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06-29 投稿




英:[?r??t?]  美:[?r??t?]

英:  美:


n. 路透社(英国)


1 、A Comparative Study on Isozymes of the Genus Adelphocoris Reuter───苜蓿盲蝽属10种昆虫同工酶的比较研究

2 、Reuter quotes French senior official's words: Sa Keqi the trip of primary missions to repair the relations with Beijing.───路透社援引一位法国高官的话:“萨科齐此行主要任务为和北京修复关系。”

3 、Reuter on 16th quoted Raymond's words saying:“this is not completely real.───路透社16日援引雷蒙德的话说:“这完全不是真实的。

4 、LONDON, OCT.20 (Reuter via Xinhua) - London Markets closed mixed on profit taking after a higher opening in fairly active trading, it was announced here.───此间人士称,伦敦股市开市时股价上扬,交易相当活跃。由于一些持股者获利后抛股,因此收盘时有涨有跌。

5 、This laboratory study was made of foraging time allocation by Cyrt- orhinus lividipennis (Reuter) adults to rice plants containing different densities of their prey (Nilaparvata lugens Stal).───在人工气候室内黑肩绿盲蝽Cyrtorhinous lividipennis(Reuter)褐对飞虱Nilaparvata lugens Stal高密度小区表现出明显的聚集反应。

6 、The first half final 48 seconds, the United Arab Republic succeeds snatches breaks Pu Reuter's passing a ball, afterward he receives Harris to pass a ball once again, throws goes well.───上半场最后48秒,阿联成功抢断普罗伊特的传球,之后他再度接到哈里斯传球,中投得手。

7 、Reuter's report said that the Asian-European country leader believed that they can defeat this for 70 year most serious whole world financial crisis finally.───路透社的报道说,亚欧国家**相信,他们最终能够战胜这场70年来最严重的全球金融危机。

8 、Reuter cited the news public figure's words name yesterday, US Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and Ministry of Finance is studying the plan which an item avoided stopping redeems.───昨日路透社援引消息人士的话称,美国联邦存款保险公司(FDIC)和财政部正在研究一项避免止赎的方案。

9 、LONDON, OCT.20( Reuter via Xinhua)- London Markets closed mixed on profit taking after a higher opening in fairly active trading, it was announced here.───[新华社转引路透社伦敦10月20日电]间人士称,伦敦股市开市时股价上扬,交易相当活跃。由于一些持股者获利后抛股,因此收盘时有涨有跌。

10 、Reuter foundation's news and communications service for the emergency relief community.───路透基金会为紧急救援社团开设的新闻和通讯服务站。

11 、Adelphocoris Reuter───苜蓿盲蝽属

12 、When pulling Xiao En 17 days to accept Reuter reporter to interview, say: "Agent of loan of a few mortgage is quite immoral, leasehold person entrap leasehold lair.───拉肖恩17日接受路透社记者采访时说:“一些抵押贷款经纪人相当不道德,把借贷人骗入借贷泥潭。”

13 、Reuter's news Agency : Today a person named Hu-jia was standing his trial for the charge of "subverting state power".───路透社记者 :今天有一个叫胡嘉的人正在北京接受审判,他的罪名是“颠覆 国家政权”。

14 、”Reuter said that Morgan passes the plan for to buy the loan sell value 8,000,000,000 US dollars stocks greatly, reduces records property 31,000,000,000 US dollars.───路透社说,摩根大通打算为所购贷款出售价值80亿美元股票,减记资产310亿美元。

15 、The present paper deals with a new species of gunus Stenonabis Reuter from China; Stenonabis jiangxiensis sp, nov. The type species is deposited in the Department of Biology, Nankai University, Tianjing.───本文记述狭姬蝽属(Stenonabis Reute)一新种:江西狭姬蝽,新种Stenonabis jiangxiensis sp.nov. 模 式标本存南开大学生物系,量度单位为mm。

16 、Lu Yi, currently working at Handsome Translation Services, was a veteran translator with HSBC, KPMG and the Reuter's new agency and other professional firms.───陆毅曾长期担任汇丰银行、毕马威会计师事务所和路透社等机构的资深翻译。

17 、German-born British journalist who founded(1848) Reuter's, one of the first international news agencies.───路透,保罗 尤里乌斯 冯1816-1899德裔英国新闻记者,他创建了最早的国际新闻社之一路透社(1848年)

18 、Reuter: So, how's married life these days?───路透社:那麽,最近的婚姻生活怎麽样呢?

19 、Reuter cites Sa Keqi and Baluozuo the agreement which signs in Tbilisi reported that this agreement expounded European Union has prepared to dispatch the observer to the Georgian throughout.───路透社援引萨科齐和巴罗佐在第比利斯签署的协议报道,这一协议阐明欧盟 “已准备好向格鲁吉亚全境派遣观察员”。

20 、Reuter's Information Services───路透社资料服务处

21 、Reuter judges exposition and argumentation, "These people that come from world each district used 3 days to make his the group that has professional level for only " .───路透社评论说,“这些来自世界各地的人们只用了3天就将自己打造成为一个具有专业水准的团队”。

22 、BEIJING, AUG. 19 (Reuter)--The president's visit has turned a new page in relatio between the two countries, ma media here say.───此间新闻界认为,总统此次来访为两国关系揭开了新的一页。

23 、However, reuter says however when the news that reports Bao Lin dies, he is " 20 centuries most suffer respect and most suffer one of scientists that mock " .───然而,路透社在报道鲍林逝世的消息时却说,他是“20世纪最受尊敬和最受嘲弄的科学家之一”。

24 、Karunesh was born in 1956 in Cologne, Germany, as Bruno Reuter.───karunesh于1956出生在德国科隆。

25 、Reuter's News Agency───路透社

26 、Julius Reuter was born a German,but he finally settled in London and became an English man.───朱利叶斯·路透出生在德国,但最后他在伦敦落户,成为了一个英国人。

27 、Reuter reports said that in China's this technical magnificent feat, Zhai Zhigang on 27th became the human who Chinese first carried on spaces walk.───路透社报道称,在中国的这次科技壮举中,翟志刚27日成为中国首个进行太空行走的人。

28 、Dear imposter Kaifulee: U pretended to be me for 3 months. You've been reasonable, but with the Reuter's coverage, had to get my name back.───简单翻译:亲爱地假李开复:你玩了3个月的角色扮演游戏,期间还算老实,但是由于路透社的报道,我必须拿回我的账号了。

29 、reuter's index───[经] 路透(社)商品价格指数

30 、According to Reuter on 23rd reported that “Beijing” designated in August holds Beijing Olympic Games, were the past for 1 year mention number of times most key words in the US television program.───据路透社23日报道,“北京”特指8月举行的北京奥运会,是过去1年来在美国电视节目中提到次数最多的关键词。

31 、”Reuter said the evaluation is: “they really has achieved.───路透说的评语是:“他们真的做到了。”

32 、Reuter's Pekin correspondent telegraphs that an Imperial edict has been issued raising Confucius to the same rank as Heaven and Earth, which are worshipped by the Emperor alone.───路透社北京记者电 :朝廷下旨,将孔子提升至与皇天、后土并列,只受皇帝本人参拜。

33 、Also remains 6 minute 05 second, Jianeite receives Pu Reuter's passing a ball, airborne relay goes well.───还剩6分05秒,加内特接到普罗伊特的传球,空中接力得手。

34 、Reuter and other Western media agencies also report on China's possible menace on the world's forest resources with its drastic rise in timber demand.───路透社和其它西方媒体机构同样作了关于中国由于木材需求迅猛增长而对世界森林资源可能造成威胁的报道。

35 、Reuter: Then, who's in charge at home?───路透社:那麽,在家里是谁当家呢?

36 、Reuter on October 30 said that in current financial crisis, in the people pocket's money has tailed off, no longer is also natural for the school donation.───路透社10月30日说,在当前金融危机中,人们口袋里的钱变少了,给学校捐款也不再大方。

37 、Reuter rs News Agency───英国路透通讯社

38 、Reuter Money Report───路透社金融报告

39 、Julius Reuter was born a German, but he finally settled in London and became an English man.───朱利叶斯。路透出生在德国,但最后他在伦敦落户,成为了一个英国人。

40 、German-born British journalist who founded(1848) Reuter's,one of the first international news agencies.───路透,保罗·尤里乌斯·冯1816-1899德裔英国新闻记者,他创建了最早的国际新闻社之一路透社(1848年)

41 、Michael Bloomberg Oversteps the Reuter───麦考尔·彭博文:带领彭博资讯超越路透

42 、Founder of Reuters Paul Julius Reuter was born on July 21.───1816年7月21日,路透社创办人路透出生。

43 、A Comparative Study on Isozymes of Six Different Geographical Populations of Adelphocoris Reuter───苜蓿盲蝽属6种昆虫不同地理种群同工酶比较研究

44 、1. Queen Victoria talked of Julius Reuter as"the man who usually knows."───维多利亚女王谈论到朱利叶斯路透时称他为“博识之士”。

45 、Stefan Reuter───鲁伊特,德国足球运动员

46 、Reuter rs monitor───路透社监视装置

47 、Reuter said that the Chinese application World Cup has three big superiority.───路透社称,中国申办世界杯有三大优势。

48 、BEIJING, AUG. 19 (Reuter)--The president's visit has turned a new page in relations between the two countries, mass media here say.───此间新闻界认为,总统此次来访为两国关系揭开了新的一页。

49 、Nokia in the third quarter each income 0.29 euro, same time last year were 0.40 euro, was lower than Reuter to investigate the average anticipated 0.31 euro.───诺基亚第三季度每股收益0.29欧元,去年同期为0.40欧元,低于路透调查平均预期的0.31欧元。

50 、According to Reuter's news, the Ukraine government proposed the biggest 14,000,000,000 US dollar urgent financing request, related financing condition both sides further are being consulted.───据路透社的消息,乌克兰政府提出了最大140亿美元的紧急融资要求,有关融资条件双方正在进一步磋商中。

51 、Reuter also enumerated the Liaoning fan to attack Team Shenzhen's event.───路透社还列举了辽宁球迷袭击深圳队的事件。

52 、Reuter was born a German, but he finally settled in London and became an English man───路透出身是德国人,但最后在伦敦定居成为英国人。

53 、According to Reuter report, this month some earlier moment, SAP company already got from company of its partner Karl-Heinz the technology of the database is permitted concerned.───据路透社报道,在本月早些时候,SAP公司已从其合作伙伴Karl-Heinz公司得到了有关数据库的技术许可。

54 、When Urochela quadrinotata Reuter harms Ulmus pumila,the spread of disease will take a turn for the worse.───红足壮异蝽的危害能加重病害的流行和扩展。

55 、Reuter reported that after the Spanish Almeria province arid region experimental station's biologist observes the Italian lycosa copulation habit, obtains the above discovery.───路透社报道,西班牙阿尔梅里亚省干旱地带实验站的生物学家观察意大利狼蛛交配习性后,获得上述发现。

56 、The Reuter dispatch told of his secret negotiations with Count Bernadotte and his offer to surrender the German armies in the West to Eisenhower.───路透社的电讯谈到他和伯纳多特伯爵的秘密谈判以及他愿意把西线德军向艾森豪威尔投降的表示。

57 、Timothy Reuter :suggests that electronic texts will only become more affordable as the industry develops.───电子文本只会变得越便宜就像工业的发展。

58 、Nokia each income 0.29 euro, were lower than same time last year 0.40 euro in the third quarter, simultaneously was lower than the Reuter analyst equally anticipated 0.31 euro.───诺基亚第三季度每股收益0.29欧元,低于去年同期的0.40欧元,同时低于路透分析师平均预期的0.31欧元。

59 、Reuter never waste a moment in providing the news.───路透社提供新闻时不浪费一点时间。

60 、Stocks in Europe markets stumbled by 1%. this Reuter's article concluded, the Chinese equity market now needed to be recognized as a strong influence on the global equity markets as a whole.───欧洲各股市也下挫了1%。路透社的上述文章认为,现在应该承认,中国股市会对全球股市产生强烈影响。


62 、TOKYO, Dec. 2 (Reuter)───路透社东京12月2日电

63 、Cyrtohinus lividipennis (Reuter)───黑肩绿盲蝽

64 、Reuter Dealing───路透社交易机


66 、BRUSSELS, Dec. 22 (Reuter)───路透社布鲁塞尔12月22日电

67 、Reuter rs commodity index───路透社商品价格指数

68 、The grade of hindlimb function was assayed with Jacobs method,and the kinetic, sensory function of spinal reflex was scored with Reuter method, and HE stained the spinal cord section to observe the formation changes of neural cells.───采用Jacobs法对兔后肢功能评级,Reuter法对脊髓感觉运动反射功能评分,并取脊髓组织切片行苏木精-伊红染色,观察神经细胞形态改变。

69 、"Rounds 19 and 20 of the International Touring Car Championships Brought a change at the top, with last year's champion Schneider displacing Manuel Reuter at the top."───国际房车锦标赛第工9、20轮的比赛结果使得大赛排行榜领头的名次有所变化,去年的冠军史奇内德取代曼努尔.路特成为领头羊。

70 、Cyrtopeltis tenuis (Reuter)───烟盲蝽


英国路透社 http://www.reuters.com/

法国法新社 http://www.afp.com/home/

美联社 http://www.ap.org/



路透社(Reuters,LSE:RTR,NASDAQ: RTRSY)是世界上最早创办的通讯社之一,也是目前英国最大的通讯社和西方四大通讯社之一。

The Associated Press (AP) 美国联合通讯社是美国最大的通讯社,国际性通讯社之一。简称美联社,英语直接称为“联合通讯社”。


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