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06-28 投稿




英:[?ent??te?nm?nt]  美:[??nt??tenm?nt]

英:  美:




副词: entertainingly |


hand in | immigrate | register | record | figure | recruit | set | insert | propose | get in | enroll | in | participate | go | take part | put down | go in | into | inscribe | come in | infix | submit | sign up | embark | perforate | walk on | agree to | join | penetrate | foot | accede | compete | move into | invade | introduce | pierce | come on | enrol | input | get into | set foot in | go into


drop out | exit | exeunt | go


Tom Drum's entertainment
John Drum's entertainment
Jack Drum's entertainment


business entertainment
entertainment for children
directly related entertainment
sports entertainment
associated entertainment


1 、He had to entertain some boring local bigwig.───他不得不款待当地一些无聊的大人物。

2 、A television program with a mixture of news and entertainment features, such as interviews, commentaries, and reviews.───信息娱乐片夹杂着新闻和娱乐的电视节目,比如采访、评论和回顾性节目

3 、He is providing for the entertainment of his guests.───他正在为招待客人作准备。

4 、Levy Home Entertainment declined to comment.───征家庭娱乐拒绝评论。

5 、You're funnier than the entertainment they have in this prison, which is no entertainment at all.─── 你比这监狱提供的娱乐还好笑 这里根本没有娱乐

6 、A room in a private home set apart for the entertainment of visitors.───客厅,起居室在私人居室里单独开辟出的用于接待客人的房间

7 、They were surfeited with entertainment.───他们过分沉溺于玩乐了。

8 、He loved parties, he loved to be entertaining, he was entertaining.─── 他热爱聚会 他喜欢逗人开心 他也确实很风趣

9 、He fell into the water, much to the entertainment of the onlookers.───他跌进水中,旁观者大乐。

10 、I am really exhausted after having to entertain my wife and kid.───为“孝顺”老婆和孩子,我已经筋疲力尽。

11 、We often entertain friends at weekends.───周末我们经常招待朋友。

12 、Living in the country lacks entertainment.───乡村生活缺少娱乐活动。

13 、Cartoon brings entertainment to people.───动画片给人们带来娱乐。

14 、An entertainment between the acts of a play.───戏剧的幕间节目

15 、A public place of entertainment, especially a cheap or disreputable music hall or theater.───低级娱乐场所一种尤指廉价或低级音乐厅或戏院等的公共娱乐场所

16 、She does not realize they were fiction for entertainment only.───她不清楚这些都是虚构的娱乐片。

17 、A short farcical entertainment performed between the acts of a medieval mystery or morality play.───幕间幽默短剧在中世纪神秘剧或道德剧各幕之间表演的滑稽短剧

18 、They lead the field in home entertainment systems.───他们在家庭娱乐设备行业中居领先地位。

19 、Haha City Entertainment Company Ltd.───哈哈城娱乐有限公司。

20 、Well, if it's entertainment these gremlins want, it's entertainment they shall have.─── 如果这些小妖精喜欢娱乐 那就让他们娱乐一下吧

21 、I am really exhausted after have to entertain my wife and kid.───"为""孝顺""老婆和孩子,我已经筋疲力尽"

22 、Entertain the guests with refreshments.───以点心招待客人。

23 、You're not offending him, you're entertaining him.─── 他没被你气到 被你逗乐了

24 、Pearl of East Entertainment Co., Ltd.───东方之珠娱乐有限公司。

25 、She laid by her household work to entertain the guest.───她放下家务去招待客人。

26 、They spread themselves to entertain the visitors.───他们大肆铺张招待来访客人。

27 、Another industry obviously devoted to leisure is entertainment.───对休闲有明显作用的另一产业是娱乐。

28 、They got up a dramatic performance to entertain the foreign guests.───他们举办了一次文艺演出来招待外宾。

29 、It’s the stepchild of entertainment.───它是现代娱乐的继子。

30 、She recited a long poem at the New Year's Eve entertainment.───她在除夕晚会上朗诵了一首长诗。

31 、You needn't worry about entertainment; she's a host in herself.───你不用为文娱节目担心,她一个人能顶几个演员。

32 、She loves to talk , dance and entertain .───她喜欢谈话、跳舞和招待客人。

33 、A controversial film that set the entertainment world on its ear.───一部有争议的**使得娱乐界一片哗然

34 、They worship dreams Holiness in art, ritual, entertainment.───他们崇拜梦,崇拜艺术、仪式和娱乐中的神圣。

35 、People found it entertaining, and when you are a stranger in a strange land, it helps to be entertaining.─── 大家觉得这样叫很有趣 你初来乍到个陌生的地方 幽默点不是坏事

36 、The Smiths entertain a great deal.───史密斯一家常款待客人。

37 、The part of a European newspaper devoted to light fiction, reviews, and articles of general entertainment.───小品栏欧洲报纸专用于刊登取悦一般读者的娱乐**、评论以及文章的部分

38 、You need to be entertained and killing us quickly wouldn't be entertainment.─── 你需要有人逗你开心 太早杀死我们就没意思了

39 、He refused to entertain our proposal.───他拒不考虑我们的提议.

40 、Books are a guide and entertainment for age.───书籍是年轻时的向导,年老时的娱乐。

41 、He entertain us for hour with his story and joke.───他给我们讲故事、说笑话,让我们高兴了好几小时。

42 、The dances still entertain people today.───对于今人,它们负载着娱悦心身的寄托,

43 、Buena Vista Home Entertainment - BVHEPublicity.───博伟家庭娱乐

44 、Is advertising considered as entertainment?───**算是娱乐吗?

45 、They entertain us and make us think.───他们娱乐我们而且使我们想。

46 、How do you entertain yourself after work?───下班后你如何消遣?

47 、How much do you need for entertainment?───你在娱乐方面花多少钱?

48 、George would like to have a hand in arranging the entertainment.───乔治想参与表演会的安排工作。

49 、Food, view, entertainment, private kind of entertainment.─── 食物 景色 娱乐 私人的那种娱乐

50 、She had to entertain some boring local bigwigs.───她不得不款待当地一些无聊的大人物。

51 、But television is about entertainment.───不过,电视节目终究是娱乐性质的。

52 、They perceive television as entertainment.───他们将电视视为娱乐。

53 、They laid themselves out to entertain us.───他们为了款待我们煞费苦心。

54 、China Entertainment top gunfight masterpiece!───华娱顶级**战大作!

55 、An entertainment routine given regularly by a performer; an act.───固定表演由表演者定期表演的娱乐性常规剧目; 表演

56 、Put it on the line. Put it on the entertainment account.───付款吧,当作招待费用上账好啦。

57 、We tailor entertainment packages to your budget.───为你量身订做你预算内的娱乐套餐。

58 、What do you do for entertainment?───你做什么娱乐?

59 、The Arabian Nights' Entertainment is very interesting.───《一千零一夜》的故事非常有趣。

60 、The entertainment at the embassy was nothing to write home about.───大使馆娱乐节目并非很精彩。

61 、Do not overspend on entertainment.───在娱乐方面不要超支。


63 、Aunt Harriet used to entertain lavishly.───哈丽特姑妈喜欢大摆宴席,招待宾客。

64 、They gave the first-class entertainment to us.───他们给了我们最好的款待。

65 、A dramatic verse composition written for such an entertainment.───假面剧剧本为这样的娱乐节目所写的戏剧剧本

66 、She played the piano for our entertainment.───她弹钢琴为我们助兴。

67 、It?s a shame the ?World Wrestling Entertainment?───它?美国的羞愧?世界摔跤娱乐?

68 、Located outside the Broadway entertainment district.───座落在百老汇娱乐区外的

69 、You tell me entertain him, I entertain.─── 你让我去取悦他 我去了

70 、China will entertain you to the end.───中国将奉陪到底。

71 、You cannot evangelize and entertain at the same time.───你没有办法同时又布道又娱乐的。

72 、They strangely perceive television as entertainment.───他们奇怪地将电视看作是一种娱乐。

73 、They entertain a great deal.───他们常常招待客人。

74 、Are there any entertainment events on tonight?───今晚有娱乐节目吗?

75 、André did sports entertainment before there was sports entertainment.─── 早在体育娱乐诞生之前 安德雷所做的就是体育娱乐

76 、The comedian performed for our entertainment.───喜剧演出以供我们消遣

77 、A Super Laser show with complete entertainment!───一个模拟激光的完全环境!

78 、It's not just the future of entertainment, it's the present of entertainment.─── 这不仅是娱乐的未来 还是娱乐的当下

79 、Your letters are so much fun (comfort) (entertainment) (company).───您的来信充满了乐趣(给了很大安慰)(带来了欢乐)(使我不感寂寞)。

80 、I'm afraid so,but you'll have all that good entertainment to enjoy.───恐怕是那样的,但是您可以欣赏到很好的娱乐节目。

81 、What kind of entertainment did they have?───他们有什么样的娱乐(活动)?

82 、He cut off a bunch of grapes to entertain us.───他剪下一串葡萄招待我们。

83 、We therefore regret we are unable to entertain any liability in the matter.───因此,我们对此事实在无法负任何责任,甚为抱歉。

84 、World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc.───n. 世界摔角娱乐

85 、Ke Rui Ke Moving Picture Entertainment Co., Ltd.───克瑞克动感**娱乐有限公司。

86 、What do you do for entertainment out here?───你在这里有什么消遣?

87 、The public is not satisfied with light entertainment anymore.───公众再也不满足于轻松的娱乐片了。

88 、He finds entertainment in teaching.───他寓教于乐。

89 、A restaurant or nightclub providing short programs of live entertainment.───卡巴莱酒馆提供临时表演和短小节目的餐馆或夜总会

90 、She laid by her house hold work to entertain the visitor.───地放下家务去招待来宾。


recreation和entertainment都有娱乐(活动),消遣(活动)的意思,区别在于entertainment的具体意思是娱乐表演,招待,款待,从意思就可以知道,recreation的娱乐是偏个人方面的,指的是自己的放松,就是使你感到心情愉悦的,感觉到快乐的,比如:去游泳池——swimming pool;entertainment更偏向于公众,具有款待项目的娱乐活动,表演活动,就是别人的表演或者款待使你感到娱乐,比如:家庭娱乐活动——family entertainment。







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