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06-28 投稿




英:[r?'str?k?n]  美:[r??str?k??n]

英:  美:


n.限制, 约束


1 、Quarantine restriction have been lifted on import animal from that country.───对来自那个国家的进口动物的检疫隔离限制已被解除。

2 、Most desirable possible under a restriction expressed or implied.───在明确说出的或者暗示的限制下最合意的可能性。

3 、The liablility of restriction &exemption is on the back.───免除及限制责任条款详见背面。

4 、They attemp to restrict the scope of disease.───他们设法将疾病控制在小范围之内。

5 、Saturn represents restriction, and foundation.───土星代表约束和基础。

6 、To modify,limit,or restrict,as by giving exceptions.───修饰修饰、限定或限制,如通过给出异议

7 、And starts propagate and import restriction for this.───响不良,开始限制这种鱼的养殖和进口。

8 、This was impregnable, and admitted of neither objection nor restriction.───他是死板的,他不容许反对,也无可通融。

9 、Restrict your choice of full-text key columns to a small column.───仅选择较小的列作为全文键列。

10 、Goya, however, tends to restrict the bodyaaaaas expressive role.───可是哥雅,他比较会限制身体的表达脚色。

11 、No, certainly not. That's the necessary restriction.───史:那当然不行,这是必要的限制。

12 、Do you have any other restriction or concrete policy regarding accepting loan?───关于接受贷款,你们有什么其他限制或具体政策?

13 、By restriction as set down by the SOAP 1.1 Specification.───下一种数组类型是SOAP 1.1规范所设置的restriction从。

14 、Some aerators can restrict flow to less than 1.0 gpm.───一些通气器可以限制流量小于1.0界面。

15 、No units or individuals shall obstruct or restrict them.───任何单位和个人不得限制和阻挠。

16 、It doesn't help that he's in a restricted environment.─── 对他在这种密封的环境中可没好处

17 、Rewards can unduly restrict performance.───奖励能过度的限制表现。

18 、The parachute buckles are restricting my reach.─── 我被降落伞扣卡住了 够不到

19 、The claim power of the creditor has no restriction on number,sequence,or range.───债权人的请求权没有人数多少、顺序先后、范围大小的限制。

20 、Kant said, the absolute is valid without restriction.───康德说过,绝对是一种不受限制的自然存在。

21 、Accessibility and general weather prospects further restrict the choice.───可达到的条件和一般的气象资料进一步限制了选择。

22 、State enterprises were told to restrict their share purchases.───国企被要求严格限制股票买卖。

23 、With the additional restriction that the VSA engine must be in a running state.───完全相同,但有一个附加限制,即VSA引擎必须处于运行状态。

24 、Restrict contents of a rowset to rows matching a set of conditions.───将行集的内容限制为与条件集相匹配的行。

25 、Patriarch use only function,to restrict kids use disk and cd only.───家长专用功能,限制小孩子只能使用的软件和光盘

26 、Sufferring other to restrict additionally is not sufferable.───另外受他人制约是不可容忍的。

27 、He has never voted for a federal restriction on gun ownership.───他从未投票支持过联邦政府限**。

28 、They are not a stooge and have a free choice,no restriction.───他们不是托,可以不受限制的从52张牌中任意说一张。

29 、Tag !ine restrict swinging of !oad.───可限制负荷摆动弧度的牵线。

30 、But for argument’s sake, let’s restrict this to spirituality.───但是由于讨论的缘故,我们把这个限制在精神主义上。

31 、You can also restrict the posts by author.───你也可以根据作者限制文章数目。

32 、Restrict your drinking,even on special occasions.───即使在特殊场合,也要节制饮酒。

33 、To hem in,hinder,or restrict with or as if with a hedge.───围住,包围用树篱或者好象用树篱包围、设障碍、阻碍。

34 、In unstable angina, patients experience unpredictable pain due to a restriction or blockage in blood flow.───不稳定性心绞痛病人血流减少或者阻塞性胸痛无规律。

35 、The states are essentially free to use any types of restriction they desire.───州政府基本上可自由运用他们需要的各种强制措施。

36 、It is up to a company to restrict access to confidential information.───公司有责任采取措施防止公司的机密消息被盗。

37 、Coming through. It's a restricted area.─── 我来了 这里是管制区域

38 、And suddenly, I was flying over restricted airspace.─── 突然间 我就坐着飞机飞过空中禁区

39 、Any attempt to impede her constitutes an illegal restriction of her liberty.───任何阻碍都构成了对她自由权的非法约束。

40 、Caloric restriction has consistently produced health benefits for animals.───只要限制热量,就会对动物的健康产生益处。

41 、It enables a specific gene to be located on a particular restriction enzyme fragment.───它就能使专一的基因被**于特定的限制性内切酶切成的片段上。

42 、As far as I am concerned, corruption is avoidable with the restriction of law.───在我看来,腐败是可以通过法律的约束避免的。

43 、During using, you must comply with all applicable laws and license restriction.───使用期间你必须遵从适用法律和执照的约束。

44 、I'd like to remind you, gentlemen, that the areas marked "restricted" are restricted, because they are restricted.─── 我不得不提醒一下你们 这标明「禁区」的地方 代表这是禁区 所以禁止入内

45 、There is no restriction on theme or content; No restriction on drawing technique or painting type.───参赛作品题材和内容不限;画法和画种不限。

46 、This restriction does not apply to indexes on global temp tables.───全局临时表的索引则没有此限制。

47 、Is there any restriction on the proportion of investment by the foreign party?───对外方投资的比例,贵方有没有限制?

48 、To "open wide", or to "restrict"?───两种方针,放还是收呢?

49 、Can be used to restrict queries made against the group table.───可以用来限制对组表的查询。

50 、I guess this apartment doesn't have a height restriction.─── 我猜这栋公寓肯定没有身高限制吧

51 、The rights of civil society restrict the power of the state.───市民社会权利以各种形式制约国家权力。

52 、Construction Restriction and Quality Assurance!───严格工程施工,保证工程质量!

53 、Don't restrict her proper activities.───不要拘束她的正当活动。

54 、..of the rules and restrictions that come with it.─── 以及伴随宵禁而产生的规矩和限制

55 、ACLs can restrict the delivery of routing updates.───ACL能限制路由更新的传送。

56 、They do not want any restriction on such technologies to get in their way.───他们不希望任何旨在限制该技术的条款挡住了其发财之道。

57 、Enable or restrict user input to the DataGridView control.───允许或限制用户向DataGridView控件中输入数据。

58 、Create software restriction policies for this Group Policy object.───为这个组策略对象创建新软件限制策略。

59 、You can use it however you like, without restriction.───你能够在免费软件或者商业的、私人的项目中引用。

60 、And the most obvious way to restrict car use is restricting parking.─── 而最有效方法 就是限制停车

61 、You are only alive because I had restrictions put on me.─── 你们还活着只是因为我之前受限制

62 、Use this tab to restrict the rows in your result set.───使用该选项卡可限制结果集中的行。

63 、WHO advises no restriction of regular travel or closure of borders.───WHO不建议限制正常的旅游与关闭边境。

64 、A restriction on access to a resource in a multiuser environment.───对多用户环境中资源的访问权限的限制。

65 、China recently lifted its import restriction of five commodities.───中国最近解除对五项商品的进口限制。

66 、For the case of electrons an important restriction comes into play.───对电子而言,有一个重要的限制性条件在起作用。

67 、They exported commodities there without restriction.───他们出口商品到那里没有限制。

68 、Don't restrict the proper activities of children.───不要拘束孩子们的正当活动。

69 、Restrict access to cylinder storage areas.───对进入钢瓶储存区域加以限制。

70 、To restrict to limited allotments, as during wartime.───定量供给在例如战争期间等时候,把某物供应制定在一定数量以下

71 、Corruption is avoidable with the restriction of law.───在我看来,腐败是可以通过法律。

72 、There is currency restriction on the sum allowed for foreign travel.───到国外旅行允许携带的款额有所限制。

73 、No organizations or individuals shall obstruct or restrict them.───任何组织和个人不得阻挠和限制。

74 、This house would restrict the number of private cars in big cities.───应该限制大城市中的私家车的数量。

75 、There is no restriction on gender.───各社团推荐服饰表演嘉宾,男女不限。

76 、One restriction on agency action takes the form of judicial review.───对机构行为实行限制的另外一种形式表现为司法复审。

77 、De: ANA 121, Tokyo Departure, proceed direct URAGA, comply with restriction.───全日空121,东京离场,直飞uraga,严格遵守限制。

78 、To hem in, hinder, or restrict with or as if with a hedge.───围住,包围用树篱或者好象用树篱包围、设障碍、阻碍

79 、Let's also remove the restriction on the number of sides that the die can have.───另外,让我们消除对骰子可以具有的面数的限制。

80 、It has laws that restrict deforestation in the rest.───剩下的森林也有严格的法律限制砍伐。

81 、Suctioning, physical restriction, ICU environment are extrapersonal stressors.───吸痰、理约束、cu环境、血等是外在应激源。

82 、People on caloric restriction can eat three meals a day.───实行热量限制的人们可以吃一日三餐。

83 、It should be made clear that openness does not mean lack of order, restriction, or regulations.───也许需要再澄清一点:开放不是没有秩序、没有约束、没有规范。

84 、The rules of mediacy credit had some restriction effect on people engaged in mediacy.───居间信用规则对居间行为人有一定的约束作用。

85 、Restrict your story to the facts.───你讲的话必须符合事实。

86 、Their policy was to restrict our growth.───他们的政策是限制我们的发展。

87 、And why should I restrict myself, segregate myself?───况且我何必限制自己,孤立自己呢?

88 、There is no restriction (or limit) on the number of people.───人数不限。

89 、You'll find it difficult, because we have them restricted to 4mph.─── 超速是不太可能的 因为我们已经限速为每小时四英里

90 、He feels this new law will restrict his freedom.───他觉得这一新法律会限制他的自由。

不受约束的英语翻译 不受约束用英语怎么说


free of restriction不受约束的


这个问题。。。其实是这样的楼主。 这种题目分两个方面来想:

1.要明确整个句子 是指模糊性的,概念上的 还是指具体的。 比如说第一个例子,主要是只概念上的 ,表明的就是一种模糊的,笼统的限制,所以不用复数,而第二个例子的“限制”虽然没明确指出但指的就是法律,是一种具体的实在的,所以用复数,很多具体的条条框框的法规。

2.从句子的主语来看。第一个例子,其实用restriction也不会说非得是错的,但是就像我上面解释的,当表示模糊的概念上的限制就是单数比较好。 第二个例子,主语是许多国家,再加上指的是法律,所以就用复数。显而易见的不会用restriction单数。


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