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06-29 投稿




英:['s?r?s]  美:['s?r?s]

英:  美:




名词复数: cirri |


1 、Grow in the whole world like cirrus when Internet when, it is like the seed when computer software when global diffuse, a kind of brand-new fructification is in be pregnant with.───当 Internet 如藤蔓般在全球生长时,当电脑软件如种子般在全球散播时,一种全新的果实正在孕育之中。

2 、At last, setting the CS8952 of Cirrus Logic company for example , the layout recommendation of physical interface IC and how to implement by Allegro are introduced.───最后以cirrusLogic公司的CS8952为例,阐述了物理层接口芯片的布线准则及其在Allegro中的实现。

3 、Cirrus observation in turbid sky───天空混浊时卷层云的观测

4 、cirrus castellanus───堡状卷云

5 、cumulo cirrus───n. 卷叠云

6 、Effects of observed horizontal inhomogeneities within cirrus clouds on solar radiative transfer───卷云内观测水平非均匀性对太阳辐射传输的影响

7 、Suddenly, the cirrus cloud holding a still lake protrudes from the picture, as if a deep slit is torn on the background of noisy disorder.───忽然,卷云盛着一面平静的湖水从画面中挤了出来,喧闹嘈杂被撕开了一道深深的口子。

8 、cirrus cloud atmospheres───卷云大气

9 、Keywords polarization-mie lidar;atmospheric sounding;reliability;depolarization ratio;cirrus;───偏振-米激光雷达;大气探测;可靠性;退偏振比;卷云;

10 、Evaluation of tropical cirrus cloud properties derived from ECMWF model output and ground based measurements over Nauru Island───上方陆基测量导出热带卷云特性的估价

11 、cirrus spissatus───密卷云

12 、The dependence of retrieved cirrus ice-crystal effective dimension on assumed ice-crystal geometry and size-distribution function at solar wavelengths───反演的卷云冰晶的有效尺度对假定的冰晶几何形状和在太阳波长中的尺寸分布函数的依赖关系

13 、2 it is pensile on balcony column edge small-sized container, cultivated cirrus or hang down loosely plant, make its branches and leaves pensile besides Yu Yang stage, beautification crawl and vista.───二是在阳台栏沿上悬挂小型容器,栽植藤蔓或披散型植物,使其枝叶悬挂于阳台之外,美化围栏和街景。

14 、Impact of cirrus crystal shape on solar spectral irradiance: A case study for subtropical cirrus───卷云结晶形状对太阳光照度发光谱辐照度的影响:副热带卷云的个例分析

15 、Implications of persistent ice supersaturation in cold cirrus for stratospheric water vapor───对于平流层水汽在冷卷云里持久冰过饱和的含意

16 、strato cirrus───n. 层卷云

17 、From cumulus to cirrus , clouds have fascinated painters and poets. But they baffle scientists who say a greater understanding of them is needed for accurate climate predictions.───无论是积云还是捲云,都强烈地吸引画家及诗人们,但是也困扰科学家,必须更瞭解云的动态,科学家才能精准的预测气象。

18 、Sometimes these clouds are so extensive that they are virtually indistinguishable from one another, forming a sheet of cirrus called cirrostratus.───卷云是高云的一种,是对流层中最高的云,平均高度超过6000公尺。

19 、Prior to founding Bridge360, Hall led the delivery of products worldwide for such industry leaders as IBM, BMC Software and Cirrus Logic.───Bridge360成立以前,Hall便为诸如IBM、BMC Software以及Cirrus Logic等产业领先公司在国际上发布产品。

20 、1.If the metallic bedstead like cirrus twines feminine dream.───如藤蔓般的金属床架缠绕女人的梦想。

21 、tentacular cirrus───围口触手(动)

22 、A cloud model interpretation of jumping cirrus above storm top───在风暴顶上方骤变卷云的云模式解释

23 、occipital cirrus───后头触须(动)

24 、Physically based parameterization of cirrus cloud formation for use in global atmospheric models───供全球大气模式使用的卷云形成的物理学基础参数化

25 、One of these innumerable crimp cirrus almost climbs to the tip top of the house.───在那无数枝卷曲向上的藤蔓中,有一枝几乎攀上了那尖尖的屋顶。

26 、cirrus caudae───尾毛

27 、They are no different from the cirrus clouds that naturally form in that region of the atmosphere.───它们和在那个地区的大气上空自然形成的卷云没有什么区别。

28 、The most beautiful cloud is cirrus.───最美丽的云就是卷云。

29 、Nighttime cirrus detection using Atmospheric Infrared Sounder window channels and total column water vapor───使用大气红外线的探测窗通道探测夜间卷云和整个气柱水汽

30 、A closer look can bring out further details. The bright patch near the storm centre is the cirrus canopy - high clouds emanating outwards from the top of the centre.───仔细观察,可见到风暴中心附近有一片较白的卷云幔那是从中心顶部向外**的高云。

31 、Pieces of thin, white cirrus clouds appear around the Great Dark Spot.───一片片薄而白的卷云出现在大黑斑的周围。

32 、cirrus socket───卷枝窝

33 、Characterization of errors in cirrus simulations from a cloud resolving model for application in ice water content retrievals───从用于冰含水量反演的云判定模式作卷云模拟误差的特征化

34 、Subvisual cirrus cloud observations using a 1064-nm lidar, a 95 GHz cloud radar, and radiosondes in the warm pool region───在暖池区域使用一部1064纳米光达、一部95 GHz云雷达和无线探空仪对亚可见卷云观测

35 、Cirrate:Having or resembling a cirrus or cirri.───有卷须的:有卷须的或象卷须的.

36 、Temple murals Zhaohua many people, rich in content and form of different, since the succession of the Tang Dynasty temple murals title list form, the water content of cirrus single link.───昭化寺壁画人物众多,内容丰富,形态各异,继承了唐以来寺院壁画的榜题形式,把单幅内容用水卷云联系起来。

37 、Abstract: A polarization Mie lidar has been developed for measuring profiles of depolarization ratio of cirrus clouds and dust aerosols.───摘要: 研制了一台偏振-米散射激光雷达,用于卷云和沙尘气溶胶后向散射光退偏振比的探测研究。

38 、When viewed from the ground, bands of threadlike cirrus clouds often seem to emerge from a single point on the western horizon.───如果从地面观察,线一样的卷云构成的带像是从西边地平线出的一个点发出的。

39 、CIRRUS:A high-altitude cloud composed of narrow bands or patches of thin, generally white, fleecy parts.───卷云:一种高空云,由狭条状或小块状的薄絮般的,通常是白色的部分组成。

40 、Cirrus on satellite image and turbulence in clear sky───卫星云图上的卷云云型与晴空颠簸

41 、He looked at the sky and saw the white cumulus built like friendly piles of ice cream and high above were the thin feathers of the cirrus against the high September sky.───他望望天空,看见一团团白色的积云,形状像一堆堆可人心意的冰淇淋,而在高高的上空,高爽的九月的天空衬托着一团团羽毛般的卷云。

42 、3.You can no longer use your NETELLER Card on the Cirrus network or outside of Canada.───汉语翻译:你不再能在卷云网络上或者除加拿大外使用你的NETELLER卡片。

43 、cirrus cloud───卷云

44 、It is compared with the two other species of Calamus from Taiwan, C. formosanus and C. siphonospathus, and distinguished from them by its presence of a flagellum and absence of a cirrus.───且本种具有纤鞭,不具卷须,可与台湾产另两种省藤属植物(兰屿省藤与黄藤)区别。

45 、The most respected brands in the audio and industrial markets such as Bose, Harman International, IO, Onkyo, Marantz, Panasonic, Philips, Pioneer, Samsung and Sony rely on Cirrus Logic technology.───公司简介 Cirrus Logic is recognized worldwide for its expertise in developing high-precision analog and mixed-signal integrated circuits (ICs) for a broad range of consumer and industrial markets.

46 、Intraseasonal variations of water vapor and cirrus clouds in the tropical upper troposphere───在热带上部对流层水汽和卷云的季内变化

47 、Evidence of high ice supersaturation in cirrus clouds using ARM Raman lidar measurements───使用ARM拉曼光达测量卷云高冰过饱和的迹象

48 、fair weather cirrus───晴天卷云

49 、It uses the slope parameter for eliminating cirrus according Negri-Adler method.───参照Negri-Adler的方法 ,应用斜率参数消除卷云 ;

50 、A new way to measure cirrus cloud ice water content by using ice Raman scatter with Raman lidar───使用带有拉曼光达冰拉曼散射测量卷云冰水含量的一个新方法

51 、They are the first cirrus clouds seen on an outer planet.───它们是首次在外行星上发现的卷云。

52 、From cumulus to cirrus, clouds have fascinated painters and poets. But they baffle scientists who say a greater understanding of them is needed for accurate climate predictions.───无论是积云还是捲云,都强烈地吸引画家及诗人们,但是也困扰科学家,必须更了解云的动态,科学家才能精准的预测气象。

53 、Abstract: DISORT method was employed to study radiative properties of cirrus clouds in the shortwave infrared spectral region.───摘 要: 采用离散纵标法耦合大气分子吸收,模拟计算了卷云大气的反射特性。

54 、Cirrus Logic anticipates the acquisition to close by the end of August.───兼并工作预计在8月底完成。

55 、Aerosol particles from tropical convective systems: Cloud tops and cirrus anvils───来自热带对流系统的气溶胶粒子:云顶的卷云砧

56 、Light scattering by single ice crystals of cirrus clouds───卷云单个冰晶的光散射

57 、cirrus fibratus───毛卷云

58 、Cirrus clouds are often thin and tenuous.───卷云十分稀

59 、Orange and red colors indicate very high clouds, like cirrus clouds on Earth.───橙色、红色区域的云层非常高,就像地球大气的卷云一样。

60 、Cirrus cloud horizontal and vertical inhomogeneity effects in a GCM───在GCM里卷云水平和垂直多相性影响

61 、Cirrus is formed from ice crystals.───卷云是冰晶形成的。

62 、false cirrus───伪卷云

63 、Microphysical and dynamical controls on cirrus cloud optical depth distributions───对卷云光学厚度分布的微物理学和动力学控制

64 、A GCM parameterization for bimodal size spectra and ice mass removal rates in mid-latitude cirrus clouds───中纬度卷云中双峰尺度光谱和冰体移动速率的一种GCM参数化

65 、Perhaps we have had such an agreement: to be turned together to see cirrus clouds, the flowers bloom.───也许我们有过这样的约定:要一起去看云卷云翻,花开花落。

66 、Infrared radiative properties of cirrus clouds in shortwave spectral region───卷云短波红外辐射特性

67 、In the atmosphere cirrus clouds have a special importance because of their great height and cold temperature.───在大气中,卷云有着特殊的重要性,这是因为它们的高度高,温度低。

68 、MasterCard International owns Cirrus, and Visa International owns about a third of Plus System.───万事达跨国公司拥有CirrusSystem,而维萨跨国公司拥有PlusSystem的三分之一。

69 、Chrysler Cirrus───克莱斯勒卷云,简称卷云

70 、peristomium cirrus───围口触须(动)

71 、Effects of cirrus near the tropopause on anvil cirrus dynamics───对流层顶附近卷云对砧状卷云动力学的影响

72 、cirrus, cirri───刚毛

73 、Parthasarathy Sudarshan, chief executive of Cirrus Electronics, pleaded not guilty Tuesday at a U.S. federal court in Washington.───CIRRUS电子公司的主管苏达山星期二在美国首都华盛顿的一个联邦法院提出无罪申辩。

74 、cirrus intortus───乱卷云

75 、Chang Lumu is qualitative big cane this, have linear, 3 cracked cirrus, can climb aid to be as high as 7-8 rice.───常绿木质大藤本,有线状.3裂的卷须,可攀援高达7-8米。

76 、Caption:: The image shown is the night launch of space shuttle Endeavour. The combination of the launch, a nearly full moon, high cirrus clouds make for an amazing show.───图为穿梭机奋进号划破长空的升空过程,配上满月及高卷云,显得格有有诗情画意。

77 、trifid Branched into three approximately equal parts; usually used in reference to the divided end of a cirrus or tooth.───三裂的分枝成大约相等的三个部份;通常被用于指出触须或牙齿末端的分叉。

78 、The dependence of cirrus infrared radiative properties on ice crystal geometry and shape of the size-distribution function───卷云红外线辐射特性与冰晶几何学和大小分布函数形状的关系

79 、Nitric acid uptake on subtropical cirrus cloud particles───副热带卷云微粒的氮酸吸收

80 、band cirrus───带状卷云




The plane was flying in cloud most of the way.


Clouds are floating in the sky.



genitus 衍生云



nubiform 云形的

nuclear cloud核爆炸云, 放射云

pendant cloud管状云, 漏斗云



accessory cloud附属云

artificial cloud人造云

billow cloud浪云

cirrus cloud卷云

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