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06-29 投稿




英:[?t?ekp??nt]  美:[?t??k?p??nt]

英:  美:


n. 检查站


1 、I'm not interested about the first checkpoint.─── 我对第一个检查点没有兴趣

2 、A checkpoint image is essentially a snapshot of the current state of a job.───一个检查点映像本质上就是任务当前运行状态的一幅快照。

3 、DumpAllObjectsSince dumps all objects allocated since the last CMemoryState:: Checkpoint.───DumpAllObjectsSince转储从最后一个CMemoryState::Checkpoint以来分配的所有对象。

4 、Exchange updates the checkpoint file every thirty seconds, and its header is viewable except during the moment when an update is occurring.───Exchange每隔三十秒更新一次检查点文件,除了在更新进行期间以外,其他时间都可以查看其文件头。

5 、The window size has no meaning if the checkpoint size is zero.───如果检查点大小是零,则窗口大小没有意义。

6 、You know -- you can incrementally checkpoint the drop column command as it is going along.───你可以在删除的时候增加检查点。

7 、"He was expecting death every day because he was working with the Americans," said an Iraqi man who had taken up Saudi's old position alongside US troops at the checkpoint.───"每天他都在等死,因为他在为美国人干活,"检查站一位接替桑迪职位,为美军工作的伊拉克人说。

8 、Police checkpoint, we are being pulled over.─── 警察检查点 我们被拦下了

9 、Before Exchange 2000 SP3, the checkpoint had a maximum depth of 256 log files.───在Exchange 2000 SP3之前,检查点的最大深度是256个日志文件。

10 、If Checkpoint Manager detects changes, it transfers the registry tree to the owner node of the resource.───如果检查点管理器检测到更改,它将把注册表目录树传输给资源的所有者节点。

11 、In certain occasions, CDK-mediated phosphorylation of checkpoint proteins is required to activate their DNA-repair mediator function.───在某些情况下,蛋白激酶介导的关卡蛋白的**酸化作用需要激活他们的DNA修复调节功能。

12 、Upon entering through the main gates, you will face the Hut of the Caretaker, which may have been an entrance checkpoint.───一进入主门,你就会看见守门人小屋,当初可能是进入城市的关卡。

13 、A checkpoint is carried out at the beginning of the ALTER TABLE operation.───ALTER TABLE操作开始时执行检查点。

14 、Hours later he came out of the checkpoint tent to find her leaning against his door and taking a swig from a bottle of soda.───/ 数小时之后他从检查站出来帐篷发现她倚靠他的门而且带来自一瓶苏打的一个痛饮。

15 、A checkpoint image is approximately equal to the virtual memory consumed by a job while it runs.───一个校验点映像近似于由一项任务在运行期间所消耗的虚拟内存。

16 、In the event of a log switch CKPT also writes this checkpoint information to the headers of the data files.───在各种情况下切换日志,CKPT进程同样也写检查点信息到数据文件头里。

17 、He stood by the Lo Wu checkpoint and requested a Hong Kong resident to buy him a Telephone directory of Hong Kong at the expense of 500 yuan.───他就站在罗湖口岸边,给每天进出的香港人500块钱,托他们买一本香港的**号码簿,

18 、My men at the checkpoint were massacred.─── 我安排在关卡的手下被杀害了

19 、A long row of East German Trabant cars passing through Checkpoint Charlie into West Berlin is greeted by enthusiastic West Berliners.───一个东德特拉班特通过查理检查站传递到西柏林车长排的热情迎接西柏林人。

20 、To facilitate atomic checkpoint, an application can write to output and state files using the MFILE class.───为达到原子级的进度保存,计算程序可以使用MFILE类来写输出文件和状态文件。

21 、Background checkpoint process suspended until locks are available.───后台检查点进程已挂起,直到有可用的锁。

22 、The resumption of the execution of a computer program using the data recorded at a checkpoint.───[利用校验点处所记录的数据,使计算机程序重新执行。

23 、At the checkpoint a US soldier examines the car.───士兵在检查站检查那辆车。

24 、In the final competition, there will be one more secret checkpoint to be completed.───决赛时并增设一个神秘关卡,以考验各队参赛队伍。

25 、The type of container that fails and the implementation of features such as transactions affect the restart point that is recorded in the checkpoint file.───失败的容器类型以及功能(例如事务)的实现都会影响在检查点文件中所记录的重新启动点。

26 、The crypto checkpoint files for the resource identified by the GUID.───GUID标识的资源的加密检查点文件。

27 、Russian troops withdrew from Gori Friday after more than a week of occupation, but still maintain a checkpoint on a main road just outside the city.───俄罗斯军队星期五撤离了哥里,结束了对那里一个多星期的占领,不过,俄军在哥里市外的一条主要道路上依然保留着一个检查站。

28 、We should have a good view of the checkpoint.─── 我们应该能从检查点看到这桥

29 、So we don't get too held up at the checkpoints.─── 免得我们在检查站耽误太久

30 、The DeleteExistingFiles parameter causes the command to remove the logs, checkpoint, and database files at the target location.───DeleteExistingFiles参数将导致该命令删除目标位置的日志文件、检查点文件和数据库文件。

31 、Without a checkpoint, any computation already performed would be lost.───如果没有检查点,那么之前所执行的任何计算都可能会丢失。

32 、Ildizar Talibov slowly walks up the road toward the checkpoint.───塔利波夫从远处向检查站走过来。

33 、If the BOINC client quits or exits, the computation can be restarted from the most recent checkpoint.───如果BOINC客户端退出,下一次计算将从最近一次的保存进度开始。

34 、Everybody's out on the streets, here and at the other checkpoints.─── 所有人都派到街上去了 这里和其他检查站的都是

35 、Even it can make the checkpoint kinase Chk2 activate and restrain the expression of protein Chkl.───且可以使Chk2活化,并抑制Cdkl蛋白的表达。

36 、Below: two MPs search automobiles at a checkpoint.───下:两名议员在一个检查站搜查汽车。

37 、If I'm not at the checkpoint, push on without me.─── 如果我没能来跟你会合 计划照常进行

38 、If there is a failure, you use transaction logs (together with the database files and, in some cases, the checkpoint file) to restore a database.───如果发生故障,可以使用事务日志(以及数据库文件,某些情况下还包括检查点文件)来还原数据库。

39 、This directive specifies how often to checkpoint the BDB transaction log.─── 本指令指定如何时常对 BDB 事务日志设置检查点。

40 、Pakistani soldier and a policeman were captured Tuesday when hundreds of militants ambushed a checkpoint in the Swat district.───几百名武装分子于星期二袭击了特警区的检查站,巴基斯坦的一名士兵和一名警察被俘获。

41 、Recovery analyzes and scans the log at the beginning of recovery, since the last checkpoint.───在恢复开始时,从上一个检查点恢复分析和扫描日志。

42 、After your program performs its memory allocation and deallocation operations, create another CMemoryState object and call Checkpoint for that object.───在程序执行了其内存分配和释放操作以后,创建另一个CMemoryState对象,并为该对象调用Checkpoint。

43 、A fair amount of disk space must be available on the submitting machine for storing a job's checkpoint images.───在提交任务的机器上必须保留一块足够大的磁盘空间用以存储任务的检查点映像。

44 、If you do not specify WITH CHECKPOINT ON, and the database needs to be recovered, the recovery may fail as CONVERSION_ERROR is ON (the default value) during recovery.───如果未指定WITH CHECKPOINT ON,而且数据库需要恢复,则当恢复过程中CONVERSION_ERROR为ON(缺省值)时,恢复可能失败。

45 、In order to reduce the overhead of time and space,a non-blocking cooperative checkpoint algorithm based on PVM is given in this paper.───为进一步降低协同式检查点算法的协议开销,本文结合PVM的通信机制提出了一种非阻塞协同检查点算法。

46 、At the time that the recorded checkpoint at LSN 147 was processed, Tran 1 had been committed and Tran 2 was the only active transaction.───在处理LSN 147处记录的检查点时,Tran 1已经提交,而Tran 2是唯一的活动事务。

47 、Thirty kilometers away - the Russians are still manning the Akhalgori checkpoint.───在三十公里之外,俄罗斯军人依然控制著阿哈尔戈里检查站。

48 、If the checkpoint file is destroyed, Exchange can still recover and replay log files appropriately.───如果检查点文件受到破坏,Exchange仍可以恢复并适当重播日志文件。

49 、They are suspected of helping a group of gunmen who opened fire on the police checkpoint outside the American Mission.───他们涉嫌向在美国使馆外的警方检查站开火的一群持**歹徒提供帮助。

50 、"Lock the cage was opened, all the oil exploration companies have begun to Checkpoint to undershoot.───“笼子的锁开了,所有的石油勘探商们开始直往下冲。”

51 、A few hundred meters back is the Georgian checkpoint and on this occasion a European Union monitoring patrol has just stopped by.───在几百米之外是格鲁吉亚的检查站。一个欧洲联盟的观察巡逻队正好经过。

52 、Modifications before the checkpoint do not need to be rolled forward because they were already flushed to disk at the checkpoint.───因为检查点之前的修改都已经在检查点上刷新到磁盘,因此它们不需要进行前滚。

53 、But to do so, Exchange begins scanning log files, beginning with the oldest one available, instead of starting at the checkpoint log.───但若要执行此操作,Exchange将从最旧的日志文件开始扫描,而不是从检查点日志开始扫描。

54 、In the absence of checkpoint records, you should allow for the application to be rerun from the beginning.───如果缺少检查点记录,应用程序就只能从头开始重新执行。

55 、Along the way, Mehdi said, he and the families passed checkpoint after checkpoint, some with 100 cars or more waiting to pass through.───在路上,梅迪说他和这两家人通过一个又一个的检查站,有些检查站堵了100或者更多等侍通过的的汽车。

56 、New changes will still be accepted and written to the database files, but the checkpoint will not move again until the backup ends.───仍然接受新的更改并将更改写入数据库文件,但检查点在备份结束之前不会再次移动。

57 、The quorum disk resource stores the most current version of the cluster configuration database in the form of recovery logs and registry checkpoint files.───仲裁磁盘资源以恢复日志和注册表检查点文件的形式存储群集配置数据库的最新版本。

58 、If disk space is short, a special checkpoint server can be designated for storing all the checkpoint images for a pool.───如果磁盘空间短缺,那么可以指派一个专用校验点服务器来存储某个机群中的所有校验点映像。

59 、To maintain genomic integrity,cells have evolved complex surveillance mechanisms termed cell cycle checkpoint.───为确保遗传准确性,细胞形成了复杂的细胞周期监督机制,即细胞周期检验点。

60 、Expertise for WAN/LAN/** and internet accessing administration, Checkpoint are preferred.───在广域网,局域网,虚拟个人网络,因特网访问管理有专门技术,检查站优先考虑。

61 、Menchaca and Pfc Thomas Tucker were killed after being kidnapped at a checkpoint south of Baghdad.───Menchaca和Thomas Tucher在巴格达南部的一个检查站被绑架后遭到杀害。

62 、The only downside is that if one person dies, you fail the mission and have to start from the last checkpoint.───唯一的缺点就是如果任何一个队员死亡,任务即失败而且不得不从上一个记录点重新开始。

63 、That gunfire is coming from the checkpoint.─── 交火声是从检查站那边传来的

64 、The Taliban forces fired on the Afghan troops as they tried to set up a checkpoint in a disputed area along the Afghan-Pakistan border, Abbas said.───塔利班部队发射了对阿富汗的部队,因为他们试图成立一个检查站,在一个有争议的地区沿阿富汗和巴基斯坦边境,阿巴斯说。

65 、Package level protection does not include protection of checkpoint files and you must secure these files separately.───包级别的保护不包括保护检查点文件,必须单独保护这些文件。

66 、Shortly, he arrived a checkpoint whereby many tanks were parked.───不久,他到了一个检查站,路边停着不少坦克,那长长的炮管和多边形的脑袋简直让人不寒栗。

67 、Beginning with Exchange 200 SP3, the maximum depth of the checkpoint has been increased from 256 generations to 1024 generations.───从Exchange 200 SP3开始,检查点的最大深度从生成256个日志增加到生成1024个日志。

68 、When we get to the checkpoint, don't speak.─── 到检查点的时候 别说话

69 、A checkpoint can then be used to start up and continue execution of a partially completed job.───一个检查点可被用来启动并继续执行一个部分完成的任务。

70 、If the package is restarted the package configurations are not reloaded, instead the package uses the configuration information written to the checkpoint file.───在重新启动包时,不会重新加载包配置,包使用写入检查点文件中的配置信息。

71 、At the third checkpoint the16 years old, participants were asked to describe their close friendships.───在16岁第三个观察点是,由受试者自己描述他们和密友的关系。

72 、If the checkpoint file is not found, the package fails.───如果找不到检查点文件,则包失败。

73 、You should pass through the red checkpoint.───你应该通过那个红色检查站。

74 、For example, checkpoint and migration of MPI jobs is significantly more complex than the checkpoint of standard jobs.───例如,MPI任务的检查点和迁移就比标准作业的检查点更复杂。

75 、Creating an index on a built-in function also causes a checkpoint.───为内置函数创建索引也会生成一个检查点。

76 、The Checkpoint value shown above is not actually read from the log file header, but it is displayed as if it were.───以上显示的检查点值并非实际读取自日志文件头,但可以如此显示。

77 、When the failed package is rerun, Integration Services uses a checkpoint file to determine the location from which to restart the package.───在重新运行失败的包时,Integration Services使用检查点文件来确定重新启动包的位置。

78 、When the rider mails a postcard, the rider should mark his brevet card in the space provided for the checkpoint: PC, with the time and date the postcard was sent.───主办单位得自行决定哪个检查站采用什麽方法来检验通过检查站的作法。

79 、If the old log records are truncated frequently enough to always leave sufficient room for all the new log records created through the next checkpoint, the log never fills.───如果经常截断旧的日志记录,始终为到下一个检查点前创建的所有新日志记录保留足够的空间,则日志永远不会填满。

80 、You can, however, view the checkpoint file header while databases are mounted.───不过,在装入数据库时您可以查看检查点文件头。

81 、He waved his own wife through the checkpoint.─── 他把自己的妻子从关卡放行了

82 、Once your shipment is in transit, we track its progress and record each checkpoint in our databases.───一旦快件进入运送途中,我们可以跟踪运送的全过程,每个检查点都会记录在数据库中。

83 、Russia is also retaining a checkpoint on the road to the strategic Georgian port of Poti, which handles much of the country's commercial trade.───俄罗斯还在通往据有战略意义的格鲁吉亚港口城市波蒂的道路上保留了一个岗哨。格鲁吉亚许多贸易活动都经由波蒂进行。

84 、The checkpoint 9 difficult caverns can 3 buckle the small blood.───关卡9困难洞窟3可不可以扣小小血。

85 、The transaction log file path and checkpoint file path are specified on the storage group property page and are depended upon by all databases in that storage group.───事务日志文件路径和检查点文件路径在存储组属性页上指定,该存储组中的所有数据库都依赖于这些路径。

86 、An Arab was interviewed at a U.S checkpoint.───一个阿拉伯人在检查站接受检查。

87 、If the checkpoint file exists, the package restarts from the point of the previous execution failure; otherwise, it runs from the start of the package workflow.───如果检查点文件存在,则包从上一次执行失败的点重新启动;如果检查点文件不存在,则包从包工作流的起点开始运行。

88 、However, if some databases are dismounted, or not all the databases are being backed up, the range of logs copied to tape might start before the current checkpoint.───但是,如果卸除某些数据库,或没有备份所有的数据库,则复制到磁带的日志的范围可能在当前检查点之前开始。

89 、If you get killed, you will start from the last checkpoint.───如果你被干掉,将从最近的存档点开始。

90 、The four security staff were stabbed by assailant who jumped off from a vehicle passing by the checkpoint.───四名检察人员被从车上跳下来的歹徒刺伤。






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