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06-29 投稿




英:[?pa?pla?n]  美:[?pa?p?la?n]

英:  美:



n.管道, 管线, 渠道



动词过去式: pipelined | 动词现在分词: pipelining | 动词过去分词: pipelined | 动词第三人称单数: pipelines |


into the pipeline
-在准备中; 在完成中; 在进行中; (货物)运输中; 即将送递
in the pipeline
-在准备中; 在完成中; 在进行中; (货物)运输中; 即将送递


offshore pipeline
vacuum pipeline
looped pipeline
cream pipeline
manure pipeline
supply pipeline
overhaul pipeline


1 、In a pipeline, each task might be a data parallel program.───在一个流水线中,每个任务都可以是一个数据并行程式。

2 、Carry out pipeline replacement for fire service pipeline in CRC Tsing Yi Terminal in 2006.───2006年于华润青衣油库更换消防喉管。

3 、A low power 10 bit/50 MHz pipeline ADC was designed.───介绍了一种50 MHz,10位,5V流水线模数转换器的设计。

4 、Application and Dissemination of Double-Vortex Seal in Pipeline Pump.───双螺旋密封在长输油泵上的**应用

5 、The CICS PIPELINE resource contains a reference to a pickup directory.───CICS PIPELINE资源包含一个对pickup目录的引用。

6 、The central element of an animation pipeline is the simulation-reference character pair.───动画结构流程的主要元素就是模拟参考角色配对。

7 、When a valve is deleted, a single pipeline replaces the split pipeline.───删除管道之后,单个管道将替换拆分的管道。

8 、Therefore, Beijing should initiate the construction of the second long-distance pipeline immediately.───因此北京必须立即着手引进第二条长输管线。

9 、Using gas pipeline pressure to liquefy natural gas or ganerate electricity.───利用气体管线压力液化天然气或发电。

10 、A year from now, you'll be paddling out at pipeline.─── 一年后 你就可以在大浪里划了

11 、Why hasn't the U.S.Stopped the Ugi Gas pipeline?───|为什么美国没有阻止 优基石油公司的管道计划?

12 、That's why I want to talk to you about that pipeline report.─── 所以我想跟你谈谈输油管报告

13 、Also, the pipeline for new listings remains packed.───同时,依然有大量的公司抢着上市。

14 、Pipeline will probably feature 15 ALU stages, 20 FPU stages.───处理器可能有15条ALU管道,和20条FPU管道;

15 、Utilizing heat and water-storage functions of the pipeline, the buffering hot water tank has been eliminated.───利用管路蓄热储水功能,省略了缓冲热水箱。

16 、Do not enable pipeline tracing for long periods of time.───不要长时间启用管道跟踪。

17 、PE oil transmission, gas pipeline and control of production, sales and after-sale products produced.───pe输油、气管道和管件的生产,销售自产产品及售后服务。

18 、Valve shown has a special "Pipeline" bonnet. Standard bonnets with regular yoke also available.───图示的阀门具有独特的“管道”阀帽。也可提供带有常规轭架的标准阀帽。

19 、Different waste fraction transported in one pipeline; cardboard, energy waste, bio waste and mixed waste.───一个管道可传送四种垃圾:包装纸,可作为燃料的垃圾,可回埋的生物垃圾和生活垃圾。

20 、By way of contrast oil can be transported large distance by pipeline.───不同的是,石油可以用输油管远距离输送。

21 、Some 85,000 bbl/d of Kazakh crude oil flowed through the pipeline during 2007.───2007年每天大约有85000桶来自哈方的原油流经这条输油管线。

22 、A model was constructed in laboratory to simulate the acoustic emission pipeline leak detection.───在实验室条件下,建立了压力管道泄漏的声发射检测模型。

23 、Winter heating pipeline transform life commissioning.───冬季生活取暖管道改造试运转。

24 、Today, NPR uses the same rendering pipeline as realistic rendering.───和真实感渲染一样,非真实感渲染向着复杂化、自动化、实时化等方向发展。

25 、What are surrogate keys? Explain how the surrogate key pipeline works.───什么是**键?简述**键替换管道如何工作。

26 、Traction Customer Satisfaction? Sales Approach? Sales Cycle? Sales Pipeline?───客户满意度?销售手段?销售周期?销售渠道?

27 、We found him under that hatch in the pipeline.─── 我们在管道监狱下的甲板找到了他

28 、The rebels had tried to sabotage the oil pipeline.───反叛者试图破坏输油管道。

29 、Automatization for Gas Transmission Pipeline Project.───天然气长输管道工程自动化。

30 、As oil prices fell, so did the rate of oil theft and pipeline sabotage.───同时,由于石油价格的降低,偷油和破坏输油管道的事件也随之有所减少。

31 、Do not rely on the flange bolting to support the valve or connecting pipeline.───不能依赖法兰螺栓来支撑阀门或连接管道。

32 、We think there's a new deal in the pipeline.─── 我们认为可能有新交易在进行

33 、How fast is the CDM Pipeline growing?───CDM项目的申报进展得有多快?

34 、We also have the same problem pipeline.─── 我们还面对着同样的问题 运送管道

35 、Additional agents are triggered at this point of the transport pipeline.───在传输管道的此位置会触发其他**。

36 、A 33 MSample/s, 10 bit, 3.3 V pipeline ADC is presented.───介绍了一个 33MHz,10bit,3 3V流水线结构的模数转换器 (ADC) .

37 、May carry on the reequipment to on the original pipeline valve to lock up.───对原有管道上的阀门可进行改装锁闭。

38 、For your application. Remove unused modules from the request-processing pipeline.───从请求处理管线移除未使用的模块。

39 、Huadong petroleum pipeline has a pressure station and an entrance in Jiawang.───华东输油管道在贾汪设有加压泵站,备有接入口。

40 、The big syndicates have their own pipelines.─── 大型组织通常有自己的渠道

41 、From time to time a scraper is passed through the pipeline to remove this corrosion.───不时用清管器在油管内穿过,以清除这种锈蚀。

42 、Another , flange supplying the various pipeline accessory, if elbow etc.───另供应各种管道配件,如弯头、法兰等。

43 、Muhlbauer W K:Pipeline Risk Management Manual,Gulf Pub-lishing Company,1996.───2000含缺陷油气输送管道剩余强度评价方法(第一部分:体积缺陷).

44 、One 1995 microprocessor uses this deeper pipeline to achieve a 300-megahertz clock rate.───一台1995年生产的微处理器用这种更先进的流水线操作可达到300兆赫的时钟频率。

45 、Stops processing the items in the worker process pipeline.───停止处理辅助进程管线中的项。

46 、The valve must be installed with the direction arrow on the body coincident with the direction of flow in the pipeline.───安装的阀门其阀体上的箭头方向必须与管道上流体方向相一致。

47 、Do gas pipeline volume and pressure have the formula secretly scheming against?───天然气管道容积和压力有没有计算公式?

48 、The feature and the effect of tangent pump to the pipeline network of fire system are presented.───介绍了切线泵的特点及其对消防给水管网带来的一些变化。

49 、Whichever works best, the second generation of biofuels is coming down the pipeline.───不管哪种成果更具功效,第二代生物燃料很快就会从加油站的油管滴到你的油箱里了。

50 、Experimental Approaches: What"s in the Pipeline?───实验的处理途径:是什么在导管中?

51 、Urban underground pipeline is the lifeline in a city.───城市地下管线系统是城市的“生命线”。

52 、This was based on thefact that NAC had no NEW vehicles in the pipeline.───双方目标是在9月30日签订一个正式协议。

53 、If the boiler and a water pipeline corrosion problem, the system may happen down the load and shutdown.───如果锅炉和输水管道出现了腐蚀问题,系统可能发生降负荷和停机。

54 、A jointed tool for cleaning an oil pipeline and disengaging obstructions.───刮管器一种用来清洗油管和清除阻塞物的节状工具

55 、Gas supply: the pipeline natural gas is provided in the Park. (The gas is from ShanXi Province.───供气:提供管道天然气(陕气)。

56 、You can use the GroupBy parameter with any valid property for the objects in the pipeline stream.───在管道流中,可以将GroupBy参数与对象的任一有效属性结合使用。

57 、My government has been very clear about its commitment to this pipeline.─── 我国政府对输油管 的态度非常明确

58 、Are there any new product in the pipeline?───商品供应线?

59 、Beijing HTN Pipeline Equipment Co., Ltd.───北京豪特耐管道设备有限公司。

60 、The following are referencing the pipeline '{0}' which no longer exists.───以下对象正在引用不再存在的管道“{0}”。

61 、They reported that the pipeline had ruptured.───他们报告说管道已经破裂了。

62 、There are... some interesting projects in the pipeline.─── 芯片流水線研發方面有些不錯的項目

63 、Two new sedans are also in the pipeline for a 2012 release.───两个新的轿车也正在紧锣密鼓的2012年释放。

64 、Through a pipeline there can flow gas, or water to save life, or poison to destroy and kill. Faith is amoral.───信心不是一套价值观,而是释放那价值观的能力,经过导管的可能是拯救生命或毒害生命的天然气或水。

65 、Locate the Off-Sheet Label shape at the end of a pipeline that continues.───在延长的管道末端找到“表外标签”形状。

66 、In measuring the pipeline curvature, the FBG sensor may be twisted due to sustaining bending deformation.───在测量地下管线的离散点曲率时,光纤光栅传感器除了承受弯曲变形外,还会发生扭转的情况。

67 、The practice of using a schema to account for the intermediate data between each pipeline stage.───使用模式计算管道阶段之间的中间数据量。

68 、Everything in the supply pipeline was draw forward to the battle.───供应线上的一切物资源源不断地运向前线。

69 、China Nationall Petroleum Pipeline Jingci New Material Co., Ltd.───中油管道京磁新材料有限公司。

70 、The operation actualities of Mahuining oil pipeline is introduced.───介绍了马惠宁输油管道的施工和投产后的运行现状。

71 、Longer distances may, however, require recompression to compensate for friction losses during pipeline transfer.───不过,运输距离较长时,有可能需要再次加压,以补偿管线输送过程中的摩擦损失。

72 、Two PFMs are normally used on major pipeline projects.───大多数管道工程通常使用两个坡口机。

73 、Commissioner of TWD inspects a site pipeline and valve to match with plans for calibration.───处长视察现场管线及阀栓与图资比对校正。

74 、A new design concept, luxury and beauty, pipeline ABS shell.───全新设计理念,豪华美观,流水线型ABS外壳。

75 、In the condenser, hot steam condenses into liquid, the trickle-down pipeline.───在冷凝器里,炽热的蒸汽凝结成液体,滴入管道。

76 、Industrial appraisal in August Who benefits from the West-East Pipeline Project?───八月行业盘点:西气东输:受益者谁?

77 、The underground pipeline colligate alure in city is also say“Utility tunnel”.───城市地下管线综合管廊俗称共同沟。

78 、ZL40 Loader dual pipeline gas pushed oil disc brake system.───ZL40装载机采用双管路气推油盘式制动系统。

79 、Well, she's not going in the pipeline.─── 那也不能把她交给军火补给站

80 、To live in a pipeline, a utility needs to read data from standard input and write data to standard output.───为了生活在管道中,实用程序需要从标准输入读取数据,然后向标准输出写出数据。

81 、Not with what we got in the pipeline.─── 而我们深陷麻烦的时候不能有人员变动

82 、China Petroleum Pipeline Natural Gas Compress Technology Limited Co.───中油管道天然气压缩技术有限公司。

83 、A Barbie-branded range of designer clothes for girls, and a branded perfume, are also in the pipeline.───为女孩子设计的以芭比娃娃为品牌的系列服装和芭比娃娃牌香水也即将问世。

84 、Retrieves the software vertex pipeline capabilities when the device is used in software vertex processing mode.───在软件顶点处理模式下使用设备时

85 、The East-West oil pipeline is nearly half welded and laid.───东西贯通的输油管道已经差不多焊接和铺设好了一半。

86 、In 2002, our corporation won the competitive bidding of the anchor flange for West-East Gas Pipeline Project.───2002年我公司在西气东输管道工程锚固法兰的竞标中。

87 、There are similar unscripted shows in the pipeline.───in the pipeline,在准备中,在进行中。

88 、His machine cut a natural gas pipeline in Wyoming on Saturday.───周六其推土机切断了地处怀俄明州的一条天然气输送管道。

89 、Appears, indicating that the valve is glued to the pipeline.───(表明该阀门已粘附到管道上)后,松开鼠标按钮。

90 、The nuclear pipeline is now likely to run dry in most countries.───大多数国家核电站的管线设备目前很可能会弃置不用。

pipeline project是什么意思?




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