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06-29 投稿




英:['r?st?]  美:['r?st?]

英:  美:


n. [物]光栅;扫描线


1 、The different information is implemented to clear and steadily display by using of time-shared display with line by line scanning and interlaced scanning in a raster picture.───一幅光栅图形中的逐行扫描与隔行扫描分时完成并使不同信息获得清晰稳定的显示效果。

2 、Free Mosaic and Raster Conversion Technique of DEM───DEM的自由拼接及其栅格转换技术

3 、RasterConvolver Blurs a raster with a Gaussian operator.───对栅格执行高斯卷积。

4 、How to do Digital Raster Graphic from Digital Line Graphic───如何从数字线划图制作数字栅格地图


6 、QGIS handles all three - raster, vector, and database - a state of affairs that took considerable effort for programmers writing GIS data programming libraries.───QGIS处理所有三种数据栅格数据、矢量数据和数据库,这也是编写GIS数据编程库的程序员的重要努力方向。

7 、The raster fonts flying-marking is realized by one-dimensional scanning mirror.───使用一维振镜来实现点阵字体的飞动标刻。

8 、Whenever the BitBlt() function encounters a background pixel (white) in maskDC, it uses the background color in memDC (black) and does a raster AND operation with the corresponding pixel in memDC.───好比黑色和别的色与操作那么一定是黑的。

9 、Design and Realization of a Raster Scan Display System───光栅扫描显示系统的设计与实现

10 、Because of the small display capacity and low brightness, and difficulty to display secondary information, traditional radar random scan display is being replaced by radar raster scan display.───传统的雷达随机扫描显示器因存在显示容量较小,显示亮度很低,难以实现二次信息显示等缺点,已逐渐被雷达光栅扫描显示器所取代。

11 、An error occurred while trying to link the raster image. Attempting to embed instead.───在试图链接至该光栅图像时发生错误。正在尝试改为嵌入该图像。

12 、EasyDrawing is an easy-to-use raster graphics editor with a variety of features for UIQ 3.x smartphones with touch screen.───以前大眼妹发过一个试用版的,应该没有人更新完整版吧。在外图片先借用了。

13 、The Bitmap class expands on the capabilities of the Image class by providing additional methods for loading, saving, and manipulating raster images.───Bitmap类提供了用于加载、保存和处理光栅图像的更多方法,因而扩展了Image类的功能。

14 、Raster Structure and Vector Structure in GIS───地理信息系统中的栅格结构与矢量结构

15 、Combines the color data for the source and destination bitmaps using the specified mask and raster operation.───使用指定的掩码和栅格操作混合源位图和目标位图的颜色数据。

16 、The relation between deflected angle and scanning frequency and the relation between raster and scanning frequency are deduced through the experiment data, so do.───对实验数据进行处理得到了振镜偏转角度和扫描频率之间具体的函数表达式及其图像表示,进而推导得到光栅大小和扫描频率之间的函数关系式。

17 、Contains information about raster drawing capabilities.───包含有关光栅绘制功能的信息。

18 、Raster Poly To Vector Poly.───光栅转换成矢量。

19 、To display animations with raster systems, animated objects (which may consist of graphical primitives such as lines, polygons, and so on) must be scan-converted into their pixmap in the frame buffer.───为了在光栅系统中显示动画,必须将运动物体(由如线,多边形这样的图元组成)经扫描转换变为可在帧缓存放的位图。

20 、In raster graphics, a programming procedure by which pixel averaging is employed to provide the appearance of a smooth edge along diagonal or curved surfaces within computer generated characters.───中义在扫瞄线式的图中,以程式将对角线或曲线边缘的图素做平均化。

21 、A workspace is a container of spatial and nonspatial datasets such as feature classes, raster datasets, and tables.───一个工作空间是一个空间或非空间数据集的容器,这些数据集包括要素类、栅格数据集和表。

22 、Most PC output devices are raster devices, which means that they represent images as a rectangular pattern of dots.───大多数PC输出设备是光栅设备,这意味着它们将图像表现为点的矩形图案。

23 、Use AutoCAD Raster Design software with AutoCAD software and applications based on AutoCAD to extend the value of scanned drawings and maps, aerial photos, satellite imagery, and digital elevation models.───创建富有感染力的演示方案,将具有丰富信息的光栅图像和智能矢量图结合在一起。

24 、Truncation track recognition method of black and white raster image .───其中主要包括截断跟踪识别方法,以及区域生长线宽识别方法。

25 、The raster direction along which successive lines of pixels are arrayed, perpendicular to the fast-scan direction. See also: process direction.───中义沿著连续的扫瞄线,画素排列的方向。和扫瞄前进的方向垂直。

26 、raster glass measuring device───光栅玻璃测量装置

27 、Another possible interpretation lies in using the color values associated with individual cells to classify groups of raster cells into features.───另一种可能的解释依赖于使用与个别网格相关联的颜色值将栅格网格组归类为某些特征。

28 、Raster Map Stitching Based on Local Entropy Difference───基于局部熵差的栅格地图拼接方法

29 、mechanical raster scanning type system───光栅型机械扫描系统

30 、The world of graphics output devices is divided into two broad groups: raster devices and vector devices.───图形输出设备世界分成两个主要团体:光栅设备和矢量设备。

31 、The experimental results show that our method can process a certain obliquity, and have high efficiency. It is a novel method for raster map recognition system. ?───实验结果表明该方法在地图小角度倾斜时能正确拼接,拼接方法效率高,速度快,是栅格地图识别输入系统中地图拼接的一种新方法。

32 、Raster operation codes define how GDI combines colors in output operations that involve a current brush, a possible source bitmap, and a destination bitmap.───光栅操作模式说明了GDI是如何组合输出操作中的颜色,包括当前画刷、可能的源位图和目标位图。

33 、Its proportions are determined by the number of lines making up the scanning raster (the pattern of dots that form the image) and the resolution along each line.───像素大小是由扫描光栅(构成影像点的形状)形成的线数以及沿着每条线的分辨率来决定。

34 、The figures formed with stroke and raster are time-sharing displayed in one picture.───在一幅图象中,分时显示以快速、活的笔划绘制的图形与准确和以适时的光栅形成的图形。

35 、raster scan hidden surface algorithm───光栅扫描隐面算法

36 、The Resolution Factor and Angle Semibreadth of Raster───光栅的分辨本领与角半宽度

37 、raster irregularity compensation───光栅不规则性补偿

38 、But that exacerbates the second problem, which is that raster systems are designed to process every polygon in the model, even those hidden from view.───但这会扩大第二个问题:依据设计,光栅系统会处理模型中的每个多边形,即使是视线无法触及之处。

39 、The Research of Distinction Analysis Based on Raster Data───基于栅格数据的图像差异分析算法研究

40 、A raster chart display system───光栅海图显示系统

41 、OpenEV - OpenEV -A 2D/3D application for viewing and analysis of geospatial raster and vector data.───一个浏览和分析地球物理光栅和向量数据的2D/3D应用软件。

42 、GRASS,the Geographical Resources Analysis Support System,is a public domain raster GIS, vector GIS,image processing,and graphics production system.───地理资源分析支持系统(GRASS)是一个基于栅格的、具有矢量分析功能的地理信息系统,也是图像处理系统和图件生成系统。


44 、If the Model shadows check box is unchecked, the output raster only considers local illumination angle.───如果模型阴影复选框未被选中,输出光栅只考虑本地的照明角度。

45 、A general way to do the work is to scan drawing into computer, then automatically convert raster images to vector ones through algorithm of vectorization.───一般做法是将纸质图纸扫描至计算机中,然后采用矢量化算法,使光栅图转化为矢量图。

46 、TYH-150 precision measurement projectors are used in photovoltaic contour, raster digital display technology and workbench for precise focus shift Au of the new equipment.───TYH-150精密测量投影仪是应用于光电轮廓,光栅数显技术和工作台移坳作精密调焦的新型仪器。

47 、Four叉数 encoding is one of the most efficient raster data compress encoding method, it can promote the efficiency of figure operation, it also has alterable resolution.───四叉树编码是最有效的栅格数据压缩编码方法之一,还能提高图形操作效率,具有可变的分辨率。

48 、The computational cost of a raster rendering thus rises in direct proportion to the geometric complexity of the scene.───因此,光栅演算系统的运算成本,与场景的几何复杂度呈直接正比关系。

49 、Xerographic engine with laser raster imaging system───Xerographic引擎,光栅图像系统

50 、To improve dot position accuracy and image quality, a PWM control system with raster feedback on the basis of digital PID as developed.───为了提高光点的位置精度,从而提高成像质量,提出了一种基于PWM控制的双光栅反馈的控制方案。

51 、The image editor allowsyou to create icons with several raster layers.───图像编辑器允许你制作带有若干个光栅层的图标。

52 、If the Model shadows check box is checked, the output raster considers the effects of both local illumination angle and shadow.───如果模型阴影复选框被选中时,输出光栅认为这两个地方的照明角度和阴影的影响。

53 、Currently,mainstream medical dry films mostly include:xerothermic raster display laser imaging films、direct hot imaging films、whole digital sunlight dry films.───主流干式医用胶片主要分为:干热显像激光成像片、热敏干式胶片及全数字化阳光干式胶片。

54 、The raster sensing shift measurement system is a new intelligent instrument, which is gathered with optics, mechanology, electronics and algorithm.───光栅传感智能位移测量系统是集光、机、电、算为一体的新型智能仪器。

55 、Save editing time by vectorizing only those raster entities that require modification.───可以仅矢量化那些需要修改的光栅图元,从而节省编辑时间。

56 、raster scan electron beam system───光栅扫描电子束光刻系统

57 、Based on ORDBMS, a spatial-temporal data modeling method is presented, which can integrate both vector and raster data.───基于对象关系数据库探讨时空数据库的数据建模方法,提出综合考虑矢量和栅格数据一体化的时空数据模型。

58 、Compensating method of temperature error in raster test system───光栅检测系统温度误差的补偿方法

59 、When Raster was going attending University of New South Wales he began working with the newly released Xaw-Xpm.───以前我一直用的XFCE,最近发现一个Enlightenment(http://www.enlightenment.org/)小巧美观(应该说靓丽),占用资源比XFCE少。

60 、Digital mine map with raster image───光栅图像数字化矿图

61 、raster scan electron beam lithography───光栅扫描电子束光刻

62 、A Practical Method to Convert Raster Map to Vector Map───一种实用的地图数字化方法

63 、A few magic little functions and you can employ nifty raster operations in your games and programs.Download the source to see all of the different ROPs in action.───一点魔法般的函数,能让你在你的程序或游戏中使用这些漂亮的光栅,把源代码下载下来,来看看所有不同的ROP的效果吧!

64 、A kind of Intelligent Raster Detect Device───一种智能化光栅检测装置

65 、Raster sensor and its application in the flow test───光栅传感器及在流量测试中的应用

66 、A Cheapest Route Analysis Based on Raster GIS and Its Application───基于栅格GIS的最优路径分析及其应用

67 、It is a non contact optical scanner which using raster theory.───它是非接触式的利用光栅原理的光学扫描设备。

68 、AutoCAD Raster Design helps you improve your design and decision-making processes and the quality of presentations, so you can be more productive and get the maximum value from your raster assets.───充分利用光栅矢量化功能、光栅编辑功能和光栅数据预处理功能,还可以改善决策制定,提高生产力,并从您的光栅资产中获得最大价值。

69 、Raster present if brightness is turned up.───如果呈现出明亮的色彩,则存在光栅。

70 、Improve decision making and presentations, increase productivity, and get the maximum value from your raster assets.───共享具有高度专业性的设计和分析结果,并提供详细的图形展示以便加速项目审批。

71 、The interactive extraction of raster element and rasterization of vector becomes the kernel of this technique.───光栅图元的交互提取和矢量图形的光栅化过程是这一技术的核心。

72 、Stroke and Raster Displays(SRD) have been used widely in the displays of aircrafts.───光栅笔划叠加画面显示器广泛地应用于航空显示。

73 、In modern monitoring technology, raster sensor has been widely applied in the measurement of line displacement and angular displacement.───在现代测控技术领域中,光栅位移传感器在线位移、角位移测量中得到了广泛应用。

74 、The Image class is an abstract base class that provides methods for working with raster images (bitmaps) and vector images (metafiles).───Image类是抽象基类,它提供了处理光栅图像(位图)和矢量图像(图元文件)的方法。

75 、The raster scan display technology is a developing tendency of radar display technology.───光栅显示技术是雷达显示技术的发展方向。

76 、Abstract: This paper advances and analyses an algorithm converting 2DRE quadtree to. raster.───中文摘要: 本文提出并分析了2DRE四叉树到栅格结构的变换算法。

77 、Pixel art is a form of digital art, created through the use of raster graphicssoftware, where images are edited on the pixel level.───像素艺术是一种数位艺术形式,透过使用点阵图绘图软体(像小画家),以像素层级来处理影像。

78 、dynamic raster shapecorrection───动态光栅校正

79 、In raster projection imaging and 3D object reconstruction,due to the shadow and the ununiformity of illumination,high quality of image segmentation cannot be achieved using traditional binarization.───在光栅投影成像三维物体表面重建中,由于阴影和光照不均匀的影响,采用传统的时域二值分割方法,难以得到高质量的分割图象。

80 、In order to analyze some substances like gem or drugs in situ,the dispersion of light is finished with both technologies of the acousto-optic adjustable optical filter and the raster scanning.───为实现对宝石、药品等物质的现场分析,采用声光可调滤光器和光栅扫描两种技术完成系统的分光。


楼上的方法正确,不过他说错了一点,Raster 数据在三维场景里显示的同样是三维。(前提是将你用tin转化的DEM,再转化为Raster ,其实DEM就行,但是带高程的Raster显示速度比DEM和tin快很多)


数据的属性有一个base height,你选择你的DEM数据(obtain height for layer from surface ),(注意此时只要坐标相同,即时其他数据没有高程,你同样可以选择该数据的属性里面的base height,将其设为DEM数据的高程,同样可以可以显示成三维。就算是你加一张坐标相同的图片都能显示成3维)。

所有数据的base height都设成了DEM数据后,就开始选择显示方式了。有三种,1是平面显示,2是3维显示,3是虚拟3维显示,和阿凡达一样的。得带红绿眼镜才能看。

选择方法 顶上 View 》 View Setting 》

perspective 3维显示

orthograpgic 2维平面显示

stereo view 虚拟3维



在layer 图层上右键选择属性,然后 general 中有一个calculate format extent ,你单击它就给你选择到最佳夸张状态了。你也可以在它前面直接输入数字,输入你想要的夸张倍数。



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