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06-29 投稿





英:  美:


adj.违反宪法的, 非立宪的


名词: un-constitutionality | 副词: unconstitutionally |


unofficial | unlawful | illegitimate | undemocratic | illegal | unauthorized




1 、It's an unconstitutional prior restraint on free speech, and I'm not gonna do it.─── 这是针对自由言论 违反宪法的事先约束 而我是不会做的

2 、The funds also claim the U.S. government unconstitutionally used money from the Troubled Asset Relief Program to protect Chrysler's bankruptcy financing.───对美元的资金还声称,美国政府违反宪法,用钱从陷入困境资产救济计划,以保护克莱斯勒的破产融资.

3 、In addition, it is "rife with unconstitutionally vague terms" and lacks clear standards that would enable dealers to know which video games are considered violent, the trade groups claimed.───而这两个团体则认为,这项法令充满含混不清的与宪法不符的言辞,同时没有给出鉴定游戏是否适合向未成年人出售的标准。

4 、...irrelevant at best or unconstitutional at worst.─── 说得好听是不恰当 说得难听就是违宪

5 、I want to convince the federal courts that those laws are unconstitutional.─── 我希望说服联邦法院 这些陈旧而迂腐的法律是不符合宪法的

6 、The Greek tyrannos was a ruler who seized power unconstitutionally or inherited such power.───希腊僭主是一个违宪夺取政权或继承政权的统治者。

7 、What you're trying to pull here is an unconstitutional prior restraint.─── 你阻止我的行为 是违反宪法的事先约束

8 、The problem is, their tips lead to unconstitutional walledoff traffic stops.─── 问题是 正是他们的消息造成了这种违宪的交通中断

9 、it was contended that Congress had thereby unconstitutionally clothed the judiciary with legislative powers.───这引起了很大争论,美国国会这做法被认为违宪。

10 、Apparently that's unconstitutional, so they banish you from every county in the state except one.─── 那显然是违宪的 所以除了一个县 其余地方都会驱逐你

11 、Debatably unconstitutional and definitely six years ago.─── 是否合乎宪法还有争议 但已被关押六年

12 、the president acted unconstitutionally.───总统的行为违反了宪法。

13 、This is an injustice. It's clearly unconstitutional.─── 这不公平 是很明显的违宪行为

14 、Supreme Court in April rejected an appeal from two Kentucky prisoners who argued the method was unconstitutionally cruel.───直到4月时,最高法院才驳回了两名死刑犯提出的“死刑违反宪法并且极度残忍”的申辩。

15 、Yes, but they wouldn't be able to make those determinations on the basis of sex. It would be unconstitutional.─── 是 但那些决定就不是 基于性别作出的了 这是违宪的

16 、Your specious proposition is illegal and unconstitutional.─── 你看似有理的提议 是非法且违宪的

17 、Thus, the Court concluded that the delegation was unconstitutionally broad.───有鉴于此,最高法院决定,授权过于宽泛,属违宪行为。

18 、This essay points out that the reeducation-through-labor system, which is unreasonable and unconstitutionally, should be abolished through an analysis of its defaults.───摘要通过对劳动教养制度弊端的分析,指出应当废除这一不合理且违反宪法的制度。


unconditionally [英] [??nk?n'd???n?l?] [美 ][??nk?n'd???n?l?] adv.无条件地; [例句]I love my daughter unconditionally. 我无条件地爱着我女儿. 另,《Unconditionally》是美国流行女歌手Katy Perry的个人第三张录音室专辑《PRISM》的第二支单曲,同样由著名音乐制作人Max Martin和Dr. Luke共同进行制作。



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