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06-29 投稿




英:[tr?uv]  美:[trov]

英:  美:


n.贵重发现物, 珍藏品


1 、The gallery is a treasure trove of medieval art.───这个画廊是中世纪艺术的宝库。

2 、Mogao Grottoes is a veritable treasure trove of cultural relics.───莫高窟还是一座名副其实的文物宝库。

3 、treasure trove───n. 无主埋藏物, 无主珍宝

4 、The visitor looked impressed. “Sounds like this place has a treasure trove of priceless artifacts. I would have expected guards posted everywhere.”───来客看来被吸引住了."听起来这个地方收藏着价值连城的手工艺品呢.我想这里每一处应该都有卫兵值守吧"

5 、A treasure trove of visual splendor.───一座视觉效果的宝藏。

6 、Open addressing uses fewer objects to maintain map structures, which means that in many cases Trove maps will be more efficient than the core Java maps as well as smaller.───开放选址使用更少的对象来维护映射结构,这意味着Trove映射在多数情况下比核心Java映射更有效,也更小。

7 、Use the treasure trove of vocabulary words to make your English really shine!───要学会用精彩的词汇宝藏来让你的英语闪闪发光!

8 、Nanjing ,the capital of Jiangsu province, is a treaure trove for sight-seers.the Zhongshan mountain meanders among trees and clear water while the Stone City offers a view too grand to be denied.───中文简洁,精练。这段中文有多种译法,我也来试试: 南京是江苏省的省会城市,钟山龙盘,石城虎距,山清水秀,风景秀丽。

9 、A clandestine treasure trove, if you will.─── 那就是一座秘密宝藏 如果你愿意这样说

10 、A computerized record of eight and a half million GSP %26 L customers was a priceless treasure trove.───电子计算机编制的金州公司850万用户的档案是一件无价之宝。

11 、The arboretum is a world treasure trove of botanical resources.───这个植物园是世界植物资源的宝库。

12 、This area is an archaeology treasure trove, is containing the numerous Syrian most ancient prehistoric vestige level.───这一地区是一个考古宝地,蕴藏着众多叙利亚最古老的史前遗迹层。

13 、Its internal fires have long cooled, and the geologically dormant world has left a trove of precious stones within its crust and mantle.───她内部的火焰早已冷却,从地质学来看她已休眠,这时的地壳内部蕴含了珍贵的石头。

14 、On a tip from a friend Ms.Gray went to the Queens Historical Society, where she was amazed to find a trove of letters by Driscoll, written during her time at the studio.───依照某位友人的线索,葛蕾到了纽约皇后区的历史学会,惊讶发现那里竟收藏了德里斯柯儿的信,写于她在工坊的期间。

15 、He left behind a treasure trove of memories when he left in the summer of 2006 and his career has enjoyed an Indian summer at Villarreal.───在2006年的夏天,皮雷离开了海布里并且被**迷们永远的珍藏在记忆里。

16 、Eric's Treasure Trove of Astronomy───天文辞典

17 、It had clearly lain untouched for decades.Owing to its position, it had escaped the destruction of Henny's things that had followed her death.It contained a trove.───就因为把箱子放在了这里,海妮死后留下的东西才没被毁掉,里面还有一件她珍藏的东西。

18 、Dr.Errington and his wife, Dr.Gewertz, work in Papua New Guinea, a treasure trove of ethnic groups speaking more than 700 languages.Dr.───艾林顿和妻子葛维兹博士在巴布亚新几内亚独立国任务,这里是少数族群宝库,使用的语言有七百多种。

19 、It reopened the following January with an entirely new look, with more artifacts from the company trove and hands-on exhibits that showcase the company's consumer products.───次年一月以崭新的面貌重新开放,展出更多公司宝库中的老东西以及观众可实际动手操作的公司消费性产品展示。

20 、He believes that these inarticulate qualities can be abstracted from such a rich trove of data and then used as a selection criteria for future breeding in other regions of the Library.───他相信这些难以用语言形容的品质可以从这样一个丰富的数据里抽取出来,并且作为未来在形态信息库其他区域繁育时的选择标准。

21 、11 p.m.- A stone's throw from Temple Street lies Broadway Cinematheque arthouse cinema and shop, home to a trove of rare Asian and Hong Kong films, including early Kung-fu classics.───下午11点 - 距离庙街几步之遥,就是百老汇**中心以及影视商店,很多珍贵的亚洲以及香港**,包括早期经典功夫片都出自这里。

22 、"It's thrilling to see this treasure trove of stars," said William Borucki, science principal investigator for Kepler at NASA's Ames Research Center at Moffett Field, Calif.───加利福尼亚州莫菲特菲尔德市,NASA埃姆斯研究中心开普勒(项目)科学组首席研究员威廉.布鲁克说:“看见这么多恒星宝藏令人激动得发抖。

23 、Iraq, and especially the north, prides itself on housing a veritable treasure trove of more than 10,000 archeological sites, most of which have yet to be uncovered.───伊拉克,而且尤其是北方,以拥有超过10,000个考古学地点的真正的无主宝物而自豪,大部分财宝仍然没有被挖掘出来。

24 、Her phone provided a treasure trove of messages.─── 她的**提供了大量有价值的信息

25 、The largest and richest Buddhist treasure trove in the world, the Mogao Grottoes have been in use for the longest time.───莫高窟是世界上最大、内容最丰富和使用时间最长的佛教艺术宝库。

26 、Classical Greek tragedies are a wealth of treasure in the world palace of art, and a treasure trove of heritage classical art left to the world.───摘要古希腊悲剧,是世界艺术殿堂中不可缺少的瑰宝,也是古典艺术留给世人的一笔丰厚的遗产。

27 、Rumors of a trove of dwarvencraft magic weapons have drawn a large number of adventurers to the region,───关于矮人工艺的魔法武器收藏的流言驱使大批的冒险者前往该地区。

28 、South East Asia has provided Ilse with a treasure trove of subjects for photos which include shots of people, nature, sailing, buildings and interior design.───东南亚为爱尔莎提供了大量的摄影素材,包括人物,自然,航海,建筑和室内设计。

29 、In many people’s imagination, the there is a treasure trove of nature, rich vegetation,鸟鱼free to play, is a paradise for wild animals.───在很多人的想像里,那里是大自然的宝库,草木茂盛, 鸟鱼无拘无束地嬉戏,是一个野生动物的天堂。

30 、Khan is a treasure trove of intelligence.─── 可汗身上掌握着大量的情报

31 、Folk Paper-cut is also available, Shanxi folk songs, Shanxi Shadowgraph, the treasure trove of traditional art.───还有民间剪纸、山西民歌、山西皮影,传统艺术的宝库。

32 、Somewhere in the BBC archives, there is a treasure trove of cricket history for future reference.───在英国广播公司档案馆的一处,有些可供今后参考的珍贵的板球史料。

33 、A building site in Melbourne is proving to be a treasure trove for archaeologists in the city. Test excavations have begun at the derelict Carlton and United Breweries site.───墨尔本的建筑遗迹,提供宝贵的发现物给这城市考古学家,被遗弃的卡尔顿联合啤酒厂试验的挖掘,已著手进行。

34 、The gallery is a treasure trove of medieval art───这个画廊是中世纪艺术的

35 、Hence what are found in the Mogao Grottoes constitutes a treasure trove of many different art forms including architecture, painting and sculpture.───整个洞窟区是由建筑、绘画、雕塑等组成的综合性艺术群体。

36 、As dialects of still unknown affinity, Aboriginal Chinese dialects of Northern Guangdong (Yuebei Tuhua, YBTH) is a language treasure trove to be exploited further.───粤北土话作为分布在广东省北部地区的一群归属未明的汉语方言,是一块有待于进一步开发的语言宝库。

37 、North five links, Beijing winning side sails upstream together treasure trove.───北五环,北京一块上风上水的宝地。

38 、The game features a treasure trove of gameplay types and battle modes, giving you hours of freebootin' fun!───游戏内含了寻宝,战斗等等的模式,让你果住海盗瘾。

39 、Movie 6 Channel is a treasure trove of classic and high quality international movies.───**六台二十四小时不停播放国际怀旧精采好片,是经典**的宝库。

40 、The Trove collections are available for use. And very useful they are.───Trove集合可以使用了,而且确实非常有用。

41 、A forest worker stumbled upon shoes strewn near the fox's den and found a trove of footwear down the hole which had recently been stolen overnight from outside locals' front doors.───一位森林工作人员偶然发现了散落在这只狐狸窝附近的鞋子,并发现洞内还藏有“宝贝”--最近一夜之间被从当地人房门前面偷走的鞋子。

42 、One highlight of the trove, according to many collectors, is a rare "Suspense #3," which has lurid cover art depicting hooded Nazis attacking a bound woman.───汤姆在清理房子时意外发现了数千本非常珍贵、保存完整的上世纪三十年代至五十年代的连环漫画书。

43 、As for literature, the situation is slightly different, because the Chinese are bolstered by a glorious past, a trove of brilliant classics───在文学方面,情况还有所不同,因为我们拥有辉煌的过去,拥有灿烂的古典文学。

44 、The case also raises questions about why it took so long for federal officials to finally snare Chung and his trove of secret information.───这个案件同样引起了疑问:为什么联邦政府花了这么长时间才诱捕了钟,发现了他收藏的机密情报。

45 、Library, a treasure trove of concurrency utility classes.───库,这是一个并发实用工具类的宝库。

46 、He assembled a rich trove of Chinese porcelain.───他收集了一批中国瓷器。

47 、Trove maps are implemented using open addressing instead of chaining.───Trove映射是采用开放选址而不是链接来实现的。

48 、He was allowed only one hour with the Hitler trove, during which time he applied cotton swabs and took DNA samples.───他只被允许一小时与希特勒收藏品一起,在这期间,他使用棉签并采去DNA样本。

49 、St. Petersburg is the cultural treasure trove of Russia. In its relatively short history, it's produced a wealth of ballet, theatre and opera companies. Singers, writers, dancers, orchestras;───它没有“音乐之都”的美誉,作为首都的历史也不长。然而,从这里走出来的作曲家,却仿如天边一颗颗熠熠闪烁的明星,颇让世人心生恋慕,举首敬仰。

50 、To us, even their garbage is a treasure trove.─── 就连富人的垃圾场我们也视如珍宝

51 、They have been analyzing a trove of facts from tracking sheets dating back to 1971, following births, marriages, death, and divorces.───研究人员对1971年至今的跟踪调查资料进行了分析,其中包括研究对象的出生、婚姻、死亡和离异等信息。

52 、She's got a right treasure trove in there.─── 她原来还有这种“武器库”啊

53 、That guy was a treasure trove of unbelievable things.─── 那家伙就像旷世奇物的金库

54 、I was negotiating to buy the trove you say I destroyed.─── 我当时正在进行谈判 准备购买你声称是我毁掉的收藏品

55 、You are a treasure trove of knowledge, my big friend.─── 你真是个知识宝库 大个子

56 、With its years of experience and recordkeeping, it could be not only a source of guidance on empirical inquiries but also a treasure trove of copyright data.───经过多年的经历和记录,版权办公室不仅是经验调查的指导来源,而且是版权数据库的巨大财富。

57 、Folk art is a truly inexhaustible treasure trove.───民间艺术的宝藏真是无穷无尽。

58 、These questions-- and many more-- are answered in Basic Facts about the United Nations, a treasure trove of information about the Organization.───这些问题以及其他许多问题都可以在信息含量丰富的《联合国概况》中找到答案。

59 、This is a treasure trove of free information for anyone interested in learning about my trial of polyphasic sleep.───对任何感兴趣了解我多相睡眠试验的人来说,这是一个宝库。

60 、Nearby chambers held Tut's legendary trove of funerary goods, including several royal chariots.───近处的墓室是图坦王传说中的陪葬品宝库,包括几辆国王战车。

61 、Banneker hid a trove of magical weapons in here.─── 班纳克在这里面藏了一批魔法武器

62 、Kenobi's spartan hovel was actually a treasure trove of Jedi information -- one of the few repositories left after Palpatine's purge of the order.───事实上,肯诺比的小屋是个知识的宝库,尤其在帕裴汀消灭了所有的绝地武士后,这间小屋是少数拥有如此多绝地知识的地方。

63 、Current Detecon publications open up to you a treasure trove of knowledge and experience from one of the world's leading consulting companies for management and technology.───Detecon出版栏目向您展示了我们作为全球领先的管理和技术咨询公司的最宝贵的知识和经验。

64 、Discover a trove of Merc memorabilia such as apparel, watches and model cars at the Mercedes Benz outlet, the first of its kind in Asia.───亚洲首家奔驰精品店则是您发现各种奔驰纪念品的必到之处,包括服装、手表和模型车等。

65 、The Semantic Web would also be a bottomless trove of eureka insights.───语义万维网也会是新发现的无底宝库。

66 、is a treasure trove of medieval art.───这个画廊是中世纪艺术的宝库.

67 、Behind the gleaming facade of modern Singapore lies a treasure trove of old historic buildings and sites.───在现代新加坡闪亮的外表后面隐藏着许多古老的历史性建筑和遗址的宝藏。

68 、"The famous Silk Road, a thoroughfare for cultural and economic exchanges between China and the west in past dynasties, is a treasure trove of historic sites;"───著名的丝调之路,是过去中西文化和经济交流的通衢大道,是具有丰富历史遗迹的宝库;

69 、Viv would look at my trove of tchotchkes and hate it.─── 薇薇会看着我收藏的小玩意 很不喜欢

70 、Its treasure trove of art includes masks and spears from Papua New Guinea, costumes from Vietnam and sculptures from Mali.───它收藏着很多珍品,来自巴布亚岛新几内亚的石膏像和矛,越南的服装,还有来自马里的雕像。

71 、Director Clint Eastwood explores his life-long passion for piano blues, using a treasure trove of rare historical footage in addition to interviews and performances by some living legends.───导演Clint Eastwood展现了他对钢琴布鲁斯的毕生热爱,他使用了一些珍贵的历史影像资料,还邀请仍在世的明星来参加访谈和表演。

72 、It contained a trove.───箱子里装着很有价值的物品。

73 、For decades, Doble has been collecting and storing what is now an incredible treasure trove of valuable apparatus maintenance data.───数十年来,道波一直收集和保存在现今看来是一笔极有价值的电力设备的维护数据。

74 、Mozart is a sublime genius in the world's music history,with over than 600 works composed in his 35 years lifetime which left us a treasure trove of arts.───莫扎特是世界音乐史上罕见的天才,他短短35年的生涯中创作了600多部作品,为人类遗留下了辉煌的艺术遗产。

75 、In 1987, UNESCO had Mogao Grotto of Dunhuang solemnly listed as one of the world's legacies, making the "Art Gallery in the Desert" not only a national treasure of China but also an invaluable trove of the mankind.───1987年,联合国教科文组织郑重把敦煌莫高窟列入世界遗产名录。 这座"沙漠上的美术馆"不再只是中国的国宝,它已经成为全人类共同拥有的珍贵财富。

76 、The center housed a priceless treasure trove .───该中心存放着一件无价之宝。

77 、With around 250 skethches, this book is a treasure trove for teachers, students and contemporary designers.───这本带有250幅手绘图的书,是所有花艺老师、学生和现代花艺设计师们的珍藏。

78 、They discovered a rich trove of fossils, including a saber-toothed cat-that scientists had never seen the likes of before the unearthing.───科学家们说,这一发现意味着人们还会获得更多新发现。

79 、Trove: a collection of valuable items discovered or found; a treasure-trove───贵重的珍藏物

80 、a trove of jewels───一批珠宝

81 、More than 330 islands speckle Fijian waters, which hold nearly 4,000 square miles (10,350 square kilometers) of reef, a vital trove of marine biodiversity.───330多个岛屿把斐济水域点缀成斑点状,此处大约有4000平方英里(10350平方公里)的暗礁,也是海洋生物多样性的一个重大发现。

82 、Ancient South Dakota Watering Hole Gives Up Treasure Trove of Mammoth Fossils───南达科他州猛犸象化石发掘地吸引大量游人

83 、But Trove gives you the option to use more efficient classes when you need them, which is just what you want when you come to tune your application.───但是Trove提供了一种选择,如果需要效率更高的类,就可以使用它,当您在调优应用程序时会遇到这种情况。

84 、But at the stern of the ship, divers found a trove of gold and silver and high-grade ceramics whose significance is more mysterious.───但是潜水人员在船尾部发现了一个由金、银以及高级陶瓷打造的收藏品,这件收藏品的意义更加神秘。

85 、For Harris and Semaw, the landscape around Gona is an undisturbed treasure trove of the Earth as it was more than two million years ago.───对于哈里斯和塞摩来说,戈纳附近的地貌是个聚宝盆,它保存了地球200多万年前的原貌而没受任何干扰。

86 、Trove itself comes with a small benchmark test to compare its performance against the core Java collections.───Trove本身提供了一个小的基准测试,用于跟核心Java集合进行性能比较。

87 、Beautifully arranged with an acoustical treasure trove of flutes, singing bowls, cello, percussion, didgeridoo, jembe, piano, accordion and vocals, this is an aural journey not to be missed.───由长笛,音钵,大提琴,打击乐器,底格里度,钢琴的原音重现,搭配演唱,这将是一段不容错过的芳美之旅。

88 、The wisdom of water is just one of the many concepts approached in this remarkable little book;a treasure trove for the seeking mind.───这些不是技术手段的限制,不是人脑发达程度的问题,而是逻辑本身的限制,是观察理解方式上的限制。

89 、Dr Velasco's efforts have discovered a treasure trove of information for technologically oriented winemakers.───Velasco博士的发现为以技术为生的葡萄酒商们提供了有价值的信息。

90 、The discovery of a new monkey species in the mountains of Tanzania highlights the potential for uncovering a trove of as-yet unknown fauna in Africa, scientists who reported the find said.───这个新物种是由两支独立的科研小组在坦桑尼亚南部山区发现的,它向人们预示着,在非洲这片广袤的土地上,还有很多目前尚不为人所知的丰富的动物资源等待着人们去探索。




1、The newer players are stepping into what they view as a treasure house of resources.


2、Once upon a time, there was a tree which wanted to become a treasure box.


3、We should treasure our own valuable art.


4、They loved him and regarded him as their treasure.



treasure chest财宝箱;百宝箱;宝库。

priceless treasure无价之宝;无价的珍品。

treasure hunter寻宝猎人;寻宝者;寻宝人。

sunken treasure沉没的宝藏;水下宝藏;沉没的珍宝。

treasure island金银岛;宝藏岛;财富岛。

treasure trove埋藏物;不为人所知的有价值收藏。

archaeological treasure考古宝藏。

treasure salvager财宝打捞;宝藏打捞;珍宝打捞。

buried treasure埋葬的财宝;埋藏财宝;宝藏。














FullscreenMode = 4

WindowMode = 0


FullscreenMode = 4

WindowMode = 0


Trove.cfg文件: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1o7A**OQ

trove文件夹 :http://pan.baidu.com/s/1eSGFWgq

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