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06-29 投稿




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名词: flatlander |


1 、Keywords acute respiratory distress syndrome;multiple organ dysfunsion syndrome;diagnostic criteria;stage of score;high altitude;flatland;───急性呼吸窘迫综合征;多器官功能障碍综合征;诊断标准;评分分期;高原;平原;

2 、The research area is mainly located in a delta plain environment including distributary braided channels, natural levees, flood basins, flatland morasses and distributary beaches.───在相分析的基础上,进一步研究了区内沉积微相的平面展布特征及其演化规律,认为区内山1期为近海湖泊辫状河三角洲,到山2期以后演化为内陆湖泊三角洲。

3 、Government bonds. $1 6,000 a mile for flatlands graded and tracked.─── 在平地上铺设1英里就有1万6千块钱进帐

4 、Diversity of Surface Engineering Design of Oilfield in Flatland and Mountainous Area───平原与山区油田地面工程设计的不同特点

5 、Maryland's eastern Shore was a world of marshes and mudflats,of wide fields with row crops straight as soldiers.It was flatland rivers with sharp shoulders,and secrat tidal creeks where the heron fed.───马里兰的东岸原是沼泽和淤泥滩的世界.广阔的田野上作物如士兵般整齐的排列着.在平原湍急的河流肩岸上,在潮汐隐秘的溪流边曾经遍布苍鹭的巢穴.

6 、There are much more species of small mammals and fleas in the mountainous areas than in the flatland areas.───结果表明,山区蚤及小兽宿主的种数明显多于坝区。

7 、Many are the enactments made at different times in the different States of Flatland, in order to minimize this peril;───为了将这种危险降低到最小程度,平面国在不同时期和不同州(国家),制定了很多法规;

8 、From the flatland at its base, the golden summit rises 3,060 meters into the sky.There are a total of 48 twists in the path to the top,which is 30 kilometers of weary trudge,taking two days or more.───由平地攀登峰巅的金顶,高达三千零六十公尺,经过四十八盘,山径绵延六十里,需要两天多时间才能到达。

9 、Dentification of Seismic Abnormality of Karat Cave-cleft System in Maokou Formation of Heaven Flatland Area───天堂坝地区茅口组岩溶缝洞体储层地震异常识别

10 、Later on, we studied alongside the flatland people, but because we were of the Bunun tribe (aboriginal) they looked down on us.───后来我们跟平地人混在一起念书,但是他们看我们是布农人(原住民),所以都瞧不起我们

11 、It indicates that there is quite different when building a plant in mountain land and in flatland.───指出在山地建厂与平坦地建厂有诸多的不同。

12 、Naxi people,whose population is about 10000 ,live on the flatland surrounded by mountains.They live on agriculture and aquaculture.───坝区主要为纳西族人民居住,约一万人,主要依靠农业和水产业为生。

13 、Keywords acute respiratory distress syndrome;multiple organ dysfunction syndrome;score criterion;diagnostic criterion;flatland;high altitude;───关键词急性呼吸窘迫综合征;多器官功能障碍综合征;评分标准;诊断标准;平原;高原;

14 、And how perfect a proof of the natural fitness and, I may almost say, the divine origin of the aristocratic constitution of the States in Flatland!───这真是自然界合理性的最完美证据,甚至可以说是平面国国家贵族政治国体的神圣起源的完美证据!


16 、The greatest length or breadth of a full grown inhabitant of Flatland may be estimated at about eleven of your inches. Twelve inches may be regarded as a maximum.───按照你们的计量单位,平面国的成年居民最高、或者说最长可长到11英寸。通常认为12英寸是最大极限。

17 、Beijing is a 65-square-mile expanse of flatland surrounded by a desert that is fast encroaching because of massive deforestation.───北京是一大片占地65平方哩的平地,周遭被沙漠包围,并因大量滥伐正快速侵蚀。

18 、Study and application on land desertification of the western flatland of Hebei province using satellite remote sensing technique───卫星遥感技术在河北坝上土地沙化调查中的研究应用

19 、Then when we arrived, it was, uh, still desert scrubs and flatlands.─── 接着我們到了 那兒依舊是沙漠灌叢和平地

20 、Add to this the power of making herself practically invisible at will, and you will perceive that a Female, in Flatland, is a creature by no means to be trifled with.───再加上,她们有能力随意的使自己让别人几乎看不见,你会意识到平面国的女性是一种决不能被嘲弄的生物。

21 、The fruit of one branch of the tree of Duchamp, Warhol is the consummate artist of flatland.───他是杜尚的旁枝结成的果,也是平板世界中达到极致的艺术家。

22 、An Exploration of the Developing Trend of the Management System in the Agricultural Area of the Flatland───平原农区经营体制发展趋势探索

23 、In the north of the long and narrow flatland between Canshan Mountains and Erhai, Xizhou Village lies in Daili Autonomous Prefecture of Bai Nationality, northwest of Yunan Province.───喜洲村位于云南省西北部的大理白族自治州,苍山与洱海之间狭长的平坝地带北端。

24 、Due to the restrain of the steep terrain, the construction expenditure of highway in mountainous areas is far more costly than that in the flatland.───由于地形受限,导致了山区高速公路的工程造价远远高于平原区高速公路。

25 、The comparison of water balance in millet fields between terrace and flatland under dryland farming on the loess hill-gully region───旱作条件下川地与梯田谷子水量平衡过程的比较

26 、It is warm in winter and cool in summer,suitable for Dai people living hot flatland.───分上下两层,房屋冬暖夏凉,适宜热坝傣家人生活。

27 、Tuzhangfang earthen house is earthenly built wooden-structured house from the ground with two stories. It is warm in winter and cool in summer, suitable for Dai people living hot flatland.───错落有秩的土掌房是一种平地起建的黏土木结构房屋。分上下两层,房屋冬暖夏凉,适宜热坝傣家人生活。

28 、a broad expanse of fertile flatland───广衍沃野

29 、From the flatland at its base, the golden summit rises 3,060 meters into the sky.───山巅气候寒冷,纵然六月炎夏,还得穿着棉衣,引火取暖。

30 、Bazi or flatland───坝子

31 、Yi People in Flatland───平坝彝族

32 、I don't like flatland, but I like his striking representation of it.───我不喜欢平板世界,但我喜欢他对平板世界的惊人描绘。

33 、The results show that the district with higher frequency of hail disaster is basically matched with upper zone and western part of flatland and also the complex mountainous area in this region.───结果显示:受灾频率较大的地区基本与本区的坝头地带、坝上西部及复杂山地配合;

34 、Tuzhangfang earthen house is earthenly built wooden-structured house from the ground with two stories. It is warm in winter and cool in summer,suitable for Dai people living hot flatland.───是一种平地起建的黏土木结构房屋。分上下两层,房屋冬暖夏凉,适宜热坝傣家人生活。

35 、Well, that is just what we see when one of our triangular or other acquaintances comes toward us in Flatland.───那么,这就是当我们在平面国,遇到一个三角形先生或者其他的熟人朝我们走来时,所能看到的一切。

36 、But here, perhaps, some of my younger Readers may ask HOW a woman in Flatland can make herself invisible.───但是,可能我的年轻读者中会有人问:平面国的妇女是怎么使她们自己变得看不见的。

37 、I call our world Flatland, not because we call it so, but to make its nature clearer to you, my happy readers, who are privileged to live in Space.───我之所以称我们的世界为平面国,不是因为我们就是这么称呼它的,而是为了更清晰地向你们描述它的自然状态,我的朋友们,你们多么幸福,可以生活在三维空间。

38 、and if your eye were quite on the level of the table (and that is how we see him in Flatland) you would see nothing but a straight line.───图案3:如果你的眼睛完全贴到桌面上(在平面国,我们就是从这个角度看他的),那么,除了一条直线,你就什么也看不到了。

39 、From the flatland, driving to the general needs of five hours.───从北京驾车到坝上一般需要5个小时。

40 、Uterine artery diameter and flow velocity,S/D value and resistant index (RI)in the pregnant and nonpregnant subjects in plateau wee measured with color Doppler flow imaging system and compared with those measured in flatland.───方法 :应用彩色多普勒超声诊断仪测定妊娠期和非妊娠期子宫动脉内径、收缩期峰值与舒张末期血流速度 (S/ D)比值和阻力指数 (ri) ,并与平原地区进行了对比。

41 、Comparative Study on Uterine and Umbilical Artery Blood Flow During Pregnancy at Plateau and Flatland───高原地区和平原地区妊娠子宫动脉、胎儿脐动脉血流变化的对比研究

42 、So that, all of the landscape elements can display themselves ecological function as well as the overall ecological function, to form the health and stable loess flatland human settlements.───使人居环境建设结合土地景观生态功能和景观格局,以形成健康稳定的黄土台塬型人居环境。

43 、Forty-five years f expericence in design ,inspection,consultation and supervision of Large-scale and medium culverts ,sluice gates ,bridges,dams and lock gates on flatland as well as irrigation and water conservancy.───四十五年从事平原地区大中型涵、闸、桥、南和船闸工程和农田水落石出利规划设计、审查、咨询、监理工作。

44 、Agricultural area of flatland───平原农区

45 、Keywords MODS;diagnostic criteria;flatland;high altitude;───评分分级;诊断标准;平原与高原;

46 、The flatland was not there. The trees were not there. The grassland was not there.───平地不再有;树木不再有;草地不再有。


墺 拼音:[ào] 字义:

1.可居住的地方。 详细字义 〈名〉 1. (形声,从土,奥声。本义:可以定居的地方)

2. 同本义 [ecumene] 墺,四方土可居也。——《说文》 四奥既宅。——《汉书·地理志》

3. 浙江、福建等沿海一带称山间平地(多用于地名) [intermontane flatland] 惟独肯嫁进深山野墺里去的女人少,所以她就到手了八十千。——鲁迅《祝福》

东京文化旅游景点介绍英文版 东京著名景点英文介绍



Arashiyama (岚山 ?) is a district on the western outskirts of Kyoto, Japan. It also refers to the mountain across the _i River, which forms a backdrop to the district.

Notable tourist sites in Arashiyama include

The Iwatayama Monkey Park on the slopes of Mount Arashiyama. Over 170 monkeys live at the park. While the monkeys are wild, they have become accustomed to humans. The park is located on a small mountain not far from the Saga-Arashiyama rail station. Visitors can approach and photograph the monkeys. At the summit is a fenced enclosure, from within which visitors can feed the monkeys.

The romantic "Moon Crossing Bridge" (渡月桥,Togetsukyō), notable for its views of cherry blossoms and autumn colors on the slopes of Mt Arashiyama.

The tombstone of the Heike courtesan Kogo of Sagano.

Tenryū-ji, the main temple of the Rinzai school, one of the two main sects of Zen Buddhism in Japan.

The hamlet of Kiyotaki, a small scenic village at the base of Mt Atago, the home to a notable Shinto shrine.

Matsuo Shrine, half a mile south of the area, which is home to a blessed spring. It is also one of the oldest shrines in the Kyoto area, founded in 700. The alleged restorative properties of the spring bring many local sake and miso companies to the shrine for prayers that their product will be blessed.

Kameyama koen has a stone commemorating Zhou Enlai's visited to Arashiyama. He was moved by the cherry blossoms and mountain greenery. The four poems Zhou Enlai wrote about his visit are engraved on a stone monument: "Arashiyama in the Rain."

Nijō Castle(二条城)

Nijō Castle (二条城 ,Nijō-jō?) is a flatland castle located in Kyoto, Japan. The castle consists of two concentric rings of fortifications, the Ninomaru Palace, the ruins of the Honmaru Palace, various support buildings and several gardens. The surface area of the castle is 275,000 square meters, of which 8000 square meters is occupied by buildings.


Present plan of Nijō Castle (click for detailed view)In 1601, Tokugawa Ieyasu, the founder of the Tokugawa Shogunate, ordered all the feudal lords in Western Japan to contribute to the construction of Nijō Castle, which was completed during the reign of Tokugawa Iemitsu in 1626. Parts of Fushimi Castle, such as the main tower and the Kara Gate, were moved here in 1625-26.[1] It was built as the Kyoto residence of the Tokugawa Shoguns. The Tokugawa Shogunate used Edo as the capital city, but Kyoto continued to be the home of the Imperial Court. Kyoto Imperial Palace is located north-east of Nijo Castle.

The central keep, or donjon, was struck by lightning and burned to the ground in 1791.

In 1788, the Inner Palace was destroyed by a city-wide fire. The site remained empty until it was replaced by a prince's residence transferred from the Kyoto Imperial Palace in 1893.

In 1867, the Ninomaru Palace was the stage for the declaration by Tokugawa Yoshinobu, returning the authority to the Imperial Court. Next year the Imperial Cabinet was installed in the castle. The palace became imperial property and was declared a detached palace. During this time, the Tokugawa hollyhock crest was removed wherever possible and replaced with the imperial chrysanthemum.

In 1939, the palace was donated to the city of Kyoto and opened to the public the following year.


Ryōan-ji (Shinjitai: _安寺, Kyūjitai: 龙安寺 ?, The Temple of the Peaceful Dragon) is a Zen temple located in northwest Kyoto, Japan. Belonging to the Myoshin-ji school of the Rinzai branch of Zen Buddhism, the temple is one of the Historic Monuments of Ancient Kyoto, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The site of the temple was originally a Fujiwara family estate. It eventually came into the hands of the Hosokawa clan branch of the Fujiwaras. Hosokawa Katsumoto inherited the residence, and lived here before the _nin War. Katsumoto willed the war-ravaged property to be converted into a Zen sect temple complex after his death. Later Hosokawa emperors are grouped together in what are today known as the "Seven Imperial Tombs" at Ryoan-ji. The burial places of these emperors -- Uda, Kazan, Ichijō, Go-Suzaku, Go-Reizei, Go-Sanjō, and Horikawa -- would have been comparatively humble in the period after their deaths. These tombs reached their present state as a result of the 19th century restoration of imperial sepulchers (misasagi) which were ordered by Emperor Meiji.[1]

Ryōan-ji's tsukubai (蹲踞 ?), which is a small basin provided at Japanese Buddhist temples for visitors to purify themselves by the ritual washing of hands and rinsing of the mouth.An object of interest near the rear of the monks quarters is the carved stone receptacle into which water for ritual purification continuously flows. This is the Ryōan-ji tsukubai (蹲踞 ?), which translates literally as "crouch;" and the lower elevation of the basin requires the user to bend a little bit to reach the water, which suggests supplication and reverence.[2] The kanji written on the surface of the stone are without significance when read alone. If each is read in combination with 口 (kuchi), which the central bowl is meant to represent, then the characters become 吾, 唯, 足, 知. This is read as "ware tada taru (wo) shiru" and translates literally as "I only know plenty" (吾 = ware = I, 唯 = tada = only, 足 = taru = plenty, 知 = shiru = know). The meaning of the phrase carved into the top of the tsukubai is simply that "what one has is all one needs" and is meant to reinforce the basic anti-materialistic teachings of Buddhism.

The absence of a dipper is intended to imply that the water is for the soul only and that it is necessary to bend the knee in humility in order to receive its blessing.


Kiyomizu-dera (清水寺 ?), full name Otowa-san Kiyomizu-dera (音羽山清水寺 ?) is an independent Buddhist temple in eastern Kyoto. The temple is part of the Historic Monuments of Ancient Kyoto (Kyoto, Uji and Otsu Cities) UNESCO World Heritage site.[1] Not one nail is used in the whole temple. The temple should not be confused with Kiyomizu-dera in Yasugi, Shimane, which is part of the 33-temple route of the Chūgoku 33 Kannon Pilgrimage through western Japan.[2]

其实这些都是维基百科找来的,本来想给链接的,百度说我有**,只贴了部分,其他的可用google 维基百科英文版找,包括景点介绍,历史什么的很全的。

日本又哪些景点 (中英文互译的)

























1,富士山( Mount Fuji)


2,东京塔(Tokyo Tower)


3,阿苏山(ASU mountain)


4,唐招提寺(Tōshōdai Temple)

唐招提寺,日本佛教律宗建筑群。简称为招提寺 。在日本奈良市西京五条。由中国唐朝鉴真主持,于公元759年建成,与东大寺的戒坛院并为传布和研究律学的两大道场。

5,鹿苑寺(Deer temple)









Tokyo is the capital of Japan.It is the biggest city in Asia and it is also very beatiful.You can see the beatiful mountain in Tokyo.There is snow on it and it looks very nice.I hope on day I can go there.

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