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06-28 投稿




英:['ti:ne?d?]  美:[?tin?ed?]

英:  美:


adj. 青少年的, 十几岁的


异体字: teen-age |


1 、Teenage magazines are taking the place of parents in teaching children the facts of life, an official report warns.───一份官方报告发出警告,青少年杂志正在取代父母,充当起对孩子进行性教育的角色。

2 、Why do teenage girls giggle so much?───为什么十几岁的女孩那么喜欢傻笑?

3 、Two of the girls became teenage mothers and live on welfare.───两个女孩未成年便做了母亲,靠救济度日;

4 、Teenage girls are crazy about that singer.───们狂热的喜欢那个歌星。

5 、It will eschew poad teenage fare in favor of movies targeted at narrower audiences such as blacks and young women.───它将避免广泛的青少年节目,而喜欢针对更窄一些的像黑人和年轻妇女一样的观众。

6 、He is too old now for teenage parties.───他年龄太大了, 不适于参加少年聚会。

7 、Two teenage girls in Oklahoma City are thankful to be on dry ground.───俄克拉荷马城的两位小姑娘十分庆幸能回到陆地上。

8 、Even in her teenage boys' bedrooms, not a thing is out of place.───即使是在她十几岁的男孩子的卧室,一切都是井井有条。

9 、After the age of three, girls are more susceptible than boys, and teenage girls average three colds a year to boys'two.───但三周岁后,女孩就更易感冒了。十几岁的女孩年平均感冒三次,男孩则为两次。

10 、We have some interesting results from our survey on teenage hobbies.───对于青少年的爱好,我们做了一些调查,结果很有趣。

11 、They also have high levels of teenage pregnancy that help bump up the figures.───两国的少女**比例也都很高,进一步推高了生育率。

12 、Why? I've never worked with teenagers before, and you are a teenager.─── 为什么 我从没跟青少年交流过 而你是青少年

13 、In some ways, juvenile bears are a lot like teenage kids.───在某些方面,年轻的熊非常象十几岁的孩子。

14 、Holding drag races is a good way to stop teenage hot rod racing on public highways.───举行短程赛车是制止青少年在马路上作疯狂赛车的一种方法。

15 、Teenage magazines are taking the place of parents in teaching children the facts of life , an official report warns.───一份官方报告发出警告,青少年杂志正在取代父母,充当起对孩子进行性的角色。

16 、Teenage stowaway Jack Sparrow has assembled a motley crew, and theyre on the quest of a lifetime.───卓越亚马逊为您奉上这部精彩的原版**!

17 、Before long, he had a full magic show, complete with doves and a teenage assistant.───不久,他有充分的魔术表演,完整的鸽子和一个十几岁的助理。

18 、Why the idea that present teenage meeting generation commits suicide?───为什么现在的青少年会产生自杀的想法?

19 、He gave a talk on the theme of teenage unemployment.───他就青少年失业的主题作了一次报告。

20 、He had gone there despite my plea that he should not come to receive me, an awe-stricken admirer of his since my own teenage days.───他是我从少年时期就崇拜的偶像,尽管我当时要求他别去接我,他还是去了。

21 、Pierced ears and colorfully dyed hair are considered cool by some teenage boys.───一些十几岁的男孩子把扎耳孔和染五颜六色的头发视为很酷的事情。

22 、A woman (Tilda Swinton) covers up a murder in order to protect her teenage son from being implicated.───一日,达比前来她家找保贤,保贤与达比却大打出手。

23 、Teenage pregnancy itself has become a global issue.───少女**已成为全球性问题。

24 、A teenage boy died of blood poisoning after getting his lip pierced, an inquest was told yesterday.───在身体各部位穿刺已经成为现代年轻人追求另类时尚风格的表现,但这种穿刺行为对身体的危害非常大。日前,英国就有一名年轻人因为在嘴唇穿洞,引发血液中毒而导致死亡。

25 、Parents seem to get particularly irritated when their teenage sons loaf around with their hands in their pockets.───家长对他们十多岁的儿子手**在口袋里闲逛似乎特别反感。

26 、Yeah, he's a teenager, that's what we do.─── 他是个青少年 我们就这样

27 、Among these so-called "sows" the delicacy we associate with teenage girls has evidently been blunted.───女性所有的那种害羞的感觉,在这些被叫做“猪猡”的人们中间似乎已经很迟钝了。

28 、I didn't know about it at the time, for obvious reasons, but the older teenagers would bring the younger teenagers out here.─── 我当时不知道 原因不言而喻 但大孩子会带着 小一点的孩子过来

29 、The team re-opens the 1978 case of a teenage roller skater who was found dead in a ravine.───小组重新调查一起1978年的案件,死者是一个轮滑少女,尸体是在一处深沟里找到的。

30 、Is it wrong for a man in his 40s to lust after a teenage girl?───安吉拉是他女儿的高中同学,也是他幻想的天使。

31 、From 1979-1991 in Canada, the real price of cigarettes increased by 159% and teenage smoking fell from 42% to 16%.───1979-1991年间,加拿大的香烟实际价格增长了159%,但是在青少年(十几岁)中吸烟率从42%降低到16%。

32 、As a teenager, he would have been withdrawn.─── 作为一个青少年 他应该很孤僻

33 、The study used case histories from 600 teenage mothers.───使用的是对600名未成年妈妈进行的案例记录分析。

34 、Teenage boys clamber down mine shafts 30 to 50 meters deep.───孩子们沿着杆子爬到深30到50米的矿井里。

35 、It is a rare form of cancer which most often starts in the bone of pelvis or legs during teenage years.───它是一种非常罕见的癌症,大多数在青少年中发病,经常生长在盆骨和大腿骨中。

36 、But China is more like a teenage smoker with emphysema.───但是中国这样想就像是一个得了肺气肿的少年烟鬼。

37 、Teenage Pregnancy: How do I Know if I'm Pregnant?───如何知道是否已**?

38 、Just as an older teenager was finishing telling the morbid tale, and you could hear a pin drop in a car full of kids, other teenagers who had been hidin' would suddenly bang on all the car windows.─── 就在恐怖故事快讲完时 一车的孩子都鸦雀无声 其他藏着的孩子 会突然敲打所有的车窗

39 、The BCC youth channel is targeted at teenage listeners. Liateners' meetings naturally have a very youthful atmosphere.───中广青春网以青少年为对象,听友会上果然青春洋溢。

40 、I mean, not even teenage girls believe teenage girls.─── 女孩子之间也不会相信对方说的话

41 、A teenage girls life gets turned upside down when a new school friend turns out to be popstar.───当一位新入校的朋友结果是流行乐明星时,十几岁少女的生活开始变得乱七八糟。

42 、Teenage girls are just as disgusting as teenage boys.─── 十几岁女孩子跟同龄男孩一样惹人厌

43 、"Two years ago, teenage pregnancy mainly happened to college and senior high school students," he said.───“两年前,早孕主要集中在大学生和高中生这两大人群。”

44 、His voice is very high for a teenage boy.───对一个十几岁的男孩来说, 他的嗓音很尖。

45 、Squinting her eyes,she smiled at the man in the photo,still seeing the teenage boy in him.───她眯起眼睛看着照片,冲着照片里的那个男人笑了,在她眼里他还是那个十几岁的孩子。

46 、A, molests a teenage girl (Amy Hathaway) on a train...───剧情简介: Plot:A Tokyo businessman (Hiroshi Hada), transferred to L.

47 、In Italy, Serie B pair Mantova and Rimini have asked Lazio about co-ownership of the teenage shot-stopper.───在意大利,意乙的曼托瓦和里米尼则向拉齐奥询问了共有该球员的可能性.

48 、Today's parents must go Beyond the Birds and Bees to aIDS, herpes and teenage pregnancy.───对于现代的父母来说,只限于以鸟类和蜜蜂为例向子女解释两性关系是不够的。他们还必须让子女了解艾滋

49 、But it was more than just her uncanny height that set Kidman apart from other teenage girls.───但是使她和其她少女截然不同的不只是她的身高而已。

50 、Is it advisable for a teenage student to have a part-time job?───学生兼职可取吗?

51 、Squinting her eyes,she smiled at the man in the photo,still seeing the teenage boy in him.───她眯起眼睛看着照片,冲着照片里的那个男人笑了;

52 、The explanation for the phenomenon of the rising teenage suicide rate involves many complicated factors .───对上升的少年自杀率的解释,涉及很多复杂的因素。

53 、After all, you are a teenager, full of teenage hormones.─── 毕竟 你是年轻人 体内都是青春期荷尔蒙

54 、His wife and teenage daughters made the same calculations independently.───妻子和十几岁的女儿们也各自作了相同的测量。

55 、A millennium of good fortune beckons to a teenage Beijing.───千年幸运呼唤着少年北京。

56 、She gets herself dolled up like a teenage girl.───她把自己打扮得象个。

57 、During our teenage years, tanning was all the rage.───在我们十几岁的时候,人人都疯狂的去美黑。

58 、One of five parents has threatened to kick a teenage son or daughter out of the house,while a quarter have sworn at their offspring.───1/5的家长曾威胁要把孩子踢出家门,1/4的家长曾经咒骂过子女。

59 、The medical name for the part of the brain associated with teenage sulking is "superior temporal sulcus".───一些**邮件使用的邮票,上面当然有女王头像,是在荷兰印的。

60 、Indeed, already this summer she announced plans to launch another new line of business -- selling to teenage girls.───事实上,她这个夏天已经宣布推出另一系列产品的计划,目标是十几岁的少女。

61 、He says research finds that teenage brains are not fully equipped to control behavior.───他说研究发现青少年的大脑还不能完全控制其行为。

62 、He was interviewed by police within hours of a teenage girl going missing.───在一个十几岁的女孩失踪后几小时内,他受到警察的盘问。

63 、In the teenage years the concept of happiness changes.───到了青少年时期,幸福观变了。

64 、The teenage girls are very pretty and innocent.───十几岁正是女孩儿最清纯的年龄。

65 、Barnett cared about little except his teenage son, whom he adored.───巴内特除了最心爱的十几岁的儿子,没有别的牵挂。

66 、Squinting her eyes, she smiled at the man in the photo, still seeing the teenage boy in him.───她眯起眼睛看着照片,冲着照片里的那个男人笑了;在她眼里他还是那个十几岁的孩子。

67 、They had also learded to respect money because it was scarce during their teenage years.───他们也学会尊重钱财,因为在他们十几岁的时候手头是不宽裕的。

68 、Endanger health of teenage body and mind and moral nurturance badly.───严重危害青少年的身心健康和道德养成。”

69 、He would talk to his teenage sons about everything under the sun.───他可以和十几岁的儿子就世界上的一切事情进行交谈。

70 、He teaches with a barely suppressed aggression, refusing to tolerate teenage slothfulness.───他授课带有抑制不住的煽动性,他不能容忍青少年的懒惰性。

71 、The total number of teenage abortions in the capital is not known.───但目前北京市青少年堕胎的总数还未统计出来。

72 、As a teenage child, she was a birthday wish that day, their parents could also ah family reunion dinner.───作为一个几岁的孩子,她是多么希望生日的这天,自己也能跟父母一起吃顿团圆饭啊。

73 、But I'm not willing to consign a teenage girl to a lifetime of struggle because of lack of access to birth control.───但是,我并不愿意一个十来岁的小姑娘陷入一生的艰难生活中,只是因为社会没有给予其足够的节育途径。

74 、How come girls change so much from childhood to the teenage years?───可是在儿童到青少年的成长过程中,女孩子对妈妈的态度为什么会发生如此大的变化呢?

75 、From working moms to teenage firls, these women seek out Anna's boutiques.───从上班一族的母亲到少女们,都在寻找安娜专卖流行服装店。

76 、His rebellion was regarded as typical teenage behavior.───他的叛逆被视作有代表性的青少年行为。

77 、The teenage years often have parents wracked with fear, explains Dr.───帕斯特博士说,“十几岁的孩子经常令父母担心和困扰。”

78 、TEENAGE sisters Roxy and Jane Ryan are twins, but behind their similar faces lies an ocean of differences.───一个玩摇滚、常逃课,一个有理想、爱学习。明明是孪生姐妹,偏偏成了聚首的冤家。

79 、Through no fault of his own,artist and lady s man richard nugent finds a love-besotted teenage girl curled on his sofa.───卡里格兰特在片中扮演一位画家,秀兰邓波儿饰演一个纯真的年轻姑娘,玛娜洛伊扮演年轻姑娘的姐姐。

80 、It is widely accepted that the rise in teenage smoking is the inevitable result of economic development.───人们普遍认为青少年吸烟人数上升是经济发展不可避免的结果。

81 、Teenage writer Hanhan's novels received great acclaim.───少年作家韩寒的**备受好评.

82 、Like teenage girls everywhere, the 16-year-old from Kansas in the United States liked to write verse.───像世界各地十几岁的女孩一样,这个来自美国堪萨斯州的16岁女孩喜欢写诗。

83 、The trouble with being parents of teenage children is that once you lose you grip, they can make life miserable for everyone.───做十几岁孩子的父母新所碰到的麻烦是,一旦管教不当,他们可能使大家的生活都很痛苦。

84 、Meanwhile, she's got teenagers selling heroin to other teenagers.─── 同时 她会找青少年把** 卖给另外的青少年

85 、"Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" sold like hotcakes. They were all sold out when I got to the store.───‘忍者龟’漫画一下子就被抢购一空!我到书店的时候,它们都卖完啦!

86 、A library of teaching materials for preventing teenage suicides will open for educators in Hong Kong this year.───今年香港将为教师开设一家图书馆以提供防止青少年自杀的教学资料。

87 、A teenage girls life gets turned upside down when a new school friend turns out to be a popstar.───当一位新入校的朋友结果是流行乐明星时,十几岁少女的生活开始变得乱七八糟。转自神射。

88 、He Zhijie expresses, in recent years, especially teenage sot increases ceaselessly.───何志捷表示,近年来,尤其是青少年酗酒者不断增加。

89 、You had no idea whether you were dealing with what you might typically call an average teenager or a teenager with any type of limitations.─── 你也不知道你面对的 是一个你通常定义为正常的青少年 还是一个存在某些障碍的青少年

90 、I don't want people stare at me and say: "Holy moly,you're really a teenage alcoholic.───人真的可以为爱情放弃一切么?还有,女人的命运只能系在男人身上么?





runawayteenager离家出走的少年,Ateenager一个十几岁的孩子;一个未成年人teenagerathletes青少年运动员。一站式出国留学攻略 http://www.offercoming.com




teenagers 英['ti:nˌeɪdʒəz] 美['ti:nˌeɪdʒəz]

n. 少年男女,青少年; 青少年( teenager的名词复数 );

[例句]In the course of my everyday life, I had very little contact with teenagers.


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