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06-29 投稿




英:['fɑ:sn]  美:[?f?s?n]

英:  美:


vi.固定, 系紧, 抓紧

vt.拴紧, 使固定, 系, 强加于


动词第三人称单数: fastens | 动词过去分词: fastened | 名词: fastener | 动词过去式: fastened | 动词现在分词: fastening |


fasten down

1. 扣住; 扎紧

Have you fastened down the windows?



lace | close | cinch | cord | chain | clasp | seal | bond | hitch | tie up | zip up | stick | tighten | tie | hinge | knit | cement | screw | fix | clinch | moor | grip | do up | tack | clamp | clip | tether | hook | strap | wire | glue | shut | nail | anchor | staple | buckle | zip | tape | button | solder | connect | pin | affix | secure | join | bind | attach | rope | button up | lock


loosen | unfasten


fasten oneself on
fasten on
-抓住, 握紧; 盯住; 纠缠不放; 一口咬定; 注意
fasten down
-(把箱盖等)钉上; 盖紧; 确定
fasten oneself upon
fasten off
-打个结; 缝牢
fasten upon
-抓住, 握紧; 盯住; 纠缠不放; 一口咬定; 注意
fasten up
-拴紧; 捆; 钉牢; 关紧; 锁牢
fasten in
-关进; 装进


1 、How do you fasten your shoes? buckles? laces? etc.───你的鞋子是用什么方式系好的?带扣?鞋带?

2 、Keep still while I fasten your shoe.───别动,我给你系鞋带。

3 、Fasten the buckles and pull the straps tight around your waist.───将带子扣好、系紧。

4 、Sit well back or you won't be able to fasten your seat belt.───尽量往后坐,否则你就无法缚上安全带。

5 、Fasten towing line on your bitts.───6将拖缆系在你的缆桩上。

6 、Fasten your seatbelt before you drive on the way.───开车上路之前,要先系上安全带。

7 、If you would fasten your seatbelts, we'll be leaving any moment.─── 请各位系紧安全带 我们马上出发

8 、Fasten them to what we talked about.─── 把它们固定在我们说好的地方

9 、It's to be fastened to yer coat or hat.─── 把它别在你的外套或帽子上

10 、To fasten trademark or foam.───商标或泡沫的固定。

11 、We shall be landing shortly. Please fasten your seatbelts.───我们很快就要着陆,请您系好安全带。

12 、We bought some tacks to fasten the small picture to the wall.───我买了一些大头针把小图片固定在墙上。

13 、Remember to fasten all the windows up while you go on vacation.───你出去度假时记住把所有的窗户都关好。

14 、Please fasten your seat belt for your own safety.───为了你自身的安全,请不要在飞机上抽烟。

15 、The air conditions are uncertain.Please fasten your seat belt.───大气状况不稳定,请系好安全带。

16 、Would you please fasten your safety belt,sir?───先生,请系好安全带。

17 、You fasten the washing to a line with a peg.───你把洗的衣物用一个衣夹夹在绳子上。

18 、There is no need to fasten a bell to a fool.───不需要给傻瓜系铃铛。

19 、Fasten your seat belts when you drive!───你开车的时候,要系紧安全带!

20 、Don't try and fasten the blame on me.───别想把过错推到我头上。

21 、Second, fasten a key to the end of the long string.───其次,把钥匙固定在那根长细绳的末端。

22 、Can you fasten the lid on(upon)this box?───你能把这个盖子安在这个盒子上吗?

23 、Fasten a quarrel on [upon] sb.───对某人寻衅,向某人找碴儿吵闹

24 、To fasten trademark, weighing pan, FPC.───商标、称盘、FPC的固定。

25 、Your strap is too loose, just fasten it.───你的皮带松了,把它扣紧。

26 、Remember to fasten your seat belts when you get in the car.───坐车时,记住要系上安全带。

27 、To fasten or decorate(hair) with a band or ribbon.───加边用带子或丝带系上或装饰(头发)

28 、They're trying to fasten the blame on others.───他们想嫁祸於人.

29 、To fasten with or as if with a clip;hold tightly.───夹牢,夹紧用或好象用夹子固定;紧紧抓住

30 、To fasten from above with no support from below; suspend.───悬吊固定在上面,下面没有支撑;使悬浮

31 、Why do you always fasten on me to do/for the unpleasant job?───你为什么总是找我去干这令人讨厌的差事?

32 、He insisted that she fasten her safety belt.───他一定要她系好安全带。

33 、Fasten the organize of overseas professional clients.───加强海内外专业客户的组织。

34 、Sir, please fasten your seat belt.───先生,请系好你的安全带。

35 、For your own safety,please fasten your seat belts.───安全起见,请系紧安全带。

36 、You must turn the lid clockwise if you want to fasten it tightly.───你按顺时针方向旋转才能拧紧盖子。

37 、Can you fasten her down to a date?───你能使她确定一个日期吗?

38 、For your own safety,please fasten the seatbelt.───为了您自身的安全,请系好安全带。

39 、Why you fasten such a nickname on me?───你为什么把这个外号加在我身上?

40 、Can you fasten him down to a date?───你能使他确定一个日期吗?

41 、Why do you fasten this nickname on me?───你们为什么硬给我起这个绰号?

42 、To supply or fasten with a cable or cables.───固定系牢用一根或多根缆绳系住或系紧

43 、The air conditions are uncertain.Please fasten your seat belts.───天气状况不稳定,请系牢您的安全带。

44 、He had nothing concrete to fasten it upon.───他抓不到什么具体的证据。

45 、Why fasten on me? It's not my fault.───为什么揪住我?又不是我的错。

46 、A ribbon or band used to fasten the hair.───发带系头发用的丝带或带子

47 、Turn the lid clockwise if you want to fasten it tightly.───如果你想把盖子旋紧,就按顺时针方向拧。

48 、Please return to your seats and fasten your seatbelts.─── 请回到座位上并系好安全带

49 、Do not fasten the responsibility on him .───不要把责任推到他身上。

50 、A: You'd better fasten your belt; it is time to take off.───你最好系好安全带,该起飞了。

51 、It's to fasten her swaddling and adorn her as she grows.─── 这个可以用来系她的襁褓 长大了给她做饰品

52 、When you sew up to this end, fasten off the thread.───当你缝到这头时, 把线打个结。

53 、Help them fasten their safety belts?───帮你们系好安全带?

54 、Draw yarn through all sts. Fasten off.───将线穿过所有的针,拉紧结束。

55 、We'd better fasten our seat belts.───我们最好系上安全带。

56 、Please remain seated with your seat belts fastened until we reach the gate, and the captain has turned off the fasten seat belt sign.─── 请待在座位上 不要解开安全带 直到飞机停稳 机长关闭系紧安全带指示灯

57 、You should fasten your seat belt while you are driving.───你开车的时候应该要系上安全带。

58 、You forgot to fasten the collar buttons.───你忘了系鞋带。

59 、To fasten, grip, or support with or as if with a clamp.───以钳子转紧用钳子或类似于用钳子来固定、抓紧或支持

60 、Could you help me fasten safety belts?───你可以帮我系好安全带么?

61 、Perhaps you could fasten something to his mouth.─── 或许你可以用什么东西堵住他的嘴

62 、Why do you fasten such a nickname on her?───你为什么给她取这样一个绰号?

63 、Can you fasten her down to a firm date?───你能让她们决定确切的日期吗?

64 、You should fasten your seat belt while you're driving.───努力用功,否则你会后悔。

65 、She tried to fasten the blame on others.───她试图把罪过扣牢在他人身上。

66 、We shall be landing shortly, please fasten your seatbelts.───我们很快就要着陆,请您系好安全带。

67 、The captain has turned on the fasten seatbelt sign.─── 机长已将安全带指示灯开启

68 、Pins are used to fasten things together.───大头针被用以把东西钉在一起。

69 、To fasten(a curved plate) to the cylinder of a rotary press.───将曲线版系于滚筒把(曲线版)固定到。

70 、They fasten with a drawstring.───它们是用拉绳系紧的。

71 、It is advisable that you fasten on the opportunity.───你抓住这个机会是明智的。

72 、My uncle reminds me to fasten my seatbelt.───叔叔提醒我要系好安全带。

73 、Can you fasten him down to a firm date?───你能让他订下一个确定的日子吗?

74 、Could you help us fasten safety belts?───你可以帮我系好安全带么?

75 、It is wrong of you to fasten the blame on him.───你把过错推到他头上是不对的。

76 、Fasten this obtrusive instrument on each side.─── 把这个扎眼的仪器固定在两侧

77 、Every one fasten where there is gain.───利之所在,人人争先。

78 、Get in your seat, fasten your seat belt.─── 回到座位上 系紧安全带

79 、Fasten your seat belt while you're driving.───开车时系好安全带。

80 、Don't forget to fasten up the bolt.───不要忘记上**销。

81 、To fasten(a curved plate)to the cylinder of a rotary press.───将曲线版系于滚筒把(曲线版)固定到轮转印刷机的滚筒上

82 、Run ribbon through holes and fasten it off at the wrist with a neat bow.───将丝带穿过那个孔在手腕处打一个蝴蝶结。

83 、Could you help me fasten the strap around my suitcase?───你能帮我把手提箱的箱带绑紧吗?

84 、Do not fasten off the bottom wire.───不要固定底部的电线。

85 、Don't forget to fasten your seat belt.───别忘了系好安全带。

86 、To fasten, join, or encircle with loops or a loop.───以环固定用一个或几个环拴牢、系紧或环绕

87 、Good for eyesight fasten what Dai Ye goes!───如果视力很好,带**眼镜可以么?

88 、He had to fasten it upon something.───他好歹总得去找个原因吧。

89 、Be sure to fasten the seat belt, or you are bound to be fined.───一定要把你的安全带系上,否则肯定是要被罚款的。

90 、You will have to fasten the lid down with nails.───你必须用钉子把盖子钉牢。

请系好安全带 用英语怎么说


1.Please fasten your seatbelt


2.Fasten your seat belt.


3.Fasten your seat belt, please


4.Remember– always fasten your seat belt.


学英语,首选口碑极佳的 洛 基 英 语!

请系好安全带 用英语怎么说


Please fasten the safety belt.

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