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06-29 投稿




英:[?n?θ??n?s]  美:[?n?θ??n?s]

英:  美:


n.虚无, 不存在, 毫无意义


1 、He did nothing but piddle away the time.───他不做事,只是混日子。

2 、Nothing but a miracle can save her.───只有出现奇迹才能挽救她。

3 、His daughter is sick again; nothing she eats will stay down.───他的女儿又病了,不论吃什么东西都吐出来。

4 、He professed to know nothing about the matter.───他声称对此事一无所知。

5 、Nothing could console him when his pet dog died.───他的爱犬死后,什么事情也不能使他宽慰。

6 、He knew nothing about investment; he just it went it blind.───他对投资一窍不通,只是瞎搞一气罢了。

7 、Lincoln represents the owner's social status in China while it is nothing more than a vehicle in its country of origin.───在中国,林肯轿车象徵车主的社会地位,而在原产国只不过是交通工具罢了。

8 、Do nothing to offend her susceptibilities.───不要伤害她的感情。

9 、Do you really care nothing about your future?───你真的一点也不关心你的将来?

10 、Nothing can travel faster than light.───光比任何东西都传播得快。

11 、They've got nothing on me I've got an alibi.───他们没抓我的罪证,我有不在现场的证据。

12 、I can do nothing except for swimming in the dog days.───在三伏天里,除了游泳,我什么事也做不成。

13 、Well, they don't knock you into nothingness either.─── 也不能把你撞到一片虚无中

14 、You've got nothing to complain about.───你没什么可抱怨的。

15 、He came off the bike but nothing serious happened.───他从自行车上摔下来,但没有出什么事。

16 、I will pay nothing under compulsion.───在强迫之下我分文也不愿付。

17 、Nothing is capable of being well set to music that is not nonsense.───倘非荒唐无稽,没有一样东西能够好儿地谱成曲子。

18 、They showed nothing but contempt for him.───他们对他轻蔑已极。

19 、Listen to him prating on about nothing.───听他瞎唠叨。

20 、You are making a great commotion about nothing.───你简直是在无理取闹。

21 、They bagged nothing except a couple of rabbits.───他们除猎到两只兔子以外,一无所获。

22 、Nothing can assuage the widow's grief.───什么也不能缓和这**的哀伤。

23 、Nothing he does is commensurate to our desire.───他做的事没一件使我们称心。

24 、You're just a good for nothing bum!───你一无是处!

25 、Don't be so soft there's nothing to be afraid of.───别这麽窝囊,没什麽可怕的嘛。

26 、His long speech was nothing but gas and hot air.───他的长篇大论只是吹牛和空话。

27 、Nothing will ever turn him from his purpose.───什么也不能使他改变目标。

28 、All day he did nothing but contemplated.───他整天什么也没干,一个劲儿地在冥思苦想。

29 、Nothing can weaken his resolve to become a lawyer.───什么也动摇不了他要当律师的决心。

30 、I have nothing to say in relation to that matter.───关于那件事,我没什么好说的。

31 、Stop glowering at me, I've done nothing wrong!───别凶狠地瞪着我,我没有干坏事。

32 、Nothing they say could faze him.───他们说什麽都烦扰不了他。

33 、Nothing short of this could mend the case.───不这样就不能挽回局面。

34 、He who carries nothing loses nothing.───不带东西的人不会失去东西。

35 、Have you been dieting? You're nothing but skin and bones!───你一直在节食吗?你只剩皮包骨了。

36 、Fall into the nothingness that awaits you and your master.─── 跟你的主人一起回到等着你们的深渊吧

37 、You're nothing but an old grouch!───你就是个爱发牢骚的老家伙!

38 、The two sisters have nothing in common.───两姐妹没有什么共同之处。

39 、He could do nothing but stand and wonder.───他只得惊奇地站著不动。

40 、He has been squared to say nothing.───他已被收买,什麽也不说。

41 、He professed that he knew nothing about the plot.───他声称对该阴谋毫不知情。

42 、Nothing can unsettle his resolution.───什么也动摇不了他的决心。

43 、I have nothing particular to do this evening.───今晚我没有什么特殊的事要做。

44 、You told me once that this would be a black void, absolute nothingness.─── 你曾对我说 这会是黑暗的空洞 一无所有

45 、But he would hear nothing of the request.───但他却不同意这个请求。

46 、Nothing in the world move faster than light.───世界上再没有比光运动得更快的东西了。

47 、Is there only nothingness after death?───人死后什么都不存在了吗?

48 、His writing is nothing but a scribble.───他的书写简直太潦草了。

49 、He would never accustom himself to drinking nothing but cocacola.───他将永远无法过那种只喝可口可乐的日子。

50 、What we expected is nothing less than a timely payment.───及时付款正是我们所盼望的。

51 、He had to support his seven children, to say nothing of his wife and parents.───他要养活自己的七个孩子,更不必说还有妻子和父母了。

52 、His negligence was nothing less than criminal.───他的粗心大意无异於犯罪。

53 、"Nothing happens without a cause" is a generality.───“凡事必有因”是一个通则。

54 、There is nothing unconquerable under the sun.───世上没有不可征服的东西。

55 、She said nothing to me about it.───关于这一点,她什么也没有对我讲。

56 、Blackness and nothingness where the john's face should be.─── 嫖客的脸就该在一片黑暗和虚无之中

57 、He said nothing at all, but his eyes spoke for him.───他什么也没说,但他眼中流露的神情说明了一切。

58 、There's nothing to touch mountain air for giving you an appetite.───再也没有比山间清新的空气更能促进食欲的了。

59 、Nothing can take away the anguish of lose a child.───什么都不能解除失去孩子的巨大悲痛。

60 、He is on a lone fun run, nothing to do with the race.───他自己跑著玩的,和竞赛无关。

61 、Like without that gravitational pull you'll go flying off into nothingness.─── 就好像没有重力的作用 你就会飞上天 飞向虚无一样

62 、Nothing results from his airy plan.───他那不切实际的计划毫无结果。

63 、He knows nothing of the nature of my work.───他一点也不了解我的工作性质。

64 、Life is not ,some stupid centerpiece on the side table of nothingness.─── 生命不是 一個虛無縹緲的平台上的的一點愚蠢的點綴

65 、He did it in expectation of nothing.───他做这件事并不期望得到什么。

66 、He has nothing but money on his mind.───他思想上除了钱外没有别的。

67 、His wealth dwindled to nothingness.───他的钱财化为乌有。

68 、Children under 5 can travel for nothing.───5岁以下儿童可免付旅费。

69 、His public expressions of grief are nothing but show.───他公开表示悲痛只不过是做做样子而已。

70 、Nothing would tempt me to join the army.───什麽也不能引诱我参军。

71 、It gives me pleasure to see you literally rot and decay into nothingness.─── 看著你慢慢腐爛直到什么都不剩 真讓我痛苦

72 、He did not like to hang about all day doing nothing.───他不喜欢整天闲待着什么也不干。

73 、There is nothing beyond this door but nothingness for ever.─── 这扇门外空无一物 只有无尽的虚无

74 、Nothing was left for him to hang on to.───他已经没有什么东西可以指靠的了。

75 、He has done nothing to be ashamed of.───他从未做过亏心的事情。

76 、But nothing further came of this movement.───但这一运动后来就没有产生更多效果了。

77 、The old man had nothing but a bowl for begging in the old days.───在过去这位老人只有一只要饭的碗。

78 、He hesitates at nothing to achieve his purposes.───为达到自己的目的,他什麽事都干得出来。

79 、Nothing could foul up their militant spirit.───什么也不能挫伤他们的斗志。

80 、Nothing engages his attention for long.───什麽事都无法使他长时间精神集中。

81 、His wife can do nothing about his monkey business at the pub.───他的太太对於他在俱乐部胡闹束手无策。

82 、Tools of the incompetent used to build monuments to nothingness.─── 无能的人用以纪念他们一事无成

83 、Nothing in the world is flawless and perfect.───世上没有十全十美的东西。

84 、Nothing in the world is too hard to do if we set our minds on it.───世上无难事,只怕有心人。

85 、It was nothing more than a shower.───只不过下了场阵雨。

86 、He resolved that nothing should hold him back.───他下决心不让任何事情阻挡他。

87 、Nothing satisfies him: he's always complaining.───他对什麽都不满意,总是抱怨。

88 、Don't get into a fuss about nothing.───别没事找事,自寻烦恼。

89 、The band drowned out our conversation so we sat and said nothing.───乐队的声音盖过了我们的谈话声音,因此我们只好坐着不说话。

90 、I'll be outside and join the vast nothingness.─── 我去外面 加入无尽的虚无


















1、Nothing less: 无外乎;唱片名。

2、Nothing serious: 不严重 ; 没什么严重的 ; 不要紧。

3、Nothing else: 没有别的东西 ; 没什么别的东西 ; 没有其他东西 ; 没有任何别的东西。

4、Said nothing: 二话没说 ; 没说什么 ; 什么也没说 ; 说说别的吧。

5、to nothing 一无所存 ; 无影无踪 ; 给不了什么 ; 一空。


1、As I lay on a grassy hill, I stared up at the wide expanse of nothing but blue sky.


2、The storm clouds cleared, revealing a breathtaking view of the vast, endless sky with nothing but a few fluffy white clouds.


3、The airplane soared through the clear blue sky, giving passengers a feeling of being suspended in nothingness.


4、On a deserted beach, with nothing but the sound of waves crashing and the vast open sky, I found peace and solitude.


5、Standing on the mountain peak, I felt a sense of awe as I looked out at the expansive sky, feeling as though I was on top of the world with nothing but endless possibilities.




Beauty ah, please stay for me!


People in the struggle, inevitably astray.


His thought is his pain.


Self mockery, but can not dispel doubts.


You can also, you really have.


I want to find that in your nothingness.


People make mistakes as long as you work hard, it is inevitable.


The theory is grey, evergreen tree of life!


Where we are at the end of unremitting self-improvement, can save.


Freedom and destiny only belongs to everyday people.


The dignity of man does not succumb to the authority of god.


Who is the person, but very few people.


Ill-gotten gains are bad for the soul of harmful blood.


Two of mankind's greatest enemy, fear and hope.


Who today can not up, doomed forever.


Because is not possible, it worth us to believe.


The theory is grey, but the tree of life evergreen.


The appearance of only Yao time, really can not die the bes!


One only just to show off time, genuine can transmit to posterity.


All theory is grey, and only the golden tree of life is green.


When I was having fun, after the death of which he hongshuitaotian.


Who can stand around the world he had to silence.


Good people may be lost, but will eventually find a way.


Even if you want to sell your soul, also want to find a person pay the price.


To put your loved one in your arms is one of the best.


People have two hands, one for taking and the one for giving.


Darkness breeds light, but light is a departure from the darkness. Curse the darkness.


Good party has disappeared, alas. The first echoes were still.


I want to jump into the era of running, I jumped into the era of the ring.


Good people in, they will eventually realize that there is a way.


Stop comfort your pain, it is like a evil Eagle devoured your chest!


The gardener knows that as long as the green trees, flowers and fruits with the future there will be.


Still have it from the front of Yuandun, lost and become true to life.


Crush innocent each other, this is come up with in the air when cornered tyrant behavior.


To turn the game, age is too old to Xinrusihui, age is too light.


I feel I have the courage to go out into the world, the pain and joy in the world to play.


Only a day to fight for freedom and the survival of the people, only with the right to enjoy two!


All I saw a dim and distant, and disappear and will now come to me again.


Even if there is no skills, understanding and correct profile alone can also be talking about; as long as you sincerely want to say something, why the discourse?


Stop comfort your pain, it is like a evil Eagle devoured your chest! The worst of the population will make you feel like you just a member of the human.


I will leave an imprint in the world of the day, people can not erase the page generation time flies. I in this feeling in joy, this is my life the most noble instant.


I want to jump into the era of running, I should jump jumped into the era of rings: pain, joy, failure, success, I don't know, the cause of the hero originally it day and night without stopping.


Today do not, tomorrow will not do. One day can not be wasted, to things that might be determined to, grabbed and hugged, determined would not be allowed to escape, but also must implement.


Sometimes, there is something to tell a fully two of the world's people, will feel very safe. Only the pain also told the miserable than their own people, we will be peace of mind. After all, we are still selfish cowardly animal.

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