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06-28 投稿




英:['t?ɑ:t?(r)]  美:[?t?ɑrt?]

英:  美:


vt.包租, 特许, 发给 ... 执照


n.宪章, 特许, (船、机、车等的)租赁


动词现在分词: chartering | 动词过去式: chartered | 动词第三人称单数: charters | 动词过去分词: chartered | 名词: charterer |


1 、The book of Galatians is the charter of Christian freedom.───加拉太书是一卷维护基督徒自由的篇章。

2 、The Charter of the Asian and Pacific Development Center was signed in Bangkok, Thailand.───亚太发展中心章程》在泰国曼谷签字。

3 、But at a charter, you have autonomy.─── 但根据章程 你有特许学校

4 、ASEAN makes reference to the United Nations Charter as their guiding principles.───东盟借鉴联合国宪章制定他们的指导原则。

5 、Other terms and conditions as per clean gencon '94 charter party are herewith fully incorporated.───其它条款和条件按照金康’94租船契约规定执行,同时作为本合同的组成部分。

6 、An official document or charter.───公文正式的文件或宪章

7 、This is the passenger manifest from the charter company.─── 这是包机公司提供的乘客资料

8 、He's gonna take over your father's charters.─── 他将接手你们父亲的包船业务

9 、To obtain this charter, the organizers of the corporation submit an application called the articles of incorporation.───为获得该执照,公司的创建人需提交申请,称为公司章程。

10 、The Council alone has the power to take decisions which Member States are obligated under the Charter to carry out.───唯独安理会才有权作出根据宪章规定各会员国必须执行的决定。

11 、Fully independent charter schools had lower scores by comparison.───完全独立的特许学校分数比较低。

12 、We served warrants on his shop and charters.─── 我们有他店里和游艇的搜查令

13 、I'll get the people to agree to a charter.─── 我会说服人们达成一个宪章

14 、It contravened article 48 of the UN Charter.───它违反了联合国宪章第48条。

15 、These charters don't care who they hire anymore.─── 這年頭包車公司司機什么貨色都有

16 、Dale Gibson, The Law of the Charter: Equality Rights (Carswell, 1990), p.109.───Gibson 且 认 为 法 律 只 关 心 有 实 质 影 响 (substantial) 的 歧 视 。

17 、What is the Olympic Charter?───奥林匹克宪章是什么?

18 、Amberson is a charter school, and charters are terrified about the threat of union representation.─── 安伯森小学是个特许公立学校 特许机构都会很害怕 收到工会代表的威胁

19 、In December 1974, the Assembly adopted a Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States.───一九七四年十二月大会通过了各国经济权利义务宪章。

20 、They were restrained by a prohibition in their charter.───他们受到其宪章中一项禁令的限制。

21 、It is impossible to charter a ship for the purpose.───为此目的而包租船只是不可能的。

22 、Charter flights no longer bring tourists to gaze at the dunes.───包机所带来的不再是想要观赏沙丘的游客。

23 、Nature dispenses breathtaking diversity because its charter is open ended.───大自然[之所以能]施予[生物]惊人的多样性,原因在于其宪章是可扩展的。

24 、The next plane due to arrive is a charter from Bombay.───下一班到达的飞机是从孟买来的包机。

25 、As buyer, you is to charter a ship or book a shipping space.───作为买方,您应该负责租船或订舱位。

26 、Its leaders cannot prevaricate over diplomacy for ever; ditching their anti-Semitic charter would help too.───它的**在外交上不能总是支支吾吾;抛弃他们反犹太的主张将会有所帮助。

27 、Sixteen Council members voted in favour of the revised Charter.───十六个议会成员投票赞成修改宪章。

28 、He got the charter to open his company.───他拿到了准许开公司的许可证。

29 、According the Olympic Charter, the Olympic five interlaced rings are the embodiment of the Olympic Movement.───《奥林匹克宪章》规定:"奥林匹克五环"是奥林匹克运动的象征,是国际奥委会的专用标志。

30 、The release of a container to a carrier or amounts paid to a carrier to charter the transport of goods.───发放集装箱给一个承运人,或者支付包租货物运输的费用给承运人。

31 、The purposes and principles of the UN Charter have a strong vitality.───《联合国宪章》的宗旨和原则有着强大的生命力。

32 、He was a charter member of the movement.───他是运动的发起人之一。

33 、However, people should not overestimate the role of the Charter.───但是,我们对宪章的作用不能有过高的估计。

34 、How many people are going to take the charter flight?───你们有多少人要乘包机?

35 、There are charter flights from Iceland to Barcelona, Rome and Milan in summer.───冰岛到巴塞罗那,罗马,米兰等度假胜地有包机直达。

36 、Companies can be incorporated by charter or by a special Act of parliament.───公司可通过章程或国会的特殊法令组建。

37 、Annie: I was told that they have made an Olympic Charter.───安妮:听说还制订了奥林匹克宪章。

38 、As there is not enough time for us to charter a ship, the only idea we have is to transship.───因来不及租船,我们唯一的办法是转运。

39 、A royal charter exempted the Massachusetts colony from direct interference by the Crown.───一张**的特许状,使马萨诸塞州殖民地免受英王直接干涉

40 、Your charter is only good for specific (unique) players.───你的契约只对特定的玩家起作用。

41 、Are you going by a scheduled flight or by charter.───你是搭班机去呢还是坐包机去呢?

42 、Charter flig hts give/offer the best value for(your)money.───乘坐包机最合算.

43 、Even now, Freedom &Democracy is taking root in China, Charter 08 will succeed.───即使是现在,自由和民主正在生根在我国,08宪章将取得成功。

44 、World War II - Winston Churchill and Franklin D. Roosevelt sign the Atlantic Charter of war stating postwar aims.───1941年的今天,一战中温斯顿·丘吉尔与弗兰克林·D·罗斯福签署了《大西洋宪章》,陈述了战后的目标。

45 、Charter Service - Air charter services can accommodate your special handling and space requirements around the world.───Charter Service-包机服务可满足您在全球的特别处理和空间要求。

46 、OMAC is a founding charter member of The Automation Federation.───OMAC是自动化联盟的一个创办成员。

47 、Yeah, it's your charter, it's your party. It's my vessel.─── 你负责是没错 但是船是我的

48 、Do you pay the equipment charter fee?───你付了器材租金了吗?

49 、They have yachts available for charter.───他们有供包租的游艇。

50 、When was the charter granted?───什么时候发执照?

51 、The amounts and kinds of stock that a corporation may issue are enumerated in the company's charter.───公司可以发行的股票金额和种类应该列举在公司的章程中。

52 、The overwork that increases temporarily among them, charter flight 121 sortie.───其中临时增加的加班、包机121架次。

53 、A people which accepts a charter abdicates.───人民接受宪章便是退位。

54 、According the Olympic Charter,the Olympic five interlaced rings are the embodiment of the Olympic Movement.───《奥林匹克宪章》规定: "奥林匹克五环"是奥林匹克运动的象征,是国际奥委会的专用标志。

55 、Meanwhile he gave to Dublin its first charter of municipal liberties.───与此同时,他让都柏林破天荒第一次获得都市自治敕书。

56 、Dramatic pictures of a charter bus that ran off a wet road in southeastern Utah.───一辆包租大巴在尤他州东南的一条泥泞的道路上翻车,这是令人震惊的一幕。

57 、E: But it's my solemn duty to seduce female bad guys.It's like in the bard charter or something.───可引诱女坏人是我的庄严职责啊。这好像是写在吟游诗人宪章还是什么里面的。

58 、The Charter for Youth enunciates principles and ideals in youth development.───《青年约章》阐述青年发展的原则和理想。

59 、You should read the Charter of the United Nations.───你应该阅读一下联合国宪章。

60 、Today of all days our dedication to the Charter must be maintained .───今天,尤其是今天,我们必须保持我们对宪章的精诚。

61 、The Charter Card member should have no supplementary cards in the past 6 months upon application.───Charter卡会员在申请时须于过去6个月不曾拥有附属卡。

62 、They were granted a charter by the government.───他们由政府办法了执照。

63 、University of Oxford receives its charter.───1214年的今天,牛津大学获得特许执照。

64 、He crumpled the poor Touquet Charter in his fist, and flung it in the fire.───他把那倒霉的杜凯宪章捏在掌心里揉作一团,扔了在火里。

65 、Individual rights and obligation of every member of the committee are assured in the committee charter.───委员会的每个成员的权利和义务都能够在委员会的章程中得到保障。

66 、From Dumbarton Oaks to Yalta, and at last on the San Francisco meeting one year ago, born the United Nations Charter.───在敦巴顿橡树园,雅尔塔,最后在一年前的旧金山会议上制定出了联合国宪章。

67 、Charter flights give the best value for money.───包机最划算。

68 、Do you have any charter flights during the holiday season?───你们在旅游季节还办理团体包机吗?

69 、The Magna Carta, or "Great Charter," was one.───"magna Carta"或称为"英国大宪章"就是一例

70 、I'll get you on a redeye on a private charter.─── 我帮你租一架红眼私人航班

71 、The first step in forming a corporation is to obtain a corporate charter from the state of incorporation.───创建公司的第一步是从公司注册州获得公司执照。

72 、Two-thirds were also enrolled in public or charter schools.───其中三分之二的人还就读于公众或特许学校。

73 、And I've been at this charter since the beginning.─── 我可是从一开始就在这所学校任职了

74 、He created the Olympic Charter, the Creed, the athlete's Oath, the opening and the closing ceremonies.───他制定了奥运会会章、信条和运动员誓词,规定了开幕式和闭幕式的仪式。

75 、The foundamental rights of all men are enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations.───人人所享有的基本权利已庄严载入联合国宪章。

76 、And what type of aircraft are you going to charter?───你们打算包哪种类型的飞机?

77 、When he was reelected for a second term, Jackson opposed renewing the Bank's charter, which was due to expire in 1836.───他第二次当选连任总统时,反对联邦银行的特许证(于1836年到期)延期。

78 、Sabriel felt the lack of the Charter even more, Touchstone knew.───塔奇斯顿明白萨布莉尔更觉得咒契法术缺乏。

79 、A contract of affreightment is common in charter transportation.───包运租船合同,是租船运输中的一种常见方式。

80 、Some of the religious zealots may well believe in the obnoxious charter.───一些宗教狂热分子可能坚信令人厌恶的哈马斯宪章。

81 、Charter three , the edge of narrative: The "grey "coat of Magazine and the "desolate" aesthetics of Eileen Chang .───三、边缘叙事:《杂志》的“灰色”外衣与张爱玲的“荒凉”美学。

82 、The elementary tools for a peaceful settlement are to be found in the charter.───和平解决的根本办法须在宪章里去寻找。

83 、Are you going by a scheduled flight or by charter?───你打算乘班机去还是包机去?

84 、He said the U.N. Charter allowed military action for the purpose of self defense.───他说,联合国会认可美国国防部的自卫军事行动。

85 、A Dutch charter plane carrying 191 passengers and crewmen crashed Wednesday in the central highlands of Sri Lanka.───一架载有191名乘客和机组人员的荷兰包机星期三在斯里兰卡的中心高地坠落。

86 、We try to be consistent when amending our corporate charter.───在修正公司合同的时候,我们尽量保持一致。

87 、"The charter metamorphosed into flame.───" “宪章化成了一缕青烟。”

88 、Scheduled passenger service throughout northern Ontario, Charter service across Canada.───在北安大略提供定期客运航班服务和加拿大包机服务。

89 、Charter is often used in a colloquial sense to refer to the basic constitutive doucuments of the corporation.───公司在制定文件的时候通常都会参照宪章。

90 、Include the Five Principles of Peaceful Co-existence and the purposes and principles of the UN charter.───包括和平共处五项原则和《联合国宪章》的宗旨与原则。






大宪章(拉丁文Magna Carter, 英文Great Charter)是英国于1215年订立的宪法,用来限制英国国王(主要是当时的约翰)的绝对权力。订立大宪章的主要原因是因为教皇、英王约翰及封建贵族对皇室权力出现不同的意见。大宪章要求皇室放弃部分权力,及尊重司法过程,接受王权受法律的限制。大宪章是英国在建立宪法政治这长远历史过程的开始。



1215年6月10日,英格兰的封建贵族在伦敦聚集,挟持英格兰国王约翰。约翰被迫赞成贵族提出的“男爵法案”(Articles of the Barons)。同年6月15日,约翰在兰尼美德(RunnyMede)为法案盖上皇室的盖章。而贵族则在6月19日重申对约翰效忠。最后皇室秘书将国王与贵族间的协议正式登录,即成为最初的大宪章,并将副本抄送至各地,由指定的皇室官员及主教保存。






1215年的大宪章确立了一些英国平民享有的政治权利与自由,亦保障了教会不受国王的控制。同时它亦改革了法律和司法,和限制了国王及皇室官员的行为。宪章内大部分的内容是从亨利一世时所颁布的自由宪章(Charter of Liberties)抄写过来。自由宪章是亨利一世1100年加冕时颁布,它限制了国王对如何对待教会及贵族,基本上给予了教会及贵族一定的权利。



虽然第一次发布的大宪章只维持了数星期,但是约翰死后的多次重新发布,使它成为了永久的法律;大宪章亦成为了日后英国宪法的基石。之后亨利三世及他的继承人曾多次避开破坏大宪章的规定,然事实上中世纪英国皇室的皇权在大宪章之下,仍然是有增无减。不过,中世纪时期的英国国王亦曾三十次重新发布大宪章,证明国王始终不能忽视它的存在,至少大宪章的存在成功确立了一项国王亦必须遵从的原则: 君主受到法律的限制。


1215年约翰签署的第一份大宪章并未被保存下来,只有四份同时期的抄本现仍分别存放在英国的国家图书馆、林肯大教堂和萨士巴利大教堂,另外还有13份1297年以前的大宪章现也仍被保存。1952年,澳洲政府以12,500英镑购得一份1297年的大宪章,放在首都坎培拉的国会展览,美国富商佩里(Ross Perot)亦于1984年购得一份1297年的大宪章,现放在首都华盛顿国家资料馆,与独立宣言及美国宪法一同展出。

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