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06-29 投稿




英:['dju:??]  美:[?duo, ?djuo]

英:  美:



n.成对的表演者, 二重奏(唱)


名词复数: duos |


1 、"Ah Duo, kill me if you want to, but don't give me away!───“多多头! 打死我也不怨你,只求你不要说出来

2 、Ah Duo was the only exception.───只有多多头例外。

3 、"All duo, will you help me carry these trays"?───“多多弟!来帮我搬东西罢!

4 、and this visual of this duo. I hope so.─── 还有看到你们二人组的画面 希望你还记得啊

5 、"Hey, Ah Duo, come back here.───“喂,多多头! 回来!

6 、The deer duo ran around the neighborhood, jumping fences before taking off.───它们俩还在附近转了两圈,随后跳出篱笆逃走了。

7 、The diminutive duo's size and efficiency will help the company prepare for recently announced increases to federal fuel-economy standards.───两人在小的规模和效率将有助于该公司最近宣布准备增加联邦燃油经济标准。

8 、Upcoming steppings of Core Duo processors will also include the ability to disable one core to conserve power.───Core Duo处理器也包含了暂停其中一核心以节省电源的功能。

9 、The other players to be omitted were Aston Villa duo Gabriel Agbonlahor and Ashley Young, and Middlesbrough defender David Wheater.───其他被弃用的球员包括维拉的阿邦拉霍和阿什利.杨。以及米德尔斯堡的后卫大卫.维特。

10 、The duo hope their journey will establish "kite-buggies" as a new means for exploring polar regions.───他二人希望这次旅行能够开创“风筝车”这种探索极地的新方式。

11 、Sixth Treasure's face flamed scarlet.She shot a glance at Ah Duo, then quickly lowered her head and resumed stripping leaves.───六宝觉得自己脸上热烘烘了,她偷偷地瞪了阿多一眼,就赶快低下头,很快地捋叶,一面回答:

12 、Another selling point: the words for coxswain in Chinese -- "duo shou" -- can also be translated to mean "helmsman.───中央电视台一位参与选拔活动的官员响应了冯建中的上述观点。

13 、The idiom "bu ke duo de" means that some one or something is very rare and hard to come by.───“不可多得”这句成语的意思是用来形容人或事物非常稀少很难得到。

14 、Nishiwodeyanjing woshinideer duo You are my eyes and I am your ears.───你是我的眼睛我是你的耳朵。

15 、They borrowed a small boat and bought a few yards of matting to cover the cargo.It was decided that Ah Duo should go along.───他们去借了一条赤膊船,买了几张芦席,赶那几天正是好晴,又带了阿多。

16 、As for the rest of the Lakers' backcourt, Farmar and Fisher combine to form a solid point guard duo.───在湖人剩下的后场球员中,砝码和老鱼组成了控卫的坚实人选。

17 、We were also aware that there were several of the big events missing in the database, Korean events such as World Esports Games II and CEG Cheng Duo.───并且我们开始意识到数据库中没有加入一些重要比赛的数据。

18 、ZZ, Aish, Leo, Nam, Anita, Duo Duo, Raymond, Steven, Jenny, Jason, Yuan, Carina, Vivian...───她让我在那个陌生的环境里迅速的找回了自信,找到了方向。

19 、The duo focused on mortgages to borrowers with good credit scores and the wherewithal to put down a deposit.───两家公司主要的业务都集中在那些有很好的信用记录并能足额缴纳保证金的借款人的抵押贷款。

20 、One classic __1__ was between the singing duo Simon &Garfunkel and the filmmaker Mike Nichols.───二重唱和导演麦克?尼古斯的合作堪称经典。

21 、Eidur Gudjohnsen and Claude Makelele missed training yesterday but Mourinho is confident the midfield duo will be fit.───古德扬森和马克莱莱昨天都没参加训练,但穆里尼奥自信中场组合没问题。

22 、Duo to the coexistence of chains scission and crosslinking, viscosity for PA66 increases to 50%, but for PP and PBT the viscosity number decrease much.───使制品变脆,机械性能严重下降;由于交联和断链并存,老化后PA66的粘数上升,而PP和PBT的粘数下降。

23 、Days of round-the-clock rescue let Duo Jin Yan lost 10.───十多天没日没夜的救援让陈岩瘦了10多斤。

24 、Matryoshka is the duo from Tokyo made up of the female vocal Calu and the multi-instrumentalist, track-maker Sen.───Matryoshka是来自东京的二人组合,成员分别是女主音Calu和负责各种乐器演奏与音效的Sen。

25 、Duo Yuan--The New Choice In Print Industry!───多元--印刷业的新选择!

26 、A drone duo found by Shouwang and Simon Frank (Hot and Cold).───守望和西蒙(热和冷)组建的长音二重奏。

27 、Juve target French duo as Arsenal eye Appiah.───尤文盯上法国二人组而阿森纳则看上了阿皮亚。

28 、The Liverpudlian coaching duo can't wait to face a team from their home city and the match with Liverpool on Wednesday.───利物浦籍教练已经迫不及待在星期三主场面对他的家乡球队利物浦。

29 、They hit it off and became a killing duo.─── 他们一拍即合 成了杀人搭档

30 、Crawford said Warburton was nervous at first, but relaxed after he promised her she wouldn't fly out of the sidecar. The duo hit a top speed of 64kph.───克劳福说渥伯顿起先有些紧张,不过在他答应她不会飙车后,她才松了一口气。他们俩最高时速为每小时六十四公里。

31 、Perhaps she can get the loudmouthed duo, whom she nicknames "Bush and Cheney", to pipe down by giving them some more coffee on the house.───也许她能通过给他们倒些免费咖啡而使被她戏称为"布什和切尼"的大声嚷嚷的两个人安静下来。

32 、For as Duo La A dream as, can satisfy male needs.───就如哆啦A梦一样,可以满足大雄的需要。

33 、But we can't go back, Duo, we know the truth now.───但我们回不去了,我们现在知道真相了。

34 、The clash is his 181st in charge and only legendary duo Bob Paisley and Kenny Dalglish can boast a better record.───他已经执教红军踢了180场的联赛,在拉法所有的前任里面,只有佩斯利和达格利什获得百胜需要的比赛场数比他少。

35 、The strike duo linked up well before Burns fired expertly past Deasy to give United the lead their possession deserved.───2为前锋精妙配合,伯恩斯漂亮的射门让曼联领先。

36 、Ah Duo grinned. "Not unless you call me a sweet name I " He continued walking.───“叫我一声好听的,我就给你拿。” 阿多也笑着回答,仍然走。

37 、Ah Duo was sure he had nabbed a thief.───他断定了这是一个贼。

38 、X60s CTO Core Duo L2400 1.66G,1024M,5400.6 320G,FR.───100M宽带,呵呵,曾经见过1000M网络的,那是单位,核心网。

39 、X60s CTO Core Duo L2400 1.66G/1G/5400.6 320G/FR.───在体验中心看到过,但是没具体问多少钱!

40 、One classic collaboration was between the singing duo Simon &Garfunkel and the filmmaker Mike Nichols.───二重唱S &G和**制作人M的合作是一个经典的合作。

41 、If both these forwards are mobile, the Chelsea duo could easily be dragged all over the place.───如果两前锋灵活扯动,那么切尔西二人组将轻松地被随处牵制。

42 、You're a very intrepid duo, you and your mother.─── 你和你母亲真是勇敢二人组

43 、The world’s most famous cat and mouse duo returns to mobile in a fun pinball adventure game.───世界上最有名的一对猫和老鼠来到了手机上一个有趣的弹球冒险游戏里。

44 、Ablett is hoping others will come out and show the leadership qualities displayed by his Scouse duo week in, week out.───今晚伊伍德公园将不会出现斯皮灵的激情和中场的控制,因为他和达比已经入选贝尼特斯的欧冠比赛大名单。

45 、HUANG SHAOKUN was part of the duo who won gold in the men's 1000-meter canoeing competition.───中国赢得男子1000米双人皮划艇竞赛金牌,黄少坤是双人组的一员。

46 、Duo Choco Mini Crunchies (New on Promotion!───) 巧克力小松脆(新产品促销!)

47 、Title: Misty Poetry and Poems by Bei Dao, Duo Duo,et al.───关键词:诗歌思潮;朦胧诗;北岛;多多;抗衡性;言说风格

48 、It's part of what being in a duo's all about.─── 這是作為一個二人組合應有的情誼

49 、In a stunning upset the duo defeated the top-seeded Bryan brothers in the fina.───他们在决赛中打败了头号种子布莱恩兄弟。

50 、The midfield duo will also be offered extensions until June 2008 following some good recent form.───他们也将得到一份延长到2008年的合同,因为最近在续约问题上合作的姿态。

51 、I have the Philips Duo version (conducted by Antal Dorati) which is very good!───不过,如果问边个版本好就要系古典音乐区开个题目讨论了。

52 、And our killing duo found out about it.─── 而杀手二人组也知道这一点

53 、And I don't mean the delightful synthpop duo.─── 我说的可不是胡夏那首《放下》

54 、Only his younger son, Ah Duo, was inclined to be a little flighty.But youngsters were all like that.There was nothing really bad about the boy .───就是小儿子阿多年纪青,有几分“不知苦辣”,可是毛头小伙子,大都这么着,算不得“败家相”!

55 、Wifey Jada goes on to say that certain things drive the other one crazy. The movie biz duo is still going strong at 11 years.───妻子贾达还说有些事会让自己的另一半发疯。这对演艺夫妻在结婚11年后仍关系密切。

56 、Fortunately marshals to help find a small duo.───幸亏乘警帮忙找到了小朵。

57 、I'm part of a duo, though, so it's not just about me.─── 但我们是个二人组合 所以不仅仅是我的事

58 、So “erbai duo” means more than 200.───“二百多”就是表示比两百多出一点儿。

59 、Arsenal midfielder Robert Pires has blasted the Chelsea duo of Marcel Desailly and Claude Makelele for their on-pitch behaviour in Monaco.───对于切尔西的两名队员德塞利和马克莱莱在对摩纳哥比赛中的行为,皮雷认为应该受到处罚。

60 、Folk rock duo Simon and Garfunkel release classic album Bridge Over Troubled Water.───1970年的今天,民谣摇滚双人组合“西蒙和嘎芬寇尔”发行其经典的专辑《急流上的桥》。

61 、Of the whole family, Ah Duo alone didn't place much stock in taboos and superstitions.───全家就只有他不大相信那些鬼禁忌。

62 、I mean, I think we're the dynamic duo.─── 我觉得我们简直是爆炸二人组

63 、From Schlappner, Houghton, Milutinovic, Hahn, then do, Fula Duo, most these coaches Europe, "attributes.───从施拉普纳、霍顿,米卢、哈恩,再杜伊、福拉多,些教练多欧洲“属性”。

64 、Also today, the quirky jazz pop duo, the Bird and the Bee.───另外,今天还有乖僻的爵士流行双人组合“鸟和蜜蜂”。

65 、Some of them like the Hungarian Divertimento,the Fantasy,and the Grand,Duo,arc among his most splendid pieces.───其中有几部,如《匈牙利嬉游曲》、《幻想曲》和《大二重奏》是他的最杰出的作品的一部分。

66 、Now available at a much lower price! The trip-hop production duo of Peter Kruder and Richar......───1999的相关专辑:总记录数:2总页数:1当前页:1首页上一页1下一页末页

67 、"Ah Duo!" he now barked angrily.───“阿多!

68 、It also doesn't support core 2 duo.───它也并不支持核心2二重奏.

69 、Chelsea manager Avram Grant admits he is a fan of strike duo Nicolas Anelka and Dimitar Berbatov.───切尔西主帅格兰特承认他是阿内尔卡和贝尔巴托夫这对"搭档"的粉丝。

70 、He set to work, making his first task a remodel of the famous duo.───他开始工作,使他的第一项任务一改建著名的组合。

71 、The Tobacco-Free Duo intervention has proven to be viable in the municipalities throughout the years.───市当局在近些年推行的烟草自由方案干预措施被证明是有前景的。

72 、You see this cock many is stupefied, it " Duo " one ate Qu of that only small Qu.───你看这只公鸡有多愣,它“哆”的一声吃了那只小蛐蛐。

73 、United duo David Gray and James Chester have joined Championship side Plymouth Argyle on loan until 19 December.───大卫.格雷和詹姆斯.切斯特租借**了冠军联赛球队普利茅斯。时间到12月19日。

74 、Bronze &highlight in one sexy sweep for a supermodel glow &sleek, sculpted cheekbones. This satiny pink &bronze powder duo takes you to a perfect 10!───十分完美腮红蜜粉粉红及古铜闪粉二合一,可塑造颧骨光影,营造健康肤色,得到完美10分。

75 、Barbara and Ted were a musical duo and they discovered that Julie had a "freak" voice with a range of 4 octaves.───巴巴拉与泰德是一对音乐艺人,他们发现朱丽叶的嗓音奇特,音域可达4个8度。

76 、Immediately, she told her husband, told OW Tong Bao Ah Duo... she even told her son little Bao Now the insulating process could begin!───四大娘立刻告诉了丈夫,告诉了老通宝,多多头,也告诉了她的儿子小宝。

77 、The duo that brought us molded plywood in every shape and form is aped left and right by today’s designers.───带给我们不同形状和格式的软铸胶合板的作品被现在的设计者模仿到处模仿。

78 、At night, she took the five sets to bed with her.Her husband was routed out, and had to share Ah Duo's bed.───夜间,她抱着那五张“布子”到被窝里,把阿四赶去和多多头做一床。

79 、We're like the we're like the dynamic duo.─── 我们简直是 活力二人组

80 、Scoot over Indiana Jones, make room for this adventuresome duo in the riveting sequel.───在这次极具吸引力的探险中,印地安娜腾琼会给这对喜爱冒险的组合腾出房间。

81 、What disturbed him particularly was the way Ah Duo and Lotus were always talking and laughing together.───尤其使他不高兴的,是多多也和紧邻的荷花说说笑笑。

82 、Core Duo was released on 5 January 2006, with the other components of the Napa platform.───Core Duo已于2006年1月5日发行,并作为Napa平台的元件之一。

83 、Named Batman and Robin, the dynamic duo will restore the park's predator-prey balance, while helping out some of South Africa's wild game farmers.───它们叫做蝙蝠侠和罗宾,这对活跃的猎豹将恢复公园的捕食者-猎物平衡,同时有助于南非一些荒野狩猎农夫。

84 、NUFC. com, a reliable unofficial Newcastle United site has reported that Newcastle United duo Michael Owen and Shola Ameobi have played in a friendly.───一个非官方的纽卡球迷网报告说纽卡斯尔的两个伤员欧文和阿梅奥比在友谊赛中出场了。

85 、Now available at a much lower price! The trip-hop production duo of Peter Kruder and Richa......───1999年的相关专辑:总记录数:2总页数:1当前页:1首页上一页1下一页末页

86 、Liverpool have announced the signings of Spanish duo Xabi Alonso from Real Sociedad and Luis Garcia from Barcelona.───他们已经同时签下了阿隆索(14号)和路易斯加西亚(10号)两名球员,而路易斯加西亚将成为利物浦新的**,穿上欧文留下的10号球衣。

87 、Yeah, it's a dreadful story about a serialkilling duo.─── 这是个关于连环杀手二人组的恐怖故事

88 、Several temporary groups, such as the duo, Bert and John, also contributed to the development of the genre.───几个临时小组,如二人,伯特和约翰,也有助于发展的体裁。

89 、Township government in duo combined methysergide Tong, 107 kilometers away from the Maqu county.───乡政府驻西麦朵合塘,距玛曲县城107公里。

90 、Sky Sports - Ex-Chels duo Zola and Dechamps will be taking over at the toon instead.───天空体育:前切尔西球员佐拉和德尚,可能会执掌纽卡帅鞭。








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