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06-28 投稿




英:[sp?t]  美:[sp?t]

英:  美:





n.小争吵, 轻打声,<口> 轻拍



动词过去分词: spatted | 动词第三人称单数: spats | 名词复数: spat | 动词过去式: spatted | 动词现在分词: spatting |


1 、The gun spat twice and he fell dead.───乒乒两**, 他应声扑地身亡.

2 、She spat (out) curses at me.───她厉声咒骂我。

3 、They all spat on the proposal.───他们都蔑视这个提议。

4 、Oh, it is very bad to spit on the ground.───噢,随地吐痰非常不好。

5 、A dog formerly used in a treadmill to turn a roasting spit.───以前用在踏车上转动烤肉叉的狗

6 、It spat rain out when he left my house.───他刚从我家离去,外面就下起了小雨。

7 、Their contents hissed and spat as they hit the searing hot pan.───他们碰到这个灼热的平底锅时,锅里的食物嘶嘶啪啪作响。

8 、He' s the dead spit of his father.───他极像他的父亲。

9 、He spat out the words with scorn.───他用轻蔑的口吻说了这番话。

10 、You will be fined if you spit on the streets.───你如果在街上吐痰,要遭罚款。

11 、You can not just spit wherever you like .───你不能这么随地吐痰。

12 、Other children laugthed at them and even spat at them.───其他孩子嘲笑他们,甚至与他们争吵。

13 、He's inclined to spit when he talks quickly.───他说话说快了就爱喷唾沫星.

14 、He looked at the double line of peasants and he spat on the ground.───他望望两排农民,朝地上啐了一口唾沫。

15 、He spat out an insult and hurt her feelings.───他突然口出恶语,让她十分伤心。

16 、And he turned his quid and spat.───他把口中的烟草块转动了一下,吐了口痰。

17 、Before the universe sucked him up and spat him out.─── 这个人可能本来有妻子和孩子

18 、She spat at his face in contempt.───她吐口水在他的脸上,以此表示对他的蔑视。

19 、You' ll be fined if you spit on the streets.───你如果在街上吐痰,要遭罚款。

20 、In many countries it is considered rude to spit in public.───在许多国家,当众吐痰属不雅行为。

21 、You spit bones and other food scraps on the table.───你把骨头和其他杂碎吐在桌子上,所以你必须有塑料桌布。

22 、Long before the Exodus a Tatar spat in his blood.───在以色列人出埃及前很久,一个鞑靼人便朝他的血液里哗过唾沫。

23 、You need to spit and polish your speech.───你需要再锤炼一下你的发言。

24 、It is not good form to spit in the open.───公开场合吐痰有伤风雅。

25 、It's very rude to spit at someone.───向人吐唾沫是非常粗暴无礼的。

26 、He spit out the broken tooth.───他吐出断了的牙齿。

27 、Passengers are not allowed to spit.───乘客不得随地吐痰。

28 、Spit grape skins while not eating grapes.───不吃葡萄倒吐葡萄皮。

29 、He's having a spat with his boss.───他在和老板闹别扭。

30 、And spit poison as if they were.───喷出有毒液体。

31 、But she spat you out, so I gotta love her.─── 但她把你吐了出来 所以我得爱她

32 、He is the very spit and image of his father.───他和他父亲长得一模一样。

33 、But I should warn you, we're in a bit of a spat.─── 但我要警告你 我们在吵架

34 、Do not smoke or spit while handling food.───切勿在厨房内吸烟或吐痰。

35 、You can't just spit wherever you like.───你不能就这么随地吐痰。

36 、That's a coincidence, and it was a spat.─── 那只是巧合 我们只是吵架了

37 、She surveyed him coldly with eyes that spat venom.───她冷眼打量着他,眼睛冒出怨毒的凶光。

38 、He was spit blood after being hit in the mouth.───他嘴上挨了打之后,吐出血来。

39 、Spit it out! Have you lost your tongue?───你倒说话呀, 今儿个怎么哑巴了?

40 、His mucid spit stuck to the side of his shoe.───他那臭臭黏黏的口水黏在他的鞋边。

41 、What are you going to say? Spit it out!───你想讲什么?爽快地说吧!

42 、Before I had time to spit in my hands, he finished the work.───在我还没工夫往掌上吐一口唾沫之前,他已经把那件工作做完了。

43 、I spit on your soldiers, colonel.───上校,我看不起你的士兵。

44 、She spat at him/in his face.───她向他[他的脸上]啐了一口唾沫。

45 、Spit it out!───大声些!爽快地讲出来!

46 、He is the very spit of his father.───他酷似他的父亲。

47 、Long ago the Exodus a Tatar spat in his blood.───在以色列人出埃及前很久,唯一鞑靼人便朝他的血液里哗过唾沫。

48 、He is spit blood after is hit in the mouth.───他嘴上挨了打之後, 吐出血来。

49 、My old man fought in that same war, and he came home to the same country and was spat at by the same people that spat at you.─── 我父亲也参加了那场战争 他回到家乡 也遭受了同一群人同样的讥笑

50 、He spat out angry words at his tormentors.───他厉声地咒骂着折磨他的人。

51 、Don't spit your food everywhere.───不要把食物喷的到处都是。

52 、It is not respectable to spit on the sidewalk.───在人行道上吐痰是不文雅的。

53 、He's the man at whom everyone spit.───他是个遭到大家唾弃的人。

54 、"I reckon I do," he answered coldly and spat again.───"我看就是这样,"他顶了一句,又吐了一口。

55 、He spat again, this time with less authority.───他又啐了口吐沫,这回却没有那么神气了。

56 、It is illegal to spit on a sidewalk.───在人行道上吐痰是违法的。

57 、Will you mind not spit everywhere ?───不要随地吐谈得吗?

58 、Scallop spat and scallop farming cages.───商品名称:扇贝贝苗和养殖设备

59 、Sino-American trade spat is all too plausible.───一场中美之间的贸易摩擦在所难免。

60 、He spat at their ideas, treating them as childish.───他看不起他们的意见,认为那些意见很幼稚。

61 、She's been neglected, rejected, knocked down, and spat on.─── 她这一生被人忽视 拒之门外 被人击倒 吐口水

62 、He spat on the idea.───他蔑视这种想法。

63 、Are you chewing a gum? Spit it out.───你嚼口香糖吗?

64 、Spit no grape skins while eating grapes.───吃葡萄不吐葡萄皮。

65 、He took a little cake and spat it out.───他吃了一点蛋糕, 立即就吐了出来。

66 、If the food tastes queer, spit it out.───假如食物尝起来很怪异,就把它吐出来吧。

67 、Nevertheless, the short but nasty spat has telling lessons.───不管怎么样,这场“小打小闹”还是有不少值得吸取的教训。

68 、I gave him a chance and he spat on it.─── 我们给过他机会 但他毫不珍惜

69 、She is the spit and image of her mother.───她和她母亲长得简直一模一样。

70 、You wouldn't know love if it spat on you.─── 就算你遇到了爱 你也不懂

71 、He and his wife are in the middle of a conjugal spat.─── 他和他老婆之间有点不愉快

72 、It's bad manners to spit in public.───在公共场所吐痰是不礼貌的。

73 、I spat my Tylenol right into the mirror.───/ 我轻打我的 Tylenol 权利进镜子之内。

74 、The girl spat her saliva to the ground and said: "Who cares!───女孩朝地上吐了口吐沫,说:“谁稀罕!”

75 、What are you trying to say? Come on, spit it out!───你想要说什么?来,爽爽快快地说出来吧!

76 、He's the spit and image of his father.───他酷似乃父

77 、She took a mouthful of food and then suddenly spat it out.───她吃了一口食物,突然又吐了出来。

78 、A spit of land tonguing into the bay.───一小块深入海湾中的陆地

79 、He chewed it carefully and then spat out the skin.───他细细地咀嚼,然后把鱼皮吐出来。

80 、He spat into the soup, then cocked his head.───他往汤里吐了口唾沫,接着便扬起头来。

81 、Gallagher spat with disgust and envy.───加拉赫又恨又妒,啐了一口。

82 、He took one sip of the wine and spat it out.───他抿了一口酒,又吐了出来。

83 、Don't spit it out of the bucket.───不要吐在桶外。

84 、The traitors were spat on and cursed by the people.───卖国贼受到人民的唾骂。

85 、If you spit on a bus, you'll be fined.───在公共汽车上吐痰是要被罚款的。

86 、Don't be afraid. Spit it out!───别怕,有话尽管说出来!

87 、When I rejected him he spat in my face.─── 我拒绝时 他吐了口痰在我脸上

88 、He spit out the curse from between his teeth.───他从牙缝里恶狠狠地咒骂着。

89 、The fire spat ashes all over the floor .───大火弄得满地灰尘。

90 、Food broiled or roasted on a small skewer or spit.───在小炙叉上焙烤的食物


④ You can use the boiled water to make tea.

⑤ Where is my lost key?

⑥ A broken mirror cannot be repaired.

有时,由于两个动词“异词同义”,其分词也跟着不同 ,如:

⑦a. Have you seen the man wearing a T-shirt?

b. Who is the man dressed in a blue shirt?

⑧a. His new book consisting of useful data has been well received.

b. Do you like the book made up of untrue stories?



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