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06-29 投稿




英:[?ɑ:gjum?nt]  美:[?ɑrɡj?m?nt]

英:  美:


n.辩论, 论点, 论据, 争论, 理由, (函数)自变量


名词: argufier | 动词第三人称单数: argufies | 动词过去式: argufied | 动词过去分词: argufied | 动词现在分词: argufying |


fall into an argument with
get into an argument with
drive a point home
-把论点讲透彻, 阐明观点
drive an argument home
-把论点讲透彻, 阐明观点
baculine argument
-[谑]用鞭挞来说服的办法, 棍棒法律
clinch an argument
-作出最后的结论; 使争论获得完全解决
knock-down argument
-使人无法反驳的论据; 压倒性的理由
put forward an argument
be engaged in an argument with sb.
stock argument
-常见的论点, 老一套的论点
clinch the argument
-作出最后的结论; 使争论获得完全解决
ram an argument home


valid argument
simple fan-in argument
academic(al) argument
imaginary argument
zero argument
-宗标零值, 零宗数[标]
physical argument
theoretical argument
locator argument
argument of polar coordinates
economic argument
dummy argument
-哑变量, 假变元, 空变量
legal argument
analytical argument
argument of latitude
actual argument
constructive argument
argument of a complex number
argument of a function
argument of perigee
argument of vector
complex argument
formal argument


1 、The argument woke old rivalries.───争论又激起了旧怨。

2 、He reinforced his argument with many facts.───他用很多事实进一步证实了他的论点。

3 、The argument turned into a fight when knives were produced.───一亮出刀来,那场争论就演变成武斗了。

4 、His argument for the problem was almost flawless.───他对这个问题的论证几乎是天衣无缝的。

5 、His knowledge of the subject is the strength of his argument.───他对这门学科的知识是他的论据的有力后盾。

6 、He sided with his brother in the argument.───他在辩论中站在他兄弟这边。

7 、Your argument seemed not very persuasive.───你的论据不太有说服力。

8 、The argument ended in a punch-up.───争论到最後双方大打出手。

9 、We're having an argument just call it an argument.─── 我们是在争吵 说「争吵」就可以了

10 、Your argument just won't stand up (to close scrutiny).───你的论点经不起(仔细)推敲。

11 、He won the argument by sophistry.───他靠诡辩赢了那场争论。

12 、The argument ended in tears.───争吵到最後声泪俱下。

13 、They blundered into an argument.───他们错误地卷进了一场争论。

14 、Well, I do that too; try and make each person's argument in the courtroom ahead of time so I can make the counter argument.─── 我也会 我们要在法庭上尽力驳回每个人的观点 提前准备好反驳论点

15 、Let's get to the core of the argument.───咱们进入实质性的辩论吧。

16 、He loves juggling with language, so much so that one often loses the thread of his argument.───他喜欢在语言上玩花样,弄得人家连他的论点也抓不住。

17 、Your argument is too weak to convince me.───你的论点太薄弱了,说服不了我。

18 、His strong argument fetched his opponents round.───他充足的论据使他的论敌信服了。

19 、They're not knockdown arguments, but moral philosophy can't offer knockdown arguments, but considerations, of the kinds that we've been discussing and arguing about all along.─── 它们不是无法反驳的论据 *学无法提供不能被反驳的论证 只能提供思考 就是我们 一直以来探究和讨论过的那些

20 、In the heat of the argument we mustn't lose sight of our main purpose.───在辩论得激烈的时候,我们不应忘掉我们的主要目的。

21 、We wore down their opposition after several hours' argument.───争辩了几个小时之後我们削弱了他们的异议。

22 、They shook hands after their argument and parted as friends.───他们争论之後像朋友一样握手而别。

23 、The couple had a heck of an argument and kept us awake all night.───两口子争得够呛,弄得咱们一晚上没眨眼皮。

24 、Nothing can abate the force of that argument.───什么也不能减弱那场辩论的影响力。

25 、The truth of his argument reposes on his honesty.───他的论点的真实性是建立在他本人的诚实之上的。

26 、The two ministers disagreed about how to deal with unemployment and so the stage was set for a bitter argument within the Government.───两位部长就如何处理失业问题产生分歧,这样便导致了政府内部更激烈的争论。

27 、There's no logic in his argument.───他的论据不合逻辑。

28 、He banged his fist on the table to emphasize his argument.───他用拳头敲着桌子为自己的辩驳助威。

29 、He can't understand a general argument, he always asks nitpicking little questions.───他不能理解总的论点,总是问一些无关紧要的枝节问题。

30 、The interruption fragmented his argument.───他的辩论因被打断而显得不完整。

31 、And then we considered an objection to the diversity argument which after all is an argument in the name of the social mission, the common good.─── 接着我们讨论了一个 对多元论的反驳观点 该观点认为多元论 归根结底是以社会目标和公共利益为基础的理论

32 、They were having a fierce argument and I thought they might hit each other.───他们正在恶狠狠地争吵,我想他们可能要打架了。

33 、What he said was the signal for the argument.───他的那番话引起了这场争论。

34 、Karl made his usual comment about women being poor drivers, but I decided to let it pass rather than get into an argument about it.───卡尔又像往常一样说女人不善于开车,但我不想与他争论,因此随他说了。

35 、I'm not having this argument with you again.─── 我不想再跟你聊这种问题了

36 、It took her a long time to cool down after the argument.───争论过后好久,她才得以平静下来。

37 、Their argument put a bit of a damper on the party.───他们的争论使聚会颇为扫兴。

38 、He only adverted to the main points of my argument.───他只提到我议论的要点。

39 、You can easily refute his argument.───你可以很容易驳倒他的论据。

40 、His forceful argument soon made the opposing speaker step down.───他有力的论点很快就使对方的发言者认输了。

41 、His arrival set the scene for another argument.───他一来就要另有一场争论了。

42 、You can find Adam siding with John in any argument.───在任何一次辩论中,你都可以发现亚当是站在约翰一边的。

43 、Your argument has a fatal flaw.───你的论点有一个致命的错误。

44 、Can you spot the flaw in their argument?───你能指出他们论点中的谬误吗?

45 、He made an interminable argument.───他无休止地争论。

46 、They showed some statistical evidence to support their argument.───他们出示了一些统计数字来支持他们的论点。

47 、In the heat of the argument I lost my self-control.───在激烈的争论中,我失去了自制力。

48 、He lost the thread of his argument.───他失去了议论的条理。

49 、He predicates his argument on the facts.───他的论据以事实为基础

50 、Joe got the worst of the argument with Molly.───乔在与莫利的辩论中失利。

51 、He enforced his argument by adding details.───他通过增加细节来强调他的论点。

52 、One argument is the official argument, what would be chosen behind the veil of ignorance.─── 其中一个是官方论点 关于无知之幕背后会做出何种选择

53 、An argument was inevitable because they disliked each other so much.───争论是不可避免的,因为他们彼此非常厌恶。

54 、Any good speaker should be able to reinforce his argument with facts.───一个好的演讲者会用事实来加强他论点。

55 、Annika, in respect of you, I understand your argument, but I don't think that it's a sane argument.─── 安妮卡 出于对你的尊重 我理解你说的话 但我觉得这没道理

56 、A fallacious or illogical argument or conclusion.───不合逻辑的推论,谬论错误的或不合逻辑的观点或结论

57 、The argument boiled over into open war.───争论演变成了公开的论战。

58 、He buttressed up the argument with lots of solid facts.───他以大量确凿的事实支持这个论点。

59 、A disorderly fight, argument, or competition in which everyone present takes part.───可自由参加的争论,比赛每一位席者都可参加一场混乱的打斗、争论或竞赛

60 、The argument rumbled on for three hours.───争论闹嚷嚷地进行了三个小时。

61 、He can not understand the gist of their argument.───他不明白他们争论的要点。

62 、It was easy to pick holes in his argument.───在他的论据里不难找到漏洞。

63 、The two of them sided against me in the argument.───在争论中,他们俩跟反对我的人站在一边。

64 、He is not persuaded by our argument.───他没有被我们的论点所说服。

65 、His argument does not make sense.───他的争论没有意义。

66 、They are having a theological argument.───他们正争论神学上的问题。

67 、There are holes in his argument.───他的论点有欠缺。

68 、This non sequitur invalidates his argument.───他不根据前提推理因而论证无效。

69 、He scored a bull's-eye in their argument with that witty retort.───在他们的辩论中他那一句机智的反驳击中了要害。

70 、His last argument was a diversion to make us forget the main point.───他最後的论点是在声东击西,想让我们忘掉要点。

71 、I've no argument with you, only with him.─── 我跟你们没有矛盾 只是跟他

72 、He exited quickly after the argument.───争论完了后他很快地走了。

73 、The essence of his argument is that capitalism cannot succeed.───他的论点的核心是资本主义不能成功。

74 、He quickly seized on a flaw in his opponent's argument.───他很快地抓住了对方论据中的一个漏洞。

75 、Can you give some examples to support your argument?───你能举几个例子来证实你的论点吗?

76 、His argument led us away from the topic.───他的论点使我们离开了本题。

77 、But backing up the argument from the original position is the second argument.─── 但是从原始状态支持这个原则的 是第二个论点

78 、The premises of an inductive argument do not entail the truth of the arguments conclusion.─── 归纳论点的前提不包含 论点结论的真实性

79 、A drunk tried to start and argument with Mark, but a few well chosen words soon took the fight out of him.───一个醉汉试图同马克展开辨论,但马克几句措词恰当的话就很快把他说服了。

80 、Is argument begs the point in dispute.───他的论证规避争论点。

81 、The argument frayed their nerves.───争辩使他们不快。

82 、His style of argument in meetings is not so much aggressive as pertinacious.───他在会议上的辩论态度并非锋芒逼人而是坚持己见。

83 、He went over line after line of wise argument.───他浏览了一行行高明的论证。

84 、You've completely missed the point of his argument.───你完全没有领会他的论点。

85 、The argument among the two parties was blown up by the press.───双方的争论被新闻界夸大了。

86 、You might as well advise me to give up my fortune as my argument.───你劝我停止辩论,倒不如劝我抛弃一切财产。

87 、Your argument was clear to us from the start there's no need to labour the point.───你的论点一开头我们就清楚了--没必要一再重复。

88 、Further argument was profitless.───再争论下去没什么意义。

89 、They won the argument by sheer weight of numbers.───他们纯靠人多势众在争论中获胜。

90 、Have you any statistics that would enforce your argument?───你有任何统计资料可以加强你的论点吗?




还有就是arguments对象存储的是实际 传递给函数的参数,而不局限于函数声明所定义的参数列表,而且不能显式创建 arguments 对象。在JavaScript中,arguments是对象的一个特殊属性。arguments对象就像数组,但是它却不是数组。




argument 和explanation的区别












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