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06-29 投稿




英:[mɑ:?ti:ni]  美:[mɑ:r?ti:ni]

英:  美:


n. 马提尼酒


名词复数: martinis |


1 、The martini recipes almost require a degree.───各种口味的马丁尼鸡尾酒可以随意选择。

2 、Many of them were present to celebrate the return of sponsors Martini to Formula One racing with Ferrari, after an absence of 27 years.───他们当中大部分是赶来祝贺赞助商马天尼公司在离开一级方程式27年后重新回来赞助法拉利车队。

3 、"They're really tough," says Juliana Martini, who just finished her first semester.───“他们真的很严格,”刚学完第一学期的朱丽安娜说。

4 、Dry Martini───干马天尼

5 、Shake all ingredients with ice; strain into martini glass. Garnish with a Grapefruit peel.───加冰摇后入马提尼杯饰柚子皮。

6 、C:Oh,good.But I'd like to have dry martini,Noilly Plat,Okay?Captain.───啊,好,但我要喝辛辣的马丁尼,诺利布拉特,好吗?领班。

7 、That's a good idea. A Pink Lady for me, a Martini for my husband and a glass of hot milk for my daughter, please.───好主意,请给我来一杯红粉佳人鸡尾酒,给我丈夫一杯马丁尼酒,给我女儿一杯热牛奶吧。

8 、She was working on her second martini when the guests arrived.───客人们到达时,她正在喝第二杯马提尼酒。

9 、Petrocosmea martini───n. 滇黔石蝴蝶

10 、"I don't think she'd care about the diamond, but she'd care about the martini.───“我不认为她关心这个钻石,而是马提尼酒。”

11 、Oh let's see. Bellini Martini. -Oh let's see. -I love the Bellini Martini, there's nothing wrong with a good cosmo.───哦,让我们看看。贝利尼马提尼酒。-哦,让我们看看。-我喜欢贝利尼马提尼酒,大都会特色没什么不对的。

12 、a dry martini───一杯干马提尼酒

13 、She asked for a dry martini.───她要了一杯乾马丁尼酒。

14 、“Yes, please, a Martini with gin,” I said, as dryly as possible.───“是的,劳烦,一杯加杜松子酒的马提尼”我用一种尽可能冷淡的语调说道。

15 、That's a good idea. A Pink Lady for me,a Martini for my husband and a glass of hot milk for my daughter,please.───好主意,请给我来一杯红粉佳人鸡尾酒,给我丈夫一杯马丁尼酒, 给我女儿一杯热牛奶吧。

16 、a dry martini.───干马提尼酒

17 、I'll have a double martini and hold the vermouth.─── 我要一杯双份马丁尼 别放苦艾酒哦

18 、Colaspoides martini───n. 齿股沟臀肖叶甲

19 、C: Will you have the martini straight up or on the rocks?───丙:您要的马提尼酒,加不加冰块?

20 、You should be going out with a martini lover.─── 你确实应该跟一位马丁尼情人约会

21 、'About that same to-morrow morning, I want both you and Martini to understand clearly that I am quite happy and satisfied, and could ask no better thing of Fate.───‘至于那同样的明天早晨,我想要你和马蒂尼清楚地理解我是相当幸福与满意的,并且能对命运不再要求更好的事情。

22 、Separately, Muller Martini reports it has increased the performance of its short-run Diamant book line from 30 to 35 cycles per minute.───另外,马天尼报告,增加了履行其短期钻石书从30至35周期每分钟。

23 、A little stout rosy man was making himself a dry martini .───一个满面红光的矮胖子正在给自己配无味马丁尼酒。

24 、“That's it for me,” he said to the table, slurring his words. “Should have skipped that last martini.───她故意含糊不清地对桌上的人说:“算了,我撤了,后悔要了最后这瓶马提尼。”

25 、27. Martini FH.Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology. 4th Edition. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1998年.───于频主编.系统解剖学.第四版.北京:人民卫生出版社,1998年.

26 、RISTORI C, DEL C, MARTINI M, et al. Potentiometric detection of pesticides in water samples[J].Analytica Chimica Acta,───孟范平,唐学玺,李桂芳,等.利用**胆碱酯酶传感器监测海水久效**[J].海洋环境科学,2003,22(4):63-67.

27 、Was Damon out of line trash talking our favorite martini swilling old chap?───但是,马特.戴蒙过于邦德的评价也未免太过片面和主观了。

28 、No one has ordered one yet, in the martini's first week on the menu, but the hotel hopes some romantic soul will buy one any day now.───在马丁尼酒出现在酒单的第一周,还没有一个人点这种酒,但是旅店的人希望有一些浪漫的人可以购买这种酒。

29 、A raise is like a martini: it elevates the spirit, but only temporarily.───加薪正如同喝杜松子酒可提升精神,但只是暂时的。

30 、He fixed me up with a Martini.───他给我一杯马丁尼酒。

31 、You angel refused your child by hating you, but Martini refused by loving you, she has her own excuse.───你的天使不要孩子是因为恨你,而她则是因为爱你,她有她的理由。

32 、Alex : How about we all go to a bar and drink Martini?───亚历克斯:找个酒吧,喝些马丁尼,怎么样?

33 、You want a martini? I'll get you a martini.─── 你想喝马提尼吗 我去给你点马提尼

34 、A well dressed guy went into a bar for a martini and found himself beside a scruffy-looking drunk who kept mumbling and studying something in his hand.───一位穿著体面的男士到酒吧点了一杯马丁尼,他发觉 身旁坐著一个外表邋遢一边念念有词一边研究著手中东西的醉汉。

35 、a dry martini garnished with a small pickled onion───一种干马丁尼酒,以小腌洋葱作配菜

36 、Martino Martini───卫匡国

37 、I took lemons and made a lemon martini.───不过是顺水推舟而已。

38 、Like Bond's martini, lounge culture has been shaken, but definitely not stirred.───一如邦德手中的马丁尼,酒吧文化已被摇动,但绝不会混杂失味。

39 、An attorney went into a bar for a Martini and found himself beside a scruffy-looking drunk who kept mumbling and studying something in his hand.───一位律师来到一家酒吧,点了一杯马提尼酒。坐下的时候,他发现旁边是一位衣着褴褛的酒鬼,在那里研究手里的东西,还一直喃喃自语。

40 、Why is vermouth always used before the liquor when making a Martini or Manhattan?───为什么在制作马提尼和曼哈顿鸡尾酒的时候总是先倒入味美思?

41 、The full automatic Swiss MARTINI binding machine and saddle stitcher can provide excellent and fast printing service for clients.───公司引进先进的印刷设备德国海德堡对开四色.日本小森对开四色,日本小森对开五色印刷机共10台。

42 、As a result, Muller Martini company will focus in the high-end market development and promotion.───因此,马天尼公司将主要精力放在了高端市场的研发和**上。

43 、Sure. After all, this is a special occasion. I'd like a martini, very dry, please.───当然。总之,这是个特别的时刻。我要纯粹的马提尼酒。

44 、But alcoholic martinis are out and aqueous martinis are in.─── 但是含酒精马丁尼不时髦了 含水马丁尼时髦

45 、Samba De Janeiro - Martini───巴西加油

46 、After he finishes the drink, he peeks inside his shirt pocket, then orders the bartender to prepare another double martini.───喝完了酒以后,他看了一下衬衫的口袋,又向酒保点了另一份同样的马蹄尼鸡尾酒。

47 、After he finishes that, he again peeks inside his shirt pocket and orders the bartender to bring another double martini.───喝完,生意人又往自己衬衣的口袋里瞥了一眼,然后又让服务生帮他把杯子满上。

48 、Membership card after binding main equipment: 1 Muller Martini binding line, Muller Martini disc binding package on this computer.───会员卡制作后胶订主要设备:1条马天尼无线胶订联动线,1台马天尼圆盘胶订包本机。

49 、Pour liquid ingredients into shaker with ice. Do NOT shake, Do NOT stir, but swing lightly and strain into a crystal martini glass. Add lemon peel.───将所有液体注入混合器,并加入冰块。不要摇动也不要搅动,只需轻轻晃动后,注入透明马蒂尼酒杯。加柠檬片。

50 、Drinkers might want to keep a clear head when ordering a martini at New York's historic Algonquin Hotel or they might pay $10,000 for that cold sip.───喝酒者在纽约历史悠久的A酒店点酒时要保持清醒的头脑,否则很容易会为啜饮一口酒而支付1万美元。

51 、A dry martini has a large proportion of gin.───干的马提尼酒中大部分是杜松子酒。

52 、But just so you know, if you ever want it really dry, uhm, you can try a burnt Gin Martini, which is used with a Scotch...───但你知道,如果你想尝起来干醇,嗯,你可以试试燃烧过的杜松子马提尼酒,是用苏格兰威士忌...

53 、And then, I'd like a pitcher of martinis.─── 然后我想要一罐子马丁尼酒

54 、Do you like to drink martini cocktail with me?───你喜欢和我一起喝马天尼鸡尾酒吗?

55 、It's why you were buying me martinis at the bar.─── 所以你在酒吧请我喝马丁尼

56 、After he finishes the drink, he peeks inside his shirt pocket, and then orders the bartender to prepare another double martini.───喝完,那生意人往自己衬衣的口袋里瞥了一眼,然后又让服务员把杯子满上。

57 、Serve with maraschino cherry with stem or on toothpick. Like the Martini, this is all liquor.───使用被黑樱桃酒浸泡过的樱桃装饰,樱桃需带茎或用牙签串起。

58 、After he finishes that, he again peeks inside his shirt pocket before orders the bartender to bring another double martini.───当他再一次喝完这两瓶酒后,他又一次重复了刚才的动作,他又向服务生示意再点了两瓶酒。

59 、That was the best martini I've ever had.─── 这是我喝过最好的马丁尼酒

60 、When he was full of martini, he reeled out.───当他喝足了马提尼洒时,他才蹒跚而去。

61 、James Bond: Vodka martini, shaken, not stirred.───占士邦:伏特加马天尼,摇匀,不是搅。

62 、On the other hand, you may be seeking a longer term mate, while the person on the other side of the martini turns out to be married and merely looking for fun.───另一方面,你可能在找一个长期伴侣,对方却已婚,只不过是在找乐。

63 、"My dear," Martini said at last,"if there were any way on earth to undo a thing that is once done,it would be worth while to brood over our old mistakes; but as it is,let the dead bury their dead."(E. Voynich,The Godfly)───“亲爱的,”马蒂尼终于说,“如果世界上有什么妙法可以取消已经做过的事情,那也许还值得为我们从前的过错苦苦思索,但事实上不可能,那就只好置之脑后,不要旧事重提。”

64 、The very man who bought me my first martini.─── 那个请我喝第一杯马丁尼的男人

65 、Martini & Rossi Italian Vermouth───义大利马丁尼·罗斯苦艾酒

66 、You could do this one, this is a martini.─── 可以做这个 这招叫马提尼转

67 、vodka martini───伏特加马提尼。

68 、Today, Parker's ode to the martini adorns hotel napkins: "I love a martini -- but two at the most. Three I'm under the table; Four, I'm under the host."───今日,这家酒店的餐巾上印着帕克赞颂马丁尼酒的诗句:"我爱马丁尼--第二次饮此酒便至爱上它;第三次我醉倒在桌下;第四次我拜倒于主人前."

69 、However, what - from what I found, in making martinis, you do not get the coldest possible martini you can with a glass-metal combination.───但是,我发现,在调制马提尼酒时,用玻璃金属组合工具不会得到最凉爽的马提尼酒。

70 、A businessman enters a tavern, sits down at the bar, and orders a double martini on the rocks.───一个商人进了一家酒馆,在吧台坐了下来,要了一份双分的马提尼,

71 、A scotch, a screw driver or a martini?───你要苏格兰威士忌酒,还是起子酒或马丁尼酒?

72 、Dioscorea martini───n. 柔毛薯蓣

73 、A dry martini garnished with a small pickled onion.───吉普森酒一种干马丁尼酒,以小腌洋葱作配菜

74 、Hi. I hope it wasn't too presumptuous of me. I've ordered you a Martini.───嗨。我希望我不是显得太专横。我给你要杯马爹利。

75 、Martini ;with William C.Ober ... [et al.].───书名/作者 Fundamentals of anatomy & physiology /Frederic H.

76 、Martin Martini───卫匡国(1614-61),意大利人,字济泰,来华传教士。

77 、While the bar patron savored a double martini, an attractive women sat down next to him. The bartender served her a glass of orange juice,───一位酒巴常客正在酒店里品尝马提尼酒,这时一位漂亮的女士在他旁边坐下,侍者给她上了一杯桔子汁,

78 、In this one, it was more like: who would you like to share a Martini with?───也许应该这么问:你愿意同哪位女士共饮马蒂尼酒呢?

79 、Sweet Martini, Italy───(红)马天尼(甜)

80 、Shake with ice and fine strain into a martini glass.───加冰摇好,入马蒂尼杯。

81 、Muller Martini, in foreign countries such as Kohl, domestic enterprises such as the beiren group, Shenzhen, Shanghai precision up to violet, zhejing lanbao, etc.───国外企业如马天尼、柯尔布斯,国内企业如北人集团、深圳精密达、上海紫光、浙江蓝宝等。

82 、Membership card after binding main equipment: two Muller Martini binding line, a single Muller Martini disc binding package this computer, two purple plastic disc binding package on this computer.───会员卡制作后胶订主要设备:两条马天尼无线胶订联动线,一台马天尼圆盘胶订包本机,两台紫光圆盘胶订包本机。

83 、There were three empty martini glasses on the table in front of him, and he was leaning forward on both elbows, his gaze focused on his cards.───他眼前的赌桌上放着3个空马提尼瓶子,他用两个肘子支撑着身体,斜倚在桌子边,目不转睛地盯着他的牌。

84 、“This martini is perfect,” Mrs Bixby said, setting down her glass on the side table.───“这马提尼不错,”比克斯比夫人把杯子往桌子上一放说。

85 、Hey, Arthur! Gimme my martini!───嘿,阿瑟!马丁尼给我!

86 、Your usual, Martini on the rocks?───和平时一样,马蒂尼加冰块吗?

87 、Okay, I'll have a martini, very dry.─── 好吧 我来杯马天尼 不加苦艾酒

88 、Pour spirits into a mixing glass and stir to chill. Strain into a small martini glass and top with one inch of cream.───入调酒杯直调至冷,入小型马提尼杯上加奶油一英寸奶油。

89 、Sometimes I just want to have a little people-watching party, enjoy an amazing glass of wine or the perfect martini, and hang at the bar at the best steakhouse in Dallas.───对开拓祖国的疆域,奠定祖国的万里河山是有着巨大贡献的。

90 、Basilepta martini───n. 斑鞘角胸肖叶甲


干马天尼(Dry Martini)为传统鸡尾酒,强调烈酒和味美思的比例。比例可从1:1到6:1不等。如果用甜味美思,则为甜马天尼。如果用干味美思,则为干马天尼。如果一半干味美思一半甜味美思,则为中性马天尼或完美马天尼。如果装饰物用珍珠洋葱(Cocktail Onion)替代橄榄(Olive)就叫吉布森(Gibson)。干马天尼的名称据说是从意大利的苦艾葡萄酒制造商马尔蒂尼·埃·罗西公司特称使用自己生产的酒为马尔蒂尼鸡尾酒开始的。



又称为饭前酒(APERITIF)。是一种以白葡萄酒为原料,加上糖份,再加入种种药味香料和强化剂,如矢车菊、丁香、茴香等等。这种酒有二种:甜的称为 SWEET VERMOUTH,或ITALIA VERMOUTH。其酒色浓厚;而辛辣的则称为DRY VERMOUTH,或FRANCE VERMOUTH。它是一种色泽淡泊,甜味也少的混合酒。在饭前饮用可以促进食欲,消除疲劳。


Martini号称鸡尾酒之王,光他的配方就有268种,而在其中Medium Martini又被称为Perfect Martini也就是完美的Martini的意思。马天尼(Martini)分为:干马天尼(Dry Martini)、甜马天尼(Sweet Martini)和中性马天尼(Medium Martini)

干马天尼(Dry Martini)

材料:金酒 1.5盎司

干味美思 5 滴


甜马天尼(Sweet Martini)

材料:金酒 1 盎司

甜味美思 2/3盎司


中性马天尼(Medium Martini)

材料:金酒 1 盎司

干味美思 1/2盎司

甜味美思 1/2盎司

制法:加冰块搅匀后滤入鸡尾酒杯,用樱桃和柠檬皮装饰。\"中性马天尼\"又称为\"完美型马天尼\"(Perfect Martini)

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