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06-29 投稿




英:['?km?]  美:['?km?]

英:  美:


n.顶点, 极点


be [reach] the acme of perfection
-十全十美, 尽善尽美


1 、Acme grew up here, surrounded by guns and drug traffickers, and that life features in a lot of his work.─── 阿克米在这个充斥着**和毒贩的地方长大 这种生活在他的许多作品中都有体现

2 、His landscapes were deemed the acme of beauty.───他的风景画被视为美之极致。

3 、The dispersion of the short fiber in waste nylon short fiber/acrylate rubber(ACM) composite and properties of the composites were studied.───对废尼龙短纤维/丙烯酸酯橡胶复合材料中短纤维的分布状态和复合材料的性能进行了研究。

4 、All at once, a rabbit acme out of a hole.───一只兔子从一个洞中跑了出来。

5 、Harrold M J.Testing: A Roadmap.In: Finkelstein A eds.The Future of Software Engineering[M].New York: ACM Press, 2000.───作者简介:侯萍(1983-),女,四川泸州人,硕士研究生,主要研究方向:软件测试与配置管理、软件无线电;

6 、Walk along acme when grace, the element of polarity also can be in onefold coexist on makeup look.───当优雅走到极致,截然相反的元素也能在单一妆容上并存。

7 、Whether naturally or deliberately it was hard to say, Li Chuang-fei's voice was the acme of calmness and his face wore a cheerful grin as he gave this reply.───不知道是当真呢,还是故意,李壮飞依然冷静到十二分,笑嘻嘻地回答。

8 、Worship of Mazu reached its acme in the Yuan dynasty.───对妈祖的信仰和崇拜,到元代臻于极盛。

9 、UVA 10092 acm dinic AC source code of integrity, can be used directly.───(译):紫外线10092计算机迪尼奇交流源代码的完整性,可以直接使用。

10 、C#Builder is about to release, borland occupies its logarithm the support of the library, developed acme.───C#Builder即将发布,Borland将其对数据库的支持,发挥到了极致。

11 、W hitehead,A.N(.1929),The Aim s of Education.New York:M acm illan.───刘炳升,蔡稚梅.对科学课程教师培养问题的探讨(讲稿).南京:南京师范大学.2004.

12 、The ACME confirmation acceptance process invokes an internal Web service to inform the Accounts Service at ACME about the purchase.───ACME确认接受流程调用内部Web服务来通知ACME的Accounts Service关于购买的情况。

13 、The naturalism in phenomenology supporting "regress to the fields and gardens" is the end result and acme of the historical phenomenology of Marx.───“回归田园”赖以支撑的现象学自然主义乃是马克思历史现象学的归宿和顶点。

14 、Shutting the body skill in unprecedented game role and pet technical ability, diversified technical ability changes let players acclaim as the acme of perfection.───前所未有的游戏角色与宠物技能合体技,多样化的技能变化让玩家叹为观止。

15 、ACM is not responsible for any actions taken by one account holder against the will of the other.───ACM对联合账户其中一持有人采取的任何不符合另一个持有人意愿的行为不承担责任。

16 、Acme president McKinley is so nervous not even his beautiful secretary Harriet can calm him.───印刷长厂长麦金利得悉总裁要来后非常紧张,连他漂亮的女秘书哈里特都无法使他保持镇定。

17 、Sunge reached the acme of his career while quite young.───孙哥很年轻就达到了事业的顶峰。

18 、Your cerebrum stimulated to the acme!───你的大脑会亢奋到极致!

19 、He attained the acme of perfection in landscape painting.───他的山水画的技巧达到了炉火纯青的地步。

20 、Acme's graffiti adorns much more than just his favela, he's had commissions across the city.─── 阿克米的涂鸦装饰的不仅仅是他所在的贫民窟 他接到的工作来自城市的各处

21 、Traditional wheat stalk patchworks of wonderful workmanship are regarded as the acme of perfection.───传统工艺麦秆画,巧夺天工,令人叹为观止。

22 、To our customers Abiding by promise scrupulously; trying to reach the acme of perfection; meeting their expectations and creating surprise and happiness.───对客户格守承诺,尽善尽美;满足期望,创造惊喜。

23 、Our company Sales mainly linghting and sound and vedio products of the professional Brand:MasterSound、PASO、MACKIE 、TurbooSoundare 、Martin 、DENON、 ACME,Etc.───主营专业品牌的灯光音响及音视频产品:音乐大师、柏素、美奇、马田、天龙及ACME等。

24 、In Zhijiang Holiday Resort, these couples enjoyed meticulously prepared wine and food, thus bringing the largest wedding banquet in Binjiang history to its acme.───在之江度假村,新人们还享受了精心准备的美酒佳肴,将滨江历史上规模最盛大的千人百桌婚宴推向高潮。

25 、The tourist ecological system which has reached the acme of perfection sufficiently presents the coloring of life.───尽善尽美的旅游生态系统充分展现生活色彩。

26 、Acme's clients aren't the only ones that are struggling to pay the bills.─── 不只阿克米的雇主们 在付账单时纠结不已

27 、In order to improve the accuracy of measuring ACM and lower the cost, the inspection instrument of ACM is designed.───为提高测试精确度和降低测试成本,设计了ACM测试系统。

28 、The theory of A/D/A conversion is the basis of ACM inspection instrument. In this paper, the basic theory and relevant specifications are introduced.───A/D、D/A转换的基本理论和数字滤波与整个测试系统密切相关,论文简单介绍了有关的基本理论,A/D、D/A转换的技术指标,和相关数字滤波器的设计与算法实现。

29 、Studies of the Systemic-functional linguists represent the acme of these endeavors.───其中系统功能语法学派的研究代表了这类研究的最高成就。

30 、So if shares in Acme reach 115p by the end of June, the holder of the call option described above will exercise the option, and make the fund sell its Acme shares at 110p.───因此,如果顶点集团股价在6月底达到115便士,那么上文中提到的买入期权持有者将行使期权,迫使该基金以110便士的价格售出所持顶点集团股票。

31 、Acme only has to walk out behind his studio for a reminder of the favela's turbulent past.─── 阿克米只需走到他的工作室后面 便能回忆起这个贫民窟的动荡过去

32 、Acme is refusing to just give up and let the authorities knock his house down.─── 阿克米不愿坐视 政府把他的房子推倒

33 、ACME Corporation is a small company with offices in five locations.───ACME Corporation是一家小公司,它在五个地点设有办事处。

34 、Meanwhile, the paper makes acme teaching experimentation on some sectors, and offers some teaching experience to us.───对其中的部分内容还进行了教学试验,积累了一些教学经验。

35 、B.E.Boser, I.M.Guyon, and V.N.Vapnik, "A training algorithm for optimal margin classifiers," The 5th Annual ACM Workshop on COLT,1992, pp.144-152.───张嘉惠,不同机器学习分类演算法之比较-以统计制程数据为例,元智大学工业工程与管理学系硕士学位论文,2006年7月。

36 、Today season, stylist develops transcendental imagination, produce the effect of lantern sleeve to acme, let you want to be less than, can not guess.───今季,设计师发挥超凡的想象力,把灯笼袖的作用发挥到极致,让你想不到、猜不着。

37 、The beginning of Misellina-Brevaxina acme zone is considered as the lower limit of Middle Permian.───Misellina-Brevaxina顶峰带的出现是中二叠统的底界,Codonofusiella 顶峰带的出现是上二叠统的底界。

38 、After acquiring Warner Industries, stock in Acme Corp. went up by 12%.───并购华纳企业之后,艾克米公司的股票上涨了百分之十二。

39 、But until then, you'll be at this desk answering that phone, selling acme paper.─── 但到那时之前 你就坐在桌子前 接** 卖纸

40 、The results of SME obviously differ from our experiment results. To some degree, ACME and IAM forecast our experiment results, but there is still some difference.───SME运行的结果与实验结果明显不符,ACME和IAM在一定程度上预期了实验结果,但仍有一定差异。

41 、For example, in the non-Internet world, multiple entities such as AcmeBicycles and Acme Buildings can share the same trademark, but on the Internet only one acme .com can exist.───例如,在非Internet世界中,几个实体,如acme自行车公司和acme大楼可共享同一商标,但在Internet上,只能存在一个acme.com。

42 、One kind nods the acme thinking that set out from final client demand, make he was had be different from general " think from conclusion " hypothesis ability.───一种从最终客户需求点出发的极致思维,使他具有了非同一般的“从结论思考”的假设能力。

43 、After analyzing the arithmetic of ACL(Access?Control?Lists), brings forward arithmetic of ACM(Access?Control?Matrix).───分析了ACL(Access?Control?Lists)算法,提出了ACM(Access?Control?Matrix)算法;

44 、EXIM TRADING - ACM is currently focusing on the expansion of its export and import trading through our business network.───出入口贸易-我们目前正利用我们广大的生意网络,极力的开扩我们的出入口贸易业务。

45 、When he became prime minister, he reached the acme of his hopes.───当他变成首相,他达到他希望的顶点。

46 、Oki, and Douglas Terry, Using collaborative filtering to weave an information tapestry, Communications of the ACM, Volume 35, Issue 12, pp61-70, 1992.───冯文正,合作式网站推荐系统,陀利交通大学信息科学研究所,民国89年。

47 、His calligraphy has reached the acme of perfection.───他的书法已达到出神入化的境界。

48 、Why am I often with tears in the eyes?Because i love acm deeply......───天涯兄你也太包庇酷儿了。。。。。。怎么是激情。。。冲动啊是魔鬼

49 、The contrast of galvanic current determined by ACM to corrosion rate of A3 steel showed that it was practicable to monitor corrosion of rain with ACM.───ACM测量的电偶电流随雨水pH值的变化与失重法测量的A3钢的腐蚀速率随雨水pH值变化的结果对比表明,利用ACM监测降雨对A3钢的腐蚀性是可行的。

50 、The MC briefly narrated the 10 years of ACM while the co-MC created the 'candle-night' mood for the event.───司仪简短介绍了ACM的十年发展历程,副司仪也活跃着烛光之夜的气氛。

51 、Non-rotating stem with precision Acme threads and burnished finish. Double Acme for faster operation.───不旋转的阀杆具有精密的梯形螺纹和抛光光洁度。双梯形螺纹使得操作更加快速。

52 、The acme of bliss, which would have been a marriage with the tragedian, was not for her in this world.───幸福的顶点,本是嫁给那位悲剧演员,在这个世界上不是为她而来的。

53 、Acme and his neighbours, but currently on offer are homes in other favelas, miles from jobs, families and friends.─── 和他的邻居们提供新住所 但是目前能提供的是 位于另一个贫民窟的房屋 远离工作地点 家人和朋友

54 、JoeLaptops Inc receives the purchase order request from ACME and immediately sends back a message acknowledging receipt of the request.───JoeLaptops Inc从ACME接收购买订单请求,然后立即发回一个消息,告知请求收到。

55 、In the phase of domain design,based on UML and ACME ,object structure model and object behaviour model of Electronic Payment software are created.───在领域设计阶段,采用面向对象 / 构件的方法,结合 UML 和 ACME 两种建模语言,建立电子支付软件的对象结构模型和对象行为模型;

56 、Additionally, the efficiency analysis pays attention to two sides: market efficiency and the ACM"s effect on agricultural output.───在绩效分析中,分别从市场效率和农业信贷对农业产出的绩效两个方面进行了研究。

57 、If Acme intended on playing this game only once, it would always take advantage of the customer at B.───如果特别有意的仅玩一次这个游戏,则会经常在B点利用客户。

58 、Oh, it wasn't fair that she should have to sit here primly and be the acme of widowed dignity and propriety when she was only seventeen.───啊,她刚刚十七岁,就得端端正正坐在那里,作为**尊严和规矩的标本,这多么不公道呀!

59 、He owns trophies for Male Vocalist of the Year from both the CMA and the ACM, and took the CMA's top honor as Entertainer of the Year.───他拥有战利品为年的马累歌唱者从CMA和ACM,并且赢采取了CMA的顶面荣誉作为年的艺人。

60 、Consequently, no matter how much Acme promises to be nice, the customer should never believe Acme because Acme’s promise lacks credibility.───因此,不论顶点的承诺多么美好,客户永远都不会相信顶点,因为顶点的承诺缺乏可信性。

61 、Vdrg5 locates on L.G. D02,165.4cM apart from acme, 3.7cM from pAR922E4D and 5.2cM from marker pAR570bE3C. Vdrg 11 was hybridized badly.───Vdrg8与Vdrg9**于D07连锁群距离端点43.4cM,与标记Gate4CA09cE6C相距0.3cM,与标记pAR078cE3C相距1.6cM;

62 、For example, suppose a covered call fund holds shares in Acme Group, which are trading at 100p on April 1.───备兑买入基金利用衍生品来降低(而非增加)投资组合的风险。

63 、Coltish, satisfied follow a gender mix building a style to be able to say in 6 years of Qiu Dong is to develop acme, major and optional two kinds of styles coexist.───不受拘束,舒服随性的混搭风格在06年秋冬可说是发挥到极致,专业和随意两种风格并存。

64 、When Songsong became a NYU's student, he reached the acme of his hope.───当松松成为纽约大学的学生,他实现了他的最大愿望。

65 、Accepted at the beginning of September by ACM, the German team becomes the fifth official challenger for the 33rd America's Cup.───9月初美帆赛管理公司接受了他们的挑战,德国队正式成为第33届美洲杯的第5支挑战队。

66 、"Acme " , of Lei Jun work what the style emphasizes is this one effect.───“极致”,雷军的做事风格强调的是这一效果。

67 、Based on that, UML and ACME technology are analyzed and the use of UML and ACME in component-oriented developing process is set forth.───在此基础上,重点分析UML和ACME,阐述了UML和ACME在构件化开发过程中的使用。

68 、Scope of work and Responsibilities: Cost Control and AnalysisThe following responsibilities focus on ACM(Ashland Consum...... ...───公司名称:亚什兰(中国)投资有限公司工作地点:上海市徐汇区发布时间:2009-7-22

69 、The following is a recommendation from the personnel director to the president of Acme Publishing Company.───下文是人事部主任给阿克默出版公司总裁的建议信。

70 、Hiemal D&G is blended in in fashionable restore ancient ways with element of palace front courtyard, will costly deduce acme, show brownstone aristocratic life adequately.───冬季的D&G在摩登中融入复古与宫庭元素,将奢华演绎到极致,充分展示上流社会的贵族生活。

71 、After analysis of UML and ACME,UML and ACME usages in component_oriented developing process are set forth.───在分析UML和ACME后,文章阐述UML和ACME在构件化开发过程中的使用。

72 、Where does she work? She works at the Acme Company.───她在哪儿工作?她在。

73 、Non-rotating Stem with precision Acme threads and burnished finish. Valve suitable for horizontal installation.───不旋转阀杆具有精密梯形螺纹和经过抛光的表面光泽度。

74 、ACM Export &Import Trading (AEIT) is a wholly owned business unit of ACM Group.───先进出入口贸易是先进集团重点发展的项目之一。

75 、Huang Yan once is ACM members of our university and he has get great scores in the ACM match.───其中黄炎同学曾经是校ACM队员,在ACM大赛中取得过优异的成绩;

76 、Costly houseful of pink of full ground, gold, light reveal, be that life is gentle the acme all previous of manner, life is experienced.───奢华满地、金粉满屋,淡淡流露的,是那生活的平和态度、人生的极致历练。

77 、Agent: Acme Travel. Can I help you?───业务员:顶好旅行社。我能效劳吗?

78 、Sixty-five-year-old John Hodges must retire from Acme Printing.───65岁的约翰·霍奇必须要从埃克米印刷长退休了。

79 、Be simplified when the woof of a few lives when acme, a kind free from vulgarity and the beauty of the calm protruding came out now.───当一些生活的基本元素被简化到极致时,一种脱俗而坦然的美便凸现出来了。

80 、One official magazine called his political abilities“ the acme of perfection”.───一篇官方杂志将他的政治能力打了“满分”。

81 、Acme and his fellow activists add their voices to the protests.─── 阿克米和他的伙伴们 也加入到反抗队伍中

82 、ACM have said that they happy for the fire collars to be nested in order to reduce the number of boxes but must be on pallets.───ACM公司说他们对为了减少箱子的数量而对阻火圈进行嵌套包装很满意.但是必须放在托盘上.

83 、Outof 19 caac, TTV DNA were detected in 6 cases, including 4 cases of acme mild hepatitis (30.80%) and 2cases of chronic hepatitis(33.33%), respectively.───19例肝组织中6例检出TTV基因**(31.58%),其中急性轻型肝炎4例(30.80%),慢性肝炎2例(33.33%)。

84 、The remarkable outstanding quality, the acme of perfection faith, forever the without limits pursue will cause our product to form the strong comprehensive strength in the market.───卓越超群的品质、尽善尽美的信念、永无止境的追求使我们的产品在市场上形成了较强的综合实力。

85 、ACM Advanced Currency Markets SA reserves the right not to execute instructions transmitted by telephone, fax or email.───令执行或者根本无法执行。ACM高级货币市场SA对此种损坏造成的后果不承担任何责任。

86 、ACM SIGGRAPH is dedicated to the generation and dissemination of information on computer graphics and interactive techniques.───ACM SIGGRAPH被奉献给计算机图形和交互技术的信息的产生和传播。

87 、Nevertheless, I strongly recommend a membership in ACM (that was the best advice I ever got when I started programming).───仍然,我有力地推荐ACM的(那个是当我开始编程序的时候,我真地得到的最好的劝告)会员资格。

88 、It reached its acme of perfection.───它到达完美的最高点。

ACME 15-8 多大直径多少螺距

ACME 是美制梯形螺纹(爱克母)螺纹,牙型角为29度,公称直径15英吋(381毫米),螺距为每英吋8牙(3.175毫米)。不过这么大的直径很少见。





ACME及STUB-ACME螺纹均可按用户任意设计外径及每英寸牙数提供相关的螺纹塞规、环规。 都是美制梯形罗纹(爱克母ACME)。

矮牙爱克母英文表示为STUB ACME,29°牙形角,由外径尺寸、每英尺牙数、公差代号组成,表示方法如:1/2-16STUB ACME-2G,2G精度等级,设计图纸可以不标出螺纹精度等级,此螺纹工作牙形高度较矮,且每英寸牙数较多,用户可设计相关每英寸的牙数,我们可按需求提供螺纹塞规、环规。


梯形螺纹的标记由螺纹代号 、公差代号及旋合长度代号组成,彼此间用“—”离开。根据国标规定,梯形螺纹代号由种类代号Tr和螺纹“公称直径×导程”表示,由于标准对内螺纹小径D1和外螺纹大径只规定了一种公差带(4H、4h),规定外螺纹小径d3的公差地位永远为h的基础偏差为零。


在一般情形下,中等旋合长度(N)用得较多,可以不标注。梯形螺纹副的公差代号分别注出内、外螺纹的公差带代号,前面是内螺纹公差带代号,后面是外螺纹公差带代号,中间用斜线分隔 。



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