其次要考虑到美学,这也是功能要求的一个方面。在有些场合,美学的确可能成为设计的主要准则。

14 、contemporary vocal music esthetics───当代声乐美学

15 、However, it can be concluded after further understanding of the creation and signif-cance of the acceptance esthetics that acceptance esthetics does not only give attention to the r...───他们认为审美活动乃审美主体感性展示过程,这种感性的主体间性对话,既张扬了美的感性特征,也为颠覆传统美学观的现代艺术的合法地位进行了理论注解。

16 、Urbanization causes great changes of shape and structure of the system and influences severely the biodiversity, hydro ecosystem and visual esthetics characteristics.───城市化导致了系统形态结构的巨大改变,严重影响了流域的生物多样性、水文生态过程和视觉美学特质。

17 、In addition to the complete removal of lesion, the primary goal of conservative surgery is the prevention of postoperative morbidities pertaining to facial growth, esthetics, and dental occlusion.───保守式手术的目标,除彻底移除病灶外,主要著眼于避免造成颚骨生长、颜面外观,及咬合功能的不良影响。

18 、Associate Prof.Zhou Jiwen has published many academic monographs and articles on the Western esthetics and the esthetic culture, which has made very good influences.Associate Prof.───周纪文副教授在西方美学及审美文化研究领域发表了一批具有前沿性理论特点的学术专著与文章,产生了很好影响。

19 、Actually literature is an esthetic activity with ontological esthetics and ideological function.───事实上,文学作为一种审美是它的本体性质,意识形态只是它的功能性质。

20 、Accepted Esthetics in Advertising Translation───**翻译的接受美学

21 、On the base of the thinking from Kant, Bergson, Freud and Jung, Xuxu formed his own special mysticism esthetics.───在康德、柏格森和弗洛伊德、荣格思想的基础上,徐?创造性地形成了自己独特的神秘主义美学观。

22 、This leads us to a final approach to the past, namely ignoring it (or moving beyond it) by creating a self-consciously "Modern" esthetics.───于是,这也就引导我们在如何对待传统的问题上采取最后一招,即通过创造一种强调“现代”自身的美学而不去考虑传统(或者说跨越传统)。

23 、Moreover, the introduction of Bazin’s Documentary Aesthetics also strengthened the realism esthetics idea, and promoted the Chinese movie language renewal.───另外,巴赞纪实美学的引入也强化了现实主义的美学旨趣,并推动了中国**语言的更新。

24 、The text explains this pome form the visual angle of the esthetics of photograph.We can see the celebrity visage of Wangwei and how he exercised the skills of China paint on the writing of the poesy.───从摄影美学的角度来解读这首诗,足见王维将中国画的技巧运用到诗歌创作的大家风范。

25 、The Peredvizhniki is the representative of realistic art who has established standpoint of democracy and the realism esthetics from the beginning.───俄罗斯巡回展览画派是19世纪现实主义美术的杰出典范。

26 、It makes use of the synaesthesis of color including changes in temperature, light or heavy, strong or puny, advance or retreat, soft or hard unites function esthetics and art esthetics.───利用色彩心理效应所体现出的冷暖感、轻重感、强弱感、进退感、软硬感统一色彩的功能美和艺术美。

27 、Then, he established the criticism of esthetics of negativity which has its unique characteristics.───学术自由权应是精神自由权,具有非政治性和消极否定性。

28 、Probe nursing esthetics education in nursing studeats───对护生进行护理美学教育的探讨

29 、Comparing the Esthetics Thought of Bork with That of Rosskeen───博克与罗斯金美学思想比较

30 、"Subjective image", being an important component in classical Chinese esthetics, refers mainly to the unity of subjective intension and objective image.───“意象”作为中国古典美学重要范畴之一,意指主观情意与客观物象的有机统一。

31 、Chinese Jewelry Esthetics and Modern Jewelry───中国首饰美学与现代首饰设计

32 、In this period, China with an astonishing speed went through the near half century of occidental esthetics course.An occidentalization tendency at esthetics studying was very obviously.───在此期间,中国以惊人的速度将西方近半个世纪的美学历程重新上演了一遍,美学研究领域的“西方化”倾向十分明显。

33 、Title: Taking heart as happy:Li Yus Health Esthetics View.───关键词:李渔;"以心为乐";养生美学观

34 、In situations with reduced bone height or narrowed ridge treatment with denture or implant alone will cause imperfection in the aspect of function and esthetics.───但针对双颚前突合并有已降低骨高度和狭窄化牙脊的前牙区域,单独假牙或人工植牙的赝复治疗,可能会导致门齿的过度外展,咬合功能或美观上不尽理想。

35 、From this meaning, Sartre's esthetics is a kind of ethnics esthetics.───从这个意义上说,萨特的哲学、美学、文学实质上是一种伦理学美学。

36 、Flamingo is creating new space esthetics with the most advanced technology, fashion design and high quality.───以最新的科技、前卫的设计、高品质的内在质量缔造新空间美学。

37 、Chapter 2: Dispels the dual opposition esthetics tendency in the Dula refined this appearance, combs resolution dual opposition esthetics tendency which in the work presents.───二、消解二元对立的美学倾向在杜拉斯文本中的显现,梳理作品中所呈现的消解二元对立的美学倾向;

38 、Generally, the expressive force of water composed the logic relation between watercolor painting and image esthetics, enhanced and enriched the theory extension of watercolor painting.───总而言之,水彩画中“水”的表现力架构了水彩画与意象美学之间的内在逻辑联系,丰富了水彩画审美取向的理论外延。

39 、At the same time, Lu Xun is appraiseing the god evil spirit novel embodiment unique esthetics value, and has inherited the god evil spirit novel certain esthetic special characteristics in his creation.───同时,鲁迅将神魔**内蕴着的独特美学价值加以评价、总结,并在自己的创作中承继了神魔**的某些审美特质。

40 、He to Chinese classical art esthetics, traditional culture energetic sentiment to deep, but he is not constantly conservative, defends stubbornly the tradition.───他对中国古典艺术美学,传统文化精神感情至深,但他没有一味保守,固守传统。

41 、This paper analyzes briefly literature deciphering under accept esthetics to strengthen its significance and value by further.───对接受视域下的文学进行解读,可以进一步强化其在文学解读中的意义和价值。

42 、Now, the decorous and abstruse esthetics activity is becoming popularization, generalization and commercialization, and some frivolous, vulgar esthetics culture is coming forth which cause damage to the society moral and public greatly.───我们看到,高雅深邃的审美活动已经走向大众化,平民化,商品化,同时也带来一些媚众媚俗等对社会公众和社会道德起破坏作用的劣态审美文化。

43 、On the philosophical foundation of Marxist materialism, it has transcended traditional practical esthetics and human-centeredness.───它以马克思主义唯物实践观为哲学前提,是对传统实践美学和人类中心的一种超越。

44 、Esthetics of Chinese Classical Architecture───中国古典美学的建筑导读

45 、Gao QW,Yang LG,Liang LM,et al.Study on rat bone marrow stromal cells cultured in vitro and osteogenic property.Chin J Aesthet Med,2005,14:281-283.───[5]高全文,杨连甲,梁立民,等.大鼠骨髓基质细胞体外培养诱导成骨能力的研究.中国美容医学,2005,14:281-283.

46 、Besides aligning malposed anterior teeth, some other factors may be critical to anterior dental esthetics in orthodontic treatment.───在正畸治疗中,除了排平排齐错位的前牙之外,还有其他的一些影响上前牙美观的因素值得关注。

47 、"Taking heart as happy": Li Yu's Health Esthetics View.───"以心为乐":李渔的养生美学观。

48 、Concerning his a esthetics theory, he takes the word "life" as his logical starting point to ex p lode aesthetics and further more makes analysis on the cores of aesthetics, i.e. aesthetic experience, artistic imagination, etc.───在美学观上 ,他将“生命”一词作为美学研究的逻辑起点 ,进一步对审美体验、艺术想像等美学当中的核心范畴加以分析。

49 、The capable short hair female may attempt the high-necked Chinese dress, the modern age matches esthetics emphasis is a spot sedulously is not harmonious.───干练的短发女性尽可以尝试高领旗袍,现代的搭配美学强调的就是一点点刻意的不和谐。

50 、Focuses on the analyses about poetic rhythm, piano accompaniment and so on .last ,it tell us the esthetics of Schubert's art song and the act of enlightening .───并着重分析了舒伯特艺术歌曲的诗歌韵律、语言发音、钢琴伴奏等具体内容进行深一步的论证整理;最后,本文阐明其艺术歌曲中所蕴涵的美学思想和其作品对后世人的启迪。

51 、On Absurdity from the Angle of Esthetics───从美学范畴的角度论荒诞

52 、From the harmonious esthetics view, mind is decontamination, and people who lose the spirit home accept the treatment.Then we acquire the worth of life and the sublimate of thoughts and feelings.───也就是通过和谐的美学观,净化心灵,为失去精神家园的人们收治疗伤,进而获得人生价值的实现与情操的升华。

53 、Noh is having a very high esthetics value as being the “national heirloom” of Japan.───因此本剧的结构及语言均以此为创作基础;

54 、In the opinion of esthetics, “Expression” which is canonized by Zhang has synthesized the conception of interior “ numen ” with exterior “pattern”.───在美学观上,张怀瓘所推崇的“神采”是一个综合了内在的“神”与外在的“采”的概念,亦即风神与状貌的统一。

55 、Kantian esthetical art not only touches the essence of art,but also coordinates his theory which appears to be contradictory when he analyzed esthetics.───康德关于“美的艺术”的理论不仅触及了艺术的本质因,也协调了他在对美作纯粹分析时提出的看似矛盾的理论。

56 、Twin-Flex clasp has good esthetics and can be readily adjusted or replaced. Moreover, it can maintain the periodontal health of the abutment.───Twin- Flex卡环成功地用于可摘局部义齿修复中,不仅提供良好的美观效果,同时易调改和重制,可不影响牙周健康。

57 、Vocal music esthetics subordinates in music esthetics, is music esthetics subordinate"s branch discipline.───声乐美学隶属于音乐美学,是音乐美学下属的分支学科。

58 、Studies of Grotesque Esthetics and Its Rising───怪诞的美学研究与兴起

59 、Esthetics Study on PE Teaching Art───体育教学艺术的美学研究

60 、The building is located in the Songbei district of Harbin, on the west of the Heiha Public Road, which is a best site of exhibiting architectural esthetics.───建筑坐落于哈尔滨市松北区,东邻哈黑公路,是展示建筑美学的绝佳地段。

61 、"Intuition" is the core of Croce's aesthetics, a general concept in the western esthetics.───“直觉”是克罗齐美学思想的核心范畴,也是西方美学中的一个普泛性概念。

62 、The causes are the influence of traditions and traditional theories of esthetics as well as the fact that art is the subject of study of esthetics.───其原因有传统观念和传统美学理论的影响,同时也与美学研究主要以艺术为对象有关。

63 、Prof.Fu Heyuan has obtained many academic fruits with original opinions and hit his fame in the research circle of ancient Chinese esthetics especially of calligraphy and painting art theory.───傅合远教授在中国古代美学特别是在书画艺术理论的研究方面发表了一批富有独到见解和影响的学术成果。

64 、Neglecting the distance between esthetics, play and life and turning life into art completely will result in esthetical confusion.───忽视审美(游戏)与生活之间的距离,将生活彻底艺术化,便会陷入审美的迷津。

65 、Therefore, according to the poetry theme category, refines the poetics proposition, and gives a more systematic analysis, considers unscrambles the Yuan poetry esthetics thought the effective way.───因此,按照诗歌题材的类别,提炼出诗学命题,并予以较为系统的剖析,当是解读袁枚诗歌美学思想的有效路径。

66 、"The Daily Esthetics" Is by No Means Esthetics───"日常生活审美化"并非审美化

67 、Abstract: The French composer C.C.Saint-Saens high on thinking and exploring the music esthetics, musical criticism, even philosophy and natural science.───内容提要: 法国作曲家圣-桑热衷于思考与探究音乐美学、音乐批评甚至哲学、自然科学等方面的问题,并留下了一些论著。

68 、Dongwei furniture factory always persues the perfect combination of esthetics, mechanics the kinesiology.───东威家具厂始终人体的美学的完美结合,力学健康学。

69 、At the same time, his esthetics thought includes all social life, emphasizes real principal practice and owns powerful sociality and practice.───同时其美学思想是囊括整个社会人生的,着眼于真正的主体实践,具有很强的社会性和实践性;

70 、For correcting of facial esthetics and severe skeletal discrepancies, the patient was treated orthodontically with edgewise appliances and surgically with mandibular bilateral sagittal split and inferior border osteotomies.───为了达成改善颜面外观与严重颚骨异常的问题,此患者接受角线装置与下颚骨双侧矢状劈开截骨术与下颚下缘截骨术。

71 、Therefore, from Gestalt psycology to study consciousness in Architecture, it can inspire the" whole beauty" of Architecture and expand the esthetics theory.───所以从格式塔心理学的角度来研究建筑视知觉,对把握建筑的"整体美"无疑是有启发作用的,是对建筑美学理论的拓展。

72 、The esthetics characters of electric tools sculpting and human esthetics taste were combined by fuzzy theory to comprehensively evaluate electric tools sculpting.───利用模糊理论将电动工具造型的美学特征与人们的主观审美认识结合起来,对电动工具造型进行了综合分析评价。

73 、The anticipation field of vision, the esthetic experience, the readers participate in, the second text and so on accepts esthetics concept introduction thought political education.───把期待视野、审美经验、读者参与、第二文本等接受美学概念引入思想政治教育,能增强思想政治教育的接受效果。

74 、Esthetics as an art form has long been appreciated by men and women who have a desire to improve personal appearance.───作为一种艺术形式的美学一直赞赏男性和女性谁都有这样的愿望,以改善个人的外观。

75 、As the practice proves, penetrating esthetics education can motivate students' interest effectively and foster their creative awareness and abilities in physics.───在物理教学中渗透美育,能有效地激发学生学习物理的兴趣,培养学生创新意识和创新能力。

76 、International Committee for Esthetics───国际美学委员会

77 、architecture-landscape-planning esthetics───建筑-景观-规划美学

78 、In the design ideas, we pursue the perfect harmony between tradition and modern esthetics.───在设计理念上追求传统与现代审美的完美融洽。

79 、Croce established his huge esthetics theory system on his spirit philosophy.───在精神哲学基础上,克罗齐建立起他的庞大的美学理论体系。

80 、Chapter 3: Dispels the dual opposition esthetics tendency, in Duras's creates in the strategy the appearance, discusses this esthetics tendency in its creation strategy utilization.───三、消解二元对立的美学倾向在杜拉斯创作策略中的显现,探讨这一美学倾向在其创作策略中的运用;


Historic sites of human remains in the development of historical sites left behind, ruins, relics of ancient people to adapt to nature, nature and use of the natural outcome of human history is witness to the carrier and reflects the history of the times in various political, economic , Culture, science and technology, architecture, arts, customs and characteristics, such as the level of great historical value. As the long time span from modern life, not to preserve integrity, and people need to research, analysis, and therefore there is a mystery. Among them, early history of the times, the better to preserve, and from the city or near the site of scenic spots and tourism development value.

Historical relic sites, only the following three conditions can be regarded as tourist resources:

(1) well-known history of the site in the social and historical development has an important role to play, and the typical representative, to enjoy a relatively high profile, be able to attract tourists;

(2) to display the cultural and historical sites of historical and cultural tourism is a journey to experience that only material remains rich, strong culture of historical sites, in order to let the tourists have to see know, You Suosi know, deep feelings, it is difficult to forget ;

(3) the development of the possibility of a large number of tourists to enter, is sure to historical sites of relics interference environment, the impact sites of life, tourism development will not have a negative impact on the history of the site only allows for the development and utilization of tourism.

3, historical relics site of the tourism resources of the factors that attract

(1) to meet the tourists understand the needs of the evolution of human history

(2) to meet the tourists to experience the traditional culture of human requirements

(3) to meet the tourists understand the needs of ancient science and technology

(4) to meet the tourists understand the ancient way of life needs of people

(5) to meet the tourists to watch the needs of landscape aesthetics

Second, the classification of historical sites

(A) of the prehistoric site of human activity

(B) the historical and cultural sites

(C) the activities of modern revolutionary site

(C) the activities of modern revolutionary site

(C) the activities of modern revolutionary site

Fourth, the site remains the development of tourism resources

1, historical sites in the development of tourism remains a problem

Historical sites is the type of tourism resources of China's tourism industry to develop tourism resources in the earlier one, to become foreign visitors to understand Chinese culture, the main window, the early domestic tourists travel the main target. At present, the historical tourist sites the main problems are:

(1)-based approach to sightseeing, tourism and non-participatory fashion line;

(2) back-to-nature and the rise of eco-tourism, historical sites of the relatively lower class of scenic attraction;

(3) display of poor, short retention time, the low rate of visitors;

(4) aging tourism products, lack of novelty and market competitiveness;

(5) development of the disorder, similar manner, superficial culture, the connotation of lack of excavation.

2, historical sites category of tourist resources development, attention should do the following 4 aspects:

(1) focus and do a good job of screening Tourism Development

Historical sites that show the evolution of human society in the process, ruins from the same period of the same type of large-scale duplication of development, both easily lead to similar products that undermine the competitiveness of the market, is not conducive to the protection of the site. Around the choice should be typical and representative of historical sites, as the object of tourism development in order to form a clear-cut image, strong attraction, it is difficult to replace the characteristics of tourism products.

(2) connotation of the excavation, history and culture to do a good job of showing the work of

The site is a product of history, on behalf of the related process of cultural evolution, cultural importance of the excavation. According to the site attributes can be used vertically to display the cultural approach, reflecting the cultural context of a succession of history. Can be based on the type of cultural relics, used to display the cultural cross-cutting way to display an era of social and cultural aspects.

(3) designed to do a good job of tourism planning

Historic sites can not be limited to traditional tourist sightseeing way. Modern visitors from the pursuit of participatory and experiential point of view, copies can be produced scenes of simulated demonstration, hands-on trial, to display the content of the topic, and other forms of family, the novel design and development of new tourism activities to attract tourists.

(4) continue to innovate and do a good job of the original work of the secondary development of scenic spots

China's development has been the history of the site-based tourism attractions, most of the products are facing the problem of aging. Scenic spots such as the use of often well-known, strong representation of the historical sites, secondary development of tourism is very important. Development is the key to foster innovation, management, product design, and other aspects of the original model of reform, to adapt to the development needs of the tourism market.


The historical ruins vestige is the humanity the historical traces which, the ruins, the relic stays behind in the developing process, was the ancient times people adapts the nature, the use nature and the transformation natural result, was the human history carrier and the testimony, had reflected historical each characteristics and the level and so on time's politics, economy, culture, science and technology, building, art, custom, had the significant historical value. Because is apart from the modern people to live the time to be remote, preserves is incomplete, needs the human to research, the analysis, thus has one kind of mystical feeling. And by the historical time, the preservation is early good, and is apart from urban or scenic spot near ruins, the traveling development value is big.

the history ruins vestige only then meets the following three requirements only then to be possible to regard as the tourist resources: (1) historical well-known, this ruins once played the influential role in the society historical development, has the typical nature and the representation, enjoys the high popularity, can have the attraction to the tourist; (2) cultural demonstrative, the historical ruins traveling is the historical culture travel of experience, only then the material remains richly, the cultural connotation strong history ruins, can let the ordinary tourist look that has a knowledge, the knowledge has thinks, the feelings are profound, unforgetable; (3) develops the possibility, tourist's massive entries, definitely will remain to the historical ruins the environment to bring the disturbance, will affect the ruins the life, the traveling development cannot have the negative influence to it the historical ruins only then to allow to carry on the traveling development use. 3, historical ruins vestige tourist resources' attraction factor (1) satisfies the tourist to understand the human history evolves need (2) satisfies the tourist to experience the humanity traditional culture request (3) to satisfy the tourist to understand ancient times science's and technology's need (4) satisfied the tourist to understand ancient times people life style's need (5) satisfied tourist landscape esthetics watching need .Second, historical traces' classified (one) prehistoric human activity ruins (two) history cultural remains site (three) the modern revolution moves ruins (three) the modern revolution to move ruins (three) the modern revolution to move ruins the four, ruins vestige resources the traveling to develop 1, historical ruins vestige tourist resources development existence question the history ruins class tourist resources is one of our country traveling industry development early tourist resources, becomes the visitor from abroad to understand the Chinese culture the main window, domestic tourist initial period traveling main object. At present, the historical ruins traveling existence's subject matter is: (1) goes sightseeing the tour way primarily, does not tally with the traveling participation fashion; (2) returns the nature and eco-tourism starting, reduced the historical ruins class scenic area scenic spot attraction relatively; (3) demonstrative is bad, the dead time is short, the revisit rate is low; (4) the tourism product gets older, lacks novel and the market competitiveness; (5) develops the confusion, the way is identical, the culture is superficial, connotation excavation insufficiency. 2nd, the historical ruins class tourist resources' development, should pay attention completes the following 4 aspects the work: (1) target key points, those who complete the traveling development screening to work the history ruins to demonstrate is the human society evolves the advancement, the same time same type ruins' wide range repeatedly develops, also easy to cause the product to weaken the market competitiveness identically, also does not favor the ruins the protection. Regional should choose has the historical typical nature and the representative ruins, takes the traveling development the object, forms the image to be bright, the attraction strong, substitutes with difficulty feature tourism product. (2) unearths the connotation, completes the historical culture the demonstration to work the ruins is the historical product, represents the related cultural evolution advancement, the cultural connotation excavation is very important. May according to the ruins attribute, select the longitudinal cultural demonstration method, reflected some, on the one hand cultural succession history. May depend on the cultural relic to remain the type, selects the crosswise cultural demonstration method, demonstrates one time society culture each aspect. (3) the careful design, completes the traveling way the plan to work the history ruins traveling not to be able to limit to the traditional sightseeing tour way. Pursues the participation and experience angle embarking from the modern tourist, may through the replica manufacture, the scene simulation demonstration, operate series forms personally and so on test, special content demonstration, the design development novel unique new tourism activity way, achieves attracts tourist's goal. (4) innovates unceasingly, completes the original scenic area the re-development to work our country already the historical ruins tourist scenic zone scenic spot which develops, the majority faced with the product aged question. This kind of scenic area scenic spot uses often is the popularity is high, the representative strong history ruins, travel the re-development appear important very. The development key acquires the innovative ideology, from aspects and so on management system, product design reforms the original pattern, the adaptation tourist market development need.

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