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06-28 投稿




英:[?h?sp?'t?l?t?]  美:[?hɑsp??t?l?t?]

英:  美:


n.款待, 殷勤, 好客, 酒店管理


名词复数: hospitalities |


entertainment | kindness | warmth | friendliness | generosity | welcome | openness | cordiality




partake of hospitality
partake of Her Majesty's hospitality
-[讽, 口]坐牢
partake of His Majesty's hospitality
-[讽, 口]坐牢
Dutch hospitality


1 、POS Point of Sale Software for Hospitality from Volante POS Systems, Hong Kong.───为你提供各种收银系统方案...... 澳门自来水选用智零通作收费系统。

2 、I am sorry to impose upon your hospitality.───利用你的好客我真过意不去。

3 、She felt the insecurity of her tenure of her brother's hospitality.───她感到,她在她弟弟府上的居留权已朝不保夕。

4 、Christlike hospitality is an open heart and an open home.───基督式的接待是敞开家门,以诚相待。

5 、Southern hospitality; southern cooking; southern plantations.───南方的好客;南方烹饪;南方种植园。

6 、A week after he was admitted to the hospital, he checked out of the hospital.─── 他住院后一周 就办理了出院手续

7 、Her admirers almost fell over each other with offers of hospitality.───她的追求者几乎是争先恐后向她献殷勤。

8 、We were entertained in the company's hospitality suite.───公司款待我们住进他们的迎宾套间。

9 、Thanks for your hospitality again, and looking forward to see you soon.───再次感谢你的盛情款待,并期望不久见到你。

10 、The people of your village showed me great hospitality.───你们村里的人对我非常殷勤好客。

11 、You were so gracious to extend such warm hospitality.───您真是很和蔼、亲切,给予了我那么热情的款待。

12 、Distributing to the necessity of saints; given to hospitality.───圣徒缺乏要帮补。客要一味地款待。

13 、You have to bear up under the hospitality of the ancestral home for two years.───你还得再忍耐两年,接受老家的款待。

14 、The hall effuses warmth and hospitality.───大厅里洋溢着热情友好的气氛。

15 、You can drop by any msg if you would like to show your hospitality.───你可以依自己喜好(表示你的友善?),在这留个言。

16 、Don't presume on their hospitality.───不要利用他们的热情好客

17 、Treason was always the return for hospitality.───叛逆总是返回招待费。

18 、Hospitality is one form of worship.───好客是尊重的一种体现。

19 、Well, maybe not that hospital, but to a hospital.─── 或许不是那家医院 但是某家医院

20 、Her hospitality thawed out his aloof manner.───她的盛情缓和了他的冷淡态度。

21 、Mr. Wang covered up his embarrassment with the enthusiasm of his hospitality.───例:王先生热情地款待客人,而把他的窘态掩盖过去。

22 、I did use hospital exam rooms. I did use hospital equipment.─── 我的确用了医院的实验室和医院的设备

23 、Not another hospital, please. I can't go back to the hospital.─── 不要去医院 求你 我不想去医院

24 、China is famous for hospitality.───中国以热情好客而闻名。

25 、Q: Thank you for your hospitality, Leon. I had a wonderful time!───(谢谢您的款待,里昂。我好开心噢!

26 、He is profuse in hospitality.───他招待得十分周到。

27 、Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling.───你们要互相款待,不发怨言。

28 、Thank you for your gracious hospitality.───感谢你们的亲切款待。

29 、His honesty and hospitality left an enduring impress on her life.───他们的诚实与好客给她一生留下了难以磨灭的印象。

30 、Lack of hospitality or friendliness.───不好客,不友善

31 、Looking for the perfect combination of hospitality and business?───寻找好客和商务的完美结合?Holiday Inn Eindhoven位于Eindhoven的城市中心。

32 、From hospital to hospital and guarding him.─── 他哥哥从一个医院转到另一个 并且保护他

33 、Thank you for your kind hospitality.───感谢你热情的款待。

34 、How to become a leader in today's competitive hospitality industry?───你如何可以在具有竞争性的酒店业发展自己个人事业?

35 、I'm going to go find a hospital nurse and get you some of that hospital jello.─── 我要去找* 给你拿点那种医院果冻

36 、He intrudes upon our hospitality.───他硬要我们款待他。

37 、Throughout the festival, people everywhere brimmed with hospitality and joy.───在整个节日过程中,各处的人们都洋溢着热情并充满了喜悦。

38 、They're happy to lap up the hospitality of their rescuers.───他们欣然接受了那些救助者的好意。

39 、I hope to have a chance to repay your hospitality some day.───希望有一天能有机会回报你的盛情款待。

40 、It is pleasant to live in a locality where hospitality pervades.───住在好客成风的地方是很愉快的。

41 、I wish to show my hospitality, but in fact it's not related to my puzzle.───当然我希望表示我的殷勤,但这和我的困惑没有关系。

42 、Many thanks again for your warm hospitality.───再次感谢您的盛情招待。

43 、Hospitality, conviviality and comfort are the focus of our hotel.───嘻哈生活是一个多语言多文化国际社区网络。

44 、The islanders are known for their hospitality.───岛上的居民以好客闻名。

45 、Use hospitality one to another without grudging.───9你们要互相款待,不发怨言。

46 、Your offer of hospitality is tempting.───你的盛情提议是诱人的。

47 、He covered his embarrassment with the enthusiasm of his hospitality.───他用热情的款待把他的窘态遮盖过去。

48 、You were more than a hostess. Your hospitality will be remembered.───您这位女主人当得太好了。您的殷勤招待,我将永记在心。

49 、That is,we're a bit spoiled by your hospitality,I'm afraid.───就是你们的热情好客有点把我们给惯坏了。

50 、I'm very grateful to you for your warm hospitality.───您如此盛情招待我,真是太感激了。

51 、Transplant protocol varies from hospital to hospital.─── 每个医院的移植规定都不同

52 、He's in the hospital, not the regular hospital.─── 他现在医院 不是普通的医院

53 、In response to their hospitality, we wrote a thank-you note.───为回报他们的热情,我们写了一封感谢信。

54 、The hospitality of the host gave us a favorable impression.───主人的好客给我们留下了非常好的印象。

55 、Your hospitality is a great honor to me.───你的盛情款待对我是莫大的荣幸。

56 、Thank you again for your hospitality.───再次谢谢你的热情款待。

57 、Thank you once again for your hospitality.───再一次感谢你的款待。

58 、If he's supposed to be in the hospital, he'd be in the hospital.─── 如果他该待在医院 他肯定会待在那儿

59 、To the happiness and health. Thank you for your hospitality.───为幸福和健康干杯!谢谢农民的盛情。

60 、They'll consider it a breach of hospitality.───他们会认为这是辜负了他们的好意。

61 、Expressing gratitude for somebody's hospitality.───对别人的款待表示感谢。

62 、Pastor, Laura and I thank you very much for your hospitality.───中文大意:牧师、劳拉和我非常感谢你的热情。

63 、Thank you for your hospitality.───叨扰,叨扰。

64 、Their hospitality is proverbial.───他们的热情好客人人皆知。

65 、Contribute to the needs of the saints; pursue hospitality.───在圣徒缺乏上要有交通,待客要追寻机会。

66 、He welcomed you to enjoy his hospitality.───他欢迎你去做客。

67 、Mrs Brown is known for her hospitality .───布郎太太以好客闻名。

68 、His hospitality was carried to an extreme.───他好客得过分了。

69 、I have got the chance to thank all of you for your kindness and hospitality.───借此机会向所有各位的友善和好客表示感谢。

70 、Displaying no hospitality; unfriendly.───不好客的没有表现出好客的; 不友好的

71 、He refused my offer of hospitality.───他拒绝了我招待他的建议。

72 、They reciprocated hospitality.───他们互相款待。

73 、I really appreciate all of your hospitality.───十分感谢您的款待。

74 、The Imperial experience is Japanese hospitality at its best.───帝国饭店精益求精的服务,是日本人待客之道的完美体现。

75 、To take advantage of the charity, generosity, or hospitality of others.───吃白食利用别人的慈善、慷慨或好客而占便宜

76 、Southern hospitality is still gracious.───南方人热情好客的程度丝毫未减。

77 、The hostess is profuse in her hospitality.───女主人招待得十分周到。

78 、I am very grateful to you for your warm hospitality.───您热情好客,我非常感谢。

79 、One who is a recipient of hospitality at the home or table of another.───客人在别人的家中或餐会上受到友好接待的人

80 、A locality where the spirit of hospitality pervades.───一个好客成风的地方。

81 、Generous to a fault, he was noted for his hospitality.───他非常慷慨,以其好客而出名。

82 、The natives are noted for their hospitality.───当地人以殷勤好客闻名。

83 、No, what's not funny is that I have to spend every last minute of my very short life span in a hospital hospital *ell, hospital people, hospital food so... I bailed, and... I got a sixpack.─── 不好玩的是我要把 我有限的生命浪费在医院里 医院的气味 那里的人和食物 所以我才走的 我买了半打啤酒

84 、He intrudes upon their hospitality.───他强使他们款待他。

85 、He greeted me with typically American hospitality.───他以美国人特有的热情迎接我。

86 、He buy a present for him in return for hospitality.───他对他很热情,所以作为回报他买了个礼物送给他。

87 、Thank you for making my visit so worthwhile. I shall treasure your friendship and kind hospitality you have given me.───感谢你们使我的访问如此有价值。我将珍惜我们之间的友谊及你们给予我的盛情款待。

88 、The ancient Chinese art of hospitality has Been perfectly refined here.───中国古代的好客艺术在这里得到了完美的改进

89 、Mrs. Brown is known for her hospitality.───布朗夫人以其好客闻名。

90 、You remember his fabulous hospitality.───你们记得他很好客。


hospitality[英][?h?sp??t?l?ti][美][?hɑ:sp??t?l?ti]n.殷勤好客; 招待,款待; (气候,环境等的)宜人,适宜; 复数:hospitalities例句:

1.I was very impressed with their excellent manners and hospitality. 他们的良好举止和热情好客给我留下了印象。

2.Hyatt is a hospitality company. 凯悦是从事酒店服务的公司。


hospitality[英][?h?sp??t?l?ti][美][?hɑ:sp??t?l?ti]n.殷勤好客; 招待,款待; (气候,环境等的)宜人,适宜; 复数:hospitalities例句:

1.I was very impressed with their excellent manners and hospitality. 他们的良好举止和热情好客给我留下了印象。

2.Hyatt is a hospitality company.

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